Chapter-4 Vibrations - of - Steel - Framed - Structural
Chapter-4 Vibrations - of - Steel - Framed - Structural
Chapter-4 Vibrations - of - Steel - Framed - Structural
Design for Walking Excitation
The design criterion for walking excitations recommended Note that the constant force, Po , does not represent the
in Section 2.2 is based on the dynamic response of steel weight of the walker; it is the amplitude of the driving force,
beam and joist-supported floor systems to walking forces. as explained in Section 2.2. For typical quiet spaces sup-
The criterion can be used to evaluate concrete/steel-framed ported by two-way systems (beams or joists and girders),
structural systems supporting offices, residences, churches, it is recommended that the reduction factor, R (see Equa-
schools, and other quiet spaces, as well as shopping malls tion 2-3), be taken as 0.5 to account for the walker and
and pedestrian bridges and, in a modified form, monumental affected occupant (sensor) not being at the same location,
stairs. The following sections demonstrate the application of resulting in a Po value of 65 lb. The reduction factor, R, and
the criterion and show example calculations. therefore, Po , can be increased or decreased to meet particu-
lar needs of a specific design.
4.1 RECOMMENDED EVALUATION CRITERION Recommended acceleration tolerance limits, ao/g, are
FOR LOW-FREQUENCY BUILDING FLOORS found in Table 4-1. These limits are slightly conservative for
natural frequencies between 3 Hz and 4 Hz and 8 Hz and
The following sections describe the recommended human
9 Hz compared to values from Figure 2-1 but are recom-
comfort criterion for the evaluation of floor vibration due
mended for design simplicity. The recommended limits are
to walking on low-frequency floors, (fn ≤ 9 Hz). Such floors
the same as those in the first edition of this Design Guide.
are subject to resonant build-up as described in Chapter 1.
Floor systems with fundamental frequencies less than 3 Hz
Occupant complaints of objectionable vibration of high-
should generally be avoided because they are liable to be
frequency floors, (fn > 9 Hz,) are rare and are not considered
subjected to “rogue or vandal jumping”. If fn < 3 Hz, the
in this chapter. If an evaluation of a high-frequency floor is
system should be evaluated using criteria in Chapter 5.
needed, the criteria in Section 2.2 can be used with calcu-
The following provides guidance for estimating required
lations similar to those shown in Example 6.2. Procedures
properties for application of the recommended criterion to
for evaluating floors supporting sensitive equipment are in
building floors.
Chapter 6. Systems with geometry or other features outside
the scope of this chapter can be evaluated using finite ele-
4.1.2 Estimation of Required Parameters
ment analysis methods in Chapter 7.
The fundamental natural frequency, fn, is determined as
4.1.1 Criterion described in Chapter 3. The effective panel weight, W, and
damping ratio, β, are estimated as follows.
The recommended criterion for low-frequency building
floors states that the floor system is satisfactory if the peak
Effective Panel Weight, W
acceleration, ap , due to walking excitation as a fraction of
the acceleration of gravity, g, determined from The effective panel weight is estimated by determining the
effective panel weights for the beam or joist panel and girder
a p Po e− 0.35 fn panel modes separately and then combining them in propor-
= (4-1) tion to their flexibilities. The effective panel weights, W, for
g βW
the beam or joist and girder panel modes are estimated from
does not exceed the tolerance acceleration limit, ao/g, for the
appropriate occupancy, W = wBL(4-2)
where where
Po = amplitude of the driving force, 65 lb B = effective panel width, ft
W = effective weight supported by the beam or joist panel, L = member span, ft
girder panel, or combined panel, as applicable, lb w = supported weight per unit area, psf
fn = fundamental natural frequency of a beam or joist
For the beam or joist panel mode, the effective width is
panel, a girder panel, or a combined panel, as
applicable, Hz 4
⎛ Ds ⎞ 2
β = damping ratio B j = C j ⎜ ⎟ L j ≤ ⎛ ⎞ floor width (4-3)
⎝ j⎠
D ⎝ 3⎠
where Lg / Bj is taken as not less than 0.5 nor greater than 1.0 bays in resisting walker-induced vibration. These effects are
for calculation purposes, i.e., 0.5 ≤ Lg / Bj ≤ 1.0. accounted for as follows:
If the beam or joist span is less than one-half the girder 1. The reduced bending stiffness requires that the coef-
span, the beam or joist panel mode and the combined mode ficient 1.8 in Equation 4-4 be reduced to 1.6 when
should be checked separately. joist seats are present.
2. The nonparticipation of mass in adjacent bays means
that an increase in effective joist panel weight should
The damping ratio, β, can be estimated using the component not be considered; that is, the 50% increase in panel
values shown in Table 4-2, noting that damping is cumula- weight, as recommended for shear-connected beam-
tive. For example, a floor with ceiling and ductwork sup- to-girder connections should not be used. If bottom-
porting an electronic office area has β = ∑β i = 0.01 + 0.01 + chord extensions are installed before the concrete
0.005 = 0.025, or 2.5% of critical damping. slab is placed, a 30% increase in panel weight can be
used (Avci, 2014).
4.1.3 Design Considerations
Also, the separation of the girder from the concrete slab
Open Web Joists results in partial composite action, and the moment of inertia
As shown in Figure 4-1, an open-web joist is typically sup- of girders supporting joist seats should therefore be deter-
ported at the ends by a seat on the girder flange and the mined using the procedure in Section 3.5.
bottom chord is not connected to the girders. This support More information on joist-supported floors is found in the
detail provides much less flexural continuity than shear con- Steel Joist Institute Technical Digest 5, Vibration Analysis
nected beams, reducing both the bending stiffness of the of Steel Joist-Concrete Floor Systems (Murray and Davis,
girder panel and the participation of the mass of adjacent 2015).
a small change in the structural system will usually elimi- step frequency is 2.2 Hz, so the maximum lateral forcing
nate the problem. If one beam or joist stiffness or spacing frequency is 1.1 Hz. Synchronization of walking with lat-
is changed periodically—say, by 50% in every third bay— eral sway will not occur if the natural frequency of lateral
the “wave” is interrupted at that location and floor motion is vibration exceeds 1.1 Hz. Thus, it is recommended that the
much less objectionable. Full-height partitions may achieve natural frequency of lateral vibration be not less than 1.3 Hz
the same result. (AASHTO, 2009).
Designers of pedestrian bridges are cautioned to pay atten-
Summary tion to the location of the concrete slab relative to the beam
height. If the concrete slab is located between the beams
Figure 4-3 is a summary of the procedure for assessing typi-
(because of clearance considerations), the pedestrian bridge
cal low-frequency building floors for walking vibrations.
will vibrate at a much lower frequency and at larger ampli-
tude than if the slab is located above the supporting mem-
bers, because of the lower transformed moment of inertia.
The following presents recommended criteria and analysis 4.3 RECOMMENDED EVALUATION CRITERIA
examples for indoor and outdoor pedestrian bridges. FOR LINEAR MONUMENTAL STAIRS
The evaluation criterion for floors can also be used to
determine the vertical vibration acceptance of pedestrian Evaluation of linear monumental stairs for walking vibration
bridges supported by beams or joists and girders. Recom- tolerance consists of three checks (see Section 2.3): (1) that
mended tolerance acceleration limits are shown in Table 4‑4. the vertical natural frequency of the stair is greater than 5 Hz,
A reduction factor of 0.7 is recommended in Section 2.2 for (2) that lateral natural frequency is greater than 2.5 Hz, and
establishing the driving force because pedestrian bridges are (3) that the vertical acceleration due to a descending indi-
one-way systems, and the walker and the potentially affected vidual or group is less than the relevant tolerance limit for
sensor can be relatively close together. The resulting Po people standing on the stairs. Recommended step frequen-
value is 92 lb, assuming there is only one walker. Bachmann cies for normal and rapid descents and acceleration tolerance
and Ammann (1987) have suggested that for marching by limits for people standing on the stairs—not the walkers—
a group, the dynamic loading is the number of walkers, n, are shown in Table 4-5. Because stair descent accelerations
times that of a single walker, that is, nPo. And, for a group of are always greater than ascent accelerations, only descents
random walkers, it is n times that for a single walker, nPo. need to be considered in design.
The recommended damping ratio for pedestrian bridges The procedures recommended in the following can be
is 0.01, assuming there is only bare structural framing. If used to analyze linear flights of stairs, such as shown in
a soffit or other element that increases damping exists, the Figure 4-4(a). The procedures can also be adapted using
ratio should be increased. The effective weight, W, is taken engineering judgment for stairs, such as the one shown in
as the total weight of the bridge. The acceleration limit for Figure 4-4(b). The finite element method in Chapter 7 should
outdoor footbridges should not be used for quiet areas like be used for more complex slender stairs.
crossovers in hotel or office building atria. The maximum
Calculate fj = 0.18 g Δ j .
Determine Ds for slab and deck or estimate using Ds = 12de3 12 n. ( )
Calculate Dj = Ij S. /
( )
Calculate Bj = C j Ds D j L j ≤ (q) (floor width).
Cj = 2.0 for interior panels; 1.0 for edge panels.
Calculate Wj = wj B j L j (× 1.5 if continuous or web connected or 1.3 if joist bottom chords are extended, and an
adjacent beam or girder span is greater than 0.7 times the joist or beam span of the bay).
Calculate fg = 0.18 g Δ g and Dg = Ig Lj. /
Use average of supported joist span lengths, if different, for L j.
If girder frequencies are different, base remainder of calculations on the girder with lower frequency.
For interior panel, calculate
( )
B = Cg D j Dg L j ≤ (q) (floor length)
Cg = 1.8 if shear connected; 1.6 if not.
⎛ 2⎞
For edge panel, calculate Bg = L.
⎝ 3⎠ j
Calculate Wg = wg Bg Lg (× 1.5 if girder is continuous over the top of supporting columns and an adjacent girder
span is greater than 0.7 times the girder span in the bay).
Calculate fn = 0.18 g Δ j + Δ g . )
If Bj > Lg, reduce Δg by Lg Bj ≥ 0.5 (Equation 4-6).
Δj Δg
Calculate W = Wj + Wg.
Δ j + Δ g Δ j + Δg
Acceptance Criterion
The acceleration acceptance criterion, Inequality 4-8, for
vertical vibration of linear stairs is similar to that for floors
but somewhat more complex as explained in Section 2.3.
The criterion states that the stair is satisfactory if the peak
acceleration, ap, due to a stair descent as a fraction of the
acceleration of gravity, g, does not exceed the acceleration (a) Linear stair
tolerance limit, ao in %/g, from Table 4-5:
RQ cos2 θ
= 0.62e − γ fn
ϕW ϕ R 1 − e −100β ≤
) (4-8)
Q = assumed bodyweight = 168 lb
R = calibration factor (see Table 4-5)
Ws = weight of stair, lb
β = damping ratio (b) Linear stair with intermediate landing
ϕW = unity normalized mode shape value at the excitation
(walker) Fig. 4-4. Linear stairs.
From the AISC Steel Construction Manual (AISC, 2011) Table 2-4, hereafter referred to as the AISC Manual, the material prop-
erties are as follows:
Beam and Girder
Fy = 50 ksi
Fu = 65 ksi
From AISC Manual Table 1-1, the geometric properties are as follows:
A = 10.3 in.2
Ix = 510 in.4
d = 17.7 in.
Ec = w1.5 fc′
= (110 pcf )
4 ksi
= 2,310 ksi
n= (4-3c)
29,000 ksi
1.35 ( 2,310 ksi )
= 9.30
5w j L4j
Δj =
384 Es Ij
5(595 plf)(35.0 ft)4 (1, 728 in.3 /ft 3 )
384(29 × 106 psi)(1,840 in.4 )
= 0.376 in.
fj = 0.18 (3-3)
386 in./ s2
= 0.18
0.376 in.
= 5.77 Hz
Ds = (4-3b)
(12 in./ft )( 4.25 in.)3
12 ( 9.30 )
= 8.25 in.4 /ft
The transformed moment of inertia per unit width in the beam span direction with beam spacing of 10 ft is
Dj = (4-3a)
1,840 in.4
10.0 ft
= 184 in.4 /ft
The effective beam panel width from Equation 4-3 with Cj = 2.0, because it is a typical bay without a free edge, is
Bj = C j Lj (4-3)
D j
8.25 in.4 /ft
= 2.0 ( 35.0 ft )
184 in.4 /ft
= 32.2 ft
Per Equation 4-3, the effective beam panel width must be less than two-thirds of the floor width. Because this is a typical exterior
bay, the actual floor width is 5 times the girder span, 5(30.0 ft) = 150 ft. With q(150 ft) = 100 ft > 32.2 ft, the effective beam
panel width is 32.2 ft.
The weight of the beam panel is calculated from Equation 4-2. Because the adjacent beam span, 35 ft, is greater than 0.7 of the
beam span and the beam is shear connected to the girder, the weight of the beam panel is adjusted by a factor of 1.5 to account
for continuity as explained in Section 4.1.2:
⎛ wj ⎞
Wj = 1.5 ⎜ ⎟ B j L j (from Eq. 4-2)
⎝ S ⎠
595 plf ⎞
= 1.5 ⎛ ( 32.2 ft )( 35.0 ft )
⎝ 10.0 ft ⎠
= 101, 000 lb
Assuming that the deck has a symmetrical profile, the effective width of the slab in the deck is taken as 72 in. The transformed
concrete width of the deck is
72.0 in./ 9.30 = 7.74 in.
(50.4 in.2 ) ⎛⎝ 20.82 in. + 2.00 in. + 3.252 in. ⎞⎠ + (15.5 in.2 ) ⎛⎝ 20.82 in. + 2.002 in. ⎞⎠
y =
50.4 in.2 + 15.5 in.2 + 14.7 in.2
= 11.0 in. (above c.g. of girder)
(15.5 in.)( 3.25 in.)3 2
( 7.74 in.)( 2.00 in.)3
Ig =
+ 50.4 in.2 ⎛ )
20.8 in.
⎝ 2
+ 2.00 in. +
3.25 in.
− 11.0 in.⎞ +
⎠ 12
+ 15.5 in.2 ⎛
⎝ 2 )
20.8 in. 2.00 in
− 11.0 in.⎞ + 984 in.4 + 14.7 in.2 (11.0 in.)2
⎠ )
= 3, 280 in.4
⎛ wj ⎞
wg = L j ⎜ ⎟ + girder weight per unit length
⎝ S ⎠
595 plf ⎞
= ( 35.0 ft ) ⎛ + 50.0 plf
⎝ 10.0 ft ⎠
= 2,130 plf
5wg L4g
Δg =
384 Es Ig
5(2,130 plf)(30.0 ft)4 (1, 728 in.3/ ft 3 )
384(29 × 10 6 psi)(3, 280 in.4 )
= 0.408 in.
fg = 0.18 (3-3)
386 in. / s 2
= 0.18
0.408 in.
= 5.54 Hz
⎛ Dj ⎞ 2
Bg = Cg ⎜ ⎟ Lg ≤ ⎛ ⎞ floor length (4-4)
⎝ Dg ⎠ ⎝ 3⎠
⎛ 183 in.4 /ft ⎞
= 1.8 ⎜ ( 30.0 ft )
⎝ 93.7 in.4 /ft ⎟⎠
= 63.8 ft
Per Equation 4-4, the effective beam panel width must be less than or equal to two-thirds of the floor length. Because q(105 ft) =
70.0 ft > 63.8 ft, the girder panel width is 63.8 ft. From Equation 4-2, the girder panel weight is
⎛ wg ⎞
Wg = ⎜ Bg Lg
⎝ L j ⎟⎠
2,130 plf ⎞
=⎛ ( 63.8 ft )( 30.0 ft )
⎝ 35.0 ft ⎠
= 116, 000 lb
fn = 0.18 (3-4)
Δ j + Δg
386 in.2 /s
= 0.18
0.376 in. + 0.408 in.
= 3.99 Hz
Because the girder span (30 ft) is less than the joist panel width (32.3 ft), the girder deflection, Δ g, is reduced according to Equa-
tion 4-6. Because 30.0 ft / 32.3 ft ≥ 0.5,
Δ g′ =
( Δg ) (4-6)
30.0 ft
32.3 ft
( 0.408 in.)
= 0.379 in.
Δj Δ g′
W= Wj + Wg (from Eq. 4-5)
Δ j + Δ′g Δ j + Δ g′
0.376 in. 0.379 in.
= (101, 000 lb ) + (116,000 lb )
0.376 in. + 0.379 in. 0.376 in. + 0.379 in.
= 109,000 lb
Using Equation 4-1 with Po = 65 lb and β = 0.03:
a p Po e − 0.35 fn (4-1)
g βW
(65.0 lb) (e−0.35(3.99 Hz) )
0.03 (109,000 lb )
= 0.0049 equivalent to 0.49%g
The peak acceleration is less than the tolerance acceleration limit, ap/g of 0.5%, as given in Table 4-1. The floor is therefore
predicted to be satisfactory.
Example 4.2—Typical Interior Bay of an Office Building with Open-Web Joist/Hot-Rolled Girder Framing
The framing system shown in Figure 4-8 is to be evaluated for paper office occupancy. The office space will not have full-height
partitions. The superimposed dead load, including mechanical equipment and ceiling, is assumed to be 4 psf. The live load is
assumed to be 11 psf. The slab is 5 in. total depth, normal weight concrete (wc = 145 psf, ƒ′c , = 3 ksi) on 12-in.-deep deck. The
From AISC Manual Table 2-4, the material properties are as follows:
Beam and Girder
Fy = 50 ksi
Fu = 65 ksi
From AISC Manual Table 1-1, the geometric properties are as follows:
A = 16.2 in.2
Ix = 1,350 in.4
d = 23.6 in.
The joist properties are as follows:
Ec = w1.5 fc′
= (145 pcf )
3 ksi
= 3, 020 ksi
n= (4-3c)
29,000 ksi
1.35 ( 3, 020 ksi )
= 7.11
As discussed in Section 3.2, the effective concrete slab width used for calculation of the transformed moment of inertia is deter-
mined as follows (refer to Figure 4-9):
min[0.4Li, S] = min[0.4(30.0 ft)(12 in./ft), 48.0 in.]
= 48.0 in.
Using an effective concrete slab depth of 3.50 in., the transformed concrete slab area is
From Section 3.5, because 6 ≤ Lj/D = (30.0 ft)(12 in./ft)/(30.0 in.) = 12.0, Equation 3-9a is applicable:
2.8 (3-9a)
− 0.28( L j / D ) ⎤
Cr = 0.90 ⎡⎢1 − e ⎥⎦
= 0.90 ⎡⎣1 − e − 0.28(12.0 ) ⎤⎦
= 0.815 < 0.9
Using Equation 3-8 and then 3-7, the effective joist transformed moment of inertia is
γ= −1
= −1
= 0.227 (3-7)
Ij =
γ 1
I chords I comp
⎛ 0.227 ⎞ ⎛ 1 ⎞
⎜⎝ 384 in.4 ⎟⎠ + ⎜⎝ 898 in.4 ⎟⎠
= 587 in.4
For each joist, the uniformly distributed loading, including 11 psf live load and 4 psf dead load for mechanical/ceiling loads, is
1 ft ⎞
wj = ( 48.0 in.) ⎛ (11.0 psf + 53.4 psf + 4.00 psf ) + 17.6 plf
⎝ 12 in. ⎠
= 291 plf
5w j L4j
Δj =
384 Es I j
5(291 plf)(30.0 ft)4 (1, 728 in.3 /ft 3 )
384(29 × 106 psi)(587 in.4 )
= 0.312 in.
fj = 0.18 (3-3)
386 in./s2
= 0.18
0.312 in.
= 6.33 Hz
Using an average concrete thickness of de = 4.25 in., the transformed moment of inertia per unit width in the slab span direction is
Ds = (4-3a)
(12 in./ft )( 4.25 in.)
= 10.8 in.4 /ft
The transformed moment of inertia per unit width in the joist span direction with joist spacing of 4 ft is
Dj = (4-3b)
587 in.4
4.00 ft
= 147 in.4 /ft
The effective beam panel width from Equation 4-3 with Cj = 2.0 is
⎛ Ds ⎞ 2
Bj = C j ⎜ L j ≤ ⎛ ⎞ floor width (4-3)
⎝ D j ⎟⎠ ⎝ 3⎠
⎛ 10.8 in.4 /ft ⎞
= 2.0 ⎜ ( 30.0 ft )
⎝ 147 in.4 /ft ⎟⎠
= 31.2 ft
Per Equation 4-3, the effective beam panel width must be less than or equal to two-thirds of the floor width. Because q(60.0 ft) =
40.0 ft > 31.2 ft, the effective beam panel width is 31.2 ft.
⎛ wj ⎞
Wj = ⎜ ⎟ Bj L j (from Eq. 4-2)
⎝ S ⎠
291 plf ⎞
=⎛ ( 31.2 ft )( 30.0 ft )
⎝ 4.00 ft ⎠
= 68,100 lb
Assuming that the deck has a symmetrical profile, the effective width of the slab in the deck is taken as 48 in. The transformed
concrete width in the deck is
48.0 in./ 7.11 = 6.75 in.
To account for the reduced girder stiffness due to flexibility of the joist seats, Ig is reduced according to Equation 3-11:
I comp − I x
Ig = Ix + (3-11)
⎛ 5,150 in.4 − 1,350 in.4 ⎞
= 1,350 in.4 + ⎜ ⎟⎠
⎝ 4
= 2,300 in.4
⎛ wj ⎞
wg = L j ⎜ ⎟ + girder weight per unit length
⎝ S ⎠
291 plf ⎞
= ( 30.0 ft ) ⎛ + 55.0 plf
⎝ 4.00 ft ⎠
= 2, 240 plf
5wg Lg4
Δg =
384 EI g
5 ( 2, 240 plf )( 20.0 ft ) 1, 728 in.3 /ft 3
( 6
384 29 × 10 psi 2,300 in. 4
= 0.121 in.
fg = 0.18 (3-3)
386 in./s 2
= 0.18
0.121 in.
= 10.2 Hz
⎛ Dj ⎞ 2
Bg = Cg ⎜ ⎟ Lg ≤ ⎛ ⎞ floor length (4-4)
⎝ Dg ⎠ ⎝ 3⎠
⎛ 147 in.4 /ft ⎞
= 1.6 ⎜ ( 20.0 ft )
⎝ 76.7 in.4 /ft ⎟⎠
= 37.7 ft
From Equation 4-4, the effective width must be less than or equal to two-thirds of the floor length. Because q(90.0 ft) = 60.0 ft >
37.7 ft, the girder floor length is taken as 37.7 ft. From Equation 4-2, the girder panel weight is
⎛ wg ⎞
Wg = ⎜ Bg Lg (from Eq. 4-2)
⎝ L j ⎟⎠
2, 240 plf ⎞
=⎛ ( 37.7 ft )( 20.0 ft )
⎝ 30.0 ft ⎠
= 56,300 lb
fn = 0.18 (3-4)
Δj + Δg
386 in./ s 2
= 0.18
0.312 in. + 0.121 in.
= 5.37 Hz
The girder span (20 ft) is less than the effective joist panel width (Bj = 31.2 ft); therefore, the girder deflection, Δ g, must be
reduced. From Equation 4-6 and noting that 20.0 ft / 31.2 ft = 0.641 ≥ 0.5
Δ g′ =
( Δg ) (4-6)
⎛ 20.0 ft ⎞
= ⎜ (0.121 in.)
⎝ 31.2 ft ⎟⎠
= 0.0776 in.
Δj Δ g′
W= Wj + Wg (from Eq. 4-5)
Δ j + Δ g′ Δ j + Δ g′
0.312 in. 0.0776 in.
= ( 68,100 lb ) + ( 56,300 lb )
0.312 in. + 0.0776 in. 0.312 in. + 0.0776 in.
= 65, 700 lb
Walking Evaluation
The peak acceleration is determined using Equation 4-1 with Po = 65 lb and β = 0.03 as follows:
a p Po e − 0.35 fn
= (4-1)
g βW
The peak acceleration is equal to the tolerance acceleration limit, ao /g of 0.5%, as given in Table 4-1. The floor is therefore pre-
dicted to be satisfactory.
Fig. 4-11. Mezzanine with edge beam member framing details for Example 4.3.
Beam Mode Properties
From Example 4.1:
Bj = 32.3 ft / 2 (because Cj = 1.0)
= 16.2 ft for an unstiffened edge panel
Dj = 183 in.4/ft
Ds = 8.25 in.4/ft
fj = 5.77 Hz
wj = 595 plf
Δj = 0.376 in.
From Equation 4-3, because the actual floor width is 30 ft and q(30.0 ft) = 20.0 ft > 16.2 ft, the effective beam panel width is
16.2 ft.
The effective weight of the beam panel is calculated from Equation 4-2, adjusted by a factor of 1.5 to account for continuity in
the beam direction:
Wj = 1.5wjBj Lj
= 1.5(595 plf /10.0 ft)(16.2 ft)(35.0 ft)
= 50,600 lb
Δj Δg
W= Wj + Wg (4-5)
Δ j + Δg Δj + Δ g
0.376 in. 0.408 in.
0.376 in. + 0.408 in.
( 50,600 lb ) +
0.376 in. + 0.408 in.
(116, 000 lb)
= 84,600 lb
Using Equation 4-1, with Po = 65 lb and β = 0.03:
The peak acceleration is greater than the tolerance acceleration limit, ao / g, of 0.5%, as given in Table 4-1. In this example, the
edge member is a beam, and thus the beam panel width is half that of an interior bay. The result is that the combined panel does
not have sufficient mass to satisfy the design criterion.
Beam Mode Properties
From Example 4.1:
Bj = 32.3 ft
Dj = 183 in.4/ft
Ds = 8.25 in.4/ft
fj = 5.77 Hz
wj = 595 plf
Δj = 0.376 in.
Fig. 4-12. Mezzanine with girder edge member framing details for Example 4.4.
Wj = w j Bj L j (4-2)
595 plf ⎞
=⎛ ( 32.3 ft )( 35.0 ft )
⎝ 10.0 ft ⎠
= 67,300 lb
Lj ⎛ wj ⎞
wg = ⎜ ⎟ + girder weight per unit length
2 ⎝ S ⎠
35.0 ft ⎞ ⎛ 595 plf ⎞
=⎛ + 50.0 plf
⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ 10.0 ft ⎠
=1,090 plf
The transformed moment of inertia, assuming effective slab widths of 72 in. above the deck and 36 in. for concrete in the sym-
metrical profile deck, is Ig = 2,880 in.4 The corresponding deflection is
5wg L4g
Δg =
384 Es I g
( )
5 (1, 090 plf )( 30.0 ft ) 1, 728 in.3 / ft 3
= 0.238 in.
As recommended in Section 4.1.3 for interior floor edges, the girder panel width is limited to two-thirds of the beam span and is
determined as follows:
Bg = ⎛ ⎞ L j
⎝ 3⎠
= ⎛ ⎞ ( 35.0 ft )
⎝ 3⎠
= 23.3 ft
fn = 0.18 (3-4)
Δ j + Δg
386 in./ s 2
= 0.18
0.376 in. + 0.238 in.
= 4.51 Hz
In this case, the girder span (30 ft) is less than the joist panel width (32.3 ft), and the girder deflection, Δ g, is therefore reduced
according to Equation 4-6. Because 30.0 ft / 32.3 ft ≥ 0.5 and ≤ 1.0,
Δ g′ =
( Δg ) (4-6)
⎛ 30.0 ft ⎞
=⎜ (0.238 in.)
⎝ 32.3 ft ⎟⎠
= 0.221 in.
Δj Δ g′
W= Wj + Wg (from Eq. 4-5)
Δ j + Δ g′ Δ j + Δ g′
0.376 in. 0.221 in.
= ( 67,300 lb ) + ( 43,500 lb )
0.376 in. + 0.221 in. 0.376 in. + 0.221 in.
= 58,500 lb
Using Equation 4-1 with Po = 65 lb and β = 0.03:
ap Po e − 0.35 fn
= (4-1)
g βW
The peak acceleration is greater than the acceleration limit, ao/g, of 0.5%g, from Table 4-1. The floor is determined to be unsat-
isfactory in this example.
Because the mezzanine floor is only one bay wide normal to the edge girder, both the beams and the girder may need to be stiff-
ened to satisfy the criterion.
From AISC Manual Table 1-1, the geometric properties are as follows:
A = 13.0 in.2
Ix = 843 in.4
Iy = 20.7 in.4
d = 20.7 in.
The properties of the deck are determined as follows:
Ec = w1.5 fc′
= (145 pcf)1.5 4 ksi
= 3, 490 ksi
n = (4-3c)
29, 000 ksi
1.35 ( 3, 490 ksi )
= 6.16
Slab weight = 72.5 psf
Because the pedestrian bridge is not supported by girders, only the beam panel mode needs to be investigated.
5w j L4j
Δj =
384 Es I j
5 (813 plf )( 40.0 ft ) 1, 728 in.3 /ft 3
384 29 × 10 6
psi )( 5,830 in. )
= 0.277 in.
f j = 0.18 (3-3)
386 in./ s2
= 0.18
0.277 in.
= 6.72 Hz
The effective beam panel width, Bj , is 10 ft because the entire footbridge will vibrate as a simple beam. The weight of the beam
panel is then
Wj = wj Lj
= (813 plf)(40.0 ft)
= 32,500 lb
ap Po e − 0.35 fn
= (4-1)
g βW
(92.0 lb) (e−0.35(6.72 Hz ) )
0.01( 32,500 lb )
= 0.0269 equivalent to 2.69%g
The peak acceleration is less than the acceleration limit 5%g for outdoor footbridges per Table 4-4. The footbridge is therefore
satisfactory for a single walker. The number of random walkers near the center of the bridge to cause an acceleration of 5%g is:
⎛ 5.0%g ⎞
⎝ 2.7%g ⎟⎠
= 3.43
ap 0.79Qe − 0.173 fn ao
= ≤ (2-16)
g βW g
0.79 (168 lb ) e −0.173(6.72 Hz ) )
0.01( 32,500 lb )
= 0.128 equivalent to 12.8%g
This acceleration ratio exceeds the limit for outdoor pedestrian bridges, as shown in Figure 2-1, and therefore is judged unaccept-
able for running activities with stationary people on the bridge.
π ⎛ gEs I t ⎞
fn = ⎜ ⎟ (3-1)
2 ⎝ wL4 ⎠
( )( )( ) ⎤⎥
⎡ 2 6 4
π 386 in./s 29 × 10 psi 45,900 in.
= ⎢
⎣ (
2 ⎢ (813 plf )( 40.0 ft )4 1,728 in.3 /ft 3) ⎥
= 18.8 Hz
The natural frequency of lateral vibration exceeds the minimum recommended lateral frequency for walking, 1.3 Hz, by a wide
margin, so the bridge satisfies the lateral vibration criterion. Assuming a minimum lateral frequency for running of 2.5 Hz, which
is greater than one-half a running speed of 4 Hz, the bridge is satisfactory for this loading case.
From AISC Manual Table 1-11, the geometric properties are as follows:
A = 21.5 in.2
Ix = 1,200 in.4
Iy = 547 in.4
( )( )( ) ⎤⎥
π ⎡ 386 in./s 29 × 10 psi 2, 400 in.
2 6 4
= ⎢
2 ⎢ (15,500 lb )( 36.9 ft )3 1, 728 in.3 /ft 3
⎣ ) ⎥⎦
= 7.02 Hz
As discussed in Section 4.3, because the stair vertical natural frequency is greater than 5.0 Hz, the design is satisfactory for this
( )( )( ) ⎤⎥
π ⎡ 386 in./s 29 × 10 psi 1, 090 in.
2 6 4
= ⎢
2 ⎢ (15,500 lb )( 36.9 ft )3 1, 728 in.3 /ft 3
⎣ ) ⎥⎦
= 4.73 Hz
As discussed in Section 4.3, because the stair horizontal natural frequency is greater than 2.5 Hz, the design is satisfactory for
this check.
⎛ π xW ⎞
ϕW = sin ⎜ (4-9)
⎝ Ls ⎟⎠
⎡ π (17.3 ft ) ⎤
= sin ⎢
⎣ 36.9 ft ⎥⎦
= 0.995
⎛ πxR ⎞
ϕ R = sin ⎜ (4-10)
⎝ Ls ⎟⎠
π(15.1 ft) ⎤
= sin ⎡⎢
⎣ 36.9 ft ⎥⎦
= 0.960
The predicted acceleration ratio from Equation 4-8 with R = 0.7 and γ = 0.29 from Table 4-5 is
RQ cos 2 θ
= 0.62e − γ fn
ϕW ϕ R 1 − e −100β ≤ )
⎛ 17.5 ft ⎞
with θ = tan −1 ⎜
⎝ 32.5 ft ⎟⎠
= 28.3°
= 0.62e − 0.29(7.02 Hz)
0.7 (168 lb ) cos 2 28.3° )
( 0.995)( 0.960 ) ⎡⎣1 − e −100( 0.03) ⎤⎦
g 0.03 (15,500 lb )
= 0.0144 or 1.44%g
The predicted peak acceleration does not exceed the Table 4-5 tolerance limit, 1.7%g; thus, individuals descending the stair at
normal speeds are not expected to cause objectionable vibrations from people standing on the stair.
RQ cos 2 θ
= 0.62e − γ fn
ϕW ϕ R 1 − e −100β ≤
The predicted peak acceleration does not exceed the Table 4-5 tolerance limit, 3%g; thus, individuals rapidly descending the stair
are not expected to cause objectionable vibrations from people standing on the stair.
This acceleration exceeds the Table 4-5 tolerance limit of 4.5%g. Consequently, this loading is expected to cause strongly per-
ceptible vibrations. The stair is unsatisfactory if this load case is to be considered.