Life Cycle Inventory-Sodium Silicates
Life Cycle Inventory-Sodium Silicates
Life Cycle Inventory-Sodium Silicates
Soluble alkali silicate glasses, liquids and powders are an important class of primary synthetic chemicals and are produced in large quantities both in Europe and world-wide. They are utilised in a broad range of application fields, both industrial and domestic, including detergents, chemical feedstocks, paper manufacture, civil engineering and adhesives. In order to establish viable figures for the consumption of raw materials, water and energy and the emissions to air and water and solid waste generation, the production routes for five typical commercial sodium silicate products were traced back to the extraction of the relevant raw materials from the earth. Life Cycle Inventories for these products were compiled by EMPA St. Gallen / Switzerland on behalf of CEES, a Sector Group of CEFIC, using the data input based on the production of 1995 from 12 West European silicate producers covering about 93% of the total alkaline silicate production in Western Europe. Keywords: Builder; cradle-to-factory-gate; cradle-to-gate; laundry detergents; LCA; LCI; life cycle assessment; Life cycle inventory; sodium silicate; software "EcoPro ~
The interest in objective and scientifically based information about the environmental impacts caused by products and everyday life activities has increased with the growing concern of the general public about ecology and the environment. Detergents and cleaning agents have received specific attention, mainly because of the annual consumption of about 5.5 mil. tons of detergent in the EC (situation in 1993); it has become imperative to focus on this category of products in ecological terms. In 1992, the Association of the Swiss Soap and Detergents Industry (SWI) commissioned Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs) on detergents and cleaning agents by the LCA-Group of EMPA, St. Gallen. The SWI considers that ecobalancing the essential ingredients of these product categories is an important step in the development of the European detergent market. From this first exercise it became obvious that these LCAs are reliable if they can be sponsored by manufacturers of the corresponding ingredients rather than by its users.
The European Detergent Zeolite Producers (ZeoDet) have been first encouraged to carry out a life cycle study on the environmental effects of Zeolite A (FAwER, 1996). One specific sodium silicate has therefore been investigated as a precursor material of Zeolite A. This LCI study has raised the interest of the European Silicate Producers (CEES, Centre Europ&n d'Etude des Silicates) to carry out Life Cycle Inventories (LCIs) of various sodium silicates themselves. The LCIs have accordingly been commissioned by the CEES Sector g r o u p of the European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC) involving 12 member companies. The idea of the group was to employ an independent institute to generate an authoritative LCI for silicate production in Europe based on individual data supplied by all members. This approach, using an independent 3rd-party, is now a well-established and viable technique which preserves confidentiality and generates meaningful and utilisable LCI data. It has already been successfully applied by the APME (Association of Plastics Manufacturers in Europe) for their ecoprofiles of polymers and by the E C O S O L (European Centre of Studies on Linear Alkylbenzene) for their LCI study on detergent surfactants. This latter work has obviously a direct relevance for the Silicate study. The detailed LCI has been published as EMPA report N ~ 241 (F^wER, 1997). The LCIs represent average situations for the sodium silicate production in Western Europe in 1995 and data have been obtained from a total of 13 CEES member production plants which, produced 704,000 t as SiO z of alkaline silicates in 1995. This represents 93% of the total production of alkaline silicate in Western Europe (757,000 t as SIO2). The average was weighted by the output from each plant. From the supporting group, companies were chosen to provide data for the 5 sodium silicate products. The LCIs are based on data covering the total annual production as outlined in Table 1. For each of the relevant companies an individual LCI has been calculated and sent to cover their respective operations. Each of them will use their own LCI for conducting an internal bench marking of their silicate production. This will help them to identify their priorities in terms of improving their operations and processes. The average LCI has been evaluated for general use and when published will serve clients, consumers and government bodies.
Int. J. LCA 4 (4) 207-212 (1999) 9 ecomed publishers, D-86899 I,andsberg, Germanv
Table 1: The 5 sodium silicate products: Specification and amount (as t of SiO z) represented by LCI data suppliers
1,000 kg sodium silicate 3.3 weight ratio furnace lumps, 100% solid 260,000 t 1,000 kg sodium silicate 3.3 weight ratio furnace liquor, 37% solid 300,000 t 1,000 kg sodium silicate 2.0 weight ratio hydrothermal liquor, 48% solid 91,000 t 1,000 kg sodium silicate 2.0 weight ratio spray powder, 80% solid 15,000 t 1,000 kg sodium meta-silicate pentahydrate (1.0 WR), 58% solid 38,000 t
For convenience, the inventory data are calculated on the basis of the production of 1,000 kg sodium silicate with standard solid contents of commercially available products. The functionality of the 5 different sodium silicate products is not comparable because their application and performance varies considerably. The solid portions of the surface of the Earth consist predominantly of silicon and oxygen atoms in the form of silica and silicates. The use of Earth's silica and silicate resources by human beings is the oldest technology on the planet. With the domestication of fire, the first anthropogenic silicates were introduced. The etymological root of the word ceramics goes back through ancient Greek to the Sanskrit verb "to burn" (RocHow, 1987). The preparation of silicates by chemical reaction began late in the industrial revolution with the production of Portland cement in the 1830s. It was shortly thereafter that soluble alkali silicates were produced on a commercial scale. By 1928, processes were being developed for the use of soluble silicates in aqueous effluent treatment from other industries. The 1940s saw the development of aqueous silica sols and the beginnings of the production of crystalline silicates by hydrothermal synthesis. In the following decade, silicones and organic silicates emerged as commercial products. Another decade later a rapid growth occurred in the manufacture of synthetic zeolites, crystalline hydrated aluminosilicates, first as ion exchangers and adsorbents, then as shape selective or molecular sieves and petrochemical catalysts. Today the range of applications falls into three major groups: detergent, chemical and adhesive. Household laundry detergents incorporate sodium silicate as a builder, corrosion inhibitor and processing aid. Detergents for machine dishwashing and for industrial applications rely on the buffering, saponifying and soil suspension properties. Sodium silicate is also consumed in large quantities as a silica source for further chemical synthesis. Other chemicals requiring silicates for their manufacture include silica sol and titanium dioxide. Silicates are also used as a chemical auxiliary. They perform an important stabilising role in peroxide bleaching of paper pulp and textiles. In the third group of applications, silicates function as adhesives. The bonding of paper tubes and drums, for example, utilises sodium silicate as an adhesive in its own right. In other applications, the bonding or setting may be reinforced by heat or chemical reaction. Soluble silicate glasses, powders and liquids are among the largest volume synthetic chemicals, surpassed in volume only by commodity acids and bases. They are essentially combinations of alkali metal oxide and silica, usually with some water. The general formula for the soluble silicates of sodium, potassium and lithium is: x SiO 2 M20
[where M is Na, K or Li and x is the molar ratio (MR) defining the number of moles silica (SiO2) per mole of metal oxide (MzO) ]. However, the ratio can also be expressed on a weight basis. For example, a sodium silicate solution containing 36% SiO z and 18 % NazO is said to have a weight ratio (WR) of 2.0:1. Since the molecular weights of NazO (62) and SiO z (60) are similar, there is only a small difference between weight and molar ratio for sodium silicates. For convenience, all ratios in this report are expressed on a weight basis. The versatility of these products stems largely from the modification of their properties made possible by varying the molar ratio and the physical form in which the product is supplied, e.g. liquid, powder, granules, etc.
2 Goal and Scope
The idea of the study was to generate quantitative LCI information for the production of 5 sodium silicate products. This information comprises the consumption of energy and raw materials, emissions to air and water and solid waste generation and is presented as "Life Cycle Inventories for the production of Sodium Silicates". The aim was to trace back all production processes to the extraction of raw materials from earth and to calculate average data for the production processes of sodium silicates employed in Europe. Secondary company specific information may be compared with the average LCI as an internal bench marking process which helps the individual producer to recognise the major potentials of improving their production processes. More details about the methodology applied and the general aims of a Life Cycle Inventory can be found in the full report (FAWER,1997). It generally complies with the SETAC publication "A 'Code of Practice' - Guidelines for Life Cycle Assessment" (1993), ISO 14041 (1998) and BUWAL 250 (1996). The LCI study covered all operations, notably the two basic production processes for sodium silicate (furnace or hydrothermal route) and the further processes (dissolving, blending, filtering, etc.) leading to the 5 commercial products. The study therefore comprises a Chemical Material Inventory or a "Cradle-to-Factory-Gate" study. Subsequent use of sodium silicates in other products (e.g. detergents) and its final disposal were not included. Nevertheless, this basic information on sodium silicates, when combined with other data, allows one to conduct LCIs for full products at a later stage. Using these LCIs of sodium silicates for comparative studies with alternative materials, special care has to be taken of the equivalent functions. Therefore, detailed information must be collected on the performance of the compared products.
NaOH production
A P M E Report 6
Sand extraction
B U W A L N ~ 250
Soda ash
B U W A L N ~ 250
BUWAL N ~ 250 )
BUWAL N ~ 250
Mixing & Melting
CEES members
Sodium silicate
100% solid
Dissolving & Filtering
CEES members
Spray drying
CEES members
Sodium silicate
Fig. 1: Schematic flow chart for the production of 5 different sodium silicates. (Italics: Origin of data) The main production sequence is usually the easiest to identify. This includes the final processes which are under the direct control of the silicate producers and for which operations specific inventory data are used (---) Fig. 1). All other processes are not under the direct control of the silicate producers and are described by average data (processes with data from B UWAL N* 250, APME report 6, ETH/ESU study
b) S o d i u m silicate 3.3 W R f u r n a c e liquor (37% solid)
From the sodium silicate lumps WE 3.3, the frequently used commercial products are gained by dissolving them in water at elevated temperature and pressure to yield a solution of 37% solid which is then filtered normally.
c) S o d i u m silicate 2 . 0 W R hydrothermal liquor(48% solid)
This product is normally produced by hydrothermally dissolving silica sand in sodium hydroxide solution (theoretical values: 320 kg SiO 2/ 206.5 kg NaOH). the reaction takes place inside autoclaves, specially designed to withstand the extremely aggressive working conditions involved. After filtration, the product is obtained as a sodium silicate solution of 48% solid and a weight ratio of 2.0.
d) S o d i u m silicate 2.0 W R spray p o w d e r
Sodium silicate WR 2.0 Solutions produced according to route c) are dried in drum or spray dryers yielding hydrous powders (about 20% water) which can readily be redissolved on application (subsequent processing of the powders like compacting or granulating is not contained in the calculations).
e) S o d i u m m e t a s i l i c a t e p e n t a h y d r a t e ( 1 . 0 W R / 5 8 % dry matter)
Sodium silicate glass WR 3.3 is produced by direct fusion of precisely measured proportions of pure silica sand and soda ash (theoretical values: 767.4 kg SiO2 / 397.5 kg NazCO3) in oil or gas fired furnaces at a temperature of about 1400"C according to the reaction: Na2CO 3+ x
SiO 2
-~ x SiO 2 : Na20 + CO 2
This substance is normally produced by blending sodium silicate solutions and additional caustic soda (NaOH) to achieve crystallisable solutions with WR 1.0. The crystallised (stoichiometric) products Na,SiO 3 x 5 H20 are separated, sieved and processed in an appropriate way.
Table 2: Individual net process energy consumption: weighted average figures and spread for process energy usage
Net Process Energy Consumption [MJ] Production process (1,000 kg output)
Furnace process (mixing & melting) Furnace lumps dissolving & filtering Hydrothermal liquor process (processing & filtering) Na-silicate spray drying process Metasilicate process (blending, crystallisation, sieving & separation)
4,183 487 553 7,000 945
3,700 - 5,320 345 - 920 350 - 680 4,100 - 13,540 440 - 1,551
Remarks to Table 2: The spread in terms of process energy consumption is due to several parameters which vary over the individual production processes of the five silicate products, Nevertheless, one has to realise that such a spread is not unexpected for the silicate production. It is rather an obvious occurrence when creating average figures over the European production of certain goods involving several plants. In this respect, the spread in energy consumption shown in Table 2 lies within the expectations. However, a few reasons partly explaining the deviation are given below. The following comments are somehow applicable to all described processes. For instance a higher use of energy may be related to a certain product performance which goes beyond the described functional unit (special filtering step, temperature of sold product, etc.). Furthermore, companies may achieve a higher production yield to avoid the production of waste which also needs additional energy. Another reason for slightly higher energy consumption may be due to spare capacities which necessitates more start-upS and shutdowns of the process. On the other hand, there may be differences in terms of age and technology of certain installations which result in diverse efficiencies of the systems (heat recovery, energy regime, insulation). A low specific energy consumption can only be achieved with an optimised size of the installation and a perfect energy recovery via steam and electricity generation. Enhanced process design, as for example the dissolving of the lumps straight from the furnace, may also lead to some energy savings. But obviously not all measures are suitable for all production facilities. Therefore, each production site is unique in the way it has developed, has been designed and has been linked to other parts of the plant.
One purpose of such an LCI study is to help individual companies to compare their specific information with average data of a unit process to elaborate an internal bench-marking process. Therefore, the average input and output figures of the major production (unit) processes for Na-silicate are calculated separately to be compared with company specific data. A special chapter describes the sodium silicate production processes. It is a precise look at an average process that is very useful for engineers of the companies. In contrast to a full LCI, these figures focus on a defined process and the input materials are n o t traced back to its origin. The average process energy consumptions are shown in Table 2.
4.2 Average Life Cycle Inventory (LCl)
(4 Table 3, Appendix)
The Life Cycle Inventory results are presented in a complete input-output table. They display results for raw materials and water consumption, electricity and thermal energy use, emissions to air and water and solid waste generation (including the consumptions and emissions caused by intermediates and energy production and transport). The whole LCIs have been calculated using EMPA software "EcoPro 1.4". This newly developed software contains standard data modules which may be combined with additional figures from industry.
5 Conclusions
The LCIs of sodium silicates were carried out using the latest information about silicate production processes and the precombustion of required intermediates and energies. The
data presented here for the manufacture of sodium silicates are therefore a good representation of average European practice during the year 1995. The methodology applied in this study is in compliance with the described standard procedures of SETAC and ISO. These LCIs for sodium silicates are an important step within a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), providing data on defined processes. They take into account material and energy inputs and outputs such as emissions to land, air and water. These LCIs are not an LCA study in their own right, but provide the raw data on which such studies, including comparisons and assessments, can be based. Each of the companies involved knows their own LCI and is therefore able to compare their figures with the average LCIs for sodium silicates and to determine any ecological weak points or identify any production process improvement opportunities (Hot spot analysis). This identification of critical aspects of the silicate production processes was already part of an iterative data collection procedure. With each iteration step (3 in total) an increasing level of detail and reliability was attained. The level of detail was increased on points where the previous iteration pointed out key issues for further analysis. Issues like raw material use, energy consumption, steam partition within one site and functional units (e.g. solid content and weight ratio of final products) were especially addressed during this iterative procedure. Furthermore, such a data collection is considered to be a dynamic activity and, ideally, should be repeated periodically approximately every 5 years. The LCI data generated in this study may subsequently be used to conduct full LCAs for a variety of systems, for instance detergent products. In particular, they can provide a basis for comparing the environmental characteristics of different systems. Above all, this necessitates the correct specification of the functional unit of such systems in a way that the performances delivered are equivalent. Defining such
This compilation of LCIs has been commissioned and sponsored by CEES (Centre Europ~en d'Etude des Silicates) involving the following member companies most of whom have also supplied their specific process data: AKZO-PQ Silica Vof Amersfoort Netherlands Ausimont Bollate Italy Crosfield Ltd. Warrington England FMC foret S.A. Barcelona Spain Henkel KGaA D0sseldorf Germany IQE S.A. Zaragoza Spain Rhodia Courbevoie France (former RhSne-Poulenc S.A,) SILMACO S.A Lanaken Belgium Clariant Cuise-Lamotte France (former Societ~ Fran~aise Hoechst) Van Baerle GmbH Gernsheim Germany Van Baerle & Cie AG M0nchenstein Switzerland Woellner Silikat GmbH Ludwigshafen Germany
7 References
BOUSTF.AD,I. (1992): Eco-profiles of the European polymer industry, Report 1: Eco-balance methodology for commodity thermoplastics. Association of Plastics Manufacturers in Europe (APME), Brussels BOUSTF.AD,I. (1994): Eco-profiles of the European polymer industry, Report 6: Polyvinyl chloride. Association of Plastics Manufacturers in Europe (APME), Brussels
Table 3: Average LCIs for the production of the five sodium silicate products
Na-silicate 3,3 (WR) furnace lumps, 100% 1,000 k9 638 772 510 772 400
LCI of various Sodium Silicates Na-silicate 3.3 Na-silicate 2.0 (WR)furnace liquor, (WR) hydrothermal 37% solid liquor, 48% solid 1,000 kg 1,000 kg
Weighted average Funktional unit Raw materials Rock salt kg I Sand k9 I Lime stone kg Intermediates for Na-silicate prod. Washed sand (100% dryI kg I Soda kg ] NaOH (100%) kg Auxil. Materials for Na-silicate prod. Water for steam prod. m3 ] Compressed air [8 barI Nma I *Additives kg Energy Flow (delivered energy) Electricity MJ Coal MJ Oil heavy MJ Oil average/light Diesel oil MJ Gas MJ Others MJ Sub-total MJ Recovered energy MJ To~l MJ
Recyclable materials Water Filter residues
Na-silicate 2.0 (WR) spray powder, 80% solid 1,000 kg 214 562 3.8 562 362 815.3 115.9 1.6 7,075 517 12 789 211 8,290 1,097 17,992 17,992
Na-metasilicate Pentahydrate (1.0 WR), 58% solid 1,000 kg 224 293 4.0 293 380 343.1 28,6 0.6 6,41 487 6 715 262 2,66 36 10,57 10,57
7.3 9.6 0.1 477 4,501 2,981 297 157 3,243 7 11,661 708 10,953
J ]
115 8.4 0.7 212 1,710 1,310 110 57 1,404 61 4,865 242 4,623
142.8 4.0 0.7 3,118 296 9 456 144 1,270 78 5,371 5,371
kg kg
75.3 1.0
68.6 0.7
510,7 0,8
Na-silicate 2.0 (WR) spray powder, 80% solid 1,000 kg 28.9 4.1 3.0 4.0 0.01 0.3 892,353 509 1,509 1,338 3,490 2,588 4,181 1.4 1.15 11,197 6.3 2,066 35.2 4,196 5.1
Na-metasilicate Pentahydrate (1.0 WR), 58% solid 1,000 kg 27.6 2.8 3.7 4.2 0.01 0.2 570,190 404 1,257 371 3,26 2,63 4,08 1.0 1.18 11,546 14.1 4,537 32.8 6O5 3.5
Solid waste
Mineral waste Filter residues Inert chemicals Slags & ash Regulated chemicals
Air emissions
Ammonia (NH3) Carbon dioxide fossil (CO2) Carbon monoxide Dust, particles Methane (CH4) Nitrogen oxides (NO,) Non methan hc (NMVOC) Sulphur oxides (SO,) 237 1,066,022 3,748 3,886 666 3,606 ,1,035 4,699 121.6 0.35 374,589 3.9 229,533 26.5 28,752 7.3 88.3 424,668 1,406 1,454 307 1,424 420 1,914 45.4 0,14 139,365 1.6 85,413 11.5 10,704 3.5
Water emissions
Ammonium (NH4+) BOD as g 02 Chlorides (CI-) COD as g 02 Inorg. Salts and acids Metals Suspended solids Water consumption
This study (commissioned by the German Federal Environmental Agency, UBA Berlin and the Okoinstitut Freiburg, Germany) presents basic data on the production of the most important ingredients for detergents. These data have been harmonised and updated and are published as life cycle inventories. Two different groups are targeted. The first is the users of these LCIs from the detergent industry. The second target group consists of the LCA experts in general, The problem of LCIs that are incompatible due to the use of varied methodologies and basic data is a common one. This study can be helpful in demonstrating solutions for these problems. Applying the data published here eliminates concerns over whether the data are compatible with each other, and they can therefore be combined quickly and simply. Users of these data can be sure that: 9 A uniform methodology, which is compliant with ISO 14 000 ff, has been applied in the life cycle inventories 9 Joint basic data on energy production, transport and basic chemicals have been used
9 The LCI parameters are compatible with each other 9 The structure of the individual LCIs is constant It is thus possible for users to obtain reliable and meaningful results. Through the qualitative descriptions in the individual inventories, they can also quickly recognise whether the data are appropriate to their needs.
Summary of theTable of Contents
9 Basic introduction in the field of detergent ingredients 9 Detailled description of the LCI methodology applied 9 Description of the individual ingredients and performed amendments and methodological variations 9 Basic data and life cycle inventories 9 Critical review report by Dr. Rolf Bretz, Ciba SC 9 Statement on the critical review report 9 Comparison of different terms used for parameters 9 Glossary of terms 9 Standard questionnaire for collecting data