The Master Flow Cheat Sheet by Chase Dimond
The Master Flow Cheat Sheet by Chase Dimond
The Master Flow Cheat Sheet by Chase Dimond
Cheat Sheet
● Slides 4-6: Popup Overview + ● Slides 33-37: Customer
Examples Winback
Here is the starting point for your email journey. These forms
are the main drivers of your welcome series (and overall list
growth). When people enter your form, they feed into a list and
from that list, the Welcome Series fires off.
We’ll focus on the most popular type of form; the popup in the
next two slides.
For popups - ideally you would have two separate forms that are
optimized for each experience, one for desktop and one for mobile.
Customers seem to be more receptive to the forms when they are being
interrupted right before they are about to exit the site, so the exit pop
up improves the overall website experience.
Popup Examples
Welcome series
For non buyers
Welcome Series Overview
Flow Filter:
- Placed order 0 times over all time
Welcome Series Visual Setup
Welcome Series Strategy Breakdown
Email # Touchpoints Subject Lines Send Time Examples
Welcome 2 - Brand Story - You heard it here first 2 days after email 1 Welcome Email 2 Examples
- Unique Quality Standards - We thought you might want
- Benefits of Shopping with this -
Your Company - Level up your [INSERT
WORD] game...
Welcome 3 - Social Proof (customer - Our customers say it best 2 days after email 1 Welcome Email 3 Examples
reviews, press, celebrity/brand - All the best - just for you
endorsements, retail footprint, - Compliments guaranteed
- Display Popular Products
Welcome 4 - Focus on the community - We're All in this Together 2 days after email 3 Welcome Email 4 Examples
element: options - Let's Get Social
1. Brands story - Let's Be Friends
2. Company mission or goal - We're All Here for You
3. introduce the founders - Meet our Team
Welcome 5 - Reminder and urgency of that - You still have this 1 day after email 4 Welcome Email 5 Examples
discount offered on popup is - Your gift...
expiring Your discount is expiring soon
- Quick last minute benefits of
Abandoned Flows
Site Abandonment, Browse Abandonment, Abandoned Cart, & Abandoned Checkout
Site Abandonment
Browse Abandonment
Abandoned Cart
Abandoned Checkout
Site Abandonment
Flow Filters:
- Placed order 0 times since starting flow
- Checkout started 0 times since starting flow
- Viewed product 0 times since starting this flow
- Added to cart 0 times since starting this flow
- Has not been in flow in last 30-45 days.
Site Abandonment Visual Setup
Site Abandonment Strategy Breakdown
Email # Touchpoints Subject Lines Send Time Examples
Site Abandonment 1 - We want to show people who 2 hours Site Abandonment Email 1
left the site popular products - Hey, did you see this yet? Examples
- Touch upon and unique - Our TOP Friendly Sweets!
benefits that could encourage a - Look what you're missing
purchase. ( free shipping over
$50, all natural, less calories,
Site Abandonment 2 - Showcase general reviews - Cool stuff, huh? 22 hours after email 1 Site Abandonment Email 2
people can resonate with - Ready for great results? Examples
- Highlight unique quality - Try these out!
benefits or generic mission - To be the best, you gotta
- You can repurpose high HAVE the best
converting evergreen
campaigns for these emails
Browse Abandonment Overview
Flow Filters:
- checkout started 0 times since starting flow,
- placed order 0 times since starting flow,
- added to cart 0 times since starting flow,
- has not been in flow in last x days.*
Browse 1 - Remind customer about item - just something we noticed Send 2 hours Browse Email 1 Examples
they viewed. - RE: You viewed this item
- Use systems prebuilt product - You might wanna see this
template to dynamically show again.
last item viewed
- Can add social proof element
at the bottom of email
Browse 2 - Another reminder of item they - You were THIS close. 1 day after email 1 Browse Email 2 Examples
viewed with dynamic block - We've decided...
- Provide the store's unique SL: (Company) special offer.
value proposition (for example, Try it today!
free shipping, money back - The item you liked =
guarantee etc.) discounted
- Can offer discount here to
people who have never bought
Browse 3 - If you used a discount in email - Yo, your discount is still active. 1 day after email 2 Browse Email 3 Examples
2 then this can be your - You got GREAT taste
reminder/ last chance for - Does this look familiar?
- Opportunity to use a product
block of other best selling items
to showcase other products
they may be interested in
- Depending on brand but icons
such as Cruelty Free, 100%
Cotton, etc are good to add
Abandoned Cart Overview
Flow Filters:
- Placed order 0 times since starting this flow
- checkout started 0 times since starting this flow
- hasn't been in flow in last X days (depends on clients)*
Cart 1 - Reminder that they have items - Re: Your Cart Send 1-2 hours after trigger Abandoned Cart Email 1
in cart - While we still have it in stock! Examples
- You’ll use a dynamic block to - Forgetting something?
show them what they have in
there. * delay longer than your
- Mention benefits such as free abandoned checkout flow
shipping for spending X
Cart 2 - Items are sitting in their cart - Don't leave this behind… 1 day after email 1 Abandoned Cart Email 2
- Include product testimonials to - your cart is expiring! Examples
nudge them in the right - Your cart is still active
direction. - The item in your cart =
Cart 3 - Can offer discount - 10% off, remember? 1 day after email 2 Abandoned Cart Email 3
- Social proof / featured in - These would look better in Examples
section your house
- Other product - Your Cart Is All Alone
recommendations with a
dynamic product block
Abandoned Checkout Overview
Flow Filters:
- Placed order 0 times since starting flow
- Has not been in the flow in last X days*
*the X Days can be anytime from 1-10 days depending how aggressive you want to be.
Typically we do it around the 5 day mark
Abandoned Checkout Visual Setup
Abandoned Checkout Strategy Breakdown
Checkout 1 - Clever header reminding - Need a little reminder? 30 min - 2 hours after trigger Checkout Email 1 Examples
subscriber of items left at - RE: Your Order
checkout, - {{ first_name|default:"Hey" }}, * going to want to A/B test
- Reviews/social proof to get looks like this is yours... t optimal time for your account
customer over the hurdle
Checkout 2 - Reminder of items left at - Your cart 1 day after email 1 Checkout Email 2 Examples
checkout, - You left these behind
- Highlight unique qualities - Are these yours?
Ex: free shipping, featured in,
vegan free, etc…
Checkout 3 - Can offer discount to convert - Need a hand? 1 day after email 2 Checkout Email 3 Examples
people who haven’t bought - Last chance!
- Cart is expiring - You're cutting it close!
- Community element or
company values
Customer winback, New customer post purchase, repeat customer
post purchase, VIP FLOW, Immediate Cross Sell/Upsell
Customer Winback
Flow Filters:
- Placed order 0 times since starting this flow
Winback Visual Setup
Customer Winback Logistics
One of the main points to consider with a winback flow is when the initial
email should go out. Most customers wait between purchases, but the length
of a typical buying cycle depends on your industry and the products you sell.
For instance, a company that sells desks will have a much longer buying
cycle than one that sells vitamins. The flow should only target those who
have not engaged with you for longer than your business's average buying
Winback 1 - A soft nudge/check-in just to - There's Never Been a Better 60-120 days Winback Email 1 Examples
put us back on their radar. Time...
- Let customers know you - Exclusive {Company} offer,
noticed they left order now!
- If you have relevant updates - Come back
such as new products this is - How about we make it right?
your chance to showcase them
- Can offer discount right off the
bat to win them back
- Make it personal with template
Winback 2 - Reminder of incentive from - We don't want you to miss out! 10 days after email 1 Winback Email 2 Examples
first email - Here's your exclusive offer…
- This email has more urgency - This is for you {name}
- Include different products than
you included in email 1. So if
email 1 was best sellers this
email can show new releases
- Include strong social proof
Winback 3 - Create urgency. This email - Your Discount Expires Tonight 1 day after Winback Email 3 Examples
lets users know they have one
more chance come back at a - Don't let it go to waste...
- Can include unique quality
benefits as well
New Customer Post Purchase
Flow Filters:
- Placed order equals 1 over all time
- Cancelled order 0 times since starting this flow
New Customer Post Purchase Visual Setup
New Customer Post Purchase Strategy Breakdown
Email # Touchpoints Subject Lines Send Time Examples
Email 1 - Thank customer for their - Thank you, {{ 1 day after New Customer Email 1
purchase. first_name|default:"my friend" Examples
- Welcome the customer to the }}!
family. - You're what makes us great
- You can also mention that we - So you have your new
are preparing their order(s). products coming...
Email 2 - Time to address any FAQs - The gift that keeps on giving! *Depends on shipping times New Customer Email 2
- (if applicable) mention their - Level up your {quality} Examples
purchase helps support the - Where should we send your
brand mission gift?
- Can offer a discount to
encourage a repeat purchase
off the gate
Email 3 - Education and best use cases, - Some [brand] secrets *Depends on shipping times New Customer Email 3
tips, etc (things they should - [brand] hacks you NEED. and when customer will have Examples
know to further aid in their item
experience with your products)
- Blogs are also helpful here
Email 4 - Review request email - What do you think? *Make sure your customer has New Customer Email 4
- Reward customers for leaving - We hope you’re enjoying had ample time to try product Examples
a review {item] before requesting a review
Repeat Customer Post Purchase
- Cancelled order zero times over all time
Repeat Customer Post Purchase Visual Setup
Repeat Customer Post Purchase Strategy Breakdown
Email 1 - Thank customer again for their - Wow, thank you again! 1 day after Thank You Email 1 Examples
loyalty. - Thanks again, Friend!
- Push to social community
(Instagram, FB group, etc)
- Can collect birthday info here
and offer them a gift
Email 2 - Get them to convert to sms - The gift that keeps on giving! 3-10 days after email 1 Thank You Email 2 Examples
subscriber - We're thankful for our {brand]
- Have subscribers leave a Family!
- Chance to thank them from
Flow Filters:
Placed order 0 times since starting this flow
VIP Flow Visual Setup
For this flow you will need to create a segment. Every brand may
have their own definition of what makes a VIP but here’s 4
different ways on how you should approach it.
VIP 1 - Let them know they're special - Oh hey, V.I.P 2-5 days after the trigger VIP Email 1 Examples
and a VIP. - Welcome to the {company}
- Lay out VIP perks VIP Club
- Show them a larger discount - Welcome to the VIP Club {{
than they can usually get first_name|default:"friend" }}!
VIP 2 -Remind them of discount and - Don't forget SL: You still 2-15 days after email 1 VIP Email 2 Examples
it’s expiring have X% off!
- You can either show them - You're a VIP, remember? depends on how aggressive
trending products in a product - Cross the red ropes you want to be and if you want
block or you can do the inverse to wait for them to get their
and show them products they recent order that caused them
may have not looked too much to be a VIP or not)
into before
Immediate Cross Sell/Upsell Overview
After a customer purchases a product, you want to
immediately follow up with them to try to cross-sell or
upsell similar or related products.
Flow Filters:
- Cancelled order 0 times since starting this flow
- Has not been in this flow in the last 45 days*
* if you only want people to see this email once, you would
put the filter: has not been in this flow at any time
Cross Sell Visual Setup
Cross Sell Logistics
There’s a lot of ways to approach this but here are two recommended ways:
1. Immediate General Cross Sell - 10-30 minutes after someone purchases we send
them an email that offers an incentive (discount, free shipping, same delivery day as
their other items) and dynamically show them other trending or best selling products
in a product block.
2. Immediate Specific Cross Sell - you put a trigger filter on the flow so 10-30
minutes after someone buys X from you, you offer them an incentive and show them
product Y. You will also want to make sure Y is not already contained in that order. For
example, let’s say your store sells hats, jackets, shoes, socks, and shoe cleaning kits. So
if someone bought a pair of shoes and not socks or the cleaning kit, you can make sure
you show these people socks and shoe cleaning kits as these are relevant additions to
their last order.
Cross Sell/ Upsell Series Strategy Breakdown
Email # Touchpoints Subject Lines Send Time Examples
Cross Sell 1 - offer an incentive such as a - DON'T FORGET TO ADD 10-30 minutes after placed Cross Sell/ Upsell Example
discount or free shipping valid THIS! order
for a short period of time. (6-24 - Act fast!
hours) - Complete your stack
- dynamically or manually - Hey {{
select relevant items to that first_name|default:'there' }}, we
cross sell. thought you'd like this!
- if you have the shipping
capabilities, you can also let
them know that if they order
within 24 hours all their items
will ship together
Additional Cross Sell/ Upsell Notes
1. If you’re trying to do a cross sell/upsell after someone has had
their items you’ll want to use Fulfilled Order.