Smack Computer Chess: Radio 1450 Program

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Your POCKET CHESS GAME is a so~hirticatedchess computer

which autornaticelly registers your moves on its built-in
sensor chessboard. It has8 levels of skill and a number of
tutorial features which make it ideal for beginners and
casual players. The computer contains the latest in single-
chip microcomputer technology and gives you over 300
hours of play on three "AAA" batteries (alkaline). The last
position of a game is always stored in memory and is
retained for up t o 12 months. We hope that these features
will contribute to your enjoyment of the game.

Copyright 1987,Tmdy Corporation


Sensor chessboard 3. P~ecekeys These six keys are used t o verify board position.
Pressing the King or pawn keys when the
Each square has a built-in sensor that registers piece computer is thinking glves you an Insight Into
movement. the thought process.

4 . 1 Press once to reset to the initial position for a

Lights new aame. Subseauent kev presses will select
"studies", i.9. special built-in positions you can
The computer uses the 16 l~ghtsaround the edge of the play against the computer.
board to indicate game moves, srde to play, check, draw or
mate They are also used to verify the board position, d~splay 5. [HELPI Sets help modes F - H: Mode F = Full help.
the level of sk~lland to glve you an insight Into the thought -
mode G Game normal, mode H hush, no -
process of the computer beeps at alF.

6. Used to select level of skill.

Main switch
7 . 1 Used to enter a sequence of moves.
1. GO Switches the computer an. Play is resumed a t
the point where the computer was sw~tchedoff. 8 . 1 Press to take back last move.

2 . STOP Turns off the computer. The current position is 9. [PLAV Press to force the computer to compute or
retained in memory for up to one year. execute the next move.

1 0 . m This switch at the back of the computer can be

used in case of disturbance to clear the memory
and reset the computer.
Important note 2. Setting the level of skill
Your POCKET CHESS GAME is progrmmed to p l ~ ychess The computer has 8 levels of sk~llwhich may be changed a1
with you. It knows all the rules of the game Including the beg~nningor at any tlme during a game {but only when
castling, en passant, and stalemate. Sometimes the computer is your turn to move).
may appear t o be play~ngirregularly when In fact ~tis
obeying these rules. In case you are not very familiar w ~ t h
the game we have included a copy of the Rules of Chess. If LEVEL Average response time per move
you need addit~onalinformat~onyour local library is sure to
have several books on the subject. 1 seconds (handicap)
2 seconds (handicap)
3 seconds (switch-on level)
1. Getting started 5 seconds
15 seconds
The computer runs on three "AAA" size baneries.,Open the 60 seconds
battery compartment and insert the batteries as shown in 75 seconds
fig. 2. unlimited (see sectron 10)

Set up the chess pieces In the opening posit~onand slide the The above times are averaged over a large number of
maln sw~tchro the posltlon marked]. The computer is moves. Depending on the stage of the game and the tactical
now ready to play a game with you. If it falls to react complexity of a position ;he computer may take considerabl\
properly - statlc d~schargecan sometimes cause ~tto lock more (or less) time on individual moves.
up - use a pin or paper clip t o press and hold t h e m
sw~tchlocated at the bottom of the set for 2 seconds This If you press t h e m key the computer wirl use the lights
w ~ lclear
l the memory and reset the computer. on the left side of the board to display the level currently set
Keep pressing untd the level you want 1s displayed. '
3.Your moves 5. Hlegal moves

To make a move f ~ r s press

t down on the piece you w ~ s hto If you attempt to make an ~IlegaEmove the computer will
move. You w ~ lhear
l a short beep. Place the piece on its sound a double beep (high-low) and show you where the
destinat~onsquare aAd press down again. You will hear a piece you are trylng to move came from You may place the
second beep and a light to the left of the board will begin to plece on a legal square or on the or~ginalsquare and move
flash Th~smeans that the computer has accepted your move another piece
and has started to compute its reply
You w ~ lalso
l hear the error beep if you do not execute a
Note: At the beginning of a game the reply will usually be computer move properly or press an Improper panel key.
Instantaneous on any level because the computer is play~ng
moves that are stored in its "open~ngbook".
6. Check, Mate and Draw
To make a capture you only have to key In the move of the
capturing plece. When castling key in the k~ng'smove only. When the computer puts your king In check you will hsar an
When a pawn promotes it is changed into a queen additional beep and the CHECK light at the top of the board
automaticallv. will flash If a game ends In checkmate the MATE l ~ g hwill
flash, and In case of a stalemate the DRAW light will be
turned on.
4. Computer moves

The computer indicates its own moves by sound~nga beep 7, Mew game
and turnlng on two lights on the side of the chessboard.
These lights Indicate the hor~zontalrow and vertical column To start a new game wait until it is your turn to move and
, of the plece the computer wishes to move. Press this plece then press 1-. You w ~ lhear
l a triple beep (high-low.
down on ~ t ssquare The computer will now show you where high) w h ~ c hIndicates that the computer is ready to play from
the piece must go Move the plece t o the square ~nd~cated the ~ n r t ~posltlon.
and press down to complete the move.
Note: Y ~ u POCKET
r CHESS COMPUTER knwvs how to
"underpromote" in exceptional circumstances. To c h x k i f this
has happened you must verify the paition fas described i n
section 15) after it has made i t s move. 7
When startlng a new game, the white pieces will be the first You can change sides as often as you like. You can even
to move. If you want the computer t o play t h e fkrst move, p r e s s m after every move and make the computer play
simply press a after pressing. 1-1 The computer
will then make the f~rstmove for wh~teand w ~ lwaitl for you
the entire game against ~tseif.The key is also useful
when you need help and want the computer to suggest a
to move a black piece. move for you.

Note: If you press-1 mom than once the computer

will select one of the special study positions (see section 18) 10. Interrupt
To gez the inrtial pos~tionkeep pressing (NEW until you
hear the triple beep If the computer is spending too long over a move you can
interrupt it by pressing which will cause it to stop
computing and play the best move it has found so far. This
8. Taking back moves feature is especially useful In level 8, in which the computer
will go on thinking until you interrupt it by press~ng
To take back a move aimply press 1- when ~tis your unless there is only one move it can play or it finds a mate in
turn to ulav. The cornouter will heln vou to retract the last one, two or three.
two moves (one for Black and one for White) by show~ngyou
which pieces wers moved and where they came from.
11, Non auto made
When retracting a move take particular care to ensure that
the[-] has been correctly registered by the computer Pressing the1- key puts the computer into a special
and the 2 square lights are off, mode in which i t will not compute counter moves but only
keep track of the moves you enter for both sides, making
sure t h a t they are legal. This allows you to enter special
9. Changing sides openings or to force the computer to play a certain
continuation during a game. To return ta normal play press
If a t any ttme during a game you wish t o change s~deswith a second time.
the computer you may do so by pressing ) instead of
making your move. The computer will make the next move Nate: Pressing ~ l l a w a y cancels
s the non auto
far you and you can go on playing for the other side. mode.
12. Computer as referee far by turning on the "from" square for two seconds and then
the "to" square for one second. You can watch how it
Non auto mode is also useful when you are playing a game changes its mind as it computes deeper.
with a frlend on the sensor board. The computer will act as a
referee and protest if anyone makes an illegal move. And
each side can at any time ask the computer for adv~ceby 15. Game memory
pressrng j .
You can interrupt a game at any stage (even when the
computer is thinking) by simply turning it off. Play is
13. Evaluation interrupted and all lights are turned off to conserve battery
power The computer will "remember" the position for up t o
Try holding down the the kinking key while the 12 months and be ready to resume play when you turn it on
computer is thinking. Watch the board lights. At the top again.
they will start to cycle, a new light coming on every tlme the
computer has examined 250 more positions in the search for
the best move A t the same tlme the lights on the left side of 16. Verifying piece positions
the board will tell you whaf the computer thinks of the
current position. You can watch the evaluation change 8s the If you upset the pieces or for other reasons are not sure that
computer looks at more and more positions. It does this by the board position is correct you can ask the computer to
ratlng white's posit~onon a scale of 1 t o 8, tight 8 represents show you the proper location of each piece. To do this press
very significant material advantage t o wh~teand probably a one of the piece keys [when it is your turn to move), The
won position. In an equal positlon lights 4 or 5 will be on. If computer will use the board lights to show you where that
white's position Improves then the light number may piece is located. Press the same piece key agaln to find
Increase to 6, 7 or 8. In this s~tuationthe computer may further pieces of that kind on the board (a double beep
Indicate it wishes to resign by switching light 1 on instead. indicates that there are no more of the piece selected). You
may verify the position of other pteces bv pressing the
14. Display move corresponding piece keys. If the board lights are steady the
computer is showing you a white piece, ~fthey are flashing
If you want to know which move the computer is considering the piece indicated is black.
hold down [ DlsPlnv MOVE ( (the pawn key) while i t is thinking.
WIII slluw
ne curiipu~u~
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17. Help modes 18. Special study positions

When you switch the computer on for the first time or when Your POCKET CHESS GAME has eight built-in study posifions
you press1- YOU wiH hear a beep whenever a piece that you can try to solve with the assistance of the computer.
or a key is pressed Thls is because the normal help mods You can select these positions with the help of the NEW
"G" is set. You can confirm this by pressing [,The G GAME key Pressing this key once when it is your turn to
light above the board will light up. move gives you the ~nitialposition (see section 7). If you now
press1-1 again, the H light at the top of the board
If you press again, then the H lamp lights up, lights up, ~ndrcatingthat the computer is ready to go through
indicating that help mode H is set. In this mode the comprrter study positions H with you. Press a third time to
remains completely silent during the entire game. Of course load position G. Each time you prass the key a new position
you must watch the indicator lamps and press pieces and is loaded into memory and the llghts on the top of the board
keys carefully when pleying without sound. tell you which one it is. You will find diagrams of all the study
positions on page 14 to 17. You can check the position quite
Press~ng 1a third time ptrts the computer into help easily by using the "verify postion" feature described in
mode F. In this special mode the computer will sound the section 16.
normal beep, but it will also give you additional help during
the game: Once you have chosen a pesitlon you should try to find the
correct moves for White. If you play a wrong move you will
1. During the opening it wlll warn you when you play a hear an 'OUT OF BOOK' beep and the computer will not play
move that it does not know, i.e. one that is not in its a countermove. You should use to retract this
"openings book". It does this by sounding a double beep move and try another one. When you play the correct move
and not computing a reply. You can take your move back , the computer will reply instantly with the bast black defence.
and try another move, or you If you cannot find the solution yourself press and let
for the computer to continue the the computer show you the best move. Here's a list of each
game in the normal fashion. position and what you must try to find (Refer t o the
Guidelines and answer in the back of the manual i f you fail to
2. When it moves to put one of your pieces in danger, i.e. it work it out}:
is k i n g flttackad by 0 piece of lesser value, then the
computer will sound a low warning keep and flash the
square of the endangered piece for about seven
Position H: WKd4, Ra5. (Capablanca-Tanerow, New York 1910):
BKfE WKgl, Qg3, Rdl, Nf5, Pa2, b2, c2, e4, f2, g2, h2,
White King and rook to play and win against a BKgB. Qc7, Rf8, Be5, Pa7, b7, c6, f7, g7, h7
lone k~ng,but can you mate In the least number White t o play and win. In this position taken
of moves? The white king and rook must work -
from a game Capablanca Tanerow, New Vork
together to trap the black king in a corner. If 1910, the white queen is attacked by the black
White makes no mistakes mate can be had in bishop on e5. The legendary Capablancs
I e~ghtmoves. requrred just a few brrll~antmoves to dispose of
h ~ opponent,
s Can you find them7
Position G: WKf4, Pd4,
BKf7 Position C (Morphy-Duke of Brunswlck):
White to play and win. The white king must first WKe7, Qb3, Ral, h l , Bc4, g5, Nc3, PaZ, b2, c2,
gain the 'opposition' before he can shepherd h ~ s e4, f2, g2, h2,
pawn to its queening square. BKe8, Qe7, Rae, he, Bf8, Nb8, f6, Pa7, b5, c6, e5,
Posltion F: WKfl, Pd4, White to play and win. This game between
BKf4, Pe6 Morphy and the Duke of Brunswick is reputed to
Whita t o play and draw. Wh~te1s in grave have taken place during an opera! Even if you
danger of losing. He must play a surprising find the correct artack you should play through
move to deprive Black of the 'apposition' and the position a number of times as the computer
hold him to a draw. will try different defences for the black side.

Position E. WKg4, Ra8, Pa7, f4, f5, Position B (Alekhine-Grunfeld, Carlsbad 1923, colors reversed):
BKg7, Ra2 WK91, Q c l , R d l , 892, Nd6, Pa3, b4, e5, fZ, g3, h3,
Wh~teto play and win Black must not move his BKg8, Qe7, Rd8, Na7, d5, Pa6, b7, e6, f6, g7, h7
k ~ n gto the 6th rank, otherwise White would White to play and win. This pos~tionwas taken
check with the rook, promote his a-pawn and from a game Alekhine - Grunfeld, Carlsbad
win quite eas~ly.S~ncethe black king cannot be 1923, with the colors rsversed. Here, too, the
forced to leave the 7th rank then White must computer will defend the position in different
use a 'skewer' to win the black rook. ways, so play it through a number of times.
Position A (Adarns-Torre, New Orleans 1920): .
20, Care an1d maintenance
WKg1, Qd4, Rel, e2, Nf3, PaZ, b2, d5, f2, 92, hZ,
BKg8, Qd7, Rc8, e8, Bf6, Pa5, b7, d6, f7, 97, h7 Your.- rvbi-.s
;CHESS GAME is a precision electronic device.
Whtte to play and wln. In this positlon from a Do not subject it to rough handling or expose it to extreme
game Adams - Torre, New Orleans 1920, temperatures or moisture. Do not use chemical agents to
White could give a 'back- rank mate' if the clean the mt as these may damage the plastlc. Weak
square e8 was not so well protected. So he batteries should be replaced promptly as they might leak and
must attempt to dlvert the black queen or the cause damage to the computer.
black rook on c8 from their defence of this
square. If you do not understand the moves the If at anytime you suspect that your unit is not performing as
computer plays for Black then try playing other it should, stop by your local Radio Shack store. Our
moves against the computer. Select pos~tionA, personnel are there to assist you and arrange for servlce, if
press m, make a different black defensive needed.
move (the computer will complain) and press
again. You will soon realize why Black
was so cautious
Keep it dry. If water should get on
19. The ACL key it, wipe it off immediately. Water
contains minerals that can corrode
If the computer locks up because of static discharge or some electronic circuits.
other reason, switch to ON and then use a pin or other sharp
object to press t h e m key on the back of the cablnet for
two seconds. This resets the computer and clears the
Do not store in hot areas. High
temperatures can shorten the life
of electronic devices, damage
batteries, and can even distort or
melt certain plasrics.
Do not drop your product. This will Always make sure any batteries
likely result in failure t o operate. used are fresh and are of the
Circuit boards can crack and casss correct type. Never use general
may not survive the impact. purpose batteries if alkaline cells
Handling your product roughly will are called for. Old or almost-dead
shorten its useful life. batteries are also dangerous. A
worn out battery can leak
1 chemicals which will destroy
electronic circuits.
Do not use harsh chemicals,
clean~ngsolvents or strong
detergents to keep your unit 21. Technical specifications
looking new.You need only wipe it
with a dampened cloth from time LED lamps: 16
to time. Keys: 12
Power consumption: 0.01 w
Battew requirement: 3 "AAA" batteries
Battery life: 300 hours (alkaline batteries)
Do not use or store in areas of Dimensions: 6-3/8 X 4-1 14 x 314 in.
high levels of dirt or dust. The Weight: 5 or or 145 gm
electronics may be contaminated. (withovt baaeriss)
Any moving parts will wear Playing strength: Tor beginners and casual
prematurely players
Question: Position H:KRK
White : Kd4,Ra5
Black : Kf6
Note : Neither side can castle

Answer: 1 Re5 Kf7

2. Kd5 Kf6
3. Kd6 Kg6 3... KO
4 Ke7 Kg7 4. Re6 Kf8
5. Re6 Kg8 5. Re7 Kg8
6. Kf6 KfS 6. Ke6 Kf8
7 . Kg6 end of book 7. Kf6 Kg8
8. Kg6 (many 8th moves valid)

Question: Position G: KPK. WINNING

White : Kf4,Pd4
Black : Kf7
Note : Neither side can castle

Answer. 1. Kf5 Ke7

2. Ke5 Kd7
3. Kd5 ' Ke7
4 Kc6 Ke6 4. Kd8
5. d5 Ke7 5. d5 Kc8
6, Kc7 end of book 6. d6 6. .. Kd8
7 67
Question P ~ s ~ t i oF:n KPK, DRAWING
White . Kfl,Pd4
Black : Kf4.PeS
Note Neither side can castle

I Answer: 1. d5 exd
2 . Kf2 Ke4
3. Ke2
4. Kd2
3 ..
4 Kd2
5 Kdl end of book 5 Kc2 d4
6. Kd2 d3

- 7. K d l

Question: Position E : SKEWER

White : Kg4,Ra8,Pf4,f5,a7
Black : Kg7.Ra2
Note : Neither side castle

Answer: 1. f6 Kf7
2. Rh8 end of book

I Quest~on: Posit~onD: CAPABLANCA-TANEROW, NY 1910

t Whtte : Kg1 ,Qg3,Rdl ,Nf5,PaZ,b2,~2,e4,fZ,g2,h2
Black : KgB,Qc7,Rf8,Be5,Pa7,b7,~6,f7,g7,h7
Note : Nether side can castle

? Answer: 1. Nh6 Kh8

2. 0 0 5 Qe5
3.Nf7 endofbook
White : Kel,Qb3,Ral,Rhl,Bc4,Bg5,Nc3,Pa2,a2,~2,e4,f2,g2,h2
Black : Ke8,Qe7,Ra8,Rh8,Bf8,Nf6,Nbs,Pa7,b5,c6,e5,f7,g7,h7
Note : Both sides can castle

2. Bb5 Nbd7
3. 0-0-0 end of book 3... Rd8 3. Cle6 3.... Qb4 3... 0-0-0
4, Rd7 Rd7 4. Bxf6 4, Bxf6 4. Ba6
5 Rdl (106
6 , Bd7 Nd7
7. Qb8


White : Kg1,Qcl ,Rdl ,Bg2,Nd6,Pa3,b4,e5,fa,gJ,h3
Black : i<g8,Qe7,RdB,NdS,Na7,Pa6,b7,e6,f6,g7,h7
Note : Ne~thers~decan castle

Answer. 1. Rd5 fxe I..., exd

2, Nf5 exf 2. Bd5 Kf8
3 Qc5 Qc5 3. Nf5 Qe5 3.. Qd7
4. Rd8 Of8 4. Qc5 Ke8 4. Qc5 Ke8
5. Bd5 end of book 5 Ng7 Kd7 5 06
6. Be6
Question: Position A: AOAMS-TCIRRE, NEW ORLEANS 1920
White : Kg1,Od4,ReZ,Rel,Nf3,PaZ,bZ,d5,f2,g2,hZ
Black : Kg8,Od7,Re8,RcB,Bf6,Pa5,b7,d6,f?,g7,hJ
Note : Neither side can castle

Answer: I . Qg4 llb5

Z.Qc4 ad7
3. Qc7 Qb5
4. a4 Qa4
5. Re4 Qb5
6. Qb7 end of book

Note: K - King
Q - Oueen
R - Rook
B - Bishop
N - Knight
P - Pawn

eg. Re5 - move Rook to 05 position

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