Upgrade Instructions For Digisaf 100
Upgrade Instructions For Digisaf 100
Upgrade Instructions For Digisaf 100
2 - Switch ON the CNC, connect the cable between PC/CNC, unzip the file Numbu.zip on
a floppy disk and execute the program setup.exe from the floppy disk
This will create a directory Numtool on you PC hard disk
Execute after the program Num Bu.exe from your hard disk (you need the cable to CNC
Or you will have a message “communication error”)
If the communication is not working, check the serial com parameters of your PC by
Entering the Windows control panel, choose “system” and “device manager”, and
“port (com, LTP)” and “com1”
Choose “port parameters” et enter :
Bits rate : 38400
Data bits : 8
Parity : none
Stop bit : 1
Flux control : none
Remove the first RAM board from the left (1) - and the video board (2)
Short circuit on the RAM board (1) the contact R1 and CD1 (with a small pliers)
(it’s just to discharge the capacitor, keep this short circuit 3 or 4 seconds)
Execute the program Num Bu.exe (from your PC hard disk), and cross the options as following :
Check that the transfer arrow is in the direction PC > CNC
6 – Check and replace the specific parameters (tool page F5) on the Digisaf , and serial
communication parameters (as you wrote before)