FIS Year-End Checklist PDF
FIS Year-End Checklist PDF
FIS Year-End Checklist PDF
Closing Entries/Accruals
Close out current liabilities - prior year (9510/11)
Close out accounts receivable - prior year (9201/02)
Schedule of expenditure accruals (9510)
Schedule of income accruals (9201)
_____ State Aid
Verify & post cafeteria reimbursement accrual
Balance cafeteria account vs. fund
Verify & post child development accruals
Verify & post state school building accruals
Post interest earned on bond proceeds invested
outside of the county treasury
Reconcile petty cash
Reconcile revolving cash
Reconcile clearing accounts
State aid 50% reduction
Direct/Indirect Costs
Direct costs
Intrafund in balance (5710)
Interfund in balance (5750)
Indirect costs
Intrafund in balance (7310)
Interfund in balance (7350)
Categorical Programs
Accrue Lottery (1100 & 6300)
Instructional Materials interest transfer (not required from 2008-09
to 2014-15)
Federal transferability
Distribute accumulated NCLB administrative costs to participating
Special Education contribution from the unrestricted General Fund
Routine Restricted Maintenance Account (RMA) transfer from
unrestricted General Fund
Complete form CAT
Post accounts receivable
Post unearned revenue
Federal interest
Establish reserves for revolving cash fund (9711)
Reconcile stores general ledger to physical inventory
Establish reserves for stores
Establish reserves for prepaid expenditures
Establish reserves for legally restricted balances
Establish reserves for economic uncertainties
Establish other assignments, commitments, & unassigned reserves
Verify all expenditures charged to function 8500 and/or
object 6XXX
Extract fund data into GASB 34 component of SACS software,
analyze results & review SACS accounting for reconciliation
Ensure that ASSET & DEBT forms match GSNA
Verify that Normal Costs and UAAL Costs are charged in all funds
Review government-wide statements to ensure that accounts have
extracted properly into the SACS software and do any
necessary conversion entries
District Checklist
Complete district checklist
Complete SACS software unaudited actuals technical
review checks (TRC) and resolve exceptions
Call Financial Accounting at (858) 292-3652 or
(858) 292-3740 so they can begin their audit process
Do not post unless instructed to post
E-mail completed district checklist and TRC (EXCEPTIONS ONLY)
to Financial Accounting [email protected] (DO NOT send a
SACS DAT file at this time)
Financial Accounting will call with report run date
Order reports
Other - Notes