Grievance Handling Policy
Grievance Handling Policy
Grievance Handling Policy
Doc No: POL/HR/001 Issue No : 01 Revision No : 00 Effective Date : 23/11/2019
1.2 This document is intended only as a statement of policy and management guidelines. It does not
form part of individual contracts of employment or otherwise have contractual or other legal
effect. The Company reserves the right not to follow this Procedure where it considers it
appropriate to do so.
1.3 This policy is applicable to all employees who are working in Thal & Almoiz group industries.
2. Responsibility
2.1 All employees
3. Complaint Boxes
3.1 It is envisaged that the majority of routine grievances can be resolved on an informal basis.
Therefore, the grievance should first be discussed with the employee’s immediate manager who
will investigate the matter in an attempt to resolve the issue on an informal basis.
3.2 If it is not appropriate to raise the matter informally, or if the employee does not receive a
satisfactory outcome, the grievance should be made in writing to the Site Head setting out full
details and put in the Complaint Boxes installed at different locations.
3.3 The Personal Assistant of Site Head will open the complaints box on fortnightly basis and collect
all the complaints.
3.4 He will write down all particular in Grievances / Complaints Register (FRM/HR/030) and present
it to the Site Head along with complaints.
3.5 The Site Head will make arrangements for the proper investigation of the grievance / complaint
and hearing to be conducted by unconcerned HOD or assigned manager.
3.6 The hearing will normally be held within ten working days of receipt of the written grievance,
although this may need to be extended depending on the length of the investigation and the
availability of the appropriate manager.
3.7 Employees must take all reasonable steps to attend disciplinary meetings. However, the employee
must notify the Company forthwith if they are unable to attend a meeting and a re-scheduled
meeting will be arranged within (usually) 5 days of the date originally proposed for the meeting.
3.8 During the hearing, the person accompanying the employee may consult with the employee, and
address the hearing, but may not answer question on the employee’s behalf.
Policy for Grievance /Complaints
Doc No: POL/HR/001 Issue No : 01 Revision No : 00 Effective Date : 23/11/2019
3.9 Following the hearing, a written response will be given to the employee, normally within five
working days.
3.10 If the employee is unsatisfied with the response, he may appeal in writing to the Site Head setting
out full details. The Site Head will arrange for a further hearing to be conducted by a more senior
manager than the manager responsible for the original decision or send it to the Head of HR in
Head Office. Their decision will be final and there is no further appeal from this decision.
3.11 Following the hearing, a written response will be given to the employee, normally within five
working days.
3.12 If the employee wishes to lodge a grievance after their employment has ended, the Company and
the employee may either go through the hearing and appeals part of the Procedure, or the parties
can agree to deal with matters on the basis of a written grievance and response (without a
hearing). The parties will discuss whichever option is easiest at the time.
4.2 The employee can call or drop SMS / WhatsApp on the given number with his name, designation,
department, site and details of the grievance/complaint.
4.3 All the complaints will be logged on the Grievances / Complaints Register (FRM/HR/030) and
allocated to site heads for further investigation.
4.4 After investigation, the response will be shared with the complainant.
5.2 Mills Office superintendent or any person designate by Head of AGRI, log farmer complaint on
Grievances / Complaints Register (FRM/HR/030).
5.3 If the severity of complaint is low and can be resolved through discussion with farmer by Agri
field officer or relevant Agri Manager, then it will be marked to the designated officer for
resolution as majority of routine grievances can be resolved on an informal basis.
5.4 If the nature of grievance/dispute is high and need involvement of the Agri head, such complaints
will be sent to respective Site Agri Head for further investigation and resolution.
5.5 If the nature of complaint is critical or Agri department is a party or there is a conflict of interest,
such complaint will be handled through Grievance Handling Committee, which comprises of the
following members:
Policy for Grievance /Complaints
Doc No: POL/HR/001 Issue No : 01 Revision No : 00 Effective Date : 23/11/2019
5.6 Designated person / committee will evaluation the root cause of assigned complaint and take
appropriate corrective action.
5.7 Office Superintendent or designated person by Head of Agri will note the suggested root cause
and corrective action on Grievances / Complaints Register (FRM/HR/030).
5.8 Office Superintendent will be responsible to collect the Complainant’s feedback about
6. Related Document
6.1 Grievances / Complaints Register (FRM/HR/030).
7. Distribution list
7.1 All Site Heads
7.2 All Agri Heads
7.3 VP HR & Sustainability
7.4 Site Administration Heads
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