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[Department of Technical EducationJ

No. DTE/03lcDc [1) l20Le-20 Office of the Director

Thantrika Shikshana Bhavana
Palace Road, Bengaluru- 560 001.
Dated: 23-12'2020

Sub: Sp-17 Developing Professional Attributes Based OBEon
(CommunicatiOn St<ittsl Batch-I at NITTTR, Extension Centre,
iengaluru from'04/0U202t to 08/01/202r- Deputation of staff &
resource persons - Re*.

Ref: Director, NITTTR, Chennai, Letter No: CCDPC /ECB/SP /CM/2020'2\/557,

Dated: December 2L, 2020.
The following members of teaching staff of GoW. Polytechnics as noted
Sp-17 Developing Professional Attributes Based on oBE
their names are deputed"to
'sxittrl Batch-I
(communication at
NITTTR, Extension centre, Bengaluru from
ialotlzozl to 0B/0t1zozt.The principals are directed to relieve the concerned Staff
members well in so that the staff will report on the date and time specified'
The TA and DA for the participants will be paid by NITTTR, Chennai as
their rules and the travel cost by uur oi Train, limited to three tier AC fare will be
subject to the
reimbursed to the participants from the Government and Aided institutions,
production of actual to fro travel tickets for verification. The staff members are hereby
"nd Bengaluru on 04'0L-202t
directed to report to the prof & Head, NITTTR, Extension Centre
as ooD.
at 9.00 A.M. positively. The period of absence from duty is treated

S.N Name of particiPants Designation Institution


2 RAIYASHREE SRIIGNTH Lecturer [Sl.Gr.) Govt. Polytechnic, Bagepalfi.
3 DEEPAK DONGRE G Lecturer[Sr.Gr.) Govt.neti nic for women,
4 VISHWARAIU S B Lecturer[Sr.Gr.) Gwt Polytechlic, IeR Pet'
ROOPA MOTHKUR Lecturer I SJ [Govt.) Polytechnic, Bengaluru.

6 PRASHANTHA B P Lecturer Xirnataka [Govt.) Polytechnic, Mangaluru.

DILSHAD BEGUM G Lecturer Ballari.


B MANIUNATHA S R Lecturer DRR [Govt.) Polytechnic, Davanagere.

Lecturer ysuru.

NITHYANANDA K N Lecturer Chickamagaluru'

L2 SUSHMA C R Lecturer
13 LATHA L H Lecturer fumakuru'

L4 PRASANNA KUMAR B R Lecturer itratanagara.

15 SHAILAIA D Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic for womer, Bengaluru.

L6 SOWMYAT G Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic, Vij ayapura.

L7 KIRANKUMARM T Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic for wom€r, Hubballi

TB LAKSHMIKANTHA S Lecturer ic, Bhadravathi.

L9 SUHASINI Lecturer GRICP, Bengaluru.

20 TAHASEEN ARA Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic for wom€r, Hassan.

2L SANTHOSHA H.M Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic, KoPPal

22 IAYANNA G Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic, Soraba


23 SUNITHA H D Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic for wom€o, Ramanagara.

24 SOWMYA M N Lecturer SI [Govt.) Polytechnic, Bengaluru.

25 VANITHA H H Lecturer DRR [Govt.) Polytechnic, Davanagere.

26 VASUNDARA RAMANI K K Lecturer Smt. LV [Govt.) Polytechnic, Hassan

27 SOUMYA N Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic, Chintamani.

28 SUSHANT ANKOLEI(AR Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic, Karwar.

29 SANTOSH Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic, Bidar.

30 RAMACHANDRA Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic, Raichur.

31 B B ASMA Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic for wom€D, Mangaluru.

32 SHIVAKUMAR M D Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic, Chamaraj anagar.

33 ANANDAIYOTHI Y S Lecturer School of Mines, KGF.

34 IRABASAPPA P WALIIGR Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic, Kustagi.

35 NANDINI C S Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic, Karkala.



Concerned principals of the Govt. Polytechnics:- For needfill action with the
instruitionr to relieve the concerned deputed staff member well in advance.
Copies to:

t. The prof & Head, NITTTR Extn. Centre, SfP Campus, Bengaluru.- For needful.
Z. personnel Section, The Commissioner CCTE, Bengaluru- For Information.
3. |oint Director (Admn), DTE, Bengaluru- For Information.
4. E-Governancetell,- 2nu Floor, DTE, Bengaluru.-To publish in the website for circulation.
[Department of Technical

Office of the Director

No. DTE/03/CDC [1) /2019-20
Thantrika Shikshana Bhavana
Palace Road, Bengaluru- 560 001'
'Dated: 23-12'2020

iar;*""icadion ittt) Batch-II at NITTT& Extension Cen6e,
Deputation of staff &
Bangalore f.o,,, irlOrliOZt to L6/AU2021-
resource Persons - Reg'

Ref: Director, NITTTR, Chennai, Letter No: CCDPC/ECB/SP/CM/2020'2t/557 '

Dated: December 2t' 2020'
Polytechnics as noted against
The following members of teaching staff of Govt.
professional Attributes Based on oBE
-if.iffr1 sp-1g Deveropin!
their names are a.pur.J",o
(Communication Batch-ll at r.ilmf* Extension Centre, Bangalore from
directed to relieve the concerned Staff
t1ot/202t to t6/0t/202t. -Tlne, Priniipals are
members well in advance, so that the staff
will report on the date and time specified'
paid by NITTTR' Chennai as per
The TA and DA for the participants will be
limiteh to three tier Ac fare will be
their rules ana tr," i."u.t cost by iu, oi Train,
and Aided institutions, subject to the
reimbursed to the participants from the Government are hereby
production or rro ffavel tickets for verification. The staff members
prof & Head, NITTTR, Extension centre Bengaluru on
"rtuit-lo "na tl-0t-202t
directed to report io tt e
from duty is treated as ooD.
at g.00 A.M. positiu"rv. irr. period of absence
Name of ParticiPants

Lecturer e*tite TeehnologY' Bengaluru

Srinivasaiah V
g PolYtechnic, Bengaluru
Vasanthkumar T G

Lecturer Govt. Institute of Printing Technology

Lectfirer usiness Mgmt' Bengaluru

Indira M
Lecturer tnititute, Hesaragatta, B'luru'
Venkatesh A
Lecturer ic for Wom€r, Kalaburgi'
Govt. Polytechnic for Wom€h, Shiralakoppa'
Kashinath Bedare
Lecturer Govt. PolYtechnic, UduPi.
Pushpa H R
Lecturer Govt. PolYtechnic, Lingasugur'
Lecturer Govt. PolYtechnic, Gadag'
VittalKumar K vagga
Lecturer Govt. PolYtechnic, Gaiendragada'
Naganagouda B
L2 Bharathkumar T Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic, Chitradurga.

13 Roopa Mudigoudar Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic, Hangal.

L4 Somashekhar S Maranoor Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic, Belagi.

15 Shakunthala Sajjanar Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic, Bagalkote

L6 Ramya YA Lecturer Govt. Polyqechnic, Belur
L7 Manju R B Lecturer Govt. Polyqechnic, Holenarasipura.
LB Krupanidhi Y G Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic, Turvekere.

L9 Vimala B N Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic, Mulbagal.

20 Bharathkumar M Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic, Srirangapattana.

2L Sneha T I Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic, Nagamangala.

22 Dr. Bhavya B S Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic, Ramanagara.

23 Geetha M M Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic, Mirle.

24 Anil R Lecturer Govt. Polytechni c, Affzalpura.

25 Veena V Patil Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic, foida.

26 Mallika Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic, Bantwala.

27 Geetha T Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic, Mudhola.

28 Nethravathi CK Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic, Karatagi.

29 Sadiya Afreen Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic, Kalagi.

30 Malathi GR Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic, Mundugod.

31 Mahesha Kumara Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic, Hosadurga

32 Anilkumar K N Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic, KGF.

33 Shilpa B Nallur Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic, Harihara.

34 Veena M Hanji Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic, Hubballl

35 Malini L E Lecturer Govt. Polytechnic, Kampli


Concerned Principals of theGovt. Polytechnics: - For ntedful action with the

instructions to relieve the concerned deputed staff member well in advance.
Copies to:

t. The Prof & Head, NITTTR Extn. Centre, SIP Campus, Bengaluru.- For needful.
2. Personnel Section, The Commissioner, CCTE, Bengaluru- for information.
3. foint DirectorfAdmn), DTE, Bengaluru.-For information.
4. E-Governance Cell,- 2nd Floor, DTE, Bengalqru.-To publish in the website for

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