Ranged Weapons Chart: Pistol / Rifles
Ranged Weapons Chart: Pistol / Rifles
Ranged Weapons Chart: Pistol / Rifles
1 Shotgun B /P 2 6 1 3 +2 0 x x x
1 Beam Rifle B 2 3 1 U 0 +1 0 x x Exploding(6)
1 Rifle P 2 3 1 U 0 +1 0 x x Heavy(6)
1 Whip P 4 2 1 U +2 +1 x x x Stun.
1 Twin Whip P 2 3 1 U +2 +1 x x x Stun.
1 Thrown Bladed weapon B/P 2 3 1 3 +1 0 x x x Thrown Weapon. Hard to Dodge.
1 Thrown Blunt Weapon P 2 3 2 3 +1 0 x x x Thrown Weapon. Easy to Dodge. Stun.
1 Thrown Heat Weapon B/P 2 3 1 3 +1 0 x x x Thrown Weapon. Unshieldable.
Slots Name TYPE Max ATK DMG Uses R10 R20 R30 R40 R50 Special Rules
Slots Name Max Uses Special Rules
All Equipment and Systems below can only be acquired if the mech has the appropriate tech or equipment .
0 CQB System 1 U Allows this unit to purchase Skills and Feats as if it was a CQB Frame
0 Gunnery System 1 U Allows this unit to purchase Skills and Feats as if it was an Artillery Frame
0 Stealth Systems 1 U Allows this unit to purchase the Stealth Mode Feat
0 Striker Hardpoint/Silhouette Hardpoint 1 U Allows unit to use one Striker Pack
0 Mobility System 1 U Allows this unit to purchase Skills and Feats as if it was a High Mobility Frame
1 Enhanced Targeting Sensors 1 2 On Shoot Action, Give +1 to hit against targets at Range 30” and beyond
1 Parachute 1 1 Skip the Deploy phase for this unit. Roll a D6 at the start of each turn during
before initiative tests. If you roll equal to or lower than the turn number, deploy
this unit anywhere on the table at least 11” away from any enemy unit.
1 Shield 1 2 Reduce damage from a single source by half (rounding up)
2 Full Shield 1 2 Cancel damage from a single source.
2 Backpack 1 2 Choose a unit within 10”. Restore 1 Ammo to one of its Melee Weapons, Ranged
Weapons, or Equipment.
1 Ranged Shield 1 2 Cancel damage from a single ranged source.
1 Melee Shield 1 2 Cancel damage from a single melee source.
2 AWACS 1 2 When revealing a Hold action while unengaged, you may instead activate AWACS.
All enemy units within 20” must make a 4+ Evade Check or reveal their next
Slots ATK
No. of hard point slots the weapon or equipment Attack. Number of dice used.
will utilize
Name Damage. Amount of damage dealt by the weapon
Name of the weapon or equipment per hit.
Type Uses
P for Projectile. B for Beam. OR means the player Number of times the item can be used per game.
must specify if it is a beam or projectile.
R10 – R50
Max Range bands in increments of 10 inches
The number of times the weapon can be
purchased per physical item on the model Special Rules
signifying repeated use during a turn and more Rules applied when the weapon is used
Braced Braced Marker This unit gains +1 to hit on its shooting attack. This model considered Remove after resolving a Move, Shoot or Melee
to be in cover. action.
Remove at the end of the round.
Evasive Evasive Marker This unit gets a +1 bonus to Save rolls Remove after resolving 1 activation.
Remove at the end of the round.
Flat-footed Flatfooted Marker This unit gains –1 to all its save rolls and cannot benefit from cover. Remove at the start of the model’s activation.
Immobilized Immobilized This unit gains -1 to Save rolls and cannot benefit from cover until its Remove after resolving 1 activation.
Marker next activation. If the next action revealed by this unit is a Move Remove at the end of the round.
action, cancel it. This model rolls -1 die in melee.
Locked Lock Marker This unit has a lock marker Remove after owner spends the token.
Stunned Stun Marker This unit suffers 1 die to its Melee and Shoot attacks and may only Remove after resolving 1 activation.
move at half speed. Remove at the end of the round.
Suppressed Suppress Marker This unit gains a -1 penalty to its Shoot action. Remove after resolving 1 activation.
Remove at the end of the round.
IMPORTANT: Primary Skill Category (PSC) is highlighted in red. Frames with a PSC MUST purchase a skill from that category before buying
other skills. The number of skills in any other category may not exceed the number of PSC skills.
For Frames with no PSC except General Purpose (Anit-MS, Psycho Frame, SpecOps, Stealth), a PSC must be selected by the player during list
Frame Type Mobility Gunnery Assault CQB
Anti MS 2 3 2 3
Artillery 0 3 0 0
Assault 2 2 3 2
CQB 2 0 1 3
General Purpose 1 1 1 1
Long Ranged Support 1 2 1 0
Psycho Frame 3 3 3 3
Sniper 2 3 0 0
Spec Ops 2 2 2 2
Stealth 2 1 2 2
Feat Name Trigger Effect Requirements
Break Away Any MOVE while Automatically break away from melee, resolve the move action, and immediately make a Shoot action. Mobility, Psycho
engaged in melee
Blitz Any MOVE After resolving a Move action. Perform a second Move action. Mobility. Stealth
Ace Maneuver Any Action Change this action to any legal action of your choice. Mobility, Gen Purpose,
Lethal S After resolving the Shoot action against the target, deal D3 Unshieldable damage. Sniper
Pin point Accuracy S Target must be at least 20” away. Re-roll all misses Sniper
Multi-Lock W Put a total of D3 LOCK tokens distributed between any legal targets. Assault, Anti-MS, Long
range, Sniper, Artillery, Gen
Full Burst S Choose up to 3 Ranged Weapons and their targets. Resolve 1 SHOOT attack for each of these weapons. Assault, Anti-MS, Long
range, General Purpose
Dual Wield REACT (After Immediately perform another melee attack CQB, Psycho, Gen Purpose
resolving a Melee
Fatality M After resolving the Melee action against the target, deal D3 Unshieldable damage. CQB, Anti-MS, Mobility
Psycommu / Before rolling Until the end of the round, this unit’s Move actions may be resolved at 1.5x maximum distance, and its Melee Any
Berserk Mode / Seed initiative and Ranged attacks gain +1 die.
Stealth Mode Before rolling This Feat may not be used if the unit is engaged. Remove all LOCK markers on this unit. This MS gains MS with Stealth Systems
initiative UNLOCKABLE and may not be engaged. Re-roll all successful hits when resolving a Shoot attack against this
unit. This unit gains surprise to its Shoot and Melee attacks. This unit loses Stealth after resolving a Melee or
Ranged Attack. Lasts til end of turn.
Feint REACT (Fatal After taking fatal damage, roll a D6. On a 5+, do not remove this unit. This unit has 1 DAMAGE CAPACITY
Damage) remaining.
Self Destruct Any Action Instead of rresolving this action, resolve a Collateral(8”/d3), Penetrate(5) attack using this unit’s center point. Mass Produced. CQB.
Save rolls cannot benefit from cover and evasive. Remove this unit from the game.
Overwhelm M Make a SHOOT action before performing the MELEE action against the same target. The active model does Any
not receive the flatfooted token if it has no legal melee target.
Last Stand (special REACT (Fatal Make a MELEE or SHOOT action with a READY or EXHAUSTED weapon before removing the model. Mass Produced. CQB
mass produced feat) Damage)
Bodyguard(special REACT(S, M) When an MS within 10” is declared as a target, consider this MS as the new target of the action. Mass produced
mass produced feat)
Defensive Fire REACT(M) Before resolving an enemy MELEE action targeting this MS, make a SHOOT action. Long Range, Assault, Anti-