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Question No.

1: (Grain Loading)

1. A vessel has loaded grain, SF 1.69m3/tone to a displacement of 13540 tonne.

All grain spaces are full, except no. 2 tween deck, which is partially full. The tabulated transverse
volumetric heeling moments are as follows.

No.1 hold 762 m4

No.2 hold 941 m4
No.3 hold 965 m4
No.4 hold 1041 m4
No.1 TD 618 m4
No.2 TD 615 m4
No.3 TD 414 m4

The value of the KG used in the calculation of the vessel’s effective KG were as follows.
For lower holds, the centroid of the cargo spaces.
For tween decks, the actual Kg of the cargo.
Calculate the grain heeling arms λ0, λ40 and λ20 in metres.

Solution No.1: (Grain Loading)

Cargo Spaces VHM (m4) Factor Corrected VHM (m4)

No.1 hold 762 1.00 762.00
No.2 hold 941 1.00 941.00
No.3 hold 965 1.00 965.00
No.4 hold 1041 1.00 1041.00
No.1 TD 618 1.06 655.08
No.2 TD 615 1.12 688.80
No.3 TD 414 1.06 438.84
Total 5491.72

λ0 = VHM
SF x W
= 5491.72
1.69 x 13540
= 0.24 m

λ40 = 0.8 x 0.24

= 0.192 m

λ20 = 0.216 m

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Question No.2: (Grain Loading)

MV Del Monte, a 7-holds bulk carrier, is scheduled to load a consignment of wheat in bulk at Santos, Brazil.

Cargo information and loading distribution are as follows.

Hold Weight (tonnes) SF Stowage
1 5750 1.58 Filled
2 4430 1.58 Partly Filled
3 6690 1.58 Filled
4 6900 1.58 Filled
5 6900 1.58 Filled
6 6900 1.58 Filled
7 6690 1.58 Filled

Upon completion of loading, the following ship’s figures are obtained.

Other weights/deductibles onboard = 3800 tonnes FSM = 1500 t-m

Lightship = 10533 tonnes
Solid KG = 9.10 m

Note: For vertical shift of G due to grain shift, use a factor of 1.06 for filled compartments and 1.12 for
partly-filled compartments.


a) Using the KN and HM curves provided, draw the curve of statical stability for the departure condition.
The curve should include the heeling moment curve for grain shift.
b) Determine the angle of heel due to grain shift using the following method.
i. By estimation, using the curve of statical stability.
ii. By calculation, given the maximum allowable heeling moment at departure condition is 54500 t-m.

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Solution No.2: (Grain Loading)

Hold No. Weight S SF Volume VHM Factor Corr VHM GHM
1 5750 F 1.58 9085.00 1800.00 1.06 1908.00 1207.59
2 4430 P 1.58 6999.40 58900.00 1.12 65968.00 41751.90
3 6690 F 1.58 10570.20 2500.00 1.06 2650.00 1677.22
4 6900 F 1.58 10902.00 4000.00 1.06 4240.00 2683.54
5 6900 F 1.58 10902.00 4000.00 1.06 4240.00 2683.54
6 6900 F 1.58 10902.00 4000.00 1.06 4240.00 2683.54
7 6690 F 1.58 10570.20 2500.00 1.06 2650.00 1677.22
Total 44260 85896.00 54364.55
Lightship 10533 Solid KG = 9.10
Deductibles O/B 3800 FSC = 0.03
Displacement 58593 Fluid KG = 9.13

λo = VHM OR λo = GHM AND λ40 = 0.8 x λo

SF x W W = 0.7423
= 85896 = 54364.55
1.58 x 58593 58593
= 0.9278 = 0.9278

Heel (θ) KN Sinθ GZ
0 0.00 0.00 0.00
5 1.17 0.80 0.37
10 2.30 1.59 0.71
12 2.77 1.90 0.87
15 3.50 2.36 1.14
20 4.77 3.12 1.65
25 6.00 3.86 2.14
30 7.27 4.56 2.71
35 8.38 5.24 3.14
40 9.22 5.87 3.35
50 10.28 6.99 3.29 12°
60 10.82 7.91 2.91
75 10.75 8.82 1.93
90 9.78 9.13 0.65

bi) From curve, angle of heel = 12°

bii) Angle of heel = 54364.55 x 12° = 11.97°

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