Insertion Based Ants For Vehicle Routing Problems With Backhauls and Time Windows
Insertion Based Ants For Vehicle Routing Problems With Backhauls and Time Windows
Insertion Based Ants For Vehicle Routing Problems With Backhauls and Time Windows
1 Introduction
Since their invention in the early 1990s by Colorni et al. (see e.g. [1]), Ant
Systems have received increasing attention by researchers, leading to a wide
range of applications such as the Graph Coloring Problem ([2]), the Quadratic
Assignment Problem (e.g. [3]), the Travelling Salesman Problem (e.g. [4], [5]), the
Vehicle Routing Problem ([6], [7]) and the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time
Windows ([8]). Recently, a convergence proof for a generalized Ant System has
been developed by Gutjahr ([9]).
The Ant System approach is based on the behavior of real ants searching
for food. Real ants communicate with each other using an aromatic essence
called pheromone, which they leave on the paths they traverse. In the absence
of pheromone trails ants more or less perform a random walk. However, as soon
as they sense a pheromone trail on a path in their vicinity, they are likely to
follow that path, thus reinforcing this trail. More specifically, if ants at some
point sense more than one pheromone trail, they will choose one of these trails
with a probability related to the strenghts of the existing trails. This idea has
first been applied to the TSP, where an ant located in a city chooses the next
city according to the strength of the artificial trails
This leads to a construction process that resembles the Nearest Neighbor
heuristic, which makes sense for the TSP. However, most of the applications
of Ant Systems to other problems, also used this constructive mechanism. In
order to be able to do so, the problem at hand had to be transformed into a
TSP first. By doing so, structural characteristics of the problem, may disappear,
thus leading to poor solutions. Moreover, for many of the problems solved with
Ant Systems so far, problem specific constructive algorithms exist that exploit
these structural characteristics. For example, for the classic VRP without side
M. Dorigo et al. (Eds.): ANTS 2002, LNCS 2463, pp. 135–148, 2002.
c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2002
136 M. Reimann, K. Doerner, and R.F. Hartl
Efficient distribution of goods is a main issue in most supply chains. The trans-
portation process between members of the chain can be modeled as a Vehicle
Routing Problem with Backhauls and Time Windows (VRPBTW). For example,
the distribution of mineral water from a producer to a retailer (linehauls) may
be coupled with the distribution of empty recyclable bottles from the retailer to
the producer (backhauls). Both linehauls and backhauls may be constrained by
possible service times at the producer and the retailers.
More formally, the VRPBTW involves the design of a set of pickup and
delivery routes, originating and terminating at a depot, which services a set of
customers. Each customer must be supplied exactly once by one vehicle route
during her service time interval. The total demand of any route must not exceed
the vehicle capacity. The total length of any route must not exceed a pre-specified
bound. Additionally, it is required that, on each route, all linehauls have to be
performed before all backhauls. The intuition for that is, that rearranging goods
en route is costly and inefficient. The objective is to minimize the fleet size, and
given a fleet size, to minimize operating costs. This problem is a generalization
of the VRP, which is known to be NP-hard (cf. [12]), such that exact methods
like Branch&Bound work only for relatively small problems in reasonable time.
Insertion Based Ants for Vehicle Routing Problems 137
While the VRP has received much attention from researchers in the last four
decades (for surveys see [13]), the more constrained variants have only recently
attracted scientific attention. The Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows
(VRPTW) has been studied extensively in the last decade; for a recent overview
of metaheuristic approaches see (e.g. [14]). The same applies for the Vehicle
Routing Problem with Backhauls (VRPB, see e.g. [15]).
The VRPBTW, which combines the issues addressed separately in the works
cited above, has received only very little attention. Gelinas et al.([16]) have ex-
tended a Branch&Bound algorithm developed for the VRPTW to cope with
backhauling. They proposed a set of benchmark sets based on instances pro-
posed earlier for the VRPTW, and solved problems with up to 100 customers to
optimality. Their objective was to minimize travel times only. Simple construc-
tion and improvement algorithms have been proposed by Thangiah et al. ([17]),
while Duhamel et al.([18]) have proposed a Tabu Search algorithm to tackle the
problem. While the approach of Thangiah et al.’s considered the same objective
as we do in this study, namely to minimize fleet sizes first, and then to min-
imize travel times as a second goal, Duhamel et al. consider the minimization
of schedule times (which in addition to travel times include service times and
waiting times) as the second goal.
for the VRPTW. Solomon tested many different route construction algorithms
and found that the I1 heuristic provided the best results.
This algorithm works as follows: Routes are constructed one by one. First,
a seed customer is selected for the current route, that is, only this customer is
served by the route. Sequentially other customers are inserted into this route
until no more insertions are feasible with respect to time window, capacity or
tour length constraints. At this point, another route is initialized with a seed
customer and the insertion procedure is repeated with the remaining unrouted
customers. The whole algorithm stops when all customers are assigned to routes.
In the above mentioned procedure two types of decisions have to be
taken. First, a seed customer has to be determined for each route, second
the attractiveness of inserting a customer into the route has to be calculated.
These decisions are based on the following criteria, where we will refer to the
attractiveness of a customer i as ηi :
Route initialization:
ηi = d0i ∀i ∈ Nu ,
where d0i denotes the distance between the depot and customer i and Nu
denotes the set of unrouted customers. This route initialization prefers seed
customers that are far from the depot.
Customer insertion:
the maximum possible delay at that position, that will ensure feasibility of the
subour starting at that position. This calculation of the maximum possible delay
has to be performed after each change to the current tour. However, by doing
so, we then only have to check if the insertion of a customer at a certain position
causes less delay than the maximum possible delay, in which case the insertion
is feasible. 1
To account for the fact that we have to deal with backhauls, we augment
these attractiveness values in the following way:
ηi =max {0,
maxj∈Rli [α · d0i − β · (dji + disj − djsj ) − (1 − β) · (bisj − bsj ) + γ · typei ]}
∀i ∈ Nu ,
ηi = max {0,
τji +τisj
maxj∈Rli [(α·d0i −β·(dji +disj −djsj )−(1−β)·(bisj −bsj )+γ·typei )· 2·τjsj ]}
∀i ∈ Nu ,
where τji denotes the pheromone concentration on the arc connecting locations
(customers or depot) j and i. The pheromone concentration τji contains informa-
tion about how good visiting two customers i and j immediately after each other
was in previous iterations. The way we use the pheromone emphasizes the effect
of giving up an arc (the arc between customers j and sj in the example above)
and adding two other arcs (the arcs between customers j and i and customers i
τji +τis
and sj in the example above). In particular, the term 2·τjs j is larger than 1,
if the average pheromone value of the arcs to be added exceeds the pheromone
value of the arc to be deleted. Note, that the same pheromone utilization is done
for route initialization, thus augmenting the attractiveness of initializing a route
with an unrouted customer i by the search-historic information.
Then, we apply a roulette wheel selection to all unrouted customers with
positive attractiveness values ηi . The decision rule used can be written as
This procedure and the two rules for route initialization and customer insertion have
been proposed by Solomon ([19]) for the VRPTW.
140 M. Reimann, K. Doerner, and R.F. Hartl
3 3
5 4 5
2 2
6 6
1 0 1 0
7 7
h|η >0 ηh if ηi > 0
Pi = (1)
0 otherwise.
The chosen customer i is then inserted into the current route at its best feasible
insertion position.
After an ant has constructed its solution, we apply a local search algorithm to
improve the solution quality. In particular, we apply Swap and Move operators to
the solution. The Swap operator, aims at improving the solution by exchanging
a customer i with a customer j. This operator is a special case of the 4-opt
operator, where the four arcs deleted are in pairs adjacent. An example of the
application of this operator is given in Figure 1, where customers 3 and 4 are
The Move operator tries to eject a customer i from its current position and
insert it at another position. It is a special case of the 3-opt operator, where two
of the three arcs deleted are adjacent. This operator is exemplified in Figure 2,
where customer 5 is moved from one route to another.
Both operators have been proposed by Osman ([20]). We apply these oper-
ators until no more improvements are possible. More specifically, we first apply
4 4
3 3
2 2
5 5
6 6
1 0 1 0
7 7
Move and then Swap operators. Note, that we do not accept infeasible solutions.
While Osman ([20]) proposed a more general version of these operators, where
λ adjacent customers can be moved or swapped, we restrict our local search to
the case where λ = 1. The reason for this is, that the operators were proposed
for the classic VRP without time window and backhauling constraints. Given
these additional constraints, most possible operations with λ > 1 lead to infea-
sible solutions. Thus, the additional computation effort to perform these more
complex operations, will in general not be justified.
After all ants have constructed their solutions, the pheromone trails are updated
on the basis of the solutions found by the ants. According to the rank based
scheme proposed in ([5]) and ([6]), the pheromone update is as follows
µ ∗
τij := ρτij + ∆τij + σ∆τij (2)
4 Numerical Analysis
In this section we turn to the numerical analysis of our proposed approach. First
we will describe the benchmark problem instances. After providing details about
the parameter settings, we evaluate the influence of the pheromone information.
Finally, we compare the results of our Ant System with those of Thangiah et al.’s
heuristic algorithms. All our comparisons will be on the basis of the objective to
first minimize fleet sizes and then minimize travel times as a second goal.
This objective was established by minimization of the following objective
L = 10000 · F S + T T, (3)
where L denotes the total costs of a solution, F S denotes the fleet size found,
and T T corresponds to the total travel time (or distance). The parameter 10000
was chosen to ensure that a solution that saves a vehicle always outperforms a
solution with a higher fleet size.
142 M. Reimann, K. Doerner, and R.F. Hartl
The benchmark problem instances we used for our numerical tests were devel-
oped by Gelinas et al. ([16]). They used the first five problems of the r1 instances,
namely r101 to r105, originally proposed by Solomon ([19]) for the vehicle rout-
ing problem with time windows (VRPTW). Each of these problems consists of
100 customers to be serviced from a central depot. The customers are located
randomly around the depot. Service has to take place within a short time hori-
zon (230 time units), and vehicle capacities are fairly loose when compared with
the time window requirements at the customers. These time window require-
ments are varying in the data sets. The average time window length in the five
instances are given in Table 1.
Given these data sets Gelinas et al. randomly chose 10%, 30% and 50% of the
customers to be backhaul customers with unchanged quantities, thus creating
15 different 100 customer instances.
Our aim is to use standard approaches and standard parameter settings as much
as possible in order to demonstrate the benefit of intelligent combination of these
approaches. However, we also performed parameter tests in order to find good
combinations of these parameters for our problem. It turned out, that most of
the parameters should be in the range documented in the literature.
More specifically, we analyzed the three parameters of the insertion algorithm
in the ranges α ∈ {0, 0.1, ..., 2}, β ∈ {0, 0.1, ..., 1} and γ ∈ {0, 1, ..., 20} on the
instances described above. From this analysis we obtained the following values:
α = 1, β = 1 and γ = 13.
Note, that the parameter γ = 13 leads to a discrimination between linehaul
and backhaul customers in favor of the backhaul customers. While this seems
counterintuitive, it can be explained in the following way. Given the parameters
α and β, the attractiveness values can become negative. However, negative at-
tractiveness values prevent insertion. Thus, feasible solutions may be prohibited
and this will generally lead to larger fleet sizes. This effect is reduced by the pa-
rameter γ, leading to tighter packed vehicles and smaller fleet sizes at the cost of
Insertion Based Ants for Vehicle Routing Problems 143
increased travel times. To balance this trade-off, we chose to make the backhaul
customers more attractive as they represent the minority of customers.2
Let n be the problem size, i.e. the number of customers to be served, then
the Ant System parameters were: m =
n/2 ants, ρ = 0.95 and p = 4 elitists.
These parameters were not extensively tested, as our experience suggests that
the rank based Ant System is quite robust. However, the number of ants was
reduced to m =
n/2 to be able to run more iterations.
For each instance we performed 10 runs of 2.5 minutes each. All runs were
performed on a Pentium 3 with 900MHz. The code was implemented in C.
In this section we will analyze whether our approach features pheromone learning
or not. As we diverge from the standard constructive approach used in Ant
Systems for Vehicle Routing, we have to check whether the utilization of the
pheromone trails helps or hinders the constructive process of the ants. To do
this, we compare the proposed Ant System with a stochastic implementation of
the underlying algorithm, where no pheromone is used.
FS...fleet size times
The results are shown in Table 2. We provide averaged results for the differ-
ent backhaul densities after runtimes of 15, 30, 75 and 150 seconds. The table
confirms that the use of the pheromone trails in decision making significantly
improves solution quality. The Ant System (referred to as ASinsert) does find
better solutions than the stochastic implementation of the Insertion algorithm
(referred to as StochInsert). This can be seen from the last row of the table.
Furthermore, the table shows that the Ant System finds good solutions faster
than the stochastic Insertion algorithm. After 15 seconds the solutions of the
However, we plan and already started to investigate other methods to solve this
problem. One idea is to adjust the attractiveness values corresponding to feasible
insertions, to ensure that a certain percentage of these values is positive.
144 M. Reimann, K. Doerner, and R.F. Hartl
Ant System are already superior to those of the stochastic Insertion algorithm,
albeit the difference is small.
As more and more pheromone information is built and this matrix better
reflects the differences between good and bad solutions the Ant System clearly
outperforms the stochastic algorithm without pheromone information. This fact
is also shown in Figure 3. We chose the case with 10% backhauls, as in this
case the evolution of the fleet sizes, which are the primary goal, is similar in
both approaches. So we can compare just travel times, and the figure shows that
the Ant System at any point in time finds better solutions than the stochastic
Insertion algorithm and moreover the difference gets larger as the number of
iterations increases.
travel times
15 sec. 30 sec. 75 sec. 150 sec.
runtime in seconds
Let us now turn to the analysis of the solutions found with respect to absolute
solution quality. As stated above, there exists one paper that studies the same
objective as we do. In this paper, Thangiah et al. ([17]), propose a constructive
algorithm and a number of local search descent algorithms to tackle the problem.
In Table 3 we show in detail, that is for each instance, the results of this
approach together with the results of our Ant System and the stochastic Insertion
algorithm. Note, that Thangiah et al. propose five different algorithms and the
results in the first column of Table 3 are the best ones for each instance regardless
of the version that found the solution. For our approaches we present average
results over ten runs. In the rightmost two columns we report fleet sizes and
travel times of the best solutions we found regardless of the algorithm that found
this solution. The last row of the table reports the aggregate numbers for the
approaches. Our Ant System outperforms the Thangiah’s simple heuristics by
approximately 2% with respect to fleet sizes, and by 2.7% with respect to travel
Insertion Based Ants for Vehicle Routing Problems 145
times. However, we also see that the simple heuristics outperform our approach
in three instances, namely r102 with 30% and 50% backhauls and r103 with 10%
backhauls. In these instances, we did not find the same fleetsize as Thangiah’s
algorithms. As these instances are spread over all possible backhaul densities
and our approach on average outperforms Thangiah’s algorithm for each density
of backhaul customers, the effect has to stem from the characteristics of the
backhaul customers.
Table 3. Comparison of solution quality between our Ant System and other approaches
FS...fleet size times
146 M. Reimann, K. Doerner, and R.F. Hartl
(a) (b)
Fig. 4. Effect of backhaul customer density on fleet sizes (a) and travel times (b)
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