1-Introduction To Turbomachinery-1
1-Introduction To Turbomachinery-1
1-Introduction To Turbomachinery-1
Senior-level in Mechanical Engineering
Other references
1. Principles of Turbomachinery, 1st Edition, Seppo A. Korpela
2. Wiley, 2012
3. William W. Peng, Fundamentals of Turbomachinery, Wiley
4. Budugur Lakshminarayana, Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer
of Turbomachinery, Wiley 1996.
5. Erik Dick, Fundamentals of Turbomachines, Springer 2015.
Stagnation enthalpy ??
100 MW
Parameters Working/
Temperature 540oC
Pressure 140 bar
Speed 3500-15000 rpm
Capacity 100 MW
Ultra supercritical plants
Parameters Working/
Temperature 620oC
Pressure 600 bar
Critical temperature 373oC
Critical pressure 220.9 bar
Parameters Working/
Netherlands Country of windmills
Denmark Seen as a rebirth of wind energy
22,600 MW installed capacity Germany
16,600 MW US
15,400 MW Spain