GEC4 Logic and Critical Thinking - Module 4
GEC4 Logic and Critical Thinking - Module 4
GEC4 Logic and Critical Thinking - Module 4
○ If you are dead you are not studying logic.
■ In this example, it may happen that both its antecedent and
I. Nature of Hypothetical Propositions consequent are false. It may be false that you are dead and
II. Kinds of Hypothetical Propositions
equally false that you are not studying logic now.
A. Conditional Proposition
B. Biconditional Proposition Nevertheless, this conditional proposition is still perfectly true
C. Disjunctive Proposition because of the logical connection existing between its
D. Conjunctive Proposition antecedent and consequent. It follows logically that if you
III. Examples of Hypothetical Propositions were dead you could not be studying logic.
IV. Nature of Reasoning ● The antecedent and the consequent of a conditional proposition
V. Methods of Reasoning
may be affirmative or negative. If the antecedent is negative, unless
is frequently used instead of if not…
● A hypothetical proposition unites or separates two enunciations by ■ Unless he is grateful he will have a breakdown is identical
means of a non-verb copula. with if he is not careful he will have a break down.
● It is a compound proposition that expresses the connection of truth ■ Unless you do penance you shall likewise perish is the same
or falsehood between its components. as if you do not do penance you shall likewise perish
● It is a proposition that states conditions, causations or opposition ● The circumstantial conditional non-verb copulas such as whenever,
between two judgement sets of ideas or statements. when, and where are sometimes used in place of if, thus the
subsequent is essentially a conditional proposition.
○ Examples:
■ Whenever politicians rule, wise men suffer.
● There are four kinds of hypothetical propositions, namely: ■ Whenever I tell a joke, my students look uncomfortable.
conditional, biconditional, conjunctive, and disjunctive. ■ Where wealth accumulates, men decay.
● An if and then statement consisting of two parts. B. BICONDITIONAL PROPOSITION
● The first part of the statement which follows if and precedes then, is ● It expresses the idea that the presence of some property is a
called the antecedent. necessary and sufficient condition for the presence of some other
● The second part of the statement which follows then is called the property. This is known as the if and only if statement because of its
usual structure: A if and only if B
○ Examples:
○ Conditional statement:
■ You will go if and only if I say so
■ If it rained, then the ground is wet.
■ We will attend if and only if we are invited
● Other connectives commonly used to form conditional propositions
■ Chariel will win just in case Charlotte does
○ If
● It is a combining statement that uses the connective “or” to join
○ In case on the condition that
○ Provided that component clauses called disjuncts or alternatives of which at least
○ Unless one must be true. This is also known as the either or statement
● It is the distinctive nature of the conditional proposition to assert because of its visual structure. Either A, B, or C. The disjunctive
proposition has two types: complete disjunctive a nd incomplete
nothing but the necessity of logical connection between its two
components: the antecedent and the consequent.
● Thus, if the consequent really follows from the antecedent,
irrespective of whether or not it is itself true, the conditional
proposition is true. ● A disjunctive is complete when only one of its disjuncts can be true.
● If on the other hand, the consequent does not follow from the ● Examples:
antecedent, even though both the antecedent and the consequent ○ Dinner includes soup or salad.
are true, the conditional proposition is false. ■ “Or” means either soup or salad, but not both.
● Consider the following examples: ○ The passenger in the ill fated plane is either dead or alive.
○ If I am a human being I am less than six feet tall. ■ Obviously, the passenger can be either dead or alive, but not
■ It is true that “I am a human being” and also that I am less both.
than six feet tall”, but my being less than six feet tall does not
necessarily follow from the fact that I am a human being. The
asserted logical connection, therefore is not obtained and the
conditional proposition in question is simply false.