Acting Skills Lab Semester Long Term Plan
Acting Skills Lab Semester Long Term Plan
Acting Skills Lab Semester Long Term Plan
I “Say Yes” to all new ideas, to the expectations of the class, and to taking risks. (Assessed on weekly rubric)
My words and actions help create a physically and emotionally safe and respectful space. (Assessed on weekly rubric)
I meaningfully reflect on my experiences in drama class by meeting journaling expectations. (Assessed on weekly rubric)
I come through for my peers by giving my full creative effort to group tasks.
I give strong performance feedback to my peers by using specific drama terms taught in class.
I put clear effort into applying feedback I’m given to make specific changes to my performance.
I project my voice and body to make my performance accessible to an audience.
I make bold and creative physical choices to develop and explore unique characters.
I infer my character’s emotions and use my voice and body to clearly express those emotions to an audience.
I identify my character’s objective and use multiple tactics to achieve that objective in a performance.
I write and follow meaningful notes in a script to block a scene.
How students will demonstrate mastery of skills (measured during Performance Assessments throughout semester):
The actor demonstrates the The actor demonstrates the The actor demonstrates the
tion k and
Gives feedback that both: Gives feedback that only: Gives feedback to peers that is Does not give feedback after
o demonstrates
Connects to drama o demonstrates
Connects to the The related to their performance, watching performance OR
RelationEstablis Improvi
following skills while following skills while following skills while improvising:
improvising: improvising:
Is able topeer ideas with a
Is able topeer ideas and a
Can peerthe
explain ideas, but
Did “no” to peer
select ideas either
a relationship to
specific relationship clearly general idea of a and how they attempted to act out
to the audience relationship to the show the relationship, but the
audience, but specifics audience was very unsure of OR
are unclear relationship
Stage Objectiv
Selects and acts out an Selects and acts out an Selects and acts out an Does not select an objective
Props / ns Tactics eship &
objective that: objective that: objective that is related to OR the objective does not
o Makes sense o Makes sense the scene, but the objective match expectations or make
o Creates conflict o Creates conflict does not create conflict sense in the scene
direction terms into script direction terms into direction terms into script Does not include any written
The where they go AND the
actor demonstrates The script
actor where they go,the
demonstrates and The where they go, but does
actor demonstrates the not stage directions
Incorporates no in
setscript OR
Setting Scenery
Makes very clear, creative Attempts to change tempo, Actor’s body movements do
choices throughout the choices around tempo, level, or leading with a body not seem different than
Skills er
scene around tempo, level, level, or leading with part, though the attempt is normal movements in anyway
or leading with certain body certain body parts, small and/or unclear – no attempt has been made
The parts
actor to emphasize character
demonstrates the The though these are notthe
actor demonstrates The actor demonstrates the to convey
Does characterany
not complete through
creative dialogue while dialogue while following expectations of dialogue, but actor would not be able to
following all grammatical and most grammatical and lines are minimal OR there are read it to learn lines
Power Words
Skill Words: Ensemble, Improvisation (Improv), Rehearse, Feedback, Objective, Tactics, Blocking, Knowledge Words: Scene, Relationship, Diaphragm,
Expression, Projection (Project), Physicality, Memorize, Tableau, Level, Tempo Oppressed, Forum, Stage Directions, Script, Props,
Sentence Frames (To be used throughout semester)
(Name of student) demonstrated successful (specific drama skill) when he/she (past tense specific verb/action)
It was effective when (student or group name) + (past tense specific verb/action), because (connection to a specific drama skill)
I recommend changing (specific action or technical element) in order to better (verb connected to specific drama skill)
Window/Mirror Cultural Awareness
Students will get many opportunities to explore their own personalities, movements, and ideas through movement.
They will also be trained on how to support one another to create a safe space for one another to share those elements of their identity.
Students will be studying Laban exercises, an approach to studying movement developed by a Hungarian dance artist and theorist.
They will do partner scenes that connect to other classes (literature, humanities) and that showcase different cultures, ethnicities, and languages.
Finally, they will explore the ideas and techniques behind Theater of the Oppressed, an activist-driven theater style created by Brazilian director and
activist Augusto Boal, which equips people to analyze and transform the oppressive realities in which they are living.
Key Resources
Laban Movements, Mask Work, and Improvisation lessons taken from Drama Teacher Academy
Partner Scenes from More Short Scenes and Monologues for Middle School Students: Inspired by Literature, Social Studies, and Real Life by Mary
Hall Surface
Theater of the Oppressed techniques and exercises from Games for Actors and Non-Actors, 2nd Edition by Augusto Boal, as well as from Honors Thesis:
Key Assessments
DATE TYPE OF ASSESSMENT SKILLS ASSESSED (see rubrics above for each skill)
Every Friday Weekly Grade: Basic Class Expectations Say Yes, Be Safe, Journaling
Rubric grade based on weekly observations & conversations
1/27 Performance Assessment 1 Improvisation Skills
Half of class at a time – peer & teacher graded with rubric Peer Feedback / Application Skills
2/10-2/11 Performance Assessment 2 Establishing Relationship
Rubric grade by teacher Objective / Tactics
Improvisation Skills – REVIEW
Peer Feedback / Application Skills - REVIEW
3/10 Performance Assessment 3 Setting / Set-Design
Rubric grade by teacher Blocking / Stage Directions
Projection Skills
Note – If you feel you will need more time for this assessment, combine 2 of the Script Work
previous projection days to get another testing day Establishing Relationship – REVIEW
Objective / Tactics – REVIEW
Peer Feedback / Application Skills - REVIEW
3/23-3/24 Performance Assessment 4 Establishing Relationship – REVIEW
Rubric grade by teacher Objective / Tactics – REVIEW
Setting / Set-Design – REVIEW
Blocking / Stage Directions – REVIEW
Projection Skills – REVIEW
Peer Feedback / Application Skills - REVIEW
4/21-4/22 Performance Assessment 5 Character Physicality
Rubric grade by teacher Establishing Relationship – REVIEW
Objective / Tactics – REVIEW
Setting / Set-Design – REVIEW
Blocking / Stage Directions – REVIEW
Projection Skills – REVIEW
Peer Feedback / Application Skills - REVIEW
5/25-5/27 Performance Assessment 6 Establishing Relationship – REVIEW
Rubric grade by teacher Improvisation Skills – REVIEW
Script-Work – REVIEW
Note – Testing schedule was uncertain for the end of May. If you lose a week due to Projection Skills – REVIEW
testing, I’d recommend skipping the improvised Forum Theater week or the Scripted Peer Feedback / Application Skills - REVIEW
Forum week (you choose) and assessing whichever one you keep.
4-8 (4) STAFF PD – NO STUDENTS Quarter 2 Grades Due Warm Up SAY YES – NEW SEATING CHART Review 2 rules & warm up
Intro to Class, Midnight Review warm-up rules Warm Up ROCK PAPER expectations
Review 2 class rules -Say CHEERLEADER - Review Play warm up games –
Routines, Review/introduce warm Yes & Be Safe of rules GIVE ME YOUR SPOT
Ensemble up rule: no side talk, say Go through examples/ Rule-Practice game - TRIANGLE GAME
yes to activity non-examples of each Give everyone a GROUP JUMP / LAND
Warm Up Practice – OBJECTS Play ensemble number, they break one Journal
NAME GAME (everyone game -Shout outs & of the rules when I call
has a movement/ name Group fixes their number in the Show rubric grade in detail for
and it goes around until Journal game week
the next person then Journal
switches) Sample rubric grade for week
Binders (check in individually)
Journal - Introduce
If time, do another
warm-up type activity to
practice (spaghetti)
11-15 (5) Intro to Improv: Yes, and… UPPER SCHOOL FIELD TRIP – Telling Stories Strong Offers & Character Environment & Object Work
SWBAT accept offers and ideas No Drama Class SWBAT practice accepting SWBAT adapt their SWBAT include key clues in
of peers using their voice and offers and trusting their own movement and voice to their voice and movements to
Improvisation actions in improv exercises. impulses in improv exercises. specific character traits in convey object and place to
improv exercises. peers in improv exercises.
Basic Skills, No and / Yes but / Yes and One word at a time
Stories stories Mirroring Activity / Environment Join
Feedback & Yes, let’s! Doctor Know-it-all Character Walk-About Stuck in a Where
Application Gift Giving Hitchhiker Review feedback / application
Introduce feedback Introduce expectations and practice
expectations and practice feedback/application
Introduced expectations and practice
18-22 (4) MLK – NO SCHOOL Emotion Work Progress Reports Due 12pm Scene Work Review & Putting it all together
SWBAT explore ranges of SWBAT practice accepting SWBAT demonstrate an
emotional expression in their Questions and building off of one understanding of basic improv
Improvisation voice and body in improv SWBAT explain why asking another’s offers while skills through game
Basic Skills exercises. questions can be both helpful creating simple improv assessments, INCLUDING giving
land harmful in improv scenes. and receiving feedback
Feedback & It’s Tuesday situations.
Emotional Symphony “I’m a…”
Questions Only Thank You Statues
Skills Show sample rubric for Job Interview Freeze PERFORMANCE
Introduced performance assessment 1 Review rubric for performance Review rubric for ASSESSMENT #1
and self-assess assessment and give peer performance assessment and
feedback around rubric give peer feedback around
rubric – practice application!
25-29 (5) Intro to establishing Intro to objective Review establishing Create partner Give partner feedback
relationships Note how objectives relationships improvised scenes in after watching improvised
Relationship improv drive a scene and create Review objective which there is a clear scenes from yesterday
Improvisation exercises conflict Introduce conflicting relationship, objective Apply feedback
Scenes & Feedback and application Feedback and objectives (= creates for each person
Scene Basics practice application practice conflict and keeps scene (conflicting)
moving forward)
Share rubric for establishing
Relationships relationships
, Objective /
1-5 (3) NO CLASSES – OLPA TESTING Intro to tactics NO CLASSES – OLPA TESTING Select and practice Give partner feedback
Note how tactics give Progress Reports Due tactics for improvised after watching improvised
you directions for what 12pm partner scene scenes from yesterday
Improvisation to do Use rubric to give Apply feedback
Scenes & Feedback and fishbowl feedback
Scene Basics application practice around tactic
8-12 (4) Share rubric for Thurs Continued partner work Warm up rehearse Lockdown Drill 3pm NO SCHOOL –
assessment on scenes, but this time improvised scene & self- Warm up rehearse PRESIDENT’S DAY
Work time with partner on practice throwing assess with rubric improvised scene & self-
Improvisation establishing relationships, wrenches in that WEEKEND
assess with rubric
Scenes & objective (conflict) and students have to make PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT
Scene Basics tactics quick-decision reactions #2 PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT
Give each other feedback to (e.g. another student #2
and apply using rubric jumping into the scene)
15-19 (4) NO SCHOOL – Intro to lines, dialogue Progress Reports Due by Warm up: environment Create a basic set-design
PRESIDENT’S DAY Use content-less scenes 12pm walks using only chairs that
to explore expression Determine setting and establishes the setting of
Beginning adjust movements / the scene
Script Work Assigned a partner
voice accordingly in Sketch out set-design on
content-less scene with
content-less scene paper to accompany script
an objective and
Lines / relationship Add notes to script
Expression, Determine 3 tactics &
Setting / Set- expression for lines
22-26 (5) Intro to blocking and stage Review blocking and Perform scenes for class Intro to script writing Finish writing scripts so
directions stage directions and give feedback around Get in groups of 2-4 Mrs. Johnson can type
Incorporate at least 3 Incorporate at least 3 o Relationship Each group receives a them over the weekend
Beginning basic stage direction more blocking notes o Objective / setting, relationship, and BECOMES HW IF NOT DONE
Script Work blocking notes into script that match objective, Tactics conflicting objectives
and practice following tactic, and setting into o Setting Plan out a scene, begin
Blocking, them script o Blocking script writing
29-4 (2) ACCESS TESTING – WILL LOSE Receive typed scripts Progress Reports Due by INTERIM 3 Test – NO INTERIM 3 Test – NO
ONE DAY BETWEEN NOW AND back 12pm Drama Class Drama Class
THE 18th Work in groups to
Beginning Determine each
complete a basic set
Script Work character’s objective and
design with only chairs
and sketch out set
Add at least 3 pieces of
Set Design, design on separate
blocking per character to
Blocking, reflect those
Stage Add at least 3 stage
directions (enter, exit,
7-11 (4) Intro to projection: Intro to projection: Intro to projection: OPEN LAST DAY Q3 NETWORK DAY – NO
Practice and apply in Practice and apply Practice and apply in
Beginning Receive feedback
improvised scene improvised scene improvised scene
Script Work
Fishbowl feedback and Fishbowl feedback and Fishbowl feedback and
application application application PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT
Projection Share rubric for projection Review rubric for #3
& performance Review rubric for projection & performance
assessment Thurs projection & assessment Thurs
assessment Thurs
14-18 (5) Q4 STARTS – Q3 Grades Directors share who will Actors have a Directors get together Discuss notes & how
Due by Midnight play which roles memorization workshop with actors to block the directors give helpful
Actors get together with day scene feedback
Partner Scene Discuss Directors roles
their co-actors and Directors have day to Actors and directors Actors run scenes while
1: Underdog within a scene (come up
determine objectives block the scene in their both record blocking directors take notes on:
with a vision, block the
Scene scene, give notes &
and tactics, as well as own scripts notes into scripts o Relationship
feedback, etc)
characterization choices o 3 blocking Actors can offer o Setting
Directors have a day to choices per suggestions but o Objective/Tactics
Objective / Assign 7 directors
sketch a set design – actor that directors have final say o Blocking
Tactics, Directors listen while we
discuss using more than involve tactics o Projection
read scripts and
Establishing just chairs o 3 specific stage
determine who they’d like
Relationship, Actors present their directions
to cast as the roles
Blocking, objective / tactic choices (enter, cross,
All actors read through the
to director, who can exit)
Stage- scripts out loud together
agree or alter
Directions Directors cast their scene
21-25 (4) Directors run through Projection Review Directors receive average Directors receive PARENT-TEACHER
notes from last week with warm-ups score of actors average score of actors CONFERENCES ALL DAY
their actors, set goals with Review performance Directors write a Directors write a
Partner Scene each actor, make any assessment 4 rubrics paragraph reflecting on paragraph reflecting on
1: Underdog script/blocking Review notes from the individual actors’ the individual actors’
Scene adjustments yesterday growth and their growth and their
Go over rubric for Actors run scene again experience directing experience directing
Projection performance assessment 4 Directors take notes on
Actors run scene again, rubric and give feedback PERFORMANCE ASSESEMENT PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT
Feedback and directors taking notes on #4 #4
Application rubric and giving feedback
28-1 (0)
4-8 (5) Read through scripts Directors / actors Close reading of scenes Intro to Stanislavski Directors share character
Rank scripts assigned character development relationship, objectives,
Select preference of Computer lab to Actors determine one tactics – write tactic
Partner Scene director or actor research scenes, real-life / personal blocking choices into script
characters, complete connection they have to Rest of class, begin
2: Tonight I take preferences into profiles their character that will memorization workshop
Differentiated account and assign director / help them act (directors coaching for
Scenes actor groups, modifying some realistically in the scene accuracy) – Take copies of
scripts to make them for 3 Directors, determine script / cheat sheets home
people. character relationship, for practice
objectives, tactics
11-15 (5) Play levels warm up game Present LEVELS rubric Progress Reports Due by MEMORIZATION MEMORIZATION
Have actors run their for performance 12pm WORKSHOP (if sub) WORKSHOP (if sub)
scenes and go through assessment
Partner Scene Review physicality from Present Watch another group and
each page, finding at least Review Levels and have
2: last semester: TEMPO, TEMPO/LEVEL/LEADING give feedback around level,
3 places where they could students get feedback
LEVEL, LEADING BODY BODY PART rubrics for tempo, leading, etc. using
Differentiated logically change levels from another group (or
PART performance Performance Assessment 5
Scenes just rehearse in their
Select one of each for assessment 5 character rubrics
own groups) for level
own character Fishbowl feedback Make changes in scripts
and blocking
Write spots into script around tempo, level, after hearing feedback.
where you can highlight leading body part
each Partner critique of
another group’s tempo,
level, and leading body
Add notes to script
18-22 (5) Sub plan that gives Come up with fun sub Sub plan that gives Sarah comes back Go over the CHARACTER
Maternity students a checklist of lesson! students a checklist of today part of the Assessment
Leave the following: the following: Rubric for Performance
Memorize your whole Memorize your whole Go over PROJECTION Assessment 5
Partner Scene scene (directors coaching scene (directors coaching part of Assessment
on lines). Get merit if you on lines). Get merit if you
2: can recite all your lines to can recite all your lines to Rubric for Performance Watch and grade another
Differentiated teacher. teacher. Assessment 5 group on Character
Scenes Run through the Run through the
movements of your scene, movements of your Watch and grade
DIRECTORS, give feedback scene, DIRECTORS, give another group on
about PROJECTION and feedback about
25-29 (4) MCA TESTING – NO DRAMA PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT Testing Makeups (some Testing Makeups (some
Maternity PERFORMANCE #5 students may miss class) students may miss class)
Leave Video tape performances to Define: power and Societal Roles game
Video tape performances to grade. Get through as many as oppression Discuss how we could tell
Theater of grade. Get through as many as possible Intro to Augusto Boal who had power and who
the possible. Directors can be and Theater of the didn’t based on non-verbal
Directors can be following following along in script Oppressed (brief) gestures
Oppressed: along in script if actors if actors need to call Intro to tableau Discuss whether we agree
Intro need to call “Line!” – IF “Line!” – IF actors are Power handshakes with the current hierarchy
actors are really really struggling, have Notice little signs that of power in our society or
struggling, have them them bring their own infer power / oppression not
bring their own scripts on scripts on stage Discuss what leads to
stage power and oppression in
Stephanie’s group will our society?
need someone else to call
2-6 (1-3?) MCA TESTING – NO Introduce Augusto Review Augusto Boal’s Review Augusto Boal’s POST TEST FEST – NO CLASSES
Maternity DRAMA Boal’s image theater image theater image theater
Discuss how theater Example 2: (Pick a hot- Example 3: HCP issues
without words can bring button societal topic, e.g. (Leave this open-ended
up issues of power / Police, Immigration, – give students more
Theater of oppression we don’t Donald Trump, Gun- time in tableau groups
the vocalize control laws, etc.) to determine what
Example 1: Family Small groups create issues they feel are most
Small groups create tableaus depicting issue prevalent at HCP and
Image tableaus depicting selected the freedom to depict
Theater “family” Each tableau presents those)
Each tableau presents and we record what we Small groups create
and we record what we see in each tableaus depicting issue
see in each Discuss: selected
Discuss: o What patterns Each tableau presents
o What patterns emerge and we record what we
emerge between see in each
between images? Discuss:
images? o What surprises o What patterns
o What surprises you or stands emerge
you or stands out about our between
out about our view of this images?
view of family? issue? o What
o Who seems to o Who seems to surprised you
have power in have power? or stood out in
families? What What gives the images?
gives them them power? o Who seems to
power? Who Who do they have power?
do they oppress? What gives
oppress? o How do you them power?
o How do you think these Who do they
think these images of oppress?
images of (issue) would Have students generate
family would change if they a list of issues that arise
change if they were created by in HCP society. These
were created (pick a societal can stem from the
by white group that is tableaus or any other
students? different than ideas they can come up
the experience with. Encourage
of most specificity. Keep list
students) handy for next week.
9-13 (5) Testing Makeups (some Testing Makeups (some Testing Makeups (some Testing Makeups (some Testing Makeups (some
Maternity students may miss class) students may miss class) students may miss class) students may miss class) students may miss class)
Augusto Boal Theater of Review forum theater Students have beginning Continue with presenting
Leave the Oppressed close from yesterday Progress Reports Due by of class to complete an any skits that did not go
reading Re-create skit from 12pm improvised rehearsal of yesterday
Theater of Intro to forum theater video and, as a class, Show list of issues from their issue skit After each one, brainstorm
the (give brief over-view) determine who has last week Review improv skills (say as a class what some
Watch forum theater power / who is Students select an issue yes and, be safe, etc) possible solutions to the
example clip & use notes oppressed to explore via a forum Students will take turns problem could be. Have
Forum sheet to focus students Brainstorm solutions as theater skit (all can presenting their skits. volunteers (or pull sticks)
Theater a class choose same and show it After each one, jump in as spect-actors and
Improvisation Have one or two in different ways, or each brainstorm as a class try some solutions
students step in and try group can pick a different what some possible After each spect-actor
a solution one) solutions to the problem discuss:
Put students in 3 groups could be. Have o Did that solution
Have them re-create a volunteers (or pull feel realistic?
real-life example of that sticks) jump in as spect- o Would someone
issue in school (what does actors and try some actually try that
it really look like? What solutions in real life? Why
have you seen happen?) After each spect-actor or why not?
Give them the day to discuss: o Is that solution
practice their skit. Make o Did that effective? If not,
sure it has the following solution feel what’s a way to
characteristics: realistic? make it more
o Main o Would effective?
protagonist someone
who is actually try
oppressed that in real
o Antagonist(s) life? Why or
who have why not?
power o Is that solution
o No solution effective? If
(should end the not, what’s a
way it normally way to make it
does in real life) more
16-20 (5) Bring back the list of issues Fire Drill during 6th Students will spend half Students will finalize Partner groups will each
Maternity at our school Block (1:25pm) of class completing as their scripts completely, receive a packet of scripts
Add any extras that have much of their script as incorporating feedback (not including their own).
Leave Review script writing
since been thought of possible from yesterday. They will analyze the
As a class, vote on the Second half of class, One student from each scripts for the criteria and
Students are given the
Theater of issue that is MOST
rest of class to create a
students will pair with pair (with best for realistic-ness.
the prevalent in our school another partner group handwriting) will turn in They will vote on their top
script with their partner
Make a list of settings and get feedback about a completed script at 2 or 3 that they believe
Oppressed: that has the following
where this issue takes how realistic their script is the end of class with bests represents the
Scripted place (ex: bathroom, o At least 10 (and if it meets their names on it criteria
Forum cafeteria, hallway, class, characters requirements) If time, teacher will type After class, teacher will
online, etc) (don’t all need up each script and print add up votes and select 2-
Theater Split into pairs of students to speak, some enough for every 3 scripts to be cast,
who will brainstorm a time can be partner group in the directed, and turned into
they witnessed, heard background class to have one. If no forum theater
about, or were a part of filler, time, teacher will just
this issue in some way at bystanders, make sufficient copies of
our school (in one of the etc) every script for each
settings mentioned) o At least 5 partner group
Students fill out speaking
brainstorming graphic characters
organizer to determine o At least 10-15
who was involved (main lines of
protagonist, antagonist(s), dialogue
teachers, bystanders, etc), o Specific
what happened movement/
specifically, and how it blocking
ended in real life directions and
scene set-up
23-27 (?) Aimsweb/MAP Testing – Aimsweb/MAP Testing Aimsweb/MAP Testing – Aimsweb/MAP Testing Aimsweb/MAP Testing –
Maternity Schedule TBA – Schedule TBA Schedule TBA – Schedule TBA Schedule TBA
Leave Teacher will announce Directors have today
which students’ scripts only to block and run Progress Reports Due by Review rubric for today’s If you had more than
won. They will become the their skit until it is ready assessment
Theater of directors of their scripts to be performed for the 12pm 2 groups, the third
Group that did not
the (as well as play parts class tomorrow or Review rubric for today’s group can perform
perform yesterday
Oppressed: themselves) Thursday. assessment today (review rubric,
performs today
Directors have 5 minutes Review rubric for Students have first 10
Scripted Together, brainstorm video tape)
to come up with their Performance minutes of class to run
Forum possible solutions to the If all groups have
ideal cast lists from class Assessment 6 their skits
Theater while rest of class does Teacher selects skit that already performed,
Pull volunteers (or
warm up looks most ready and has then use the day as a
them perform for class of
Directors assemble their voluneers) from final reflection, wrap-
cast by taking turns spect-actors
Together, brainstorm
audience to step in as a up time for Theater of
choosing (have backups role and try out one of
ready!) until all actors in possible solutions to the the Oppressed, Forum
the solutions
class are assigned a skit problem Theater, or the class
Directors will then host a Pull volunteers (or in general
performances for
read-through of their teacher-selected
grading purposes
scripts with their chosen voluneers) from audience PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT
Students fill out
actors after assigning parts to step in as a role and try #6?
reflections about the
Actors can offer out one of the solutions
effectiveness of
suggestions of VIDEO TAPE
solutions offered
improvement, directors performances for grading
can choose to make these purposes
revisions or not Students fill out
Share rubric for reflections about the PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT
Performance Assessment effectiveness of solutions #6
6. offered
Maternity SCHOOL
6-10 (0) Q4 Grades Due by
Maternity Midnight