Microsoft Access Practice: Pharez Computer Training Institute
Microsoft Access Practice: Pharez Computer Training Institute
Microsoft Access Practice: Pharez Computer Training Institute
1. Employee Address
2. Customer Address
3. Supplier address
4. Item. information about the items found in the supermarket
5. Customer service. which tracks every transaction made by the customers?
6. Supplier service. which tracks every delivery made by the suppliers?
7. Payment salary. of each employee working in the supermarket
1. Create the database file by the name Supermarket Under Document
2. Design each of the following tables with the given fields and their suggested properties
2.1 create the following tables using Table design with their field properties
Field Data Field Forma Input mask Caption Validation
name type size t rule
Custid Text 4 C000
Name Text 15 >?<??????????????? Customer name
Fname Text 15 >?<??????????????? Father name
Sex Text 1 M or F
Bdate Date/Tim Birth date
Tel Text 10 +251-000-000-000 Contact phone
City Text 15 >?<???????????????
Save the tables by the name of Customer Address
2.2 create the following tables using Table design with their field properties
Field Data Field Format Input mask Caption Validation
a name Type size rule
v Empid Text 4 E000 Employee ID
e Name Text 15 >?<??????????????? Employee name
Fame Text 15 >?<??????????????? Father name
t Sex Text 1 >? Sex M or F
h Hdate Date/Time Hire date
e Bdate Date/Time Birth date
Tel Text 10 +2510-000-000-000 Contact phone
City Text 15 >?<???????????????
2.3 create the following tables using Table design with their field properties
2.4 create the following tables using Table design with their field properties
2.5 create the following tables using Table design with their field properties
2.6 create the following tables using Table design with their field properties
Employee Employee Father Sex Birth date Hire date Contact City
ID name name phone
E001 Solomon Tessema M 11-feb-70 01-jan-91 11-32-54 Addis
E002 Sara Girma F 21-jun-61 11-feb-70 12-78-44 Addis
E003 Tefer Atomsa M 12-sep-99 21-jun-61 02-19-61 Tokyo
E004 Mekdes Solomon F 09-oct-78 12-sep-99 12-34-02 Assela
E005 Shiferawu Negash M 01-jan-91 01-apr-02 26-22-57 London
E006 Tigist Ahmed F 06-aug-07 21-jan-99 26-56-49 Dila
E007 Melat Hailu F 11-feb-70 09-oct-78 16-00-47 adama
4.4 Design an Autoform-Columnar for the supplier address table and add the following records to the
Supp id Supplier name Contact phone city
S006 AMAZONE 03-56-23(1135) USA
S007 MEGA 12-24-82-(4456) ADDIS
S003 SEMIT 12-45-98-(4589) ADDIS
S004 COCACOLA 21-89-54-(2356) USA
S005 MOHA 35-68-89-(5897) PARIS
save the form by the name supplier address form1
4.6 For the item table
Item id Item name Supplier Unit price Quantity Expiry date
id per unit
I001 Coca-Cola S004 Birr 27.00 24 22/12/08
I002 Pepsi S005 Birr 27.00 24 12/09/12
I003 Schweppes S003 Birr 26.00 24 4/56/13
I004 Books S007 birr 10.00 1 2/21/10
I005 Crash S006 Birr21.00 24 6/02/09
I006 Fiction S003 Birr 26.00 1 4/45/75
I007 Miranda S002 Birr 32.00 22 7/02/16
Employee ID Salary
E001 2000.00
E002 2564.00
E003 2658.00
E004 1234.00
E005 297.00
E006 1458.00
E007 5698.00
Create the following query and save them by the part and question number (e.g. Part1 Q1)
Part one
1. Displays records of the customer address table
2. Sort the customer address table name by descending order
3. Display all suppliers whose name begins with M
4. Select customers in the customer address table whose sex is female
5. Select items whose name begins with C
6. Select Employees whose hire date is before 1/1/1992
Hint: >=1/1/1991 and <1/1/1992
7. Select male customer who live in Addis
Part two
1. Displays name and fathers names of employees with their salary
2. Displays name of customer with the names of items they bought
3. Displays the suppliers of each item
4. How many items each suppliers are supplies
5. Display the item with its supplier name and ship date
6. Displays the items ship date after 4/1/1902
7. To whom is maximum salary paid
Part three
1. Calculate the following fields and save it by payroll using query design
A.Pension=7% of basic salary
B. Bonus= 5% of basic salary
C. Allowance =3% of basic salary
D. Tax=30% of basic salary if salary>2000,20% of basic salary>1000,10% of basic salary if salary>500,otherwise no tax
E. Calculate Net salary
Part four
A. Using make table query
1. Create the copy of customer address table and save it by Bcustomer
2. Create the copy of supplier address table and save it by Bsupplier
3. Create table with the name of employees with their salary and save it by the name N and S
B. Using Update ,delete, and append query
1. Raise the salary of employees by 10%
2. Increase the expire date of item by ten days
3. Lower the quantity of items in the customer service table by 2%
4. In the customer address table Meseret Getu has changed her phone number to 12-34—67 update her new
phone number
5. Delete those records from the supplier table whose city is USA
C. Report
1. Design an Auto report-columnar for the following tables and queries and save them it by the question number
1.1 customer address table
1.2 supplier address table
1.3 for the query of part two number one
2. Design an Auto report-Tabular for the following tables and queries and save them it by the question number
2.1 employee address table
2.2 for query of part two number two
3. design you own report for the following using the design view
3.1 for the query part two number one
- Title “Report of Supplier Address” on the report header section current date on the page header section
- Page number at the page footer section
- Make the report as attractive as possible
3.2 A report which shows the item name, its unit price and quantity per unit
Hint: first create a query which has item name, unit price and quantity per unit