If I Were President For A Day

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If I were President for a day

If I were President I would strive to accomplish these three major

things. First, I would strengthen our educational system, second, I
would make certain that everyone has equal and fair treatment in our
society, and lastly, I would secure our borders.
If I were president, I would also make sure that everyone in this country
was treated equal and fair. The 13th Amendment to the constitution
did abolish slavery, and the 14th Amendment was passed to counter
the black codes, but in reality, discrimination still occurs in every aspect
today in America. Discrimination is not just a black and white issue, it
also has to do with age, gender, equal housing, religion, national origin,
and credit, to name a few. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 helped to
reinstate what the amendments tried to do early in history, but there is
still much to be done.
If I were president, the environment would become a top concern.
People would be motivated to recycle and reuse things so that landfills
could be kept from taking over their communities. Research dollars
would be allocated toward developing environmentally friendly fuel
sources and people and companies would be compensated for
choosing solar panels and other things that are better for the
environment. Protecting our world is important for future generations
and educating the public about what they can do to help would be a
top priority.
If I were president, kindness would prevail and people would treat
those around them with love, respect and basic courtesy. There
wouldn’t be any resources wasted on petty arguments and fights
between neighbors or family members. I know I might be wearing rose
colored glasses, but if people truly treated others as they want to be
treated, the world would be a better place for everyone.

Not everyone can become the president, but if those that do were
better at doing what the people need and trying not to be ruled by
money, every citizen of the country would benefit in a big way. If we all
come together and do what’s best for the nation instead of one
population or individual, the United States would be an even better
place to live.

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