Rate Optimization For Multiuser MIMO Systems With Linear Processing
Rate Optimization For Multiuser MIMO Systems With Linear Processing
Rate Optimization For Multiuser MIMO Systems With Linear Processing
8, AUGUST 2008
Abstract—This paper focuses on linear transceiver design which offer a good performance at less implementation com-
for rate optimization in multiuser Gaussian multple-input mul- plexity. But finding an optimum linear scheme is still an open
tiple-output (MIMO) systems. We focus on two design criteria: problem.
1) maximizing the weighted sum rate subject to a total power
constraint; 2) maximizing the minimum user rate subject to a In this paper, we consider a multiuser downlink MIMO
total power constraint. For these problems, new power allocation system with users and each user can perform spatial mul-
strategies are derived, which can be formulated as geometric tiplexing with several data streams (layers). The discussion is
programs (GPs) involving mean square errors (MSEs). Based focused on linear equalization, since this problem is still open.
on these solutions, we propose iterative algorithms, where each However, the approach can also be combined with DPC and
iteration contains the optimization of the uplink power, uplink
receive filters, and downlink receive filters. Monotonic conver-
successive interference cancellation (SIC), as discussed later.
gence of the algorithms is proved. Simulations show that the We aim at jointly optimizing the powers, transmit and receive
algorithms outperform existing linear schemes. Additionally, we filters with respect to following design criteria:
extend the results to other variations of the problems, such as, the P1: weighted sum-rate maximization under a total power
problem of sum-rate constrained or user-rate constrained power constraint;
minimization, and the problem of sum-rate maximization subject
P2: max-min balancing the user rate under a total power
to user-rate constraints and a total power constraint.
Index Terms—Max-min fairness, multiuser multiinput-multi- We will also discuss variations of these problems, such as rate-
output (MIMO), sum-rate optimization, transceiver design. constrained power minimization, etc.
One commonly used strategy for the above optimization
problems is to diagonalize or block-diagonalize the channel
I. INTRODUCTION [11]–[15]. However, such a zero-forcing receive or transmit
strategy suffers from noise or power enhancement and has a re-
striction on the number of transmit and receive antennas. Thus,
zero-forcing is generally not a capacity-achieving strategy.
T HE capacity region of multiuser multiple-input mul-
tiple-output (MIMO) Gaussian broadcast channels has
been characterized in [1]–[4]. However, the search for effi-
In recent years, duality between uplink and downlink chan-
nels has been proven useful for the development of optimum
cient practical schemes to achieve the limit is still ongoing. transceiver strategies. A duality based on signal-to-interference
Existing schemes are usually under the assumption of “dirty ratios (SIR) was already observed in a power control context
paper coding” (DPC). Examples are schemes for sum-capacity [17]. Later it was used for beamforming optimization [18]. This
optimization [5]–[7] and individual rate optimization [8]–[10]. was extended and formalized in [4] and [19]. Later, a connection
However, dirty paper precoding techniques are difficult to with a Lagrangian duality was observed in [20], and per-antenna
realize in practice, and there are still open issues, like finding power constraints were investigated in [21]. Independently, an
the optimal precoding order [8], [10]. Thus, much research has information-theoretical duality was shown for capacity regions
been spent on linear equalization schemes (see, e.g., [11]–[16]), of MIMO Gaussian broadcast channels [1], [22]–[24].
Given these results, it is perhaps not surprising that duality
also holds in a minimum mean square error (MMSE) context.
Manuscript received July 7, 2007 revised December 2, 2007. This work was For MMSE regions of multiuser MIMO channels, it was shown
supported in part by the STREP project No. IST-026905 (MASCOT) within the in [25] and [26] that MIMO uplink and downlink channels
sixth framework programme of the European Commission. The work of S. Shi
was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) by Grant SCHU share the same MSE region. This was extended in [27]. Based
2107/2-1. The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and on MSE duality, many known uplink strategies for transceiver
approving it for publication was Dr. Geert Leus. optimization can be transferred to the downlink. For example,
S. Shi is with the Heinrich-Hertz-Chair for Mobile Communications, Tech-
nical University of Berlin, 10587 Berlin, Germany (e-mail: Shuying.Shi@hhi.
the problem of sum-MMSE minimization subject to a total
fhg.de). power constraint was solved in [26], [27]. There is also research
M. Schubert is with the Fraunhofer German-Sino Laboratory for Mobile on power efficient designs under individual MMSE constraints
Communications MCI, 10587 Berlin, Germany (e-mail: Martin.Schu-
[email protected]).
[27]–[30]. Uplink designs with respect to MMSE are also
H. Boche is with the Heinrich-Hertz-Chair for Mobile Communications, studied, e.g., in [31]–[33].
Technical University of Berlin, 10587 Berlin, Germany. He is also with the However, all these MMSE-based strategies are not optimal
Fraunhofer German-Sino Laboratory for Mobile Communications MCI, and
the Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich-Hertz-Institut HHI,
with respect to the rate optimization problems considered in this
10587 Berlin, Germany (e-mail: [email protected]). paper. Even finding the sum-rate optimal MIMO transceivers is
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSP.2008.924796 still an open problem for the linear case. Partial results appeared
1053-587X/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE
model. Additionally, we assume that the uplink noise power is
the same as the downlink noise power. The effective channel
(including transmit and receiver filters) is the transpose of the
effective downlink channel. In general, different power alloca-
tions are needed in the uplink and downlink in order to achieve
the same MSE values. We use a diagonal matrix to denote (3)
. We also write the powers in vector form
as and , and assume that both links
fulfill the same sum-power constraint, i.e., . This holds under the assumption of an optimum MMSE receiver
With this uplink channel model, we are ready to derive iter- (see, e.g., [39])
ative algorithms for P1 and P2, where the variables to be opti-
mized are , , , and .
It is known that with Gaussian input and noise, and under the
A. P1: Weighted Sum-Rate Maximization assumption of linear processing, linear MMSE estimation is the
optimal receive strategy. Therefore, the rate per layer can be
The weighted sum-rate maximization can be formulated as expressed as a function of MMSE, i.e.
Note that the relation between rate and SINR requires an infinite (7)
signaling time interval. For practical designs, the SNR gap ap-
proximation [36] can be utilized to predict the achievable rate and a matrix defined by
depending on the modulation and coding scheme. Another al-
ternative approach is the use of heuristic bitloading algorithms.
Examples can be found in [37], [38]. The authors also show that
Additionally, with fixed transmit and receive filters in the uplink iteration, the powers allocated to data streams are distributed in
the geometric MSE an uneven fashion. Even though the optimization begins with
a fixed number of data streams, it is possible that the power
of one data stream approaches zero. This will happen automat-
ically when the initially given number of data streams is not
is a posynomial as well. Thus, we can formulate the uplink favored by the spatial structure of the channel. Simulations in
power optimization for (13) as a GP Section VI show that the sum rate or user rate contributed by
the chosen active layers is very close to the maximum.
D. Convergence
By exchanging the uplink power allocation (9) in Algorithm
1 with (14), we obtain a new algorithm for P2 (see Algorithm 2 Proof of the Convergence of Algorithm 1: Exploiting the
MSE duality [26], we can derive the following (in)equalities:
in Table I).
optimum is an interesting problem for future work. The rec- downlink, respectively, we can use the same optimization frame-
ommended initialization of is the singular vectors of the work for computing the transmit filters, powers, and receive fil-
channel matrix or an identity matrix. ters for problems P1–P5. We also assume an arbitrary fixed DPC
precoding order to 1 in the downlink, and an SIC decoding
order 1 to in the uplink.
Now, consider the uplink channel. The interference caused
In this section, we consider other variations of the problems, by the previous layers is subtracted from the th layer.
for which the uplink power optimization problems can be for- Thus, the MMSE filter for the th layer only needs to suppress
mulated as GPs as well. Thus, the global optimum power alloca- the interference from the remaining layers. The uplink
tion can be found for fixed transmitters and receivers. We only MMSE filter with SIC is
specify the uplink power allocations for the following problems:
P3: sum-rate constrained power minimization;
P4: user-rate constrained power minimization;
P5: sum-rate maximization subject to individual user-rate
For the problem of sum-rate constrained power minimization (18)
P3, the total power has to be minimized for the given sum-rate Similarly, in the downlink the first layer sees no interference and
target the second layer sees interference from the first layer, and so on.
Therefore, the MMSE filter for the th layer is
(15) As a consequence of the uplink SIC/downlink DPC, a triangular
structure is imposed on the effective channel. The resulting cou-
It is clear that (15) is a GP problem as well. pling matrix is , where denotes the upper
For problem P4, the total transmit power is minimized to triangular part of a matrix.
achieve individual user-rate constraints, i.e. Exchanging with , the uplink filters (4) with (18), and
the downlink filters (10) with (19), we obtain new algorithms for
P1–P5 with SIC/DPC. Following a similar reasoning as for the
linear case, we can show that the new algorithms converge as
well. For convenience, we denote the algorithm with SIC/DPC
for P1 and P2 as Algorithm 1-DPC and Algorithm 2-DPC, re-
(16) spectively.
where is the rate target for the th user. This is a GP as well.
The GP formulation of the power optimization for P5 is given VI. SIMULATION RESULTS
Now we compare our algorithms with other schemes, which
are derived either based on the result [15], or by combining the
result [35] with our alternating optimization framework. A short
description of these schemes are given as follows.
1) TxNullSVD-SumRate/RateBalancing: Based on
nullspace-directed SVD [15], the transmit filters, channel
and receive filters together form an effective diagonal channel.
It has been shown in [15] that this approach outperforms other
zero-forcing approaches published in [11]–[14]. Here, we take
With power allocations obtained by solving (15), (16), and it as a performance benchmark for the category of orthogonal
(17), new algorithms for P3–P5 are at hand. Detailed algo- processing.
rithms are omitted here. The monotonic convergence of the An additional power allocation over the parallelized channels
algorithms can be shown by a similar reasoning as the proofs can be easily performed, either to maximize the sum rate (called
in Section III-D. TxNullSVD-SumRate) or to balance the rates among all users
(called TxNullSVD-RateBalancing).
V. EXTENSION: OPTIMIZATION WITH SIC/DPC 2) GPSINR-SumRate: This scheme follows the alternating
approach Algorithm 1 and 2, with a different power allocation
In the uplink channel, known interference can be partially proposed in [35]. Specifically, for high SINRs, we can approx-
canceled by SIC. The downlink counterpart is known as DPC. imate . With fixed
DPC can partially compensate interference by appropriately en- transmit and receiver filters, the power allocation for sum-rate
coding the signals. Assuming that ideal SIC and DPC (no error optimization can be formulated as a GP problem with respect to
propagation and precoding loss) are applied to the uplink and , , (see [35] for more information), i.e.
Fig. 3. Average sum rate versus P = . =1 ,K =2 ,N =4 Fig. 4. Average balanced rate level versus P = . =1 ,K =2 ,
N =2 , 8k . Algorithm 1 (with linear processing) outperforms other existing
N =4 ,N =2 , 8k . Algorithm 2 (with linear processing) outperforms
linear schemes and Algorithm 1-DPC achieves the global optimum. TxNullSVD-RateBalancing and the performance of Algorithm 2-DPC is very
close to the global optimum.
TABLE II the new power allocation strategies, which are carried out by
CHANNEL SETUPS. < 1E 3=1E 5, P 0 = 10, = 1, SETUP 1
(4,2,2):K = 2, N = 4, N 8
= 2, k ; SETUP 2 (6,3,2): K = 3, N = 6,
filtering. Monotonic convergence of the iteration sis proven by
N = 2, k 8 exploiting properties of this new power control strategy. It is
shown that the proposed algorithms outperform other existing
linear schemes.
Let a vector with real positive variables
, . A real valued function of , with the form
be found in, e.g., [43], [44]. Two major approaches to solve a and
GP are the interior-point method in [45], and the infeasible in-
terior-point algorithm in [46]. User-friendly software packages
for GP are available publicly, such as the MOSEK package [40]
and the GGPLAB toolbox [41].
If , then there exists a strictly
To measure how “difficult” a GP is, the degree of difficulty
positive power allocation
was introduced by Duffin, Peterson and Zener in [42]. The de-
gree of difficulty is defined as the difference between the total (25)
number of the monomial terms in the objective and constraints,
and one plus the number of variables. However, in [46], the au- such that , . This is an immediate consequence of
thors reported that the proposed infeasible interior-point algo- the convergence properties of the Neumann series in which (25)
rithm for solving primal and dual GP is effective regardless of can be decomposed. Conversely, by a similar reasoning as in the
the degree of difficulty. context of SINR [50], we know that if there exists a such
The GP can be solved very efficiently by standard interior- that , , then holds.
point methods with a worst case polynomial-time complexity. In the same way it can be shown that downlink targets , ,
Roughly speaking, standard interior-point methods can solve can be achieved if and only if . If
a GP with 1000 variables and 10 000 constraints in under a
the targets are feasible, then they can be achieved by a strictly
minute, on a small desktop computer [44]. The detailed discus-
positive power allocation
sion on computational complexity via self-concordant functions
and parameter choices can be found in [47]. The upper bound on
the total number of Newton steps in the barrier method [47] does
not depend on the dimension of the variables, or the number of Since , we
equality constraints, or the particular values of the problem data, know that this implies that exists, if and only if
i.e., the objective and constraint functions. This upper bound exists.
shows that the barrier method converges at least linearly. By ap- Both allocations have the same total power which can be ver-
propriately choosing the parameters, the bound on the number ified by
of Newton steps can grow as , instead of [47].
The infeasible algorithm [46], which solves both the primal
and dual GP simultaneously, is reported to produce very com-
petitive numerical efficiency for a wide range of GPs. This algo-
rithm is tested on most challenging 19 GP problems and shown
to be faster than the earlier methods [46].
It has been also known that the GP is sensitive to perturbation
procedures that may for example arise in solution methods. A
careless perturbation may eliminate dual optimal solutions and
i.e., the same feasible layer-MSE values can be achieved in both
make it impossible to solve the original problem [48]. A suc-
links with the same total transmit power .
cessful attempt at developing a stable perturbation method ap-
pears in [49]. Since duality holds layer-wise, it obviously holds user-wise, and
also for the total MSE (sum of all layers).
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[30] S. Shi, M. Schubert, and H. Boche, “Computational efficient trans- Martin Schubert (M’06) received the M.Sc. and
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[31] E. Jorswieck and H. Boche, “Transmission strategies for the MIMO In 1998, he joined the Heinrich-Hertz Institute for
MAC with MMSE receiver: Average MSE optimization and achievable Telecommunications (HHI), Berlin, as a Research
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214–226, Jan. 2004.
[33] Z. Luo, T. N. Davidson, G. B. Giannakis, and K. Wong, “Transceiver Technical University of Berlin. His research interests
optimization for block-based multiple access through ISI channels,” include multiantenna signal processing, resource allocation, and multiuser
IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 52, no. 4, pp. 1037–1052, Apr. 2004. communication theory.
[34] M. Schubert and H. Boche, “Throughtput maximization for uplink and Dr. Schubert was a corecipient of the VDE Johann-Philipp-Reis-Award in
downlink beamforming with independent coding,” in Proc. CISS’03. 2007. He coauthored the 2007 Best Paper Award of the IEEE Signal Processing
Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Univ., 2003. Society.
Holger Boche (M’04–SM’07) received the M.Sc. German-Sino Lab for Mobile Communications, and since 2005, has been Di-
and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from rector of the Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Berlin. He was vis-
the Technische Universität Dresden, Germany, in iting professor at the ETH Zurich during winter term 2004 and 2006 and with
1990 and 1994, respectively. In 1998, he received KTH Stockholm during summer term 2005.
the Ph.D. degree in pure mathematics from the Prof. Boche received the Research Award “Technische Kommunikation”
Technische Universität Berlin, Germany. from the Alcatel SEL Foundation in October 2003, the “Innovation Award”
From 1994 to 1997, he did postgraduate studies from the Vodafone Foundation in June 2006, and the Gottfried Wilhelm
in mathematics with the Friedrich-Schiller Univer- Leibniz Prize 2008 from the DFG. He was a corecipient of the 2006 IEEE
sität Jena, Germany. In 1997, he joined the Heinrich- Signal Processing Society Best Paper Award and the recipient of the 2007 IEEE
Hertz-Institut (HHI) für Nachrichtentechnik Berlin. Signal Processing Society Best Paper Award. He is currently an Associate
He is head of the Broadband Mobile Communication Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY. He is a member
Networks Department, HHI. Since 2002, he has been a Full Professor for Mo- of IEEE Signal Processing Society SPCOM and SPTM Technical Committee.
bile Communication Networks, Institute for Communications Systems, Tech-
nische Universität Berlin. Since 2003, he has been Director of the Fraunhofer