5.3 Critical Response To Film Outline

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Complete the chart below based on the film you chose for your Independent Film Study in this instruction
workbook. Remember, in order to communicate your ideas effectively, you need to organize your thoughts
logically and express them in adequate language with proper punctuation.

Introductory Paragraph: Introduce

Introduce the topic. Use a quotation from Sean tells Will that he must have had several relationships but he
cannot tell what it feels like to wake up next to a woman and feel truly
the film or a brief anecdote that is
happy. Happiness, is an emotional state of pleasant feelings
related to the topic that captures the characterized by joy, contentment and fulfillment. The pursuit of
reader’s attention. happiness is thus the dream of most people. Everyone wants to feel
happy and fulfilled in one way or the other. Nonetheless, the
preexisting conditions around them determines the way in which they
access happiness. As a result, the pursuit for happiness takes on
different forms.
Introduce the film and character you will Good Will Hunting is a romantic drama film directed by Gus Van Sant.
It features a janitor named Will Hunting, an orphaned mathematical
discuss. Include the director,
genius. Having gone through a tough childhood life, Will portrays
actor/actress, and the character’s name. defensive traits and locks out people from his life. Nonetheless, he
finally opens up to a psychologist named Sean, who has his own share
of emotional problems.
In a single thesis statement, answer the There are different ways in which people pursue happiness because of
their respective ways of life.
assigned question so it is clear what you
will prove in your essay, and include a
“because” or “but” clause. Your thesis
must explain the relationship between
the key words in the essay topic. Use
key words from the essay topic in the
phrasing of your thesis statement.

Body Paragraph 1: Prior to Transformation

State the topic sentence. Be sure it Prior to transformation, Will pursued happiness through partying,
clubbing and blocking anyone trying to create a relationship with him.
relates to the thesis statement and
clearly focuses on the character prior to

Introduce the character, and explain that Will Hunting, is the main character in the film. He portrays an
individual’s quest to understanding themselves hence the precursor to
character’s role in the film.
true happiness
Describe the character at the beginning Will is seen as a distraught young man. He easily gets into fights and is
defiant of authorities. He is defensive in nature and rarely shares to
of the story, before he or she
anyone about his life. He has little emotional considerations as he
transforms. shows no concern for the emotional welfare of others. He is also
arrogant and portrays himself as a know it all individual who needs no
one’s assistance.
Develop specific, supporting evidence From the film, Will illustrates defiance and trouble. Apart from picking
fights whenever possible, he is said to have been through the juvenile
from the film (effects of cinematic
system. Besides, as a result of assaulting an officer, he finds himself in
techniques and quotations), always jail. He always party’s with his friends and uses drugs on most
showing how the evidence contributes to occasions. He pushes away everyone trying to relate with him
your topic and proves your thesis. including five psychics assigned to help him. Likewise, he denies his
affection to a lady known as Skylar who already professed her love for
him and yet he harbors deep feelings towards her.
Conclude. Connect your topic to the Will in this case used entertainment and other forms of defensive
mechanisms to pursue his happiness as these were the only means
thesis. OPTION: transition to the next
within his comfort zone.
body paragraph.
Body Paragraph 2: Cause to Transformation

State the topic sentence. Be sure it The realization of oneself is a sure way of pursuing happiness
relates to the thesis statement and
clearly focuses on the cause of the
character’s transformation.

Explain the circumstances that cause Will begins the transformational trajectory after he encounters the truth
about himself. He realizes how vulnerable he is once professor Sean
the character’s transformation to begin.
discloses the truths about life. Professor Sean questions the rationale
Describe how the character initially within which Will bases his understanding of the world. As a result, he
reacts. portrays Will as a child in need of help. This instance, opened Will’s
mindset. It was an instance of self-reflection. He became more and
more cooperative and gave Professor Sean room to psychologically
assist him. Though this was not the exact turn around, it marked an end
to Will’s defiance and his total disregard for help.
Develop specific, supporting evidence Will is taken by Professor Sean to a small lake that has swans
swimming. He tries to mock Professor Sean but Professor Sean
from the film (effects of cinematic
wittingly addresses the young will. Firstly, he lauds Will’s abilities and
techniques and quotations) that show his knowledge of books. However, he illustrates the inadequacies in his
the cause of transformation, always knowledge depicting how he could not assume to know Will simply by
showing how the evidence proves the reading Oliver Twist’s fables. Further, he portrays Will as a fearful
thesis. genius hiding behind his past. Nonetheless, he explains the possibility
of hope if he allowed himself to speak out.
Conclude. Connect your topic to the Consequently, the realization of oneself is a sure path towards
thesis. OPTION: transition to the next
body paragraph.

Body Paragraph 3: During to Transformation

State the topic sentence. Be sure it Association and sharing is also an important aspect in the pursuit of
relates to the thesis statement and
clearly focuses on the character during
the process of transformation.

Describe how the character is changing At this time, Will begins to open up and talk about his life. He no
longer hides his thoughts or feelings from Professor Sean as he openly
as seen in key moments in the text.
states them. For instance he tells Professor Sean that he has had a date,
Support your ideas with specific a statement he would have earlier not stated. Will also, becomes more
evidence (effects of cinematic aware of the feelings of others more so Professor Sean. He shies away
techniques and quotations), always from arguments regarding Professor Sean’s wife, choosing an
showing how the evidence proves the alternative topic instead. He further goes to look for Skylar illustrating
the willingness to associate and work towards something. He is finally
on the process of opening up his life and get help.
Consider the way in which the character Initially, Will never took chances in relationships. However, in the new
way of thinking, he can easily propose a date with a girl and apologize
has to make a choice between an old
for not making the effort earlier. In the old way of thought, Will always
and new way of thinking or behaving. pushed his way out of arguments. He had to emerge the best in all
arguments to avert criticism. However, in the new way, he can listen
without arguing back and take on criticism. Finally, will displays
emotional intelligence in his new way of thinking. He is now aware of
the emotions of people and notice the vulnerability and harm caused
through emotional intolerance. He thus improves from his former self
who was reckless in words and behavior.
Conclude. Connect your topic to the Therefore, happiness is pursued by associating and sharing with others.
thesis. OPTION: transition to the next
body paragraph.
Body Paragraph 4: After Transformation

State the topic sentence. Be sure it People pursue happiness through emotional connections with their soul
relates to the thesis statement and
clearly focuses on the character after

Describe how the character has For someone who never wanted to fall in love in fear of being hurt,
Will changed to an individual in pursuit of emotional connections. He
changed. Explain the outcome of the
accepts his affection towards Skylar and notes that she would be the
transformation—who the character “is” only source of his satisfaction. Consequently, he sets on a journey to
at the end of the text. meet her in California, driving all the way towards her. Will’s
How does this transformation process transformation was the best gift to his friends who were hoping he
affect those around him or her? would realize himself. It was also important as it challenged professor
Sean to also give himself another shot towards happiness. The
Why does his or her transformation
transformation further created an interesting love story between Skylar
matter? and Will. The transformation mattered as it brought happiness to a
hopeless story. It brought with it, drive, ambition and charisma and
made a new creature exist that was the total opposite of the former.
Support your ideas with specific On his final act, Will pursues the love of his life Skylar, who had gone
to California to study. He quits his recently acquired job and deserts his
evidence from the text (effects of
childhood friends as he attempts to follow his heart. The movie ends
cinematic techniques and quotations) with a picture of Will driving towards California to meet the lady.
that the character has transformed in an
important way.

Conclude. Connect your topic to the Thus positive emotional connections always lead to happiness
thesis. OPTION: transition to the next
body paragraph.

Body Paragraph 5: Conclude

Restate your thesis statement in People pursue happiness in different ways due to the preexisting
conditions around them.
different words, confirming your thesis
has been proven.

Reconnect with your introductory The transformation of will illustrates how the pursuit of happiness
changes in regards to the underlying conditions around an individual.
It shifts the individual’s ideals and notions about happiness to other
– How has the character’s factors perceived to be of greater importance.
transformation illuminated the topic? The topic relates to people in society as it showcases the different ways
– How does the topic relate to people in in which people seek happiness. It illustrates the different aspects
society? people perceive happiness in regards to their preexisting conditions.

Include final words to leave the reader According to the film, the ultimate source of happiness is emotional
connection. However, it presents the worst form of pain in case one of
thinking: a quotation, an anecdote, or a
the parties rips the partner’s heart out.
strong statement or question.

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