OxyChem Sodium Hypochlorite Handbook

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Some of the key takeaways from the document are that sodium hypochlorite has widespread applications as a bleaching agent and disinfectant, and that it is produced through the chlorination of a sodium hydroxide solution. Proper safety precautions must be followed when handling sodium hypochlorite due to its corrosive and toxic properties.

Some of the early historical uses and discoveries of sodium hypochlorite mentioned are that Scheele discovered the bleaching properties of chlorine in 1774. In 1789, Berthollet produced the first potassium hypochlorite solution for bleaching textiles. Labarraque succeeded in producing the first sodium hypochlorite solution in 1820 by chlorinating a sodium hydroxide solution.

The document states that sodium hypochlorite is manufactured through the chlorination of a sodium hydroxide solution, producing sodium hypochlorite, salt, and water.


Handbook Introduction 2

Properties 3
This handbook outlines recommended
methods for handling, storing, and
using sodium hypochlorite. It also Concentration Terminology 5
includes information on the
manufacture, physical properties,
safety considerations and analytical
methods for testing sodium Manufacturing 6
hypochlorite. Additional information
and contacts can be found at
www.oxychem.com Handling and Storage 9

Safety Handling 11

Unloading Tank Trucks 14

Physical Property Data 16

Methods of Analysis 18

Typical Storage Tank Installation 23

Important: The information presented herein, while not guaranteed, was prepared by technical personnel and
is true and accurate to the best of our knowledge. NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR OF FITNESS
information is not intended to be all-inclusive as to the manner and conditions of use, handling, storage,
disposal and other factors that may involve other or additional legal, environmental, safety or performance
considerations, and Occidental Chemical Corporation assumes no liability whatsoever for the use of or
reliance upon this information. While our technical personnel will be happy to respond to questions, safe
handling and use of the product remains the responsibility of the customer. No suggestions for use are
intended as, and nothing herein shall be construed as, a recommendation to infringe any existing patents or
to violate any Federal, State, local or foreign laws.

This handbook provides information Sodium hypochlorite solutions have In 1798, Tennant of England prepared
concerning sodium hypochlorite or attained widespread use in bleaching a solution of calcium hypochlorite by
bleach, solutions. An attempt has been operations and as disinfectants, both chlorinating a slurry of relatively
made to give comprehensive coverage in the home and in industry. inexpensive lime. The following year
of the subject. If additional technical he patented a process for the
information or specific Scheele, a Swedish chemist, is manufacture of bleaching powder
recommendations regarding soda generally credited with discovering where chlorine gas was absorbed in a
bleach solutions are desired, the chlorine in 1774. During his dry lime hydrate.
Technical Service Group of Occidental experiments, he found that a solution
Chemical Corporation will be pleased of chlorine in water possessed definite Labarraque succeeded, in 1820, in
to provide assistance. Requests for bleaching properties. Since the preparing sodium hypochlorite by
such information should be made to reaction between chlorine and water chlorinating a solution of caustic soda.
your local OxyChem representative. forms hydrochloric and hypochlorous Varying concentrations of this solution
acids, early textile bleaching have found a multitude of applications
Some safety and handling information so that the general public is now well
experiments were not successful
has been taken directly from the acquainted with the material. This
because of damaged cloth.
Chlorine Institute’s Pamphlet 96 with handbook will discuss sodium
the permission of the Chlorine In 1789, the French chemist Berthollet hypochlorite solutions.
Institute. Pamphlet 96 also contains succeeded in chlorinating a solution of
additional information on sodium potash, forming a potassium
hypochlorite. hypochlorite solution. This solution
proved to be a more successful bleach
For further information regarding for textiles due to the absence of
caustic soda and chlorine, refer to the hydrochloric acid. However, it never
appropriate OxyChem handbook. gained more than limited usage in the
bleaching field, primarily because of
the high cost of potash.


CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Hypochlorous acid is a significantly OXIDIZING POWER

Chlorine (Cl2) is the best overall more powerful oxidizer and Eq. 2 shows the oxidation of two
disinfectant, germicide, algaecide and disinfectant than hypochlorite. Best moles of potassium iodide (KI) with
anti-slime agent. Chlorination and biological control is achieved in the pH one mole of sodium hypochlorite in a
filtration of drinking water is range of 5 to 7 where hypochlorous solution of acetic acid to iodine (I2).
responsible for a nearly fifty percent acid is predominate.
reduction in deaths due to disease in 2) NaOCl + 2 CH3COOH + 2 KI 
major cities during the late 19th and Hypochlorous acid is extremely NaCl + 2 CH3COOK + I2 + H2O
early 20th centuries and the near unstable. It is much easier to handle
elimination of typhoid fever. Infants the more stable hypochlorites. The Eq. 3 shows the oxidation of two
and children benefiting the most. term hypochlorites refers to the salt of moles of potassium iodide with one
Calcium hypochlorite was the first hypochlorous acid. One of the best mole of chlorine to iodine.
chlorinating agent used. known hypochlorites is sodium
hypochlorite, the active ingredient in 3) Cl2 + 2 KI  2 KCl + I2
Chlorine also oxidizes and eliminates bleach. The molecular formula for
organic compounds and converts sodium hypochlorite is NaOCl. Given that one mole of sodium
some soluble metallic impurities into hypochlorite can oxidize the same
insoluble solids that can be removed Na+ + OCl-  NaOCl amount of iodide to iodine as one mole
by filtration. sodium hypo- sodium of chlorine they have equal oxidizing
cation chlorite hypochlorite power. Therefore, the “available
Chlorine is soluble in water to about anion chlorine” in sodium hypochlorite
7000 ppm at 68°F. It reacts with water equals the amount of chlorine used to
forming hypochlorous acid (HOCl). In The most common method for produce it and sodium chloride (see
alkali solutions hypochlorous acid producing sodium hypochlorite is to Eq. 1) in oxidizing power.
dissociates forming hypochlorite react chlorine with sodium hydroxide
(OCl-). Chlorine, hypochlorous acid (NaOH). The reaction by-products are DECOMPOSITION REACTIONS
and hypochlorite exist together in sodium chloride (salt, NaCl) and water Sodium hypochlorite is stable above
equilibrium. (H2O). pH 12 where the less reactive
hypochlorite is predominant and
Cl2 + H2O  HOCl  OCl- 1) Cl2 + 2 NaOH  hypochlorous acid is virtually
Increasing pH → NaOCl + NaCl + H2O + HEAT nonexistent.

The figure below shows the effect pH SYNONYMS Decomposition is by Eq. 4 and 5.
has on the equilibrium.  Hypo  Liquid bleach
 Hypochlorite  Soda bleach 4) 3 NaOCl  NaClO3 + 2 NaCl
 Bleach  Javel water
 Chlorine bleach 5) 2 NaOCl  O2 + 2 NaCl

Eq. 4 is the major decomposition

APPLICTIONS reaction forming chlorate (ClO3-) and
 Disinfection chloride (Cl-). This reaction is
 Removal of ammonia temperature and concentration
 Control taste and odor dependent; it is not catalytic. Eq. 5 is
 Hydrogen sulfide oxidation catalytic, forming oxygen (O2) and
 Iron and manganese oxidation chloride. Trace metals such as nickel,
Below pH 2 the equilibrium favors  Destruction of organic matter cobalt and copper form metal oxides,
chlorine. Between pH 2 and 7.4  Color reduction which cause catalytic decomposition.
hypochlorous acid predominates and  Control of slime and algae Light also catalyzes this reaction.
above pH 7.4 hypochlorite  Laundry Bleaching

STABILITY temperatures improve the stability of The most effective of these techniques
Although more stable than hypochlorite solutions, freezing should is polishing the finished bleach with a
hypochlorous acid, sodium be avoided. Sodium hypochlorite 0.5 to 1 micron filter. It removes
hypochlorite is unstable. It starts solutions will freeze at different insoluble metal oxides that catalyze
decomposing immediately. With temperatures depending on the decomposition and sediments that
proper care, the rate of decomposition concentration of the solution. Thirteen affect product appearance. This level
can be reduced such that relatively wt% sodium hypochlorite freezes at of filtration is difficult and expensive to
stable solutions can be prepared. -22.5°C compared to 6 wt% sodium achieve using cartridge type filters. A
hypochlorite which freezes at -7.5°C. filter that uses a filter aid such as
The stability and shelf life of a diatomaceous earth is needed.
hypochlorite solution depends on five The quality and stability of sodium
major factors: hypochlorite solutions can be affected Sunlight (ultraviolet light) catalyzes
by the concentration of certain hypochlorite decomposition by Eq. 5.
 Hypochlorite concentration. impurities. Trace metals such as Opaque (non-translucent)
 pH of the solution. nickel, cobalt and copper form containers for hypochlorite solutions
 Temperature of the solution. insoluble metal oxides, which cause will reduce decomposition due to light.
 Concentration of certain impurities the bleach to catalytically decompose
which catalyze decomposition. by Eq. 5. These trace metals, as well In summary:
 Exposure to light. as iron, calcium and magnesium, form
sediment and may discolor the bleach 1. Low concentration solutions are
Low concentration hypochlorite solution. more stable than high
solutions decompose slower than high concentration solutions. Diluting
concentration hypochlorite solutions. Potential sources for these impurities soon after receiving will reduce the
Fifteen weight percent sodium include raw materials, processing decomposition rate. Use soft water
hypochlorite will decompose equipment and product storage to minimize impurities. Use cold
approximately 10 times faster than containers. The most common source water to reduce the temperature
5 wt% sodium hypochlorite at 25°C. for these metals, particularly nickel thus reducing the decomposition
and copper, is the caustic soda. rate.
The pH has a significant effect on the 2. A pH between 12 and 13 gives the
stability of sodium hypochlorite Diaphragm cell caustic soda typically most stable solution. Less than
solutions. Below pH 11 the contains a higher concentration of pH 11 decomposition is significant.
decomposition of sodium hypochlorite these metal catalysts than membrane Greater than pH 13 there is no
is significant due to the shift in the grade. However, stable bleach can be improvement.
equilibrium in favor of the more made from diaphragm grade caustic 3. Keep solutions away from heat, as
reactive hypochlorous acid. A pH soda. higher temperatures increase
between 12 and 13 gives the most decomposition.
stable solution. This equates to 0.4 to Some techniques to minimize the 4. Filter to remove insoluble metal
4.0 grams per liter (gpl) excess NaOH. concentration of impurities in the oxides that catalyze
Greater concentrations will not finished product are listed below. decomposition and sediments that
improve the stability. Excessively high affect product appearance. Use
alkalinity will damage textiles and  Polish the finished bleach with a 0.5 titanium, plastic or plastic lined
retard the bleaching and disinfecting to 1 micron filter. This will remove tanks and piping systems to
actions of the hypochlorite. impurities which promote bleach reduce metals contamination.
decomposition and/or degrade the 5. Store in opaque (non-translucent)
Temperature influences the stability of visual appearance. containers to prevent
hypochlorite solutions. Care should be  Use plastic or plastic lined tanks and decomposition due to sunlight.
taken to keep solutions away from piping systems to reduce metals
heat, as higher temperatures increase contamination.
the decomposition rate. Fifteen  Use soft water for dilution.
percent sodium hypochlorite  Allow finished bleach to settle until
decomposes five times faster at 45°C clear and decant before packaging.
than at 25°C. Although low storage

Chlorine is the standard against which grams per liter available chlorine Conversions
oxidizers are compared The term except instead of grams per liter its gpl available Cl2
“available chlorine” refers to the grams per 100 ml. Given that one liter wt% available Cl2 =
10 * SGsolution
amount of chlorine equivalent in is 1000 ml, trade percent is the gpl
oxidizing power. It is a measure of available chlorine divided by 10.
strength and bleaching power and is wt% NaOCl = 1.05 * wt% available Cl2
used to express the concentration of It is important to specify the
bleach solutions. Available chlorine is concentration units whenever gpl available Cl2
usually expressed as grams per liter describing the strength of hypochlorite wt% NaOCl = 1.05 *
10 * SGsolution
(gpl) or weight percent (wt%). The solutions. For example, 5.25 wt%
strength of hypochlorite solutions may sodium hypochlorite is equivalent to
also be expressed as wt% sodium 5.0 wt% available chlorine or Note:
hypochlorite. approximately 53.8 gpl available 74.44 = MW NaOCl, 70.90 = MW Cl2
chlorine. 1.05 = 74.44 / 70.90
Trade percent available chlorine is 453.6 g/lb * 8.34 lb/gal
another way to express the strength of The table below converts from one 10 =
3.7854 l/gal * 100%
hypochlorite solutions. Similar to concentration to another.
gpl available chlorine 40 50 60 80 100 120 140 150 160 180 200
Trade% available chlorine 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 15 16 18 20
Specific Gravity @ 20°C 1.056 1.069 1.083 1.108 1.133 1.158 1.181 1.193 1.205 1.228 1.250
0.4 (11.0)

% excess NaOH 0.04% 0.04% 0.04% 0.04% 0.04% 0.03% 0.03% 0.03% 0.03% 0.03% 0.03%
wt% available chlorine 3.79% 4.68% 5.55% 7.23% 8.84% 10.38% 11.87% 12.59% 13.30% 14.68% 16.02%
wt% NaOCl 3.98% 4.92% 5.83% 7.59% 9.28% 10.90% 12.46% 13.22% 13.96% 15.41% 16.82%
Specific Gravity @ 20°C 1.056 1.069 1.083 1.108 1.133 1.158 1.181 1.193 1.205 1.228 1.250
0.5 (12.1)

% excess NaOH 0.05% 0.05% 0.05% 0.05% 0.04% 0.04% 0.04% 0.04% 0.04% 0.04% 0.04%
wt% available chlorine 3.79% 4.68% 5.55% 7.23% 8.84% 10.38% 11.87% 12.59% 13.29% 14.68% 16.02%
wt% NaOCl 3.98% 4.92% 5.82% 7.59% 9.28% 10.89% 12.46% 13.22% 13.96% 15.41% 16.82%
Specific Gravity @ 20°C 1.056 1.070 1.083 1.108 1.133 1.158 1.181 1.193 1.205 1.228 1.250
1 (12.4)

% excess NaOH 0.09% 0.09% 0.09% 0.09% 0.09% 0.09% 0.08% 0.08% 0.08% 0.08% 0.08%
wt% available chlorine 3.79% 4.68% 5.54% 7.23% 8.83% 10.37% 11.86% 12.58% 13.29% 14.67% 16.01%
gpl excess NaOH (approximate pH)

wt% NaOCl 3.98% 4.91% 5.82% 7.59% 9.27% 10.89% 12.46% 13.21% 13.95% 15.40% 16.81%
Specific Gravity @ 20°C 1.058 1.071 1.085 1.110 1.135 1.160 1.183 1.195 1.207 1.230 1.252
2 (12.7)

% excess NaOH 0.19% 0.19% 0.18% 0.18% 0.18% 0.17% 0.17% 0.17% 0.17% 0.16% 0.16%
wt% available chlorine 3.79% 4.67% 5.54% 7.22% 8.82% 10.36% 11.85% 12.57% 13.27% 14.65% 15.99%
wt% NaOCl 3.97% 4.91% 5.81% 7.58% 9.26% 10.88% 12.44% 13.20% 13.94% 15.38% 16.79%
Specific Gravity @ 20°C 1.060 1.074 1.087 1.112 1.137 1.162 1.185 1.197 1.209 1.232 1.254
4 (13.0)

% excess NaOH 0.38% 0.37% 0.37% 0.36% 0.35% 0.34% 0.34% 0.33% 0.33% 0.32% 0.32%
wt% available chlorine 3.78% 4.66% 5.52% 7.20% 8.80% 10.33% 11.82% 12.54% 13.24% 14.62% 15.96%
wt% NaOCl 3.96% 4.89% 5.80% 7.56% 9.24% 10.85% 12.41% 13.17% 13.90% 15.35% 16.76%
Specific Gravity @ 20°C 1.063 1.077 1.090 1.115 1.140 1.165 1.188 1.200 1.212 1.235 1.257
6 (13.2)

% excess NaOH 0.56% 0.56% 0.55% 0.54% 0.53% 0.52% 0.51% 0.50% 0.50% 0.49% 0.48%
wt% available chlorine 3.77% 4.65% 5.51% 7.18% 8.78% 10.31% 11.80% 12.51% 13.21% 14.59% 15.93%
wt% NaOCl 3.95% 4.88% 5.78% 7.54% 9.22% 10.83% 12.38% 13.14% 13.87% 15.32% 16.72%
Specific Gravity @ 20°C 1.066 1.079 1.093 1.118 1.143 1.168 1.191 1.203 1.215 1.238 1.260
8 (13.3)

% excess NaOH 0.75% 0.74% 0.73% 0.72% 0.70% 0.69% 0.67% 0.67% 0.66% 0.65% 0.64%
wt% available chlorine 3.76% 4.64% 5.50% 7.16% 8.76% 10.29% 11.77% 12.48% 13.18% 14.56% 15.89%
wt% NaOCl 3.94% 4.87% 5.77% 7.52% 9.20% 10.80% 12.36% 13.11% 13.84% 15.28% 16.69%
Specific Gravity @ 20°C 1.069 1.082 1.096 1.121 1.146 1.171 1.194 1.206 1.218 1.241 1.263
10 (13.4)

% excess NaOH 0.94% 0.93% 0.91% 0.89% 0.87% 0.86% 0.84% 0.83% 0.82% 0.81% 0.79%
wt% available chlorine 3.75% 4.63% 5.48% 7.15% 8.74% 10.26% 11.74% 12.46% 13.15% 14.52% 15.86%
wt% NaOCl 3.93% 4.86% 5.76% 7.50% 9.18% 10.78% 12.33% 13.08% 13.81% 15.25% 16.65%

There are commercially available 6) Cl2 + 2 NaOH  NaOCl + NaCl + H2O + 24,700 calories
continuous bleach systems capable of MW 70.91 80.00 74.45
producing 25 to 150 gpm of 160 gpl
available chlorine. These systems Ratio 1.00 1.13 1.05
come skid mounted, fully instrumented Chlorine
and include all the operating discipline 7a) lb Cl2 = wt% NaOCl / 1.05 / 100 * SGbleach * 8.34 lb/gal * gal bleach
and training. The intent of this section 7b) lb Cl2 = wt% available Cl2 / 100 * SGbleach * 8.34 lb/gal * gal bleach
is to provide an overview of the 7c) lb Cl2 = gpl available Cl2 * 3.7854 l/gal / 453.6 g/lb * gal bleach
manufacturing process.
Caustic Soda
Chlorine reacts with sodium hydroxide 8) lb NaOH = lb Cl2 * 1.13 lb NaOH/lb Cl2
to produce sodium hypochlorite 9a) lb XS NaOH = wt% XS NaOH / 100 * SGbleach * 8.34 lbs/gal * gal bleach
according to Eq. 6. 9b) lb XS NaOH = gpl XS NaOH * 3.7854 l/gal / 453.6 g/lb * gal bleach
10) lb caustic soda = (lb NaOH + lb XS NaOH) / wt% caustic soda
Based on the ratio of the molecular 11) gal caustic soda = lb caustic soda / 8.34 lb/gal / SG caustic soda
weights, 1 pound of chlorine reacts
with 1.13 pounds of sodium hydroxide Water
to produce 1.05 pounds of sodium 12) lb water = gal bleach * 8.34 lb/gal * SGbleach - lb Cl2 - lb caustic soda
hypochlorite. This does not include the 13) gal water = lb water / 8.34 lb/gal
excess sodium hydroxide needed for 14) Diluted caustic soda %NaOH = (lb NaOH + lb XS NaOH) / (lb caustic soda +
stability. The exact ratio of chlorine lb water) * 100
and caustic soda depend on the
quality of the dilution water (hard or Example:
soft) and amount of excess sodium Make 1,000 gallons of household bleach, 5.25 wt% sodium hypochlorite using
hydroxide in the final product to name 20% diaphragm caustic soda.
a few.
The approximate amount of raw  5.25 wt% sodium hypochlorite equates to 5.00 wt% available chlorine, 5.25
materials needed to produce a given wt% NaOCl / 1.05 = 5.00% available Cl2
concentration of bleach can be  Specific gravity of 20% diaphragm caustic soda is 1.2263 (see chart, pg 17)
calculated using Eq. 7 through 14.  We know a pH between 12 and 13 makes the most stable bleach solutions.
Caustic soda solutions are not 100% This equates to 0.4 to 4.0 gpl XS NaOH.
sodium hydroxide; the calculations  Specific Gravity for a 5 wt% available chlorine bleach solution with 2 gpl XS
take this into account. Chlorine is NaOH is 1.076 (see chart, pg 5)
assumed to be 100% (99.5% min).
7b) 5.00 wt% available Cl2 / 100 * 1.076 * 8.34 lb/gal * 1,000 gal bleach = 449 lb
The table on page 8 shows the raw Cl2
materials for making 1,000 gallons of 8) 449 lb Cl2 * 1.13 lb NaOH/lb Cl2 = 507 lb NaOH
bleach in various concentrations from
9b) 2 gpl XS NaOH * 3.7854 l/gal / 453.6 g/lb * 1000 gal bleach = 17 lb XS NaOH
10 to 200 gpl available chlorine. The
table also shows the gallons of bleach10) (507 lb NaOH + 17 lb XS NaOH) / (20% caustic soda / 100) = 2,620 lb 20%
that can be produced from a 100 lb caustic soda
cylinder, 150 lb cylinder and ton 11) 2,620 lb 20% caustic soda / 1.2263 / 8.34 lb/gal = 256 gal 20% caustic soda
container of chlorine.
12) (1,000 gal bleach * 8.34 lb/gal * 1.076) – 449 lb Cl2 – 2,620 lb 20% caustic
The manufacturing process for making soda = 5,902 lb water
bleach can be batch or continuous and 13) 5,902 lb water / 8.34 lb/gal = 708 gal water
use gaseous or liquid chlorine. 14) (507 lb NaOH + 17 lb XS NaOH) / (2,620 lb 20% caustic soda + 5,902 lb
Typically they are continuous and use
water) * 100 = 6.15% diluted caustic soda
liquid chlorine. The manufacturing
process can be broken down into
several unit operations; caustic

Sodium Hypochlorite Manufacturing Process


Caustic Soda Caustic Dilution Chlorination Filtration Distribution


dilution, chlorination, filtration and formation of sodium chlorate. For this Pumps and heat exchangers made of
distribution. Above is a simple process reason it is best not to exceed 80°F carbon steel are fine for the diluted
flow diagram. during chlorination for dilute bleach caustic soda but in the chlorinator
solutions and 70°F for concentrated titanium and plastics are the preferred
During caustic dilution heat is bleach solutions. materials of construction.
generated. For instance 50% caustic
soda can arrive at temperatures as When making dilute bleach solutions it Good agitation during chlorination is
high as 110°F and after dilution with is possible to cool the diluted caustic critical to making bleach with low
70°F water to 20% the final soda sufficiently low that no additional chlorates. This eliminates high
temperature is 130°F. cooling is needed during chlorination; concentration areas of chlorine and
60 gpl available chlorine when using bleach and hot spots. Static mixers are
During chlorination heat is also liquid chlorine and 50 gpl when using ideal for this application.
generated. The amount of heat gaseous chlorine.
generated is 24,700 calories. See
Eq.6. This equates to 627 BTU/lb of The reaction rate is very slow at
gaseous chlorine. By using liquid temperatures less than 30°F. When
chlorine the heat generated is reduced making concentrated bleach solutions
by 109 BTU/lb (heat of vaporization of the diluted caustic soda would need to
chlorine @ 70°F) or 518 BTU/lb of be cooled to less than 30°F, so cooling
liquid chlorine. Using liquid chlorine during chlorination is needed.
not only generates less heat, but also
eliminates the need for an expensive Cooling system are sized based on the
chlorine vaporizer and everything that amount of heat they can remove over
goes along with it (maintenance, time. A one ton system can remove
controls, steam, etc.). 12,000 BTU/hour. The table on the
next page shows the BTU generated
Based on the heat generated from the when making 1,000 gallons of bleach
heat of reaction and specific heat of in various concentrations from 10 to
bleach the temperature will increase 200 gpl available chlorine using liquid
about 0.6°F for each gpl available chlorine. The size of the cooling
chlorine when using liquid chlorine and system needed for making 1000
0.7°F for each gpl available chlorine gallons/hour of 150 gpl available
when using gaseous chlorine. When chlorine bleach with liquid chlorine is
producing 60 gpl available chlorine 54 tons, 648,628 BTU / 1 hr / 12,000
using liquid chlorine the temperature BTU/hr/ton. If this chlorination is done
will increase about 36°F, 0.6°F/gpl in a half hour the size of the cooling
available chlorine * 60 gpl available system will need to be twice as big,
chlorine. 104 tons. The same amount of heat
has to be removed in half the amount
High temperature increases the of time.

Raw Materials for Making 1000 Gallons of Bleach Gallons of Bleach

Available Cl2 wt% %NaOH lb NaOH lb NaOH gpl NaOH lb NaOH %NaOH BTU 100 lb 150 lb 2000 lb
wt% gpl NaOCl SG (XS) lb Cl2 (Stoich) (XS) (XS) (Total) (Diluted) (liq Cl2) cylinder cylinder container
1.0 10.1 1.05 1.016 0.10 84.7 95.7 8.5 1.0 104.2 1.24 43,875 1,181 1,771 23,613
2.0 20.6 2.10 1.031 0.20 172.0 194.4 17.2 2.1 211.6 2.51 89,096 581 872 11,628
3.0 31.3 3.15 1.046 0.21 261.6 295.6 18.3 2.2 313.9 3.71 135,509 382 573 7,645
4.0 42.4 4.20 1.062 0.25 354.0 400.0 22.1 2.6 422.1 4.97 183,372 282 424 5,650
5.0 53.8 5.25 1.077 0.27 448.9 507.3 24.2 2.9 531.5 6.23 232,530 223 334 4,455
5.25 56.7 5.51 1.081 0.29 473.1 534.6 26.1 3.1 560.7 6.57 245,066 211 317 4,227
5.50 59.6 5.78 1.085 0.31 497.6 562.3 28.0 3.4 590.3 6.90 257,757 201 301 4,019
5.75 62.6 6.04 1.090 0.35 522.3 590.2 31.8 3.8 622.0 7.26 270,551 191 287 3,829
6.0 65.6 6.30 1.094 0.37 547.1 618.2 33.7 4.0 651.9 7.61 283,398 183 274 3,656
7.0 77.7 7.35 1.111 0.45 648.2 732.5 41.7 5.0 774.2 8.99 335,768 154 231 3,085
8.0 90.1 8.40 1.128 0.54 752.3 850.1 50.8 6.1 900.9 10.41 389,691 133 199 2,659
9.0 103.0 9.45 1.145 0.63 859.4 971.1 60.2 7.2 1,031.3 11.87 445,169 116 175 2,327
10.0 116.1 10.50 1.162 0.67 969.0 1,095.0 64.9 7.8 1,159.9 13.30 501,942 103 155 2,064
11.0 129.6 11.55 1.180 0.72 1,081.7 1,222.3 70.8 8.5 1,293.1 14.78 560,321 92 139 1,849
12.0 143.4 12.60 1.197 0.76 1,197.1 1,352.7 75.8 9.1 1,428.5 16.27 620,098 84 125 1,671
13.0 157.6 13.65 1.214 0.80 1,315.6 1,486.6 81.0 9.7 1,567.6 17.80 681,481 76 114 1,520
14.0 172.3 14.70 1.232 0.87 1,437.8 1,624.7 89.4 10.7 1,714.1 19.41 744,780 70 104 1,391
15.0 187.3 15.75 1.250 0.95 1,563.4 1,766.6 99.0 11.9 1,865.6 21.06 809,841 64 96 1,279
16.0 202.7 16.80 1.268 1.00 1,691.4 1,911.3 105.7 12.7 2,017.0 22.71 876,145 59 89 1,182


HANDLING material is received to minimize Ensure the tank has adequate UV

Hypochlorite solutions are corrosive to contamination. Two smaller storage (ultraviolet) stabilizer or a gel coat
eyes, skin and mucous membranes. tanks, properly sized, used alternately outer layer designed for the area of
Read and understand the SDS and to their lowest level before any new intended use.
wear all appropriate personal shipment is received is preferable to
protective equipment. one large storage tank. Polyethylene Tanks
Although some sodium hypochlorite
STORAGE Storage tanks should have a level users have had success with
Few materials of construction will indicating device for measuring liquid polyethylene tanks, some suppliers will
withstand the highly reactive nature of level. not certify their tanks for this use.
sodium hypochlorite. Improper
selection of those materials may result If possible, locate tank in a shaded TRANSFER SYSTEMS
in damage to the handling system and area.
contamination of the product. As a Materials Selection
general rule, no metals (with the If it is necessary to insulate the The following materials are compatible
exception of titanium and tantalum storage tank to keep the product from with sodium hypochlorite solutions or
under certain circumstances) should freezing or cool to reduce as linings for non-compatible
be allowed to come in contact with this decomposition, a two-inch layer of materials. Some may not be suitable
chemical. polyurethane foam or cellular glass for use in processes that manufacture
should be adequate. sodium hypochlorite.
Warning - sodium hypochlorite
solutions must be stored in vented Proper design of a storage system will  PVDF (polyvinylidene fluoride)
containers, or in containers equipped include adequate containment in case  PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene)
with adequate relief devices due to O2 of tank failure. State and local  Titanium (Warning: titanium must
gas generated from decomposition. If regulatory authorities should always not be used in contact with dry
venting rate is exceeded by the be consulted during the design phase chlorine)
decomposition rate, swelling or of construction.  Ethylene propylene rubber
damage to the container may occur.  EPDM rubber (ethylene propylene
Rubber Lined Steel diene monomer rubber)
Bulk Storage Tanks Tanks of this type are generally  Chlorobutylene Rubber
Tank and lining manufacturer's custom fabricated for a specific  Polypropylene
products and processes vary process. They may be any size or  PVC (polyvinyl chloride)
considerably, therefore, selecting an shape depending on the needs of the  CPVC (chlorinated polyvinyl
appropriate storage vessel should be user, but are typically closed vertical or chloride)
given thorough evaluation. horizontal cylindrical vessels from  Tantalum
Consultation with tank and lining 1,000 to 30,000 gallons capacity.  Viton® A with a minimum durometer
suppliers is recommended. (hardness) of 70
Fiberglass  FRP
Sediments will accumulate in the The success or failure of this type of
bottom of the storage tank. To prevent tank when used in sodium hypochlorite Piping
transferring these sediments to the service depends upon a large number The two factors which determine the
process the nozzle should not be of variables including resin type and selection of piping materials for
located directly on the bottom of the additives, type of reinforcement, sodium hypochlorite solutions are
tank. A low point drain is needed to fabrication technique, storage structural strength and chemical
drain these sediments from the temperature, environmental exposure resistance. Where piping systems may
storage tank periodically. and the characteristics of the solution. be subject to physical stress, lined
While many tanks of this type are steel pipe should be selected. Lining
To maintain product quality, minimize currently in use, it is advisable to deal types include polypropylene, PVDF,
the contamination of new material by only with fabricators having experience PTFE, or similar thermoplastics. In
the remaining material in the storage with sodium hypochlorite and who are lighter stress situations; fiberglass,
tank. The storage tank should used to willing to warranty the vessel for the CPVC and PVC is suitable. As with the
the lowest possible level before new intended applications. fiberglass tanks, care should be

exercised in the selection of the resin Venting/Overflow System

for fiberglass piping. Where piping will The worst case condition for the vent
not be subject to impact, Schedule 80 sizing is usually the venting rate
PVC or CPVC is often used. required due to decomposition of the
contents of the storage vessel. The
 Piping should be dedicated to vent sizing required for discharging or
prevent mixing incompatible filling is secondary. To eliminate
materials or using the incorrect excessive pressure or vacuum while
materials of construction. filling or discharging the tank, a
venting system must be provided. As a
 Locate unloading and unloading minimum, this system should contain a
connections away from other nozzle on top of the tank. It should be
connections that may contain sized to prevent excessive vacuum or
incompatible materials. pressure when the tank is discharging
or filling. When filling the tank from
 Loading and unloading piping bulk tank trucks using air pressure,
should be short, visible and well large "air hammers" may occur.
marked so the loader can easily Therefore, vent piping should be rigidly
verify the connection is correct. secured to prevent vibration. The tank
should also have a nozzle on the side
Valves near the top. This nozzle should be
PTFE lined or PVC quarter-turn plug sized to release the entire filling rate
or ball valves are recommended for without reaching the tank's vent.
sodium hypochlorite service. Piping should be installed to direct the
over flowing solution away from
Pumps personnel into a containment area.
Titanium or plastic lined pumps are
recommended for sodium hypochlorite Gauging Devices
service. Magnetic drive pumps are well Some tanks are sufficiently translucent
suited for this application. Size and to allow for visual gauging from level
other specifics should be determined markers painted on or molded into the
by the pump manufacturer. side of the tanks. Where lighting
conditions or tank construction do not
SYSTEM DESIGN permit this method of gauging,
external gauging systems must be
Discharge Systems provided. Differential pressure
Where product quality is critical, filter systems have been used successfully.
systems are available to remove Manometers and sight glass gauges
virtually all sediments. In some are also used but require additional
applications, the process can tolerate liquid filled connections, thus potential
this sediment if it is continually failure points on the tank. An
transferred out of the storage tank independent, back up level sensor
along with the sodium hypochlorite should be used to prevent tank
solution. Cone bottom tanks can overflow in the event of a level gauge
facilitate removal of the sediment. In failure.
other applications the process cannot
tolerate this sediment and it cannot be
allowed to accumulate.


Read the SDS before use. FIRST AID SPILL

Sodium hypochlorite solution is Eyes: NEVER FLUSH TO SEWER.
normally a light yellow liquid with a IMMEDIATELY FLUSH EYES WITH A Contain the spill with dikes to prevent
characteristic bleach odor. Sodium DIRECTED STREAM OF WATER for entry into sewers or waterways. For
hypochlorite is unstable and can at least 15 minutes, forcibly holding small spills, absorb with inorganic
release chlorine gas if mixed with acid. eyelids apart to ensure complete absorbents. Flush spill area with water
To improve the stability of hypochlorite irrigation of all eye and lid tissue. ONLY IF water can be collected, and
solutions an excess alkalinity is Washing eyes within several seconds placed in an appropriate container for
maintained. Hypochlorite solutions are is essential to achieve maximum proper disposal. For large spills, dike
corrosive to eyes, skin and mucous effectiveness. and pump into properly labeled
membranes. containers for proper disposal.
PRECAUTIONS Flush thoroughly with cool water under Report release, if required, to the
 Store in corrosion-resistant shower while removing contaminated appropriate local, state and federal
container. clothing and shoes. Discard nonrubber agencies.
 Keep container closed when not in shoes. Wash clothing before reuse.
use. Hypochlorite neutralization is a two
 Emergency shower and eyewash Inhalation: step process. First the potential to
facility should be in close proximity Remove to fresh air. If breathing is release chlorine due to the lowering of
to where sodium hypochlorite difficult, have trained person the pH must be eliminated and then
solution is handled. administer oxygen. If respiration stops, pH adjustment. Sodium sulfite, sodium
 Insure adequate ventilation or use a have a trained person administer bisulfite, hydrogen peroxide and
NIOSH approved respirator with an artificial respiration. sodium thiosulfate can be used to
acid gas cartridge with a dust, fume reduce hypochlorite; each with it own
and mist filter where airborne Ingestion: advantages and disadvantages.
concentrations are expected to NEVER GIVE ANYTHING TO AN Things to consider are safe handling,
exceed exposure limits or when UNCONSCIOUS PERSON. If application, cost, solid or liquid,
symptoms have been observed that swallowed, DO NOT INDUCE reactivity and reaction products. A
are indicative of overexposure. VOMITING, although it may occur simple test to verify the hypochlorite
 Avoid breathing fumes. spontaneously. Give large quantities of has been reduced is to use drops of
 Avoid contact with eyes, skin and water. If available, give several hydrogen peroxide. The mix will
clothing. glasses of milk. Sodium bicarbonate, release oxygen bubbles if hypochlorite
 Wash thoroughly after handling. which would generate carbon dioxide exists. Once the release of chlorine
 Wear goggles and face shield, should not be used. Keep airways potential has been eliminated a weak
chemical resistant gloves, boots and clear. GET MEDICAL ATTENTION acid such as muriatic acid can be used
apron or suit. IMMEDIATELY. to adjust the pH if needed. A plan
 Do not allow contact with organic should have been created and
materials such as rags, wood fibers, FIRE approved by authority and material
paper, debris, or with reducing Use water or other extinguishing should already be a available to carry
chemicals except under controlled medium appropriate for surrounding out the plan when the time comes.
conditions. fire. May release toxic fumes under fire
 Do not discard indiscriminately. A conditions. Wear NIOSH/MSHA Note: For additional information refer
spontaneous combustion fire could approved positive pressure self- to OxyChem Handbooks on Chlorine
result due to the sodium chlorate contained breathing apparatus and full and Caustic Soda, in addition to the
generated from decomposition. protective clothing. SDS on Chlorine, Caustic Soda and
 Do no mix with acids, ammonia, Sodium Hypochlorite.
heavy metals, ethers or reducing
agents. To do so may release
hazardous gases.

Sodium Hypochlorite is shipped from

OxyChem’s Niagara Falls, New York
plant in tank truck quantities.

Sodium Hypochlorite is regulated by

the U.S. Department of Transportation
(DOT). The hazard classification is 8,
corrosive. The DOT identification
number is UN1791.

Sodium Hypochlorite in any

concentration must be respected by
everyone who handles and uses it.
Before starting to work with it, the user
should be aware of its properties,
know what safety precautions to
follow, and know how to react in case FIRST AID MEASURES
of contact. Accidental exposure to Please consult OxyChem’s latest
sodium hypochlorite may occur under Safety Data Sheet for sodium
several conditions. Potentially hypochlorite found online at
hazardous situations include handling www.oxychem.com for the latest first
and packaging operations, equipment aid measures.
cleaning and repair, decontamination
following spills and equipment failures.
Employees who may be subject to
such exposure must be provided with
proper personal protective equipment
and trained in its use. Some general
guidelines follow.

 Read and understand the latest

Safety Data Sheet.

 Provide eyewash stations and safety

showers in all areas where sodium
hypochlorite is used or handled. Any
sodium hypochlorite burn may be
serious. DO NOT use any kind of
neutralizing solution, particularly in
the eyes, without direction by a

 Move the patient to a hospital

emergency room immediately after
first aid measures are applied.


PERSONAL PROTECTIVE of sodium hypochlorite solution.

OSHA requires employers to In case of a spill or leak, stop the leak
supply suitable protective as soon as possible. See page 8 for
equipment for employees. When spill clean up.
handling sodium hypochlorite, the
following protective equipment is

 Wear suitable chemical splash

goggles for eye protection during
the handling of sodium hypochlorite
at any concentration. The goggles
should be close fitting and provide
adequate ventilation to prevent
fogging, without allowing entry of
liquids. The use of a face shield may
be appropriate when splashing may
occur, including loading and
unloading operations.
 Wear rubber gloves or gloves
coated with rubber, synthetic PROTECTIVE PRACTICES
elastomers, PVC, or other plastics Keep equipment clean by immediately
to protect the hands while handling washing off any spill or accumulation
sodium hypochlorite. Gloves of sodium hypochlorite.
should be long enough to come
well above the wrist. Sleeves Weld pipelines where practical. Use
should be positioned over the flanged joints with gaskets made of
glove. sodium hypochlorite resistant material
 Sodium hypochlorite causes leather such as rubber, PTFE, or EPDM
to disintegrate quite rapidly. For this rubber. If a screwed fitting is used,
reason, wear rubber boots. Wear the apply Teflon® tape to the threads.
bottoms of pant legs outside the
boots. DO NOT tuck pant legs into When disconnecting equipment for
boots. repairs, first verify that there is no
 Wear chemical resistant clothing for internal pressure on the equipment
protection of the body. Impregnated and that the equipment has been
vinyl or rubber suits are drained and washed.
 Wear hard hats for protection of the Provide storage tanks with suitable
head, face and neck. overflow pipes. Overflow pipes should
 If exposures are expected to exceed be directed to a protected overflow
accepted regulatory limits or if area away from operations.
respiratory discomfort is
experienced use a NIOSH approved Shield the seal area of pumps to
air purifying respirator with high prevent spraying of sodium
efficiency dust and mist filters. hypochlorite solutions in the event of
a leak.

When releasing air pressure from a

pressurized system, take every
precaution to avoid spurts or sprays

Sodium hypochlorite is very corrosive to
all body tissues. Even dilute solutions
may have a destructive effect on tissue
after prolonged contact. Inhalation of
mists can cause damage to the upper
respiratory tract, while ingestion of
sodium hypochlorite can cause severe
damage to the mucous membranes or
other tissues where contact is made.

It is important that those who handle

sodium hypochlorite are aware of its
corrosive properties and know what
precautions to take. In case of
accidental exposure, immediately flush
the exposed area with large amounts of
water and seek medical attention. For
more specific information refer to the
Safety in Handling sodium hypochlorite
Unloading Equipment Unloading Lines
section of this handbook and in the
If unloading is by gravity to storage or Unloading hoses must be
OxyChem SDS for sodium hypochlorite .
customer’s unloading pump, no special constructed of material resistant to
equipment is needed. sodium hypochlorite. Hoses should
be at least 2 inches in diameter and
Tank truck drivers have received
If unloading by pump, the pump must 15 to 30 feet in length.
instructions regarding equipment and
be made from an appropriate material
delivery procedures. If an OxyChem
of construction. Use at least a 2-inch Whether the unloading hose is fitted
arranged carrier, delivering sodium
unload line. with a union, pipe flange, or a quick
hypochlorite to your plant, fails to adhere
type coupler, the truck driver should
to the guidelines, please contact
If unloading is by compressed air, the air have available matching fittings and
OxyChem so that corrective action can
must be free of oils, greases and other tools to facilitate a connection to a 2-
be taken.
compounds. The air supply is required to inch or 3-inch threaded pipe.
be equipped with: pressure reducing
valve, pressure relief valve, pressure
Equipment must meet Department of
gauge, and block valve. The relief valve
Transportation regulations, Code of
should be set at a maximum pressure of
Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 49.
20 psig and the pressure reducing valve
should be set at 2 to 3 psig lower.
Tank Truck Specification
Tank trucks should meet the
A 40 foot length of air hose is required
established DOT requirements for
if the customer’s air supply is used.
hauling sodium hypochlorite. Material of
When compressed air is not available
construction is FRP or rubber lined
from the customer’s plant, trucks
steel. Four DOT “CORROSIVE” 1791
equipped with pumps or air
placards must be affixed to the cargo
compressors can be provided at the
tank. One on each side.
customer’s request.



Truck drivers must obtain permission to
unload from the proper site personnel Open the valves on the truck
and observe any special instructions discharge.
from the customer.
If unloading using a pump ensure the
Truck drivers must wear the protective manway is open or there is a positive
equipment required by OxyChem or by pad pressure. If pressurizing the content
the customer, whichever is more to the storage tank a pressure of
inclusive, and at all times follow safe 15 - 20 psig should be sufficient.
handling practices. Customers must not
allow truck drivers who do not meet Start the pump or pressurizing the tank,
these requirements to unload. depending on the type of equipment
being used.
The following unloading procedures
are recommended: Verify the level in the tank is
Verify the trailer contains sodium increasing. If the level is not increasing
hypochlorite by inspecting the shipping the transfer could be going to the
papers, placards (UN1791) and/or wrong tank.
DOT regulations require a qualified
Verify the entire content of the trailer will person to be in attendance at all times
fit into the receiving tank. during unloading.

Locate the nearest safety shower and If compressed air is used for off
eyewash station and verify its operation. loading, allow the air to blow out the
Allow the water to run till it flows clean, line to the storage tank, then close the
free of rust or debris that could air valve, allow the pressure to bled off
accumulate. to the storage tank and then
disconnect the air supply.
Verify the spill containment sump is free
of any incompatible material that could Close the truck discharge valves and
react with spilled sodium hypochlorite customer unloading valve.
causing a more serious event.
Depressurize the unload hose. Drain
Connect the unloading hose to the the hose to an appropriate container
discharge outlet on the tank truck. and disconnect it from the tank truck
and customer unloading connection.
Connect the other end of the
unloading hose to the customer’s Reapply any flange covers or caps on
connection. The connection must be the customer line.
clearly labeled for sodium hypochlorite
unloading. Have a second person Cap the truck unloading hoses and
confirm the connection is to the correct secure both hoses in the carrier tubes
tank. or tray.

Customer should verify all valves to

the storage tank are properly aligned
and then open their unloading valve.
Consider putting a lock on the
unloading valve to prevent unloading
into the tank prior to proper

Sodium Hypochlorite pH Calculated from Excess NaOH Molecular Weights:

pH = 14 + log(gpl NaOH / 40.00) Sodium Hypochlorite, NaOCl = 74.44
Sodium Hydroxide, NaOH = 40.00
gpl gpl gpl gpl Chlorine, Cl2 = 70.90
0.01 10.40 0.85 12.33 1.85 12.67 3.20 12.90 Conversion factors:
3.7854 liters/gallon
0.02 10.70 0.90 12.35 1.90 12.68 3.30 12.92 453.6 grams/pound
0.03 10.88 0.95 12.38 1.95 12.69 3.40 12.93
0.04 11.00 1.00 12.40 2.00 12.70 3.50 12.94 Density of water @ 60°F
8.34 lbs/gal
0.05 11.10 1.05 12.42 2.05 12.71 3.60 12.95
0.10 11.40 1.10 12.44 2.10 12.72 3.70 12.97
0.15 11.57 1.15 12.46 2.15 12.73 3.80 12.98
0.20 11.70 1.20 12.48 2.20 12.74 3.90 12.99
0.25 11.80 1.25 12.49 2.25 12.75 4.00 13.00
0.30 11.88 1.30 12.51 2.30 12.76 4.10 13.01 Specific Gravity of Sodium Hypochlorite Solutions w/ Various
0.35 11.94 1.35 12.53 2.35 12.77 4.20 13.02 Levels of Excess NaOH @ 20°C
SG = SG @ 0 gpl Available Cl2 + (0.00135 * gpl XS NaOH)
0.40 12.00 1.40 12.54 2.40 12.78 4.30 13.03
0.45 12.05 1.45 12.56 2.45 12.79 4.40 13.04 gpl
gpl Excess Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH)
0.50 12.10 1.50 12.57 2.50 12.80 4.50 13.05 0 2 4 6 8 10
0.55 12.14 1.55 12.59 2.60 12.81 4.60 13.06 40 1.055 1.058 1.060 1.063 1.066 1.069
0.60 12.18 1.60 12.60 2.70 12.83 4.70 13.07 60 1.082 1.085 1.087 1.090 1.093 1.096
0.65 12.21 1.65 12.62 2.80 12.85 4.80 13.08 80 1.107 1.110 1.112 1.115 1.118 1.121
0.70 12.24 1.70 12.63 2.90 12.86 4.90 13.09 100 1.132 1.135 1.137 1.140 1.143 1.146
0.75 12.27 1.75 12.64 3.00 12.88 5.00 13.10 120 1.157 1.160 1.162 1.165 1.168 1.171
0.80 12.30 1.80 12.65 3.10 12.89 5.10 13.11 140 1.180 1.183 1.185 1.188 1.191 1.194
150 1.192 1.195 1.197 1.200 1.203 1.206
160 1.204 1.207 1.209 1.212 1.215 1.218
Approximate Freezing Point of Sodium
Hypochlorite Solution 180 1.227 1.230 1.232 1.235 1.238 1.241
Data from The Dow Chemical Company 200 1.249 1.252 1.254 1.257 1.260 1.263
wt% NaOCl Freezing Pt (°F) Freezing Pt (°C)
0 32.0 0.0 Vapor Pressure of 12.5 wt% Sodium Hypochlorite Solution
2 28.0 -2.2 Temperature Vapor Pressure
4 24.0 -4.4 (°F) (°C) (mmHg) (psia)
6 18.5 -7.5 48.2 9 3.7 0.071
8 14.0 -10.0 60.8 16 8.0 0.15
10 7.0 -13.9 68.0 20 12.1 0.23
12 -3.0 -19.4 89.6 32 31.1 0.60
14 -14.0 -25.6 118.4 48 100.0 1.93
15.6 -21.5 -29.7
16 -16.5 -26.9

Specific Gravity of Caustic Soda Solutions

wt% Dia- Mem- wt% Dia- Mem- wt% Dia- Mem-
NaOH phragm brane NaOH phragm brane NaOH phragm brane
1.0 1.0121 1.0120 19.0 1.2152 1.2124 37.0 1.4101 1.4046
2.0 1.0223 1.0230 20.0 1.2263 1.2234 38.0 1.4204 1.4148
3.0 1.0346 1.0342 21.0 1.2375 1.2344 39.0 1.4306 1.4248
4.0 1.0459 1.0453 22.0 1.2486 1.2454 40.0 1.4407 1.4348
5.0 1.0571 1.0564 23.0 1.2597 1.2563 41.0 1.4508 1.4447
6.0 1.0684 1.0676 24.0 1.2708 1.2672 42.0 1.4607 1.4545
7.0 1.0797 1.0787 25.0 1.2818 1.2781 43.0 1.4706 1.4643
8.0 1.0911 1.0899 26.0 1.2928 1.2889 44.0 1.4804 1.4739
9.0 1.1024 1.1010 27.0 1.3037 1.2997 45.0 1.4901 1.4835
10.0 1.1137 1.1122 28.0 1.3146 1.3105 46.0 1.4997 1.4930
11.0 1.1250 1.1234 29.0 1.3254 1.3212 47.0 1.5092 1.5023
12.0 1.1363 1.1345 30.0 1.3362 1.3317 48.0 1.5187 1.5116
13.0 1.1476 1.1457 31.0 1.3470 1.3424 49.0 1.5280 1.508
14.0 1.1589 1.1569 32.0 1.3576 1.3529 50.0 1.5372 1.5298
15.0 1.1702 1.1680 33.0 1.3683 1.3634 51.0 1.5506 1.5388
16.0 1.1815 1.1791 34.0 1.3788 1.3738 52.0 1.5604 1.5476
17.0 1.1927 1.1902 35.0 1.3893 1.3842
18.0 1.2040 1.2013 36.0 1.3997 1.3944

DETERMINATION OF SODIUM Each mole of iodine is then titrated APPARATUS

HYPOCHLORITE, SODIUM with two moles of sodium thiosulfate Analytical Balance; 200g capacity,
HYDROXIDE AND SODIUM to determine the concentration of 0.1mg readability (Mettler ML204 or
CARBONATE IN iodine. The percent hypochlorite is equiv.)
CAUSTIC SODA BLEACH then calculated based on the iodine 250 ml Erlenmeyer Flask; (Fisher
SOLUTIONS concentration. Scientific Cat.# 10-090B or equiv.)
Magnetic Stirrer; (Fisher Scientific
PURPOSE I2 + 2 S2O32-  2 I- + S4O62- Cat.# 14-493-120SQ or equiv.)
To provide a means to quantify the Magnetic Stir Bar; (Fisher Scientific
amount of sodium hypochlorite, B) Sodium Hydroxide and Sodium Cat.# 14-513-60 or equiv.)
sodium hydroxide and sodium Carbonate Determination 250 ml Volumetric Flask; Class A
carbonate in caustic soda bleach Sodium hydroxide and sodium Volumetric, (Fisher Scientific Cat.#
solutions. carbonate concentrations are 10-210E or equiv.)
determined by a two-step titration 5 ml Pipet; Class A Volumetric,
THEORY with a hydrochloric acid solution. (Fisher Scientific Cat.# 13-650-2F or
Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) is the During the first step, the hydroxide equiv.)
active agent in caustic soda bleach is neutralized and the carbonate is 10 ml Pipet; Class A Volumetric,
solutions. Chemically, hypochlorites converted to bicarbonate. (Fisher Scientific Cat.# 13-650-2L or
are the salts of hypochlorous acid equiv.)
(HOCl) and are inherently unstable. 3) NaOH + HCl  NaCl + H2O 20 ml Pipet; Class A Volumetric,
The stability of a hypochlorite (Fisher Scientific Cat.# 13-650-2N
solution is dependent on five major 4) Na2CO3 + HCl  NaHCO3 + NaCl or equiv.)
factors. 25 ml Pipet; Class A Volumetric,
When both of these reactions (Eq. 3 (Fisher Scientific Cat.# 13-650-2P or
1. Hypochlorite concentration. and 4 ) come to completion, an equiv.)
2. Alkalinity (pH) of the solution. endpoint is indicated; the solution is 50 ml Pipet; Class A Volumetric,
3. Temperature of the solution, then further titrated with acid to (Fisher Scientific Cat.# 13-650-2S or
both in production and storage. convert the bicarbonate to water equiv.)
4. Concentration of impurities and carbon dioxide. 50 ml Buret; Class A Volumetric,
which catalyze decomposition. (Fisher Scientific Cat.# 03-700-22C
5. Exposure to light. 5) NaHCO3 + HCl  NaCl + H2O + or equiv.)
Any one of the above factors or REAGENTS
combination of factors can affect the A second endpoint is indicated at Deionized water
strength of a caustic soda bleach the completion of this reaction. The 1:1 Acetic Acid Solution; Add 500 ml
solution. Therefore, reliable volumes of acid used in these two of ACS reagent grade Glacial Acetic
methods for determining the sodium steps are then used to calculate the Acid (Fisher Scientific Cat.# A38-
hypochlorite and sodium hydroxide percent sodium hydroxide and 212 or equiv.) to 500 ml of deionized
concentrations of a caustic soda sodium carbonate. water.
bleach solution are necessary. 10% Potassium Iodide Solution;
Weigh 100.0g of KI (Fisher Scientific
A) Hypochlorite Determination Cat.# P412-500 or equiv.) into a one
Hypochlorite concentration is liter volumetric flask, add deionized
determined by iodometric titration. water and mix to dissolve. Dilute
The hypochlorite ion is first reacted with deionized water to volume.
with excess potassium iodide (KI) in 3% Hydrogen Peroxide Solution;
an acidic medium to form iodine (I2). (Fisher Scientific Cat.# H312-500 or
NaOCl + 2 CH3COOH + 2 KI  1% Starch Solution; (Fisher
NaCl + 2 CH3COOK + I2 + H2O Scientific Cat.# SS408-1 or equiv.)


0.1N Sodium Thiosulfate Solution; PROCEDURE 8. Record the volume (ml) of 0.1N
Weigh 25g of Na2S2O3 (Fisher sodium thiosulfate solution
Scientific Cat.# S445-500 or equiv.) Sodium Hypochlorite Determination used. This volume will be used
into a one liter volumetric flask, add 1. Pipet 25 ml of caustic soda to calculate the %NaOCl in the
deionized water and mix to dissolve. bleach solution into a 250 ml sample.
Dilute with deionized water to volumetric flask. Record the
volume. Store the solution in a weight to the nearest 0.01g. Add Sodium Hydroxide and Sodium
tightly capped amber bottle. deionized water to the 250 ml Carbonate Determination
Standardize the solution before use mark and mix thoroughly. This 1. Pipet a 50 ml aliquot of the
(see Standardization section). sample solution will be used as stock solution (see Step 1 of
Standardized 0.1N Na2S2O3 is also a stock solution for the sodium hypochlorite
available (Fisher Scientific Cat.# determination of %NaOH, determination) into 250 ml
SS368-1). %NaOCl, and %Na2CO3. Erlenmeyer flask containing 50
1% Phenolphthalein Solution; Note: This sample size is for ml of deionized water.
(Fisher Scientific Cat.# SP62-500 or commercial strength bleach 2. Add 20 ml of 3% hydrogen
equiv.) solutions (approximately 5.25% peroxide solution and cool the
0.1% Methyl Orange Solution; NaOCl). For bleach with solution sample to 0° to 5°C. The
(Fisher Scientific Cat.# SM54-500 or strengths different from addition of peroxide is
equiv.) commercial grade products, necessary to neutralize the
0.1N Hydrochloric Acid Solution; adjustments to sample size or sodium hypochlorite in the
Transfer 8.3 ml of ACS reagent aliquot size may be necessary. sample aliquot.
grade hydrochloric acid (Fisher 2. Pipet a 10 ml aliquot of the 3. Add 3 drops of 1%
Scientific Cat.# A144-500 or equiv.) stock solution into a 250 ml phenolphthalein solution and
into a one liter volumetric flask Erlenmeyer flask containing 50 titrate with 0.1N hydrochloric
containing deionized water, add ml of deionized water. acid solution until the pink color
additional deionized water to bring 3. Add 25 ml of 10% potassium disappears.
to volume. Standardize the solution iodide solution. The sample 4. Record the volume of acid used
before use (see Standardization solution will change from clear to the nearest 0.02 ml. This
section). Standardized 0.1N HCl is to an intense yellow color. volume will be used to
available (Fisher Scientific Cat.# 4. Add 10 ml of 1:1 acetic acid determine the %NaOH present
SA54-1). solution. Addition of acetic acid in the sample solution.
to a solution containing iodide 5. Add 3 drops of methyl orange
SAFETY liberates iodine which results in solution to the same sample
Refer to the MSDS for the proper a further color change to amber solution and continue to titrate
handling procedures for all brown. with 0.1N hydrochloric acid
chemicals being analyzed by this 5. Place the mixture on a magnetic solution until the yellow color
method. stirring apparatus and gently changes to red. Take care to
stir. titrate slowly since very little
Caustic soda bleach solutions are 6. Titrate using 0.1N sodium acid will be required to produce
irritating to the eyes and skin. thiosulfate solution to a straw the second endpoint.
Potassium iodide is toxic and yellow color, taking care to not 6. Record the volume of acid used
sodium thiosulfate is an irritant, both over-titrate the sample to clear. to the nearest 0.02 ml. This
should be handled with care. Acetic 7. Add 5 ml of starch solution. The volume will be used to
acid and hydrochloric acid are starch solution reacts with determine the %Na2CO3 present
extremely corrosive. If any of these iodine to form a very intense in the sample solution.
chemicals comes in contact with the blue/purple color. Continue the
eyes or skin, the affected area titration until the blue color
should be flushed with plenty of disappears.
clean water for a minimum of 15
minutes. Seek medical attention

CALCULATIONS V2 - V1 is the amount of acid REFERENCES

A) %NaOCl Determination required to convert the bicarbonate 1. ASTM Volume 15.04, D 2022 with
to carbon dioxide and water as Modifications
W = Weight (g) of original sample shown in equation 5. 2. Vogel, Arthur I., A Textbook of
V = Volume (ml) of 0.1N sodium Qualitative Inorganic Analysis, 3rd
thiosulfate solution The overall titration of sodium edition, 1961
N = Normality of sodium thiosulfate carbonate with hydrochloric acid
solution requires two moles of HCl for each STANDARDIZATION OF 0.1N HCl
10/250 = Dilution factor from stock mole of Na2CO3 since one mole is SOLUTION USING SODIUM
solution, i.e. 10 ml aliquot taken needed to convert Na2CO3 to CARBONATE AND MODIFIED
from 250 ml stock NaHCO3 and another mole is METHYL ORANGE INDICATOR
0.03723 = milliequivalent weight of required to convert the NaHCO3 to
0.03545 = milliequivalent weight of Analytical Balance; 200g capacity,
Cl2 Therefore 0.1mg readability (Mettler ML204 or
2(V2 - V1) = Volume of acid that equiv.)
The sodium hypochlorite content reacted with Na2CO3 250 ml Erlenmeyer Flask; (Fischer
can be calculated as wt% NaOCl or and Scientific Cat.# 10-090B or equiv.)
as wt% Available Chlorine. V2 - 2(V2 - V1) = Volume of acid that Magnetic Stirrer; (Fisher Scientific
reacted with the NaOH Cat.# 14-493-120SQ or equiv.)
%NaOCl = (V)(N) Magnetic Stir Bar; (Fischer Scientific
(0.03722)(100)/(10/250)/(W) %NaOH = [V2 - 2(V2 - V1)](N) Cat.# 14-513-60 or equiv.)
(0.040)(100)/(50/250)/(W) 100 ml Buret; Class A Volumetric,
%Available Chlorine = (V)(N) (Fischer Scientific Cat.# 03-700-22D
(0.03545)(100)/(10/250)/(W) %Na2CO3 = 2(V2 - V1)(N) or equiv.)
(0.053)(100)/(50/250)/(W) Weighing Dish; disposable (Fischer
B) %NaOH and Na2CO3 Scientific Cat.# 02-202-100 or
Determination QUALITY ASSURANCE equiv.)
Clean all apparatus before use to
W = Weight (g) of original sample eliminate contamination. REAGENTS
V1 = Volume (ml) of 0.1N HCl 0.1N Hydrochloric Acid Solution;
needed to reach the Duplicate analysis should be Transfer 8.3 ml of hydrochloric acid
phenolphthalein endpoint performed on a minimum of 10% of (Fisher Scientific Cat.# A144-500 or
V2 = Volume (ml) of 0.1N HCl samples analyzed. Results should equiv.) into a one liter volumetric
needed to reach the methyl orange be reproducible within 0.025%. flask containing deionized water;
endpoint add additional deionized water to
N = Normality of the hydrochloric Concentrations of sodium bring to volume.
acid solution hypochlorite, sodium hydroxide, and Sodium Carbonate Anhydrous;
50/250 = Dilution factor from stock sodium carbonate found in samples 99.5% min., (Fisher Scientific Cat.#
solution, i.e. 50 ml aliquot taken should be compared with the S263500 or equiv.) Dry at 250°C in
from 250 ml stock manufacturers specifications (if a platinum or porcelain crucible for 4
0.040 = milliequivalent weight of available) to ensure the product hrs.
NaOH meets these standards. Deionized water; Water should be
0.053 = milliequivalent weight of carbon dioxide free (freshly boiled
Na2CO3 Hydrochloric acid and sodium and cooled or purged with nitrogen
thiosulfate solutions should be for two hours).
V1 is the amount of acid required to standardized at least monthly.
neutralize the hydroxide and convert
the carbonate to bicarbonate as
shown in equations 3 and 4.


Modified Methyl Orange Indicator; CALCULATIONS STANDARDIZATION OF 0.1N

Dissolve 0.14g of Methyl Orange, The following formula is used to SODIUM THIOSULFATE WITH
(Fisher Scientific Cat.# M216-25 or calculate the normality of the POTASSIUM IODATE
equiv.) and 0.12g of Xylene Cyanole hydrochloric acid.
FF (Fisher Scientific Cat.# BP565- THEORY
10 or equiv.) in water and dilute to W = Weight (g) of Na2CO3 used A solution of sodium thiosulfate can
100 ml. V = Volume of HCl required be standardized by titrating it into an
N = Normality of HCl acid solution containing a known
SAFETY 0.053 = milliequivalent weight of amount of potassium iodate and a
Refer to MSDS for the proper Na2CO3 starch indicator. The acid reacts
handling procedures for each of the with the iodate to form iodine. The
chemicals listed in this procedure. N = (W)/(V)/(0.053) iodine is stoichiometrically reduced
by the thiosulfate. The endpoint of
Hydrochloric acid is a strong acid, it Calculate the average normality of the reaction is indicated when the
is corrosive to body tissue and can hydrochloric acid from the individual solution changes from a blue color
cause immediate and severe burns values. Also calculate the standard to colorless. Six moles of Na2S2O3
to eyes. Wear proper gloves, proper deviation and percent relative are required to react with 1 mole of
eye protection and other protective standard deviation (%RSD) for the KIO3.
clothing when handling. standardization procedure.
IO3- + 5 I- + 6 H+  3 I2 + 3 H2O
When handling sodium carbonate, STABILITY
avoid inhalation or contact with skin. Restandardize monthly or sooner. 2 S2O32- + I2  S4O62- + 2 I-

Xylene Cyanole is a flammable APPARATUS

solid. Use proper ventilation, avoid Analytical Balance; 200g capacity,
prolonged breathing of vapors or 0.1mg readability (Mettler ML204 or
prolonged or repeated contact with equiv.)
skin. 250 ml Erlenmeyer Flask; (Fisher
Scientific Cat.# 10-090B or equiv.)
STANDARDIZATION PROCEDURE Magnetic Stirrer; (Fisher Scientific
1. Weigh 1.0g of sodium carbonate Cat.# 14-493-120SQ or equiv.)
to the nearest 0.0001g into a Magnetic Stir Bar; (Fisher Scientific
weighing dish. Carefully transfer Cat.# 14-513-60 or equiv.)
this material to an Erlenmeyer 250 ml Volumetric Flask; Class A
flask, add 75 ml of deionized Volumetric, (Fisher Scientific Cat.#
water and swirl to dissolve. 10-210E or equiv.)
2. Add 3 drops of the modified 2 ml Pipet; Class A Volumetric,
orange solution. (Fisher Scientific Cat.# 13-650-2C
3. Place the mixture on a magnetic or equiv.)
stirring apparatus and gently 5 ml Pipet; Class A Volumetric,
stir. (Fisher Scientific Cat.# 13-650-2F or
4. Titrate with the HCl solution to a equiv.)
magenta color change. Record 50 ml Buret; Class A Volumetric,
the volume of HCl solution used (Fisher Scientific Cat.# 03-700-22C
to the nearest 0.02 ml. or equiv.)
Theoretically 188.68 ml of HCl
solution should be required.
5. Repeat the titration two more


Deionized water 1. Weigh 0.15g of dried potassium The following formula is used to
1N Sodium Thiosulfate Solution; iodate to the nearest 0.0001g, calculate the normality of the
Weigh 25g of Na2S2O3 (Fisher transfer to a 250 ml Erlenmeyer sodium thiosulfate.
Scientific Cat.# S445-500 or equiv.) flask and dissolve in 50 ml of
into a one liter volumetric flask, add deionized water. W = Weight (g) of potassium iodate
deionized water and mix to dissolve. 2. Add 2.0g of iodate free V = Volume (ml) of 0.1N sodium
Dilute with deionized water to potassium iodide and 5 ml of 2N thiosulfate needed to reach the clear
volume. Store the solution in a sulfuric acid. Note: To determine endpoint
tightly capped amber bottle. if the KI is iodate free, dissolve a N = Normality of the sodium
Potassium Iodide; iodate free small portion of the reagent in thiosulfate solution.
(Fisher Scientific Cat.# P410-100 or 2N sulfuric acid solution. No 0.03567 = milliequivalent weight of
equiv.) immediate yellow color should KIO3
Potassium Iodate; dried at 120°C for be observed. Add 1-2 ml of
at least one hour (Fisher Scientific starch solution, if no immediate N = (W)/(V)/(0.03567)
Cat.# P253-100 or equiv.) blue color is produced, the
2N Sulfuric Acid Solution; Weigh potassium iodide is iodate free. Average the values obtained from
55.6g of ACS reagent grade sulfuric 3. Place the mixture on a magnetic the three titration and also calculate
acid (Fisher Scientific Cat.# A300- stirring apparatus and gently the standard deviation and percent
500 or equiv.) into a one liter stir. relative standard deviation (% RSD)
volumetric flask containing 500 ml of 4. Titrate using 0.1N sodium of the standardization procedure.
deionized water, mix, allow to cool thiosulfate to a straw-yellow
and diluted to volume with deionized color, taking care to not STABILITY
water. over-titrate the sample to clear. Sodium thiosulfate solutions are
1% Starch Solution; (Fisher 5. Add approximately 100 ml of relatively stable, but do decompose
Scientific Cat.# SS408-1 or equiv.) deionized water and 2.0 ml of over time. Exposure to air
1% Phenolphthalein Solution; starch solution and continue the (especially carbon dioxide), light and
(Fisher Scientific Cat.# SP62-500 or titration until the blue color airborne bacteria will accelerate the
equiv.) disappears. To achieve decomposition reaction. Therefore,
0.1% Methyl Orange Solution; accurate results, the addition of restandardization should be
(Fisher Scientific Cat.# SM54-500 or the sodium thiosulfate should be performed on monthly basis or
equiv.) done very slowly. The endpoint sooner.
of the titration is very sharp
SAFETY (color changes from dark blue or REFERENCES
Refer to the MSDS for the proper purple to clear) and dropwise 1. ASTM 15.04 D 2022 with
handling procedures for all addition is recommended. modifications
chemicals being analyzed by this Record the volume of sodium 2. Vogel, Arthur I., A Textbook of
method. thiosulfate used to the nearest Qualitative Inorganic Analysis, 3rd
0.02 ml. Theoretically 42.06 ml edition, 1961.
Potassium iodate is an oxidizer, of sodium thiosulfate solution
potassium iodide is toxic, sodium should be required.
thiosulfate is an irritant and sulfuric 6. Repeat the titration two more
acid is extremely corrosive. If any of times.
these chemicals comes in contact
with the eyes or skin, the affected
area should be flushed with plenty
of clean water for a minimum of 15
minutes. Seek medical attention


® Viton is a registered trademark of DuPont de Nemours.

® Teflon is a registered trademark of DuPont de Nemours.


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Sodium Hypochlorite Handbook December 2014

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