A Variable Neighborhood Search Heuristic For Periodic Routing Problems
A Variable Neighborhood Search Heuristic For Periodic Routing Problems
A Variable Neighborhood Search Heuristic For Periodic Routing Problems
The aim of this paper is to propose a new heuristic for the Periodic Vehicle Routing Problem (PVRP) without time windows. The
PVRP extends the classical Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) to a planning horizon of several days. Each customer requires a certain num-
ber of visits within this time horizon while there is some flexibility on the exact days of the visits. Hence, one has to choose the visit days
for each customer and to solve a VRP for each day. Our method is based on Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS). Computational
results are presented, that show that our approach is competitive and even outperforms existing solution procedures proposed in the
literature. Also considered is the special case of a single vehicle, i.e. the Periodic Traveling Salesman Problem (PTSP). It is shown that
slight changes of the proposed VNS procedure is also competitive for the PTSP.
© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Periodic vehicle routing problem; Periodic traveling salesman problem; Metaheuristics; Variable neighborhood search
balance between perturbing the incumbent solution and route one. In our algorithm we relocate up to three custom-
retaining the good parts of the incumbent solution. ers. The cross exchange operator exchanges two segments
Two popular and effective neighborhoods for vehicle of different routes. Fig. 4 shows that the segment from cus-
routing are based on the move and the cross-exchange tomer x01 to y1 of route one is exchanged with the segment
operators. A classification of move and cross-exchange x20 to y2 of route two. We consider a segment length of up to
can be found in Van Breedam (1994) and Kindervater six customers. The orientation of the segment(s) and of the
and Savelsbergh (1997). The operator move inserts a seg- route(s) is preserved by the move and cross-exchange oper-
ment of one route into a different route. For example in ators. The move and cross-exchange operators are used to
Fig. 3 customers x02 and y2 are moved from route two to define a set of neighborhoods that allow the exploration of
short running time, i.e. 106 iterations, the VNS is still about
1.5% worse. When comparing VNS after 107 iterations to
CGL and ALP the solution quality is already _0.17%
and _0.21% better, respectively. The results still improve
with increasing number of iterations. It should be noted
that these average values also include the results for the