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(An Autonomous Institute of Govt. of M.P. )

Affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi Technological University, Bhopal (MP)
Scheme of Study and Examination (w.e.f. July 2010)
M.E. III Sem. Branch : E & C Engg.

Specialization : Communication System Engineering

Code Subject L T P TA CT TOT ESE TOTAL Credits

3 1 - 10 20 30 70 100 4
EC-127 Wireless Communication
Elective - III (Any One)
Advanced Optical 3 1 - 10 20 30 70 100 4
EC-128A Communication

EC-128B Video Processing


EC-129L Seminar/ Project - - 4 100 - 100 - 100 4

EC-130L Industrial Training (4 weeks) - - - - - - 100 100 4

Preliminaries of Dissertation
EC-131L - 4 40 - 40 60 100 4

Total 6 2 8 160 40 200 300 500 20

T.A. Teachers Assessment, CT- Class Test, ESE - End Semester Examination, Total Marks 500
Total Periods : 16 Total Credits : 20

NOTE : The students shall go on industrial training at the end of second semester and the evaluation
shall be done at the end of third semester. The student has to present a report on the training
and also has to face a viva voice examination infront of a panel headed by head of the department.
The seminar /project shall be asigned by the supervisor
COURSE CONTENT & GRADE (w.e.f. July 2010)
Grade for End
Subject Sem
Branch Subject Title CGPA at the end of
Code T P every even semester
Min Min
“D” “D”
Unit I The wireless Channel: Path Loss and Empirical path loss models: Okumura model, Hata model,
Piecewise Linear model, Shadowing, Physical modeling of wireless channels, Input/output model of the wireless
channel, Time and Frequency coherence, Statistical channel models.

Unit II Diversity: Time diversity, Frequency diversity, Antenna diversity: Realization of independent fading
paths, Receiver diversity: System model, Selection combining, Maximal ratio combining, Equal gain combining,
Transmitter diversity: Channel known at transmitter, Channel unknown at transmitter- The Alamouti scheme.

Unit III Capacity of Wireless Channels: AWGN channel capacity, Resources of AWGN channel, Linear time-
invariant Gaussian channels, Capacity of fading channels: Channel distribution information (CDI) known,
Channel side information at receiver, Channel side information at Transmitter and Receiver, Capacity with
receiver diversity, Capacity comparison.

Unit IV Multiple Antennas and Space-Time Communications: Narrowband MIMO model, Parallel
decomposition of MIMO Channel, MIMO channel capacity, MIMO diversity gain, Diversity/Multiplexing

Unit V Selected Coding for Wireless Channels: Concatenated codes, Turbo codes, Low density parity check
codes, Coded modulation, Unequal error protection codes.

1. A. Goldsmith: Wireless Communications
2. D. Tse and P. Viswanath: Fundamentals of Wireless Communication
3. G. L. Stuber: Principles of Mobile Communication
4. T. S. Rappaport: Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice
COURSE CONTENT & GRADE (w.e.f. July 2010)
Grade for End
Subject Sem
Branch Subject Title CGPA at the end of
Code T P every even semester
Min Min
“D” “D”

Unit 1. Overview Of Optical Fiber Communication :

Need of Optical Transmission, Fibre Optics Communication System, Basic Blocks, Evolution of Fibre Optic Systems,
Advantage of OFC.
Optical Fibre Structure and Wave-Guide: Basic Optical Laws and Transmission Parameters, Optical Fiber Structure, Mode
Theory for Optical Propagation, Modes in a Planar Wave, Phase and Group Velocity, Phase Shift on TER and Evanescent
Field, Cylindrical Wave-guides, Step Index and Graded Index, Planar and Dielectric Wave guides.
Unit2 Optical Network:
Services, Circuit Switching, Packet Switching, Optical Networks, Optical Layer, Transparency and All Optical Networks,
Optical Packet Switching, Transmission Basics, Network Evolution. Basic networks, SONET/ SDH networks, broadcast and
select VDM networks, wavelength routed networks, non linear effects on N/w performance, performance of WDM & EDFA
systems, LAN, solitions, optical CDMA, high frequency capacity network. Pulse propagation and solitons, integrated optics
and photonic switching. DWDM.
Unit 3 Multiplexers and Filters to Wavelength Converters:
Gratings, Diffraction Pattern, Bragg Gratings, Fiber Gratings, Fabry-Perot filters, Multilayer Dielectric Thin-Film Filters,
Mach-Zehnder Interferometers, Arrayed Waveguide Grating, Acousto-Optic Tunable Filter, High channel Count Multiplexer
Architectures, Optoelectronics Approach, Optical Gating, Interferometric Techniques, Wave Mixing.
Unit 4. Transmission System Engineering:
System Model, Power Penalty, Transmitter, Receiver, Optical Amplifiers, Cross talk, Dispersion, Fiber Nonlinearities,
Wavelength Stabilization Design of Soliton Systems, Design of Dispersion –Managed Soliton Systems.
Unit 5. WDM Network Elements & Design:
Optical Line Terminals, Optical Line Amplifiers, Optical Add/Drop Multiplexers, Optical Cross connects. Cost Trade-
Offs: A Detailed Ring Network Example, LTD and RWA Problems, Dimensioning Wavelength-Routing Networks,
Statistical Dimensioning Models, Maximum Load Dimensioning Models. Giga bit Ethernet.
Reference Books
1. Optical Networks: A practical Perspective. RAMASWAMI & K.N. SIVARAJAN Morgan
2. Franz and Jain, " Optical communication system ", Narosa Publications, New Delhi, 1995.
3. G.Keiser, " Optical fiber communication ", Systems, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2000.
4. Franz & Jain, " Optical communication ", Systems and components, Narosa Publications,
5. Multiwavelength Optical Networks: A Layered Approach Thomas E. Stern and Krishna Bala Addison Wesley
COURSE CONTENT & GRADE (w.e.f. July 2010)
Grade for End
Subject Sem
Branch Subject Title CGPA at the end of
Code T P every even semester
Min Min
“D” “D”

Unit I
Basics of analog and digital video: color video formation and specification, video raster, frequency
domain characterization of video signals, analog TV systems (color multiplexing and demultiplexing).
Frequency domain analysis of video signals, spatial and temporal frequency response of the human
visual system Digital video format and video format conversion

Unit II
2D motion estimation, Part I: 3D and 2D motion modeling, and basic motion estimation methods
2D motion estimation, Part II: advanced techniques (mesh-based, global motion estimation, multi-
resolution approach)

Unit III
Basic compression techniques: information bounds for lossless and lossy source coding, binary
encoding techniques (LZW, Arithmetic Coding) scalar and vector quantization

Unit IV
Waveform-based coding: transform coding, predictive coding Video coding: motion compensated
prediction and interpolation, block-based hybrid video coding, scalable video coding, Error control in
video communications and video streaming over Internet and wireless networks.

Unit V
Video compression standards : standards(H.261 and H.263, MPEG1, MPEG2, MPEG4, H.264).
(Chap. 13, 4/1, 4/8, 2 lectures),Stereo, 3D and multiview video processing,Video compression using
MATLAB programming.
Book :

1 . Y. Wang, J. Ostermann, and Y.Q.Zhang, Video Processing and Communications. Prentice Hall,
2. Mohammed Ghanbari Advanced Video Codecs
COURSE CONTENT & GRADE (w.e.f. July 2010)
Grade for End
Subject Sem
Branch Subject Title CGPA at the end of
Code T P every even semester
EC-129L 5.0


The student shall take up a small project under the supervision of a supervisor and shall complete the
task. He has to present the report before a committee credit by H.O.D. and answer the queries
COURSE CONTENT & GRADE (w.e.f. July 2010)
Grade for End
Subject Sem
Branch Subject Title CGPA at the end of
Code T P every even semester
Min Min
“D” “D”


The student shall go to an Industry at the end of Second Semester during summer and shall prepare a
report on the Practical Training undergone there. He has to present the report at the time of practical
examination of Third Semester.
COURSE CONTENT & GRADE (w.e.f. July 2010)
Grade for End
Subject Sem
Branch Subject Title CGPA at the end of
Code T P every even semester
EC-131L 5.0


The student shall prepare a literature review of the dissertation work to be undertaken. He shall also
prepare the scheme of dissertation

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