Faculty of Civil Engineering and Built Environment Student's Undertaking Form On The Academic Result Semester II Session 2019/2020
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Built Environment Student's Undertaking Form On The Academic Result Semester II Session 2019/2020
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Built Environment Student's Undertaking Form On The Academic Result Semester II Session 2019/2020
I hereby solemnly declare and confirm that the answers given are of my own effort and not
from copying or manipulating or plagiarising of another’s work.
I am aware and fully understand that any violation of this undertaking amounts to the
breach of the End of Semester Examination Regulation and the Universiti Tun Hussein Onn
Malaysia (Discipline of Students) Rules 2009. In the event that I am found guilty of the
above wrongdoings, it will have a negative implication on my study/ies and academics
Date : ______________________________________________
Signature : ______________________________________________