Ford Fiesta - PKR
Ford Fiesta - PKR
Ford Fiesta - PKR
Group members
Phani Govindalapudi (71510051)
Krishna Mamidala (71510035)
Roshan Kanth(71510063
Ans : Ford is trying the social media platform due to the following
1) Millennials who fall under the age group of 30 are more
technology savvy
2) Ford Fiesta falls under the B segment ( 885 to 99.9 cubic
feet ) and B segment cars are purchased mainly by young people who
were landing their first job or by old buyers who prized fuel efficiency
and compactness . The younger generation has been growing fast and
they use more of messaging,tweeting ,posting videos and use more of
Trade of
1) What would the repercussions be by using such a medium. ( bad
publicity is a possibility)
2) How to control the messages and activities of the social media
movement ( possibility of performing something and not capturing the
3) What should be the measures ? ( undecided metrics )