Assessment Diagnosis Planning Interventions Evaluation Subjective Short Term

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Assessment Diagnosis Planning Interventions Evaluation

Subjective Activity Short term: Assess the The patient was

intolerance related patient’s activities able to
“Nahihirapan to edema In 2 days, patient of daily living as demonstrate
kumilos ang anak secondary to will demonstrate well as perceived alternate periods
ko dahil glomerulonephritis alternate periods limitations to of desired
namamaga ang as evidenced by of desired physical activity. activities and rest
mga paa niya” as swollen feet, activities and rest within 2 days.
verbalized by the unsteady gait and gradually. Rationale: And within a span
mother. verbalization of To create a of 5 days, patient
tiredness. Long term: baseline of activity was able to have
Objective levels and mental increased activity
In 5 days, the status related to tolerance
+ Pitting edema: patient will be fatigue and activity
grade 2 able to have intolerance Goal met.
increased activity
Depth of 3- 4 mm tolerance. Encourage
depression progressive activity
through self- care
Rebound time: 10 and exercise as
secs. tolerated.

+ Shortness of Rationale:
breath To gradually
+ Headache increase the
+ Lower backpain patient’s
+ Weakness intolerance to
Weight gain over physical activity
short period of
time Teach deep
breathing exercises
Oliguria and relation
Provide adequate
ventilation in the

To allow the
patient to relax
while at rest and to
facilitate effective
management. To
allow enough
oxygenation in the
Encourage the next
of kin, relative or
caregiver of the
patient to
participate in his/
her care, such as
hydration and diet,
activities of daily
living where the
patient require a
helping hand

may cause fatigue
and exhaustion of
the patient, so it is
best to have a
partner or a
caregiver beside
him at all times to
ensure safety and


diuretics as

To decrease
plasma volume and

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