Syllabus BSC
Syllabus BSC
Syllabus BSC
Introduction to Computers - Role of computers, Definition, Characteristics and
Applications, Generations of Computer, Basic block diagram, CPU, Primary and Secondary
storage devices and I/O Devices. Information Concepts: Data and its representation,
Information and its characteristics, Categories of information, Number System: basic
concepts, converting from one system to another, Introduction System software and
Application Software. Generation of computer languages, types of languages, Language
translators-Assembler, Interpreter, compiler, Link and Loader. Introduction to Computer
Networks, History and usage of Internet, Browser and its types, Domain Name System (DNS),
WWW, Electronic Mail (e-mail) , Search Engines and Intranets.
Introduction to Programming - definitions and developing Algorithms and flowcharts for
simple programs. Introduction to C Programming: Origin and history of c programming,
character set, Identifiers and keywords data types, constants, variables, operators, symbolic
constants, Expressions, compound statements, structure of C Program, Input and output
C Statements – selection statements- if ,nested if’s, the if-else-if ladder the conditional
expressions, switch statement nested switch statements, iteration statements- the for loop, for
loop variations, the while loop, ,the do-while loop, declaring variables within selection and
iteration statements, jump statement, the rwturn statement, the go to statement, break
statement, exit() function, the continue statement, expression statement. Block statements
Arrays- Array What is an array?-Array Declaration, Array Initialization-Accessing individual
elements of an array-Two Dimensional Arrays- -Passing an array element to a function-Rules
of using an array What are strings? String I/O, String Manipulation .Functions - The General
Form of a Function,elements of function ,function categories, types of functions, Function
Arguments Call by Value, Call by Reference , return Statement. Uses of functions. C pre-
processor, storage classes-Automatic, Register, Static and external.
1) Design a visiting card for Managing Director of A Company with the following
1. Size of Visiting card is 3.5” x 2”
2. Name of a company with Big Font using water mark
3. Phone No, Fax No, and email address with appropriate symbols
4. Office and Residence Address Separated by line.
2) Create a letter head of a company
1. Name of company on the top of the page with big font and good style.
2. Phone no, fax No and e-mail address with appropriate syllabus.
3. Main products manufactured to be described at the bottom
4. Slogans if any should be specified
3) Create of Your Bio-Data: Consisting Name, e-mail-id, Contact Address, Career Objective,
Educational Qualifications, Social Activities, Achievements
4) Creation of word document involving all Mathematical functions and symbols.
5) Use the mail merge option to write letters to your friends for inviting them to dinner on
the occasion of your birth day.
6) Create templates for Notices, Question papers, Programs, CVs, Leave Application etc.
7) Create an electronic spread sheet in which you enter the following decimals numbers and
convert Octal, Hexadecimals and Binary numbers Vice Versa.
Solve the following using function
1. Concatenate two texts
2. Length of the text
3. Trim the text
8) Create worksheet with the following columns Employee code, Name, Age, Department,
salary Enter the data into the worksheet and do the following with auto filter option.
1. Find the employees whose age is greater then 25
2. find the employees whose names starts with letter s’
3. Find the employees who are belonging to particular department
4. Find all employees who are belonging to the comp. department and salary is greater
then 5000.
9) Create the work sheet with the following information, faculty , Class, teaching
subjects, no of classes(weekly)
Find the following with the advanced filter option
1. Names of the faculty who are teaching for BSc I st year
2. Teaching subjects of the particular faculty
3. Find the records whose faculty name is ‘y’ or teaching subject is ‘x’
4. Find the records whose teaching subject is ‘xx’ and no of classes greater than 18.
b) Calculate the pay of the employees following the conditions given below
(pay roll for the month of Jan 2007)
Emp.No Emp.Name Basic DA HRA GPF GROSS IT Net pay
14) a) Create a report for the given data with primary key as Book ID
Book ID Book Title
Title Types Author ID
Publisher ID Price Total Pages
Calculate the total using total amount = No of products sold * price for each quantity
19) Create a power point presentation by importing a chart from Microsoft Excels
V. List of C and C++ Programs:-
1. Practice on few Dos commands.
2. Simple programs on data types.
3. Input / Output statements.
4. Various Control statements.
5. Programs on all loops.
6. Programs on break and exit statement.
7. Programs using functions.
8. At least five Programs are using iteration and Recursive Functions using concepts like –factorial,
Fibonacci, sum of n-numbers, displaying array elements using recursive functions, display first
n numbers.
9. Arrays (Matrix operations).
10. Swapping of two numbers using function.
11. Programs on all function categories
12. Programs on sorting the given numbers
13. Programs on inserting and deleting the numbers using arrays
14. Passing arrays to functions.
15. Programs on string handling function (built-in and user defined).
Introduction to OOPs concept-The origin of C++, What is OOPs ,introduction to
classes, features of OOPS concept. Classes and Objects-classes, structures related with
classes and unions related with classes, Inline functions, static data members and
member functions, constructors and types of constructors, destructors. Array of objects,
dynamic memory allocation, Dynamic objects-Introduction, pointers to objects, creating
and deleting dynamic objects, pointers to object members, this operator, friend
functions and lasses.
Overloading - Creating a Member Operator Function Creating Prefix and Postfix
Forms of the Increment and Decrement Operators ,,Operator Overloading
Restrictions ,Operator Overloading Using a Friend Function, Using a Friend to
Overload ++ or – – Friend Operator Functions , Overloading [] , Overloading ( ),
Overloading –> ,Overloading the Comma Operator. Inheritance-Introduction , base
classes and derived class, types of inheritance, overloading base classless ,virtual base
class members, public, protected and private inheritance, constructors and destructors in
derived classes, virtual base classes, abstract class
Polymorphism and Virtual Functions -Virtual Functions ,Calling a Virtual Function Through
a Base Class, Reference ,The Virtual Attribute Is Inherited ,Virtual Functions Are
Hierarchical ,Pure Virtual Functions, Abstract Classes, using Virtual Functions, Early vs. Late
Binding. C++ streams- stream classes, unformatted I/O operations, formatted I/O operations,
manipulators, introduction to templates.
Linked Lists- dynamic storage management – types of lists - Single, double and
circular Linked lists - creation of single and double linked list, operations like
insertion, deletion, traversing - representation of stacks and queues using single linked
lists – programs.
Trees-Terminology –Finding Node-Inserting Node- Binary Trees: Strictly Binary
Tree, complete Binary tree, Almost Complete Binary tree, Binary Search Tree-
Creation , deletion , Insertions, Traversals-Finding Maximum and Minimum Values-
deleting Node –Efficiency of Binary trees-Trees represented as Arrays. Graphs-Types
of graphs-Directed-Non directed-Weighted Graphs Representations: Adjacency
Matrix –Linked Representation - Minimum spanning tree
Sorting –Efficiency-linear sort-Bubble sort-Quick Sort-Selection sort-Insertion Sort.
Advanced Sorting: Quick sort.
Searching: Linear Search, Binary Search, Hashing, Binary Search Tree.
List of Experiments:
Database Environment – Basic Concepts and definitions, Traditional file processing
systems, Database approach, Range of database applications, Advantages of database
approach, costs and risks of database approach, Components of database environment.
SQL-History, role, environment, defining databases in SQL, inserting, updating and
deleting data, internal schema, processing single tables, joins, processing multiple
tables, view, definition, transaction integrity.
Database development process-System Development Life Cycle, Enterprise Modeling,
Conceptual Data Modeling, Logical Database Design, Physical Database Design and
Creation, Database Maintenance, Database Implementation, Alternative IS
Development Approaches, The Role of CASE and a Repository.
Database Analysis – E-R Model-Entities, attributes, Relationships, degree and
cardinality. Enhanced E-R Model-Super type, specialization and generalization,
constraints, disjoint ness, subtype discriminator, super type/subtype hierarchies. E-R
object oriented environment, class diagram, relation between classes, E_R modeling of
1. Data base System: Ramez Elmasri and Shamkant B Navathe (Pearson Education
Asia) 2002.
2. Data base System Concepts : Abramham Silbersehatz.Henry F Korth and S Sudarshan
Tata McGraw Hill 2002
3. Modern Data Base Management Jeffrey A Hoffer, Mary B. Prescott and Fred R Mc
Fadden Pearson Education Asia – Sixth Edition.
4. Database Management System: Raghurama Krishna and Johannes Gehrke McGraw
Hill 2002. 5. Database Management System: Gerald V Post Tata McGraw Hill 2002
5. Ivan Baross, SQL/PLSQL The Programming Language Oracle, BPB Publications.
List of Experiments:
The Order Tracking Database consists of the following defined six relation schemas.
Employees (Eno, Ename, Zip, Hdate)
Parts (Pno, Pname, Qoh, Price, Level) (Hint:Qoh:Quality On Hand)
Customers (Cno, Cname, Street, Zip, Phone)
Orders(Ono, Cno, Eno, Received Date, Shipped Date)
Odetails (Ono, Pno, Qty)
Zipcodes (Zip, City)
Solve the following queries
1. Get all pairs of customer numbers for customers based on same zip code.
2. Get part numbers for parts that have been ordered by at least two different customers.
3. For each odetail row get ono, pno, pname, qty and price values along with the total
price for the item.(total price=price*qty)
4. Get customer name and employee pairs such that the customer with name has placed an
order through the employee.
5. Get customer names living in FORT or LIBERAL
6. Get cname values of customer whop have ordered a product with pno=10506
7. Get pname values of parts with the lowest prise
8. Get cname value of the customer who have placed at least one order through the
employee with no 1000.
9. Get the cities in which customer and employees are located
10. Get the total sales in dollars on all orders
11. Get the part name values that cost more than the average cost of all parts
12. Get part names of parts ordered by at least two different customer
13. Get for each part get pno, pname and total sales
14. for each part get pno, pname, total sales whose total sales exceeds 1000.
15. Get pno, partname of parts ordered by at least two different customers
16. Get cname values of customers who have ordered parts from any 1 employee based
AN enterprise wishes to maintain the details about his supplier and other corresponding
details for that it uses the following tables.
Solve the following queries
1. Find the pnames of parts for which there is some supplier
2. Find the snames of suppliers who supply every part.
3. Find the snames of suppliers who supply every red part.
4. Find the pnames of parts supplied by london supplier and by no one else.
5. Find the sids of suppliers who charge more for some part other than the average cost of
that part
6. Using group by with having clause get the part numbers for all the parts supplied by
more than one supplier
7. Get the names of the suppliers, who do not supply part p2.
8. Find the sids of suppliers who supply a red and a green part
9. Find the sids of suppliers who supply a red or a green part.
10. Find the total amount has to pay for that suppliers by part located from london
Employee Database
An enterprise wishes to maintain a database to automate its operations. Enterprise divided
into certain department and each department consists of employees.The following two tables
describes the automation schemas.
1. Create a view, which contain employee names and their manager names working in
sales department.
2. Determine the names of employee, who earn more than their managers.
3. Determine the names of employee, who take highest salary in their departments
4. Determine the employees, who located at the same place.
5. Determine the employees, whose total salary is like the minimum salary of any
6. Update the employee salary by 25%, whose experience is greater than 10 years.
7. Delete the employees, who completed 32 years of service.
8. Determine the minimum salary of an employee of an employee and his details, who join
on the same date.
9. Determine the count of employees, who are taking commission and not taking
10. Determine the department does not contain any employees.
11. Find out the details of top 5 earner of company.
12. Display those managers name whose salary is more than average salary of his
13. Display those employees who joined the company before 15th of the month?
14. Display the manager who is having maximum number of employees working under
15. Print a list of employees displaying ‘less salary’ if less than 1500 if exactly 1500 display
as ‘exact salary’ and if greater than 1500 display ‘more salary’?
16. Display those employees whose first 2 characters from hire date – last 2 characters of
17. Display those employees whose 10% of salary is equal to the year of joining?
18. In which year did most people join the company? Display the year and number of
19. Display the half of the enames in upper case and remaining lower case.
20. Display ename, dname even if there no employees working in a particular department
(use outer join).
University Database
University wishes to computerize their operations by using the following relations.
Student(snum:Integer,sname:string,major:string, level:string, age:integer)
Class(name:String, Hour:Integer,room:string, fid:integer)
Depart(deptid:Integer, dname:String, loc:integer)
By using above schema definitions, resolve the following queries.
1. Find the names of all juniors (level=jr) who are enrolled in a class taught by smith.
2. Find the age of the oldest student who is either a history major or is enrolled in the
course of smith.
3. Find the names of all classes that either meet r128 or have five or more students
4. Find the names of all students who are enrolled in two classes that meet at the same
5. Find the names of faculty members who teach in every room in, which some class is
6. Find the names of faculty members for whom the combined enrollment of the courses
that they teach is less than five.
7. Print the level and average age of students for that level, for each level.
8. Print the level and average age of the student for that level, for all levels except jr.
9. Find the names of students who are enrolled in the maximum number of classes.
10. Find the names of the students who are not enrolled in any class.
Airline Database
An Airline System would like to keep track their information by using the following
Flights (flno:integer, from:string, to:string, distance:integer, Price:integer)
Aircraft(aid:integer, aname:string, cruising_range:integer)
Certified(eid:integer, aid:integer)
Employees(eid:integer, ename:string, salary:real)
Note that the employees relation describes pilots and other kinds of employees as well;
every pilot is certified for aircraft and only pilots are certified to fly.
Resolve the following queries:
1. For each pilot who is certified for more than three aircraft, find the eid’s and the
maximum cruising range of the aircraft that he(or she) certified for.
2. Find the names of pilots whose salary is less than the price of the cheapest route from
los angeles to honolulu.
3. Find the name of the pilots certified from some boeing aircraft
4. For all aircraft with cruising range over 1,000 miles, find the name of the aircraft and
the average salary of all pilots certified for this aircraft.
5. Find the aid’s of all aircraft that can be used from los angels to chicago.
6. Print the e names of pilots who can operate planes with cruising range greater than
3,000 miles, but are not certified by boeing aircraft.
7. Find the total amount paid to employees as salaries.
8. Find the eid’s of employees who are certified for exactly three aircrafts.
9. Find the eid’s of employee who make second highest salary.
10. Find the aid’s of all than can be used on non-stop flights from bom to chennai.
Overview - Introduction to Java programming : Features, The Java Virtual Machine,
Language fundamentals, Variables and data types, Conditional and looping
constructs, Arrays.
Object-oriented programming with Java Classes and Objects: Fields and Methods,
Constructors, Overloading methods, Garbage collection, Nested classes
Inheritance: Overriding methods, Polymorphism, Making methods and classes final,
Abstract classes and methods, Interfaces
Packages, Access protection, importing packages,
Exception handling ----- Exception types, Using try and catch, multiple catch clauses,
Nested try
statements, throw, throws, finally, Java's Built-in-Exceptions, Creating own
String Handling --- String Constructors, length, Special String operations --- literals,
concatenation, conversion and to String (), Character Extraction, Searching,
modifying, Changing the case of characters, String Buffer and its methods.
UNIT-IV package ---- file, The Stream Classes, Byte Streams-IO streams, File IO
Stream, Byte Array IO Stream, Filtered Byte Streams, Buffered Byte Streams,
Sequence I/p
Stream, Print Stream, Random access file.
Character Streams:- Reader, Writer, File Reader ,FileWriter, CharArray Writer,
Buffered Reader, Buffered Writer, Pushback Reader, Print Writer.
1. Patric Naughton, Herbert Schildt - The Complete Reference Java 2, 4th edition.
Internet Basics-Communicating on the Internet-Internet Domains-Internet server
identities-Establishing connectivity on the internet –Client IP address-A Brief overview
of TCP/IP and its services-Transmission Control Protocol-(TCP)- Introduction to
HTML- Lists –Types of Lists, Tables, Frames.
Introduction to DHTML, Cascading Style Sheets(CSS) – Class - Using <SPAN> Tag –
External Style Sheets(ESS) – Using <DIV> Tag - Layers.
UNIT-III Java Script
Introduction to JavaScript-The JavaScript Document object model-Forms used by a
Document type definition, XML Schemas, Document Object model, Presenting XML,
Using XML Processors: DOM and SAX
Relational model – Definitions, Integrity Constraints: Domain Constraints, Entity
Integrity, Referential Integrity, Transforming EER diagrams into Relations,
Normalization Basic Normal forms: 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, merging Relations, File
Organizations: sequential, Indexed, Hashed file Organization.
Client-Server and middleware: client/server architectures, three-tier architecture, n-tier
architecture, Partitioning an application, Using parallel computer architectures, Using
middleware, Establishing client/server security, client/server issues. Transaction
processing concept, atomicity, consistency, isolation and durability.
UNIT-III JavaScript
Data and Database Administration, Introduction, The changing Roles of Data &
Database administration. database design for web approach, Managing Data Security,
Threats to Data Security, Views, Authorization Rules, User-Defined Procedures,
Encryption, Authentication Schemes, Controlling Concurrent access.
Introduction, The general PL/SQL block, the PL/SQL execution environment, PL/SQL.
Oracle transactions, processing PL/SQL Block.
What is a cursor, cursor for loops, parameterized cursors, Error handling in PL/SQL
oracle , named Exception handlers. Triggers
1. Modern Data Base Management Jeffrey A Hoffer, Mary B . Prescott and Fred R Mc
Fadden Pearson Education Asia – Sixth Edition.
2. Ivan Baross ,SQL/PLSQL The Programing Language Oracle, BPB Publications
3. Data base System: Ramez Elmasri and Shamkant B Navathe (Pearson Education Asia)
4. Data base System Concepts : Abramham Silbersehatz.Henry F Korth and S Sudarshan
Tata MCGraw Hill 2002.
Introduction:- What is a operating system, simple batch systems, multi-programme
batched systems, time-sharing, personal-computer systems, parallel systems,
Distributed systems, real-time systems, computer-system structures-computer system
operation, I/O structure, storage structure, storage hierarchy, introduction to hardware
Operating-system structures - system components, o/s services, system calls.
Process - process concept, Process scheduling, operation on processes. CPU
scheduling - Basic concepts, scheduling criteria, scheduling Algorithms, multiple -
processor scheduling.
Deadlocks - system model, Deadlock characterization, methods for handling
deadlocks, Deadlock prevention, Deadlock Avoidance, Deadlock detection, Recovery
from deadlock.
Memory Management - Logical versus physical address space, swapping, contiguous
allocation, paging, segmentation, segmentation with paging. Virtual memory -
Background, Demand paging, performance of demand paging, page replacement,
page - replacement algorithms, Allocation of frames, thrashing, Demand
The .NET Framework - The .NET Programming Framework, VB.NET, c#, and the
.NET Languages, VB.NET versus VBScript and Visual Basic 6, The Common
Language Runtime, The .NET Class Library, ASP.NET, Visual Studio.NET,Learning
the .NET Languages,The .NET Languages,Learning the Language Basics,Basic
Differences Between C# and VB.NET
DataTypes, Declaring Variables, Scope and Accessibility, Variable operations, Object-
Based Manipulation, Conditional Structures, Loop Structures, Functions and
Subroutines, Types Objects and Namespaces, The Basics About Classes, Value Types
and Reference Types, Advanced Class Programming, Understanding Namespaces and
Introduction to Programming and Visual Basic.NET, Input, Variables, Constants, and
Calculations, Making Decisions and Working with Strings, Lists, Loops, Validation,
Sub Procedures and Functions, GUI components, Multiple Forms, Standard Modules,
and Menus, Arrays, Timers, Files, Creating Applications with VisualBasic.NET
Developing ASP.NET Applications, Code-Behind, The Global. asax Application
File,ASP.NET Configuration, Web Form Fundamentals, Web Controls, Using Visual
Studio.NET, Validation and Rich Controls-The Calendar Control, Formatting the
Calendar, Restricting Dates, The Ad Rotator, The Advertisement File, The Ad Rotator
Class, Validation Controls, Validation Process, Validation Classes, A Simple Validation
Example, Understanding Regular Expressions .
1. Starting Out With VISUAL BASIC .NET Programming by Tony Gaddis, Kip Irvine,
Bruce Denton – dream tech Press publications
2. ASP.NET :The Complete Reference by Matthew MacDonald-TATA McGRAW-
Multithreaded programming: creating threads, run()method, new thread, thread class,
stopping & blocking threads, life cycle of thread- newborn, runnable, running, blocked,
dead, waiting sleeping, suspended, blocked, using thread methods, thread exceptions,
thread priority, synchronization, implementing the Runnable interface
Applet: what is an applet, applet lifecycle, applet class, applet context class, passing
parameters to applet, use of java .awt graphics class and its various methods in an applet
Graphical user interface(GUI): Layout managers (flow layout, border layout, card
layout grid bag layout, grid layout), AWT controls (labels, buttons, canvases,
checkboxes, check box group, choices, text fields, text areas, lists, scrollbars, panels,
windows, frames, menus, menubars)
Event Handling: Event delegation model or event class hierarchy, all classes and
interfaces of event delegation model, programs related to event handling covering all
types of events
Java Swing: Working with JFrame, JApplet, Jpanel, JTextfield, JPasswordField,
Jbutton,Jcheckbox, Jradiobutton, Jlist, Jscrollpane, Jcombobox, Jmenu,
Jmenubar,JMenultem, JpopupMenu, JTree, JTable
Introduction to JDBC, architecture, types of statements
Introduction to Servlets: Need for Servlets, Introduction to Servlets , The Javax.servlet
Package, Life Cycle of a Servlet, Accessing a Servlet using an HTML page.
Introduction to JSP: Need for JSP, The JSP RequestResponse class.
Paper Code: OP656(ii)E1 Semester Exam: 35 Marks
Duration: 3 hours
Instruction: 3 h / week Internal Assessment: 15 Marks
Paper Code: OP606(ii)E2 Semester Exam: 70 Marks
Duration: 3 hours
Instruction: 3 h / week Internal Assessment: 30 Marks