Whitepaper PHENIX
Whitepaper PHENIX
Whitepaper PHENIX
Factory pre-term fiber assemblies have superseded on-site termination for a variety of reasons. Because they arrive
on-site ready to deploy, pre-term solutions can speed data center deployments by up to 90% and significantly reduce
cost compared to time-consuming field termination that requires more skill, training, and materials and results in more
waste and performance variables. The factory connectorization process also enables significantly higher performance
margins to better support the latest high-speed fiber applications that have far more stringent insertion loss and return
loss requirements. Furthermore, advanced high-speed applications deploy parallel optic transmission where data is
simultaneously transmitted and received over multiple fibers, which requires multi-fiber push-on (MPO) connectors
like the MTP® that are not supported via field termination. High-speed duplex applications and the need for higher
density fiber deployments are also giving way to new small form-factor connector designs that are also not supported
by traditional on-site field termination methods. In short, pre-term fiber assemblies have become the primary network
connectivity solution that our digital world relies on.
Endface Geometry:
It’s All in the Cleave
A key factor in building high-quality, high-performance pre-term fiber assemblies is the quality and geometry of the fiber
endface. The quality and geometry of a fiber endface directly impact the performance of connectors in terms of how
well light signals transmit from one fiber to another and how well two fibers will mate once connected. Ultimately, this
will determine how your customers’ networks will perform. Poor endface quality and geometry essentially cause higher
insertion loss and reflectance, the two critical performance factors in optical transmission. Insertion loss is the loss of
signal power that occurs over a fiber link and includes the loss caused by the cable and any connection points along the
way. Reflectance is the amount of the signal reflected from a connection point.
Fiber endface defects such as scratches, pits, and cracks act as reflection and obscure light transmission. These defects
also have the potential to collect debris that further increases insertion loss and reflectance. Over time, even minor
defects can enlarge under stress, causing fiber breaks or small chips that can further damage the endface and affect the
mating of two fibers. Even if defects are not present, the fiber endface itself must have the proper geometry to prevent
air gaps or misalignment between two mated fibers. Any time there is an air gap or a misalignment between fiber cores,
both insertion loss and reflectance will be high—often too high for the transmitted signal to properly reach the receiver
at the other end.
Apex Offset – Specifies the maximum distance between the highest point
and the center of the endface to determine how close the apex of the
endface is centered, which is critical for core-to-core alignment when
mating two fibers.
Fiber Protrusion Height – Specifies how high the fiber core can extend from
the surface of the connector because too high of a protrusion risks the
fiber being damaged during mating, while too low of a height can cause
air gaps.
For mechanical transfer (MT) ferrules used in multi-fiber MPO connectors, endface geometry is even
more difficult to measure and achieve—geometric properties must be considered for each of the
fibers within the multi-fiber array, as well as in comparison to the other fibers both horizontally and
vertically across the array. For example, IEC standards specify the maximum height protrusion for
each fiber in a multi-fiber array, as well as its height differential compared to all fibers and to imme-
diately adjacent fibers. It should be noted that the higher the number of fibers and fiber rows in an
array, the more difficult proper endface geometry is to achieve.
Ensuring proper and repeatable endface geometry when building fiber optic assemblies relies heavily
on polishing that finishes the endface and cleans the surface. Before endfaces can be polished, the
fibers must first be precisely and cleanly cut at the proper angle, a process broadly referred to as
“cleaving.” In other words, every good endface polish starts with a good cleave.
When cleaving fibers in preparation for polishing, the primary goal is to produce consistently clean,
low-profile cleaves where the fiber and epoxy is cut as close as possible to the ferrule and parallel to
its face. For several years, manual cleaving of fibers was the only option until laser cleavers entered the market about
a decade ago. While laser cleavers solved some of the challenges associated with manual cleaving, there are important
considerations surrounding both methods.
To compensate for operator error, it is common to manually cleave fibers so that they protrude from the tip of the
epoxy bead. The protruding fiber nubs must be removed during the de-nubbing process before they can be polished.
This is often done manually (“air polishing”) or via a polishing machine using a coarse film. If the nubs are left
protruding, they will rip the polishing film, which is of particular concern with the more expensive finer films. Since the
protruding fibers are not encapsulated by the epoxy, they are also subject to damage during the de-nubbing process.
Using coarse film to de-nub can yield particles in the polishing area that can create large scratches on the fiber endface
or result in sharp chips around the outer edges of the endface that can propagate below the surface of the ferrule and
cause failure in the future. Protruding fiber nubs are also more prone to breaking during the polishing process. The
result is propagated core cracks, which are not detected until the final pass-fail testing stage, resulting in a higher rate
of rework, wasted polishing film, and increased scrap.
The challenges of manual cleaving are compounded when dealing with angled physical contact (APC) where the
endface is slanted at 8 degrees, which reduces reflectance by causing reflected light to be absorbed into the cladding
that surrounds the fiber core. Compared to ultra-physical contact (UPC) flat-angled connectors, it is much more
challenging to maintain the APC connector’s 8-degree angle using a manual cleave. With APC connectors seeing
increased use in a broad range of applications, manual cleaving simply may not cut it. For example, emerging
short-reach singlemode data center applications such as 100GBASE-DR, 200GBASE-DR4 and 00GBASE-DR4 will further
drive the use of APC connectors as these applications use lower cost, low-power transceivers that cannot tolerate
excessive reflectance.
The challenges and time required in manual cleaving has rendered this process unfeasible for today’s
demand for high-volume multi-fiber MPO assemblies. When simultaneously cleaving multiple fibers in an MT
ferrule, it is extremely difficult to achieve consistent fiber height protrusion across all fibers using a manual
cleave. Without consistent fiber heights to start, you won’t have consistent fiber heights after polishing.
Even the highest-end polishing machines need uniformly cut fibers to achieve the best results. The diffi-
culties of properly cleaving multiple fibers at once using manual processes is what spawned the intro-
duction of laser cleavers.
Laser Cleaver Considerations:
Thermal damage, irregular fiber height, and prohibitive cost.
A Better Way with the Availability of Mechanical
Cleaving Technology
As more pre-term fiber assembly companies scale up production, they are faced with competing demands to increase
efficiency and cut cost – all while maintaining or even increasing their product performance in the form of high
transmission values. With the considerations surrounding manual and laser cleaving options, thankfully there is a new
solution that can fulfill the need—mechanical cleaving. The Phenix fibersect.multi® mechanical cleaver outperforms
traditional cleaving methods by removing the human variable and improving process control via automation in a simple,
cost-effective device that can deliver a fast ROI. Generally, the cost is 4 cents per cut using the fibersect, and for anyone
manufacturing 1,000 connectors per month, you see immediate ROI.
But where the fibersect really shines is in performance. It uses precision adapters that ensure accurate and repeatable
positioning of ferrules and connectors during cleaving so that all fibers are cleaved at a uniform height, providing the
foundation for improved endface geometry and superior transmission performance. Using a precision diamond cutting
wheel, the fibersect cuts through the fibers and epoxy on a flat plane just above the surface of the ferrule and leaves
no fiber nubs. This completely eliminates the need for time-consuming de-nubbing and reduces the potential for chips
and cracks. Compared to a laser that cuts the epoxy at 100µm above the ferrule and leaves the fibers protruding 50µm
beyond the epoxy, the fibersect cuts both the epoxy and the fibers flat at an adjustable distance from the ferrule face. A
typical cut distance of 150µm is shown below.
Battery powered and portable, the fibersect is also about half the cost of a laser cleaver, takes up much less
benchtop space, and can be easily serviced due to its palm-size portability. It is extremely user-friendly,
eliminating the need for skilled labor and extensive training. Simply load the ferrule or connector into the
fibersect’s adapter, push the button or footswitch, and the fiber(s) and epoxy bead are removed in less than one
second. The fibersect also eliminates any safety concerns by carefully collecting waste in a safe, controlled
manner and eliminates the need for extraction of harmful fumes.
The potential for any residual ferrule stress caused by the thermal
shock produced by high-temperature lasers is also no longer a
concern, nor is the potential for misaligned fibers due to the
melting and re-solidifying of the epoxy and ferrule. Also, unlike
with manual or laser cleaving, there are no protruding fiber
“nubs” remaining after the cleave, resulting in a faster and
more successful polishing process.
It Just Makes Sense
The popularity of the Phenix fibersect mechanical cleaver has continued to rise over the past few years, with some of the
largest fiber optic cable manufacturers around the globe now using the fibersect. In fact, US Conec, a leader in
manufacturing high-quality MT ferrules, lists the fibersect as a recommended piece of equipment for its customers that
are processing their MTP brand connectors.
Both smaller “boutique” cable assembly houses as well as large, multinational companies have conducted extensive ROI
analysis and product evaluations with favorable results, including significant cost savings in consumables, employee
training, and throughput. When compared side-by-side with manual and laser cleaving options, the fibersect is the sweet
spot for any fiber assembly house looking for a lower capital and operational expense in conjunction with superior
long-term performance and higher yield through enhanced productivity and reduced labor. It simply makes sense.
Want to try out the fibersect?