MKT 310 Assignment 2 by Yerbol Bolat

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Lowe's: Category Potential

Among Female Shoppers

By Yerbol Bolat

MKT 310

Ella Carter

Lowe's: Category Potential among Female Shoppers

1. Discuss the preferences of both men and women regarding shopping at Lowe's as

compared to Home Depot.

According to this case, we can see that on Figure 2; among all the home-improvement

shoppers, 39% of them prefer Lowe’s a lot more, compared to 24% of them prefer to

shop at Home Depot. When we look at store preferences by gender; among all the women

shoppers, 40% of them prefer Lowe’s, compared to 25% of them like to shop at Home

Depot, and among all the men shoppers, 37% of them prefer Lowe’s, compared to 20%

of them prefer to shop at Home Depot (p.497). To conclude from this figure, it is obvious

that Lowe’s attract shoppers to come back more than Home Depot. Moreover, according

to the survey, given on table 2, among the shoppers, considering the convenience of the

store location, 42% of the men said Home Depot is better, compared to 40% said that

Lowe’s is better. Among the women shoppers, 45% of them said Home Depot is better,

compared to 41% said that Lowe’s is better. According to the very recent data, to quote

from Adam Steinberg, Lowe’s is the second-leading home-improvement retailer with

approximately 1,710 stores, compared to Home Depot with 2,240 stores (Home Depot vs

Lowe’s, 2011). The Home Depot with over 500 more stores than Lowe’s is the reason

why Home Depot beats Lowe’s in category of the convenience of the store. When we

look at the customer service of each retailers, the data shows that among all the men

shoppers, 25% said Home Depot is better, 26% said Lowe’s is better, and 49% said not

sure. Among all the women shoppers, 24% said Home Depot is better, 29% said Lowe’s
better, and 46% said not sure. From analyzing these numbers, women more likely to be

satisfied with the service at Lowe’s than men.

2. Explain the differences in men's and women's attitudes about product selection and

pricing at Lowe's and Home Depot.

There are quite differences in men’s and women’s attitudes about product selection and

pricing at Lowe’s and Home Depot. Let’s analyze the numbers and data. Overall, both

men and women home-improvement shoppers more likely satisfied with the product

selection and pricing at Lowe’s than Home Depot. For example: Of the broad selection of

brand, 25% of the women shoppers and 29% of the men shoppers answered Home Depot

is better; compared to, 43% of the women and 36% of the men answered Lowe’s is

better. Also, men who shops at Home Depot are more likely to be satisfied with

production selection and pricing than women shoppers do. For example: Of the offering

brands sold exclusively by one retailer, 15% of the men shoppers like Home Depot,

compared to only 11% of the women shoppers like Home Depot. Moreover, on question

which is if Home Depot is likely to have what they need in stock, 36% of the men said

yes, compared to only 30% of the women said yes. On the other side, among all the

shoppers at Lowe’s women are more likely to be satisfied with the product selection and

pricing than men do. To analyze from the survey of table 2; a question whether Lowe’s

have a good return policy, 28% of the men shoppers said yes, compared to 32% of the

women said yes. Whether Lowe’s is likely to have what they need in stock- 41% of the

men shoppers answered yes, compared to 46% of the women shoppers answered yes.

Whether Lowe’s has a good sale prices- 28% of the men said yes, compared to 37% of

the women shoppers said yes, which is a huge difference (p.497).

3.  Discuss whether Lowe's should have distinct merchandising strategies for men and

women shoppers.

Would Lowe’s be successful having distinct merchandising strategies for men and

women? I think yes, Lowe’s should have distinct merchandising strategies, by focusing

more on men shoppers. The reason is that, according to the Figure 5, average amount

spent on home-improvement products among the men and women; men has spent $1,151,

compared to women has spend $856. Additionally, Lowe’s should focus their strategies

on supplying product categories, which both men and women prefers to purchase at

Lowe’s, such as appliances, lighting, fashion plumbing, lawn and landscaping, storage

and organization products, and home décor products etc. Speaking of these product

categories, Lowe’s has the preference of both men and women, beating Home Depot by

10-30% range.

4. Explain the criteria that Lowe's should use in selecting new suppliers.

In order to select a new supplier, Lowe’s should determine the demand for their products.

The demand for type of products could be easily determined by the data given by the

survey on Figure 3 and Figure 4. For example, Product category rating by women

shoppers; Lighting- 44% prefer Lowe’s compared to 23% prefer Home Depot, Home

décor products- 41% prefer Lowe’s compared to 16% prefer Home Depot, and

Appliances- 40% prefer Lowe’s compared to 17% prefer Home Depot. Among the

product category rating by men shoppers; Appliances- 40% prefer Lowe’s compared to

15%, Lighting- 39% prefer Lowe’s compared to 23%, and Home décor products- 32%

prefer Lowe’s compared to 16%. To conclude from these numbers, Lowe’s has far more

preference than Home Depot, which gives a high demand for these types of products.

Berman, B., & Evans, J. (2010). Retail management: A strategic approach (11th ed.). Upper

Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall – Pearson

Steinberg, Adam. (2011). Home Depot vs Lowe’s- Who Has the Better Check-In

Foundation. Retrieved on 12/1/2011 from



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