C N Et - Set - Gate - Tifr: Question Bank Organometallic Chemistry

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Organometallic Chemistry


A Premier Institute in Maharashtra for UGC -CSIR NET /SET/GATE/TIFR

JUNE 2016 D.Reductive elimination

PART-B 3.The number of metal-metal bonds in

1.Identify the species,those obey the 18 [Co2Fe2(CO)11(μ4-PPh)2] is

electron rule,from the following:





1.Correct order of M-C bond length of


A.A and B
B.B and C
c.[Co(ƞ5-Cp)2] is
C.C and D
A.a >b >c
D.A and D
B.b > c > a
2.The following transformation
C.c > b >a

D.a > c > b

2.The 1H NMR spectrum of [Ru(ƞ4-

C8H8)(CO)3] at 230C consists of a sharp
single line.the number of signals observed at
low temperature (-1400C) in its spectrum is
Is an example of A.8
A.Oxidative addition B.6
B.Insertion C.4
C.β-hydride elimination D.2

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A Premier Institute in Maharashtra for UGC -CSIR NET /SET/GATE/TIFR

3.For fluxional Fe(CO)5 (structure given 5.Heating a sample of [(ƞ5-C5H5)Mo(CO)3]2

below in solution the exchange of numbered results in the formation of [(ƞ5-
CO groups will be between C5H5)Mo(CO)2]2 with elimination of 2
equivalents of CO. The Mo-Mo bond order
in this reaction changes from

A.2 to 3

B.1 to 2

C.1 to 3

D.2 to 4
A.2 and 5;3 and 4 6.A plausible intermediate involved in the
self metathesis reaction of C6H5-C≡C-C6H4-
B.2 and 3;4 and 5
p-Me catalyzed by [(tBuO)3W≡C-tBu] is
C.2 and 3;1 and 5

D.1 and 2;4 and 5

4.Reaction of Cr(CO6 with LiC6H5 gives A

which react with [Me3O][BF4] to give B.the
structures of A and B respectively ,are



1.The molecule C3O2 has a linear structure.

This compound has

A.4 σ and 4 π bonds

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B.3 σ and 2 π bonds D.[Fe(η3 –C5H5)(COCH3)(CO)(PMe 3)]

C.2 σ and 3 π bonds PART-C

D.3 σ and 4 π bonds 1.[( η 3 –C3H5)Mn(CO)4] shows fluxional

behaviour. The 1H NMR spectrum of this
2.The W-W bond order in [W(η5 –C5H5)(µ- compound when it is in the non-fluxional
Cl)(CO)2]2 is state shows
A.Three A.One signal
B.Two B.Two signals in the intensity ratio of 4:1
C.One C.Three signals in the intensity ratio of 2:2:1
D.Zero D.Five signals of equal intensity
3.Among the following, species expected to 2.Reaction of [Mn2(CO)10] with I2 results in
show fluxional behaviour are A without loss of CO. compound A, on
1.[NiCl4]2- (tetrahedral), heating to 120oC loses a CO ligand to give
B, which does not have a Mn-Mn bond.
2.IF7 (pentagonal bipyramidal), Compound B reacts with pyridine to give 2
equivalents of C. Compounds A, B, and C
3.[CoF6]3- (octahedral),
from the following respectively, are
4.Fe(CO)5 (trigonal bipyramidal) CO l
l CO py
C l
A.2 and 3 C OC
CO py CO
l CO
B.2 and 4 I II III

C.3 and 4 l
OC Mn py OC Mn Mn CO
OC l
D.1 and 4 CO OC

4.For the reaction of [Fe(η5 –
C5H5)(CH3)(CO)2] with PMe3, the main A.II, V and IV
intermediate is
B.II, III and IV
A.[Fe(η –C5H5)(CH3)(CO)2(PMe3)]
C.V, III and IV↑
B.[Fe(η –C 5H5)(COCH3)(CO)]
D.II, V and III
C.[Fe(η –C 5H5)(CH3)(CO)2]

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3.The final products of the reaction of .Complex A and the valence electron count
carbonyl metalates [V(CO)6]- and on rhodium are, respectively,

[Co(CO)4]- with H3PO4, respectively, are A.[RhCl(PPh3)3],16

A.V(CO)6 and HCo(CO)4 B.[RhCl(PPh3)5],16

B.HV(CO)6 and Co 2(CO)8 C.[RhCl(PPh3)3],18

C.[H2V(CO)6]+ and HCo(CO)4 D. [RhCl(PPh 3)5],18

D.V(CO)6 and Co2(CO)8 3.The role of copper salt as co-catalyst in

Wacker process is
4.The approximate positions of vCO bands
(cm-1) in the solid-state infrared spectrum A.Oxidation of Pd(0) by Cu(II)
and the Fe-Fe bond order in [Fe(η5 –
C5H5)(µ-CO)(CO)]2 (non-centro-symmetric) B.Oxidation of Pd(0) by Cu(I)

Respectively, are C.Oxidation of Pd(II) by Cu(I)

D.Oxidation of Pd(II) by Cu(II)

A.(2020, 1980, 1800) and one

B.(2020, 1980, 1800) and two 4.The binding modes of NO in 18 electron

compounds [Co(CO)3(NO)] and[Ni(η5-
C.(2020, 1980) and one Cp)(NO)], respectively, are

D.(2143) and one A.Linear and bent

JUNE- 2015 B.Bent and linear

PART - B C.Linear and linear

1.The reaction [Co(CN)5H2O]2- + X- D.Bent and bent

→[Co(CN)5X]2- + H2O follows a/ an
5.For typical Fiuscher and Schrock
A.Interchange dissociative (Id) mechanism carbenes, consider the following statements

B.Dissociative (D) mechanism A.Oxidation state of metal is low in Fischer

carbine and high in Schrock carbene
C.Associative (A) mechanism
B.Auxilliary ligands are π- acceptor in
D.Interchange Associative (Ia) mechanism
Fisher carbine and non- π- acceptor in
2.The refluxing of RhCl3.3H2O with an Schrock carbene
excess of PPh 3 in ethanol gives a complex A

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C.Substituents on carbine carbon are non- π- C.arachno, closo and nido

donor in Fischer carbene and - π- donor in
Schrock carbene D.arachno, nido and closo

D.Carbene carbon is electrophilic in Fischer 2.The reductive elimination of Ar-R

carbene and nucleophilic in Schrock carbene (coupled product) from A is facile when
Ph Ph
6.In transition metal phosphine (M-PR3)
complexes, the back-bonding involves P Ar
donation of electrons from
A Pd
B.M(t2g)→PR 3(π*)
Ph Ph

D.PR3(π) → M(t2g)
A.R = CH3
7.The β-hydrogen elimination will be facile
in B.R = CH2Ph

D.R = CH2CF3
3.With respect to σ and π bonding in Pt
___||| in the structure given below, which of
the following represent the correct bonding
H Ph
Ph3P C
1.Total number of vertices in metal clusters
Ph3P 1.32 °
[Ru6(C) (CO)17], [Os5(C)(CO)15] and C
[Ru6(C) (CO)16] are 6, 5 and 5, respectively.
The predicted structures of these complexes Ph
respectively, are
A.M(σ)→L(σ) and M(π)→L (π*)
A.closo, nido and nido
B.L(σ)→M(π) and L(π)→M (π)
B.closo, nido and arachno
C.L(π)→M(π) and L(σ)→M (π)

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D.L(π)→M(σ) and M(π)→L (π*) A.T-shaped [Rh(PPh3)2Cl]

DEC-2014 B.Trigonal-Planar [Rh(PPh3)2Cl]2+

PART - B C.T-shaped [Rh(PPh3)2Cl]2+

1.Co4(CO)12 adopts the D.Trigonal-Planar [Rh(PPh 3)2Cl]

A.closo-structure 5.The δ-bond is formed via the overlap of

B.nido-structure A.d x2-d y2 and dx2-d y2 orbitals

C.arachno-structure B.d xz and d xz orbitals

D.hypho-structure C.d xy and d xyorbitals

2.The hapticities ‘x’ and ‘y’ of the arene D. d yz and dyz orbitals
moieties in the diamagnetic complex [(η x-
C6H6) Ru(η y-C6H6)] respectively are 6.The rate of the reaction

A.6 and 6 Ni(CO)4 + PPh3 hv [Ni(CO)3(PPh3)] + CO

depends on
B. 4and 4
A.Concentration of both the reactants
C.4 and 6
B.Concentration of Ni(CO)4 only
D.6 and 2
C.Concentration of PPh 3 only
3.The product of the reaction of propene,
D.The steric bulk of PPh3
CO and H2 in the presence of Co 2(CO)8 as a
catalyst is PART – C
A.Butanoic acid 1.Na[(η5 –C5H5) Fe(CO)2] reacts with Br2 to
B.Butanal give A. Reaction of A with LiAlH4 results
in B. The proton NMR spectrum of B
C.2-butanone consists of two singlets of relative intensity
5:1. Compounds A and B, respectively, are
A. (η5 –C5H5) Fe(CO)2Br and
4.Reductive elimination step in
hydrogenation of alkenes by Wilkinson (η5 –C5H5) Fe(CO)2H
catalyst results in (neglecting solvent in
coordination sphere of Rh) B. (η4 –C 5H5) Fe(CO)2Br2 and

(η4 –C5H5) Fe(CO)2HBr

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C.(η 5 –C5H5) Fe(CO)2Br and PART - C

(η 4 –C5H5) Fe(CO)2(H)2 1.Amongst organolithium (a), Grignard (b)

and organoaluminium (c) compounds, those
D. (η5 –C5H5) Fe(CO)2Br and react with SiCl4 to give compound
(η 5 –C5H5) Fe(CO)2HBr containing Si-C bond are

2.The compound that undergoes oxidative A.(a) and (b)

addition reaction in presence of H2 is B.(b) and (c)
A.[Mn(CO)5]- C.(a) and (c)
B.[ (η5 –C 5H5) Mo(CO)3]- D.(a) , (b) and (c)
C.[IrCl(CO)(PPh3)2] 2.The total valence electron count and the
D.[ (η –C5H5) ReH] structure type adopted by the complex
[Fe5(CO)15C] respectively , are
A.74 and nido
B.60 and closo
1.The ligands(s) that is (are) fluxional in
[(η5 –C5H5) (η1- C5H5) Fe(CO)2] in the C.84 and arachno
temperature range 221-298 K, is (are) D.62 and nido
A η5 –C5H5 3.1H NMR spectrum of [η5 –
B.η1–C5H5 (C5H5)Rh(C2H4)2] at 20 C shows a typical
AA ‘XX’ pattern in the olefinic region. On
C.η5 –C 5H5 and CO increasing the temperature to ˜ 700C, the
separate lines collapse into a single line
D.η1 –C5H5 and CO
which is due to
2.The oxidation state of Ni and the number
A.Free rotation of the ethylene ligand about
of metal- metal bonds in [Ni2(CO)6]2- that
the metal-olefin bond
are consistent with the 18 electron rule are
B.Interamolecular exchange between the
A.Ni(-II), 1 bond
ethylene ligands
B.Ni(IV), 2 bond
C.Intermolecular exchange between the
C.Ni(-I), 1 bond ethylene ligands

D.Ni(IV), 3 bond

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D.Change in hapticity of the A. 57

cyclopentadienyl ligand
B. 60
4.Reaction of nitrosyl tetrafluoroborate to
Vaska’s complex gives complex A with <M C. 63
–N – O =124 0. The complex A and its N – D. 72
O stretching frequency are, respectively
A.[IrCl(CO) (NO) (PPh3)2]BF4, 1620 cm-1
1.The correct statement regarding
B.[IrCl(CO) (NO)2 (PPh3)] (BF4)2,1730 cm-1 terminal/bridging CO groups in solid
C.[IrCl(CO) (NO)2 (PPh3)] (BF4)2,1520 cm-1 Co4(CO)12 and Ir4(CO)12 is

D.[IrCl(CO) (NO) (PPh3)2],1820 cm-1 A. both have equal number of bridging CO

B.number of bridging CO groups in
PART - B Co4(CO)12 is 4

1.The bond order of the metal-metal bond in C.the number of terminal CO groups in
the dimeric complex [Re2Cl4(PMe2Ph)4]+ Co4(CO)12 is 8

A 4.0 D. the number of bridging CO groups in

Ir4(CO)12 is zero.
B. 3.5
2. On reducing Fe3(CO)12 with an excess of
C. 3.0
sodium, a carbonylate ion is formed. The
D. 2.5 iron is isoelectronic with

2.Which of the following in NOT suitable as A. [Mn(CO)5]-

catalyst for hydroformylation? B. [Ni(CO)4]
A. HCo(CO)4 C. [Mn(CO)5]+
B. HCo(CO)3PBu3 D. [V(CO)6]-
C. HRh(CO)(PPh 3)3
3. The electrophile Ph3C+ reacts with
D. H2Rh(PPh3)2Cl +
C5  Fe (CO)2(CDMe2)
3.In a cluster, H3CoRu 3(CO)12, total number
of electrons considered to be involved in its
formation is

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to give a product A. The product A is D.CH3CH2- Mg interactions in

formed because EtMgBr.(OEt2)2

A. Fe is oxidised 6.Reaction of Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2 with

[RhCl(CO)2]2 in a 2:1 molar ratio gives a
B. alkyl is susbtituted with Ph3C
crystalline solid A. The IR spectrum of
C. Fe-Ph bond is formed complex A shows at 1985 cm–1. The
31 1
P( H) NMR spectrum of A consists (103Rh
D. Alkyl is converted to alkene
is 100%abundant and I = ½). The structure
4.Subsitution of L with other ligands will be of complex A is
easiest for the species
Me Ph2 Ph2 Ph2

Me Me P P P
Rh Rh Cl
MLn Me MLn
Ph2 Ph2

C D)

Ph2P PPh2
P Cl
C Rh Rh
Rh PPh2
5.The orbital interactions shown below Cl
PPh2 C
represent Ph2P O PPh2
sp3 orbitals

7.The most appropriate structure for the

E complex

[Pt2(NH3)2 (NCS)2(PPh3)2] is

s- orbitals
PPh3 Ph3P N NH3
A. CH3-Al interactions in Al2(CH3)6 Pt Pt Pt Pt
B. B- H interactions in B2H6 S PPh3 H3N S PPh3
C. CH3-Li interactions in Li4(CH3)4

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PPh3 H3N N NH3
H3N N D.4
Pt Pt Pt Pt
C D 4.The reaction
S NH3 Ph3P S PPh3
CN CN [(CO)5 Mn(Me)] + CO →
JUNE-2013 [(CO)5Mn{C(O)Me}] is an example for

PART - B A.Oxidative addition

B.Electrophilic substitution

1.In metal-olefin interaction, the extent of C.Nucleophilic substitution

increase in metal →olefin π-back-donation
D.Migratory insertion
A.Lead to a decrease in C = C bond length
1.The orders of reactivity of ligands, NMe 3,
B.Change the formal oxidation state of the
PMe3 and CO with complexes MeTiCl3 and
(CO)5Mo(thf) are
C.Change the hybridization of the olefin
A.Co > PMe3 > NMe3 and CO > NMe3 >
carbon from sp2 to sp 3
D.Increase with the presence of electron
B.PMe3 > CO > NMe3 and NMe3 > CO >
donating substituents on the olefin
2.The oxidation state of molybdenum in
C.NMe3 > PMe3 > CO and CO > PMe3 >
[(η7-tropylium) Mo(CO)3]+ is
D.NMe3 > CO > PMe3 and PMe3 > NMe3 >
B.+1 CO

C.0 2.Intense band at 15000 cm-1 in the

UV=visible spectrum of [Bu 4N]2Re2Cl8 is
D.-1 due to the transition
3.The number of metal-metal bonds in A.π →π*
[W2(OPh)6] is
B.δ→ δ*
C.δ→ π*

sukhwani pride,Ajmera road,Morwadi chowk,Pimpri,pune-411018

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A Premier Institute in Maharashtra for UGC -CSIR NET /SET/GATE/TIFR

D.π → δ* PART - B

3.Though cyclobutadiene (C4H4) is highly 1.The substitution of η5 – Cp group with

unstable and readily polymerizes in its free nitric oxide is the easiest for
state, its transition metal complexes could be
isolated because A.η5 – Cp 2Fe

B.η5 – Cp 2CoCl
A.It engages in long-range interaction with
transition metals C.η5 – Cp 2Ni
B.It gains stability due to formation of D.η5 – Cp 2Co
C4H42- on binding to transition metals
2.The molecule
C.Its polymerization ability reduces in
presence transition metals OCH3

D.It becomes stable in presence of transition (OC)5M C

metals due to formation of C4H42+
4.Identify the order representing increasing
π-acidity of the following ligands Obeys 18 e rule. The two ‘M’ satisfying the
condition are
C2F4, NEt3, CO and C2H4
A.Cr, Re+
A.CO < C2F4 <C2H4 <NEt3
B.Mo, V
B.C2F4 <C2H4 <NEt3 < CO
C.V, Re+
C.C2H4 < NEt3 < CO <C2F4
D.Cr, V
D.NEt3 < C2H4 < C2F4 < CO
5.The number of metal-metal bond in
Ir4(CO)12 is 1.Complexes of general formula,
fac[Mo(CO)3 (phosphine)3] have the C – O
A.4 stretching bands as given below
B.6 Phosphines v(CO), cm-1
C.10 a.PF3 i.2090
D.12 b.PCl3 ii.2040
DEC-2012 c.P(Cl)Ph 2 iii.1977

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c.PMe3 iv.1945 Cl

The correct combination of the phosphine

(A) SnCl2 + Co2(CO)8 (OC)4Co Sn Co(CO)4
and the stretching frequency is,

a b c d
a. i ii iii iv

b. ii i iv iii Me

c. iv iii ii i Sn Re(CO)5 + 2NaCl

(B) Me2SnCl2 + 2NaRe(CO)5 (OC)5Re
d. iii iv i ii
2.Which one of the following will NOT
undergo oxidative addition by methyl
iodide? A.Insertion, Metathesis

A.[Rh(CO)2I2]- B.Metathesis, Insertion

B.[Ir(PPh3)2(CO)Cl] C.Oxidative addition, Metathesis

C.[η 5 –CpRh(CO)2] D.Oxidative addition, Insertion

D.[η 5 – Cp2Ti(Me)Cl] JUNE-2012

3.In hydroformylation reaction using PART – B

[Rh(PPh3)3 (CO)(H)] as the catalyst ,
1.The reactions of Ni(CO)2 with the ligand
addition of excess PPh3 would
L (L =PMe3 or P (OMe)3) yields
A.Increase the rate of reaction Ni(CO)3L. The reaction is

B.Decrease the rate of reaction A.Associative

C.Not influence the rate of reaction B.Dissociative

D.Stop the reaction C.Interchange(I2)

4.Reactions A and B are, termed as D. Interchange(Id)

2.The correct statement for the aggregating
nature of alkyl lithium (RLi) reagent is

A.The carbanion nucleophilicity increase

with aggregation

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B.The observed aggregation arises from its D.η5-C5H5

electron deficient nature
6.The metal complex that exhibits a triplet
C.Carbanion nucleophilicity does not as well as a doublet in its 31P NMR
depend on aggregation spectrum is

D.The extent of aggregation is maximum in A.mer-[IrCl3(PPh 3)3]

polar dative solvents
B.trans-[IrCl(CO) (PPh3)2]
3.For the reaction, trans-[IrCl] (CO)(PPh3)2
+ Cl2→trans [IrCl3(CO)(PPh3)2], the correct
observation is D.[Ir(PPh3)4]4
A.vco (product) > vco(reactant) 7.The complex that DOES NOT obey 18
electron rule is
B.vco (product) < vco(reactant)

C. vco (product) = vco(reactant) A.(η 5 –C5H5)RuCl (CO)(PPh3)

D. v co (product) - vco(reactant) B.[W(CO)3 (SiMe3)(Cl) (NCMe)2]

C.[IrCl3 (PPh2)2 (AsPh 2)]-

4.The nucleophilic attack on olefins under
mild conditions D.[Os(N)Br2(PMe3)(NMe2)]-
A.Is always facile 8.The final product of the reaction
[Mn(CO)6]7 + MeLi→ is
B.Is more facile than electrophilic attack on
olefins A.[Mn(CO)6]+Me-
C.Is facile for electron-rich olefins B.[Mn(CO)5Me]
D.Requires activation by coordination to C.[Mn(CO)6]
5.The carbonyl resonance in 13CNMR
spectrum of [(η5 –C5H5)Rh(CO)]5 (103Rh, 9.The reaction 3
nuclear spin, I = ½, 100%) shows a triplet at [Rh4(CO)12]→2[Rh 6(CO)16] + 4CO
= 65 0 C owing to the presence of [250C,500 atm CO] is

A.Terminal CO A.Exothermic as more metal-metal bonds

are formed
B.µ2 – CO

C.µ3 – CO

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B.Endothermic as stronger metal-carbonyl C.[Be(η 1 – C5H5)(η 3 – C5H5)]

bonds are cleaved while weaker metal-metal
bonds are formed D.[Be(η 1 – C5H5)(η 5 – C5H5)]

C.Is entropically favourable but PART - C

enthalpically unfavourable such that ∆G = 0 1.Reaction of Fe(CO)5 with OH- leads to
complex A which on oxidation with MnO2
D.Thermodynamically unfavourable (∆G >
0) gives B. Compounds A and B respectively
A.[HFe(CO)4]- and Fe3(CO)12
B.[Fe(CO)5(OH)]- and Fe2(CO)9
1.The number of antiboding electrons in NO
C.[Fe(CO)2-4 and Mn 2(CO)10
and CO according to MO theory are
respectively D.[HFe(CO)4]- and Fe2O3
A.1,0 2.The number of metal-metal bonds in the
B.2,2 dimmers, [CpFe(CO)(NO)]2 and
[CpMo(CO)3]2 respectively, are
A.Two and two
B.Two and three
2.The correct combination of metal, number
C.One and two
of carbonyl ligands and the charge for a
metal carbonyl complex [M(CO)x]z- that D.Zero and one
satisfies the 18 electron rule is
3.In the trans-PtCl2L(CO) complex, the CO
A.M = Ti, x=6, z=1 stretching frequency for L = NH2 pyridine,
NMe3 decreases in the order
B.M = V, x=6, z=1

C.M = Co, x=4, z=2 A.Pyridine > NH3 > NMe3

D.M = Mo, x=5, z=1 B.NH3 >pyridine > NMe3

C.NMe3 >NH3 > pyridine

3.The stable cyclopentadienyl complex of
beryllium is D. Pyridine > NMe3 > NH3
A.[Be(η 5 – C2H5)2]

B.[Be(η 5 – C5H5)(η 3 – C5H5)]

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4.In the H2Ru6(CO)18 cluster, containing 8- another one around 5.0 ppm in its 1H NMR
coordinated Ru centers, the hydrogen atoms spectrum. The IR spectrum of this
are compound show two bands around 1900 and
1680 cm-1. The compound follows the 18
A.Both terminal
electron rule of the following statements for
B.One terminal and the other bridging A, the correct one is/are

C.Both bridging between two Ru centers 1.It has η5-Cp group

D.Both bridging between three Ru centers 2.It has a terminal CO ligand

5.The catalyst involved in carrying out the 3.It has a CH3 ligand
metathesis of 1-butene to give ethylene and 4.It has a Fe-H ligand
3-hexene is
5.It has Fe-H bond
Cl C6H5
A. Ru A.1 and 2 only
PCy3 B.3 only

B.Na2PdCl4 C.1 and 3 only

C.Co2(CO)8, H2 D.2 and 4 only

D.RhCl(PPh3)3 JUNE-2011

6.The greater stability of ((CH3)3C – CH2- PART - B

)4Ti(A) compared to that of ((CH3)2CH –
1.In Ziegler-Natta catalysis the commonly
CH2-)4Ti(B) is due to
used catalyst system is
A.Hyperconjugation present in complex (A)
A.TiCl4, Al(C 2H5)3
B.β-hydride elimination is not possible in
B.(η 5 - Cp)2TiCl2, Al(OEt)3
complex (A)
C.VO(acac)2, Al2(CH3)6
C.Steric protection of titanium from reactive
species in complex (A) D.TiCl4,BF3
D.The stronger nature of Ti-C bond in 2.Oxidation occurs very easily in case of
complex (A)
A.(η 5-C5H5)2Fe
7.A compound A having the composition
FeC9H8O3 shows one signal at 2.5 ppm and B.(η 5-C5H5)2CO

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A Premier Institute in Maharashtra for UGC -CSIR NET /SET/GATE/TIFR

C.(η 5-C5H5)2Ru 3.Among the metals, Mn, Fe, Co and Ni, the
ones those would react in its native form
D.(η 5-C5H5)2CO+ directly with CO giving metal carbonyl
3.Complex in which organic ligand is compounds are
having only σ- bond with metal is A.Co and Mn
A.W(CH3)6 B.Mn and Fe
B.(η -C5H5)2Fe C.Fe and Ni
C.K[PtCl3(C2H4)] D.Ni and CO
D.(η 6-C6H6)2Ru 4.In the hydroformylation reaction, the
PART - C intermediate CH3CH2CH2Co(CO)4

1.The oxidative addition and reductive A.Forms an acyl intermediate CH3CH2CH2

elimination steps are favoured by COCo(CO)3

A.Electron rich metal centers B.Forms an adduct with an olefin reactant

B.Electron deficient metal centers C.Reacts with H2

C.Electron deficient and electron rich metal D.Eliminates propane

centers respectively

D.Electron rich and electron deficient metal

centers respectively

2.Identify the order according to increasing

stability of the following organometallic
compounds, TiMe4, Ti(CH2Ph), Ti(i-Pr)4
and TiEt4

(Me = methyl, Ph=phenyl, i-Pr= isopropyl,

Et= ethyl)

A.Ti(CH2Ph)4 < Ti(i-Pr)4 <TiEt4 < TiMe4

B.TiEt4 < TiMe4 <Ti(i-Pr)4 < Ti(CH2Ph)4

C.Ti(i-Pr)4 <TiEt4 <TiMe4 < Ti(CH2Ph)4

D. TiMe4 < TiEt4 < Ti(i-Pr)4 < Ti(CH2Ph)4

sukhwani pride,Ajmera road,Morwadi chowk,Pimpri,pune-411018

www.mc2academy.com 020-32405933

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