The 7 Laws of Highly Effective Sales Emails

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Laws of
Highly Effective
Sales Emails

We analyzed over 300,000 sales emails to uncover the hidden laws behind irresistible sales emails. They’re all here. All 7 of
them. Now you can start writing unignorable emails and book more meetings (and close more revenue).

L aw # 1

DON’T use ROI in cold emails

Here's what to do instead:
ROI claims and cold outreach don’t mix. That’s because
buyers need to understand the why behind your ROI 1. Would achieving [OUTCOME] help your team
claims before they believe them. deliver on its [INITIATIVE]?

2. Would you say this aligns with your top 2021

Stat: Using ROI language in cold emails decreases

success rates by 15%.

3. Are you interested in learning how

achieving [OUTCOME]?

L aw # 2

DON’T ask for time in cold

Here's what to do instead:
1. Interested in unpacking how we can help
The “Interest CTA” (asking for interest) is the highest
with [PAIN]?

performing call to action for cold emails. Instead of

selling the meeting, sell the conversation. 2. How is [PAIN] preventing you from

Stat: Confirming your prospect is interested before asking

to set a meeting is 2x more effective than regular 3. Does it make sense to explore how we can
outreach. achieve [POSITIVE OUTCOME]?
Law # 3

DO ask for time for in-pipeline

1. Are you available to discuss on
Once buyers enter your sales cycle, use the “Specific CTA” [DAY/TIME]?

(asking for time) to remove friction and book a meeting.

Your buyer will respond either: 1) Yes, that time works or 2) 2. Let’s cover everything you want to know
No, but this other time does. about [X] on [DAY/TIME]. Does that work on
your end?

Stat: Suggesting a specific date and time delivers 37%

success rate for in-pipeline emails (versus 28% for 3. How’s your calendar look on [DAY/TIME] to
other CTAs). meet?

Law #4

DO single-thread email
follow-ups after group calls
1. 1 new thread per participant

It takes longer to get an answer when you ask a group.

That’s because they’ll assume someone else is handling 2. Subject line: include their name

it. Same for email. Follow up individually with each

meeting participant and highlight topics and next steps 3. Body: copy paste the body of the email and
that are relevant to them. highlight parts that pertain specifically to

Stat: Email response rates are highest at 2 recipients,

then decline. Once the group is 3 participants or more,
move to single-threaded emails for follow-up.

Law #5

DO use email engagement to

forecast your deals
The best indicator of whether your deal will close is email
engagement. That’s the number of emails exchanged
between a sales rep and prospect over a given period of time.
Stat: Healthy deals see a 753% increase in email exchanges
as they zero in on a signature versus closed-lost deals.
Law #6
DO make it about them

Pronoun-heavy emails – think you, your, and your team –

1. Users maximize their time You’ll be more

read as more personal. Even when they’re automated.

efficient with this workflow.

Stat: Top reps use you, your, and your team 29% more
2. Our clients You’ll improve competitive win
often than their average and underperforming peers.
rates with these insights.

3. Does this sound like a solution that could

help [COMPANYNAME] your team right now?

Law #7
DO use these words that sell
What it looks like:

These 5 words are part of your everyday vocabulary. But top

Steal the full list of
performers say them way more often. Use them in calls,
Words That Sell.

decks, and emails to prime prospects to buy from you.

(Spoiler: discount

Stat: We analyzed over 500,000 sales calls and uncovered is NOT on the list)

which words and phrases top producers use to get ahead.

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inked n. Seriously, you re missing out.

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