How To Solve A Rubiks Cube
How To Solve A Rubiks Cube
How To Solve A Rubiks Cube
Keeping white on top, turn the cube so that a different colour face is toward you. Follow the above
instructions again. Repeat with the other two faces until the white cross is complete. This step is
quite intuitive; you can do it for sure but it does take a little practice. Just move the white edges to
their places not messing up the ones already fixed.
Perform these steps , then choose from steps (A), (B) or (C) above to put the corner in place
Keeping white on top, turn the cube so that a different colour face is toward you. Follow the above
instructions again. Repeat with the other two faces until the white cross is complete.
Solution: Turn the cube so that the edge is in the front layer then do either solution above to move
the piece into the bottom row. The go back to step 4 above.
Continue A and B with different centers facing you until the second layer is complete
1. Turn the cube over (white is now on the bottom and yellow on top)
2. You should find that there is 0, 2 or 4 pieces (of the cross) facing upward. Even if 4 pieces of
the cross is facing upward, they may not be in the correct position.
3. The idea is firstly to get the yellow cross and secondly to turn swap pieces to the correct
position in the cross.
Possible Problem:
Two pieces that are in the correct position are opposite each other.
Solution: Perform the steps in (A) once and then turn the cube like the one shown above and
perform the steps again.
(1) First we will put the corners in the correct position (A),
You will now have either 0, 1 or ALL the corners pieces will be in their correct positions, either the
right way up or reversed.
If one corner piece is in the correct corner turn the cube to that this correct corner is in the front top
right position. The piece is in the correct position, BUT may not be turned the correct way around.
Repeat the sequence until all the corners are in the correct position.
The next steps will turn the corners the correct way and ultimately solve the cube.
KEEP THE SAME SIDE FACING YOU. Rotate the TOP LAYER until the next corner piece to be
rotated is in the top right position. Repeat the above sequence until the YELLOW side of the corner
that you are rotating is on top. Continue the process until the cube is complete.