Ford Fiesta Group Case

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Group Members-

Shabait Wahid 1925255660

Chowdhury Shafaat Kabir 1915273660
Md. Shafiqul Islam 1815052060
Aminul Islam 1825284660

Question 1. How successful has this campaign been? What are the right metrics to use?
(Shabait Wahid)

The campaign on paper was quite successful. This is because Ford knew that they were taking
a massive risk by shying away from the norms of typical pre launch marketing campaigns and
their method could have easily backfired. But mostly the viral marketing campaign produced
positive results. This means that each part of their campaign was carried out well. The ‘agents’
did their part by providing reviews and keeping viewers engaged with all aspects of the car. Also
a significant number of people were interested to test drive the vehicle in the third part of the
campaign which proved that sufficient public interest had been generated. Also 50000 leads
were generated, where people said they were interested in buying the car, with 97% being first
time buyers of Ford Fiesta.
Ford can use 3 main metrics to measure the success of their campaign. Firstly they should
measure the speed at which the posts made by the agents are shared initially. This shows if the
initial buzz is strong enough. Secondly how persistently the posts are reshared by general
viewers. This shows how much interest is being generated publicly. Lastly ease of transmitting
the message should also be considered i.e. how the message is delivered from one person to
another. Greater the ease, the more the number of viewers are likely to become engaged.
Ford should also take into account how many of the reviews were positive. Since buying a car is
a significant investment, positive reviews are most likely to ease tensions and provide
assurance of the quality of the car.

Question 2. Will this type of campaign work for other consumer segments and other car
models? (Aminul Islam)

Yes, this type of campaign can work for other consumer segments and car models. The strategy
of social media and viral marketing communication (VMC) is in fashion, very popular, young and
highly refreshing. Ford chose 100 agents who are socially vibrant, tech savvy, unique, and able
to tell a good story to their audiences. They have hundreds of followers on different social media
such as; Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Flickr, etc. This type of strategy works very well for young
customers in the age group of 20 to 40. This is because this age group is active on social media
and the feedback and blog post they read on social media through friends and companions
works great. Any brand can reach to millions with this marketing and that in a very low cost
affair. So social media and viral marketing will go for young customers and models that are just
like ours which we desire to be small and cost effective. The company can stick to this
marketing strategy for the other car models or any other consumer segments.
Question 3. What should be done next? Do we keep agents engaged, and if so, how?
How do we keep the buzz alive with still over six months until the car goes on sale? (Md.
Shafiqul Islam)

To continue the campaign success until the car goes on sale, the Ford Motor company should
try to maximize the output of the campaign by staying engaged in the online marketing
techniques. In addition, as a big part of the target customers are already aware of the product,
using some key traditional marketing media may also help maximize the campaign output.
Focus on test drives and pre-sale events should continue by using strategic locations,
timeframes, and agents to maximize the output. Some of the agents may be changed to give
chance to the more promising new ones. Using a campaign scorecard with small but fun
rewards may also keep the target customers more engaged in the campaign.

Question 4. How do we convert the 50,000 sales leads to Fiesta buyers? Do they present
any additional opportunities for marketing the Fiesta in the US? (Chowdhury Shafaat

Ford should actively engage with these leads to maintain their interest and convert them into
sales. Ford could publish a newsletter or create a community in the social platform (Facebook
and Twitter) providing information on the Ford Fiesta Movement and updates on when the car
will be available. This would also create a platform where the target audience could share their
thoughts and also get answers to their queries if so. Ford could extend the Ford Fiesta
movement with new agents and also have those agents’ complete missions and hold events
(car meet up, automotive show etc.) in various locations where the leads are mostly located.
They could also contact them personally through chat boxes/email and invite them for a test
drive. Finally, Ford can also offer its leads the opportunity to pre-order the vehicle (Ford Fiesta)
with a guaranteed delivery date and provide an incentive (cash discounts, free gifts) for pre-

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