United States Patent: Rariy Et Al
United States Patent: Rariy Et Al
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US 10,525,053 B2
1 2
ABUSE -DETERRENT PHARMACEUTICAL circulation (for IV injection ). These abuse methods result in
COMPOSITIONS OF OPIOIDS AND OTHER the rapid bioavailability of relatively high doses of drug ,
DRUGS giving the abuser a “ high ” . Since relatively simple methods
( crushing , grinding , chewing and /or dissolution in water )
This application is a continuation of U.S. Ser. No. 15/457 , 5 can be used to transform such formulations into an abusable
153, filed Mar. 13 , 2017 , which is a continuation of U.S. Ser. form , they provide virtually no deterrent to a potential
No. 14 / 946,275 , now U.S. Pat. No. 9,592,200, filed Nov. 19 , abuser .
2015 , which is a continuation of U.S. Ser. No. 14 /054,513 , For example , the FDA recently strengthened the warnings
now U.S. Pat. No. 9,248,195 , filed Oct. 15 , 2013 , which is and precautions sections in the labeling of OxyContin®
a divisional of U.S. Ser. No. 12 /473,073 , now U.S. Pat. No. 10 (oxycodone HCl controlled -release) tablets, a narcotic drug
8,557,291, filed May 27, 2009, which is a continuation - in approved for the treatment of moderate to severe pain ,
part ofU.S. Ser. No. 12 / 112,993, filed Apr. 30 , 2008 , which because of continuing reports of abuse and diversion . Oxy
is a divisional of U.S. Ser. No. 10 /614,866 , now U.S. Pat. Contin® contains oxycodone HCl (available in 10 , 20 , 40
No. 7,399,488 , filed Jul. 7 , 2003 , which claims priority to and 80 mg strengths), an opioid agonist with an addiction
U.S. Ser. No.60 / 393,876 filed Jul. 5 , 2002 entitled “ Abuse- 15
potential similar to that of morphine . Opioid agonists are
Resistant Formulations of Oxycontin and Other Drugs ” by substances that act by attaching to specific proteins called
Alexander M.Klibanov, Stephen L. Buchwald , Timothy M. opioid receptors, which are found in the brain , spinal cord ,
Swager, and Whe - Yong Lo; U.S. Ser. No. 60/436,523 filed and gastrointestinal tract. When these drugs attach to certain
Dec. 23, 2002 by Alison B. Fleming , Roman V. Rariy , opioid receptors in the brain and spinal cord they can
Alexander M.Klibanov, Whe - Yong Lo , and Jane Hirsh ; U.S. 20 effectively block the transmission of pain messages to the
Ser. No.60 /443,226 filed Jan. 28 , 2003 by Jane Hirsh , Alison brain .
B. Fleming , Alexander M. Klibanov , and Whe - Yong Lo ; OxyContin® is supplied in a controlled -release dosage
U.S. Ser. No. 60 / 463,514 filed Apr. 15 , 2003 by Jane C. form and is intended to provide up to 12 hours of relief from
Hirsh , Alison B. Fleming, Roman V. Rariy, Stephen L. moderate to severe pain . The warning specifically states that
Buchwald , and Timothy M. Swager; and U.S. Ser. No. 25 the tablet must be taken whole and only by mouth . When the
60 /463,518 filed Apr. 15 , 2003 by Jane C. Hirsh , Alison B. tablet is chewed or crushed and its contents are swallowed ,
Fleming and Roman V. Rariy. snorted into the nostrils or dissolved and subsequently
U.S. Ser. No. 12 /473,073 is also a continuation -in -part of injected intravenously , the controlled release mechanism is
Ser. No. 12 / 112,937 , filed Apr. 30 , 2008 , which is a con destroyed and a potentially lethal dose of oxycodone
tinuation - in -part of U.S. Ser . No. 10 /614,866 , now U.S. Pat. 30 becomes bioavailable .
No. 7,399,488, filed Jul. 7 , 2003 , which claims priority to In recent years , there have been numerous reports of
U.S. Ser. No. 60 / 393,876 filed Jul. 5 , 2002; U.S. Ser. No. Oxycodone diversion and abuse in several states. For
60 /436,523 filed Dec. 23 , 2002; U.S. Ser. No. 60 /443,226 example , the DEA's Office of Diversion Control reported
filed Jan. 28 , 2003 ; U.S. Ser. No. 60 /463,514 filed Apr. 15 , 700 OxyContin® thefts in the United States between Janu
2003 ; and U.S. Ser. No. 60 / 463,518 filed Apr. 15 , 2003 and 35 beenary 2000 and June 2001. Some of these reported cases have
associated with serious consequences including death .
U.S. Ser. No. 12/473,073 is also a continuation -in -part of
U.S. Ser. No. 11 / 149,867,now U.S.Pat. No.7,771,707 , filed According to a report from the Abuse and Mental Health
Jun . 10 , 2005 , which claims priority to U.S. Ser. No. Services Administration , Results from the 2004 National
Survey on Drug Use and Health : National Findings (Rock
60 /579,191, filed Jun . 12 , 2004 .
40 ville ,Md.: US Dept. of Health and Human Services, Office
FIELD OF THE INVENTION of Applied Studies, 2005, p . 50 ), in 2004, the number of new
non -medical users of OxyContin® was 615,000 , with an
The present invention is generally in the field of pharma average age at first use of 24.5 years. Comparable data on
ceutical compositions, and specifically compositions that are past year Oxycontin® initiation are not available for prior
designed to reduce the potential for improper administration 45 years, but calendar year estimates of Oxycontin® initiation
of drugs, such as those subject to abuse. show a steady increase in the number of initiates from 1995 ,
the year this product was first available, through 2003
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Oxycodone is a controlled substance in Schedule II of the
Controlled Substances Act (CSA ), which is administered by
Oxycodone, morphine, and other opioid analgesics are 50 the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA ). Despite the
successful and therapeutically useful medications, e.g., as fact that Schedule IX provides the maximum amount of
pain killers , when administered orally. Unfortunately, they control possible under the CSA for approved drug products,
also pose a severe threat for willful abuse due to their ability in practice it is difficult for law enforcement agencies to
to alter mood and /or cause a sense of euphoria . Currently control the diversion or misuse of legitimate prescriptions .
available sustained release formulations of such drugs, 55 Although abuse , misuse , and diversion are potential prob
which contain a relatively large amount of drug meant to be lems for all opioids, including Oxycodone, opioids are a
released from the formulation over an extended time period, very important part of the medical armamentarium for the
are particularly attractive to abusers since the sustained management of pain when used appropriately under the
release action can be destroyed by crushing or grinding the careful supervision of a physician .
formulation . The resulting material ( i.e., the crushed formu- 60 Currently available formulations for such drugs are
lation ) can no longer control the release of drug . Depending designed for oral administration but are vulnerable to altera
on the drug, abusers can then (1 ) snort the material, (2 ) tions in their dissolution characteristics by physical manipu
swallow the material or (3 ) dissolve the material in water lation of the formulation as discussed above . Such formu
and subsequently inject it intravenously. The dose of drug lations are also vulnerable due to the inherently high water
contained in the formulation is absorbed immediately 65 solubility of the API contained therein . Because of their
through the nasal or GImucosa (for snorting or swallowing , nature, these formulations do not prevent or deter improper
respectively ) or is administered in a bolus to the systemic methods of administration such as chewing, injection and
US 10,525,053 B2
3 4
snorting . This represents a serious problem given the large oral administration . In a preferred embodiment, the drug is
number of legitimate prescriptions written in the US; for chemically modified to increase its lipophilicity and is
example , the medical use of opioids within the US increased formulated as microparticles. In other embodiments , the
400 % from 1996 to 2000. The problems with abuse are 5 formulation contains lipophilic or water-insoluble materials
significant and longstanding, and efforts to design new or is made using a process which increases the lipophilicity
abuse -resistant or abuse - deterrent formulations have been and /or water-insolubility of the composition . In some
largely unsuccessful. embodiments , the composition additionally contains one or
U.S. Pat. No. 3,980,766 to Shaw et al. (“ Shaw ” ), U.S. Pat. more antioxidants.
No. 4,070,494 to Hoffmeister et al. (“ Hoffmeister” ), and The abuse -deterrent composition retards the release of
U.S. Pat. No. 6,309,668 to Bastin et al. (“ Bastin " ) describe 10 drug, even if the physical integrity of the dosage form is
formulations designed to prevent the injection of composi compromised (for example , by chopping with a blade or
tions meant for oral administration . crushing ) and the resulting material is placed in water,
Shaw describes the incorporation of an ingestible solid snorted
which causes a rapid increase in viscosity upon concentra directed,, the or swallowed . However, when administered as
drug is released slowly ( typically over a period
tion of an aqueous solution thereof. 15
of 4-18 hours ) from the composition by diffusion as the
Hoffmeister describes the incorporation of a non -toxic , composition is broken down or dissolved gradually within
water gelable material in an amount sufficient to render the
drug resistant to aqueous extraction . the GI tract by a combination of surfactant action of bile
Bastin describes a tablet for oral administration contain acids, mechanical erosion and /or enzymatic degradation .
ing two ormore layers containing one or more drugs and one 20 In some embodiments , the individual drug -containing
or more gelling agents within separate layers of the tablet. microparticles or drug particles are coated With one or more
The resulting tablet forms a gel when combined with the independent coating layers . At least one of the coating
volume of water necessary to dissolve the drug allegedly materials is water-insoluble and/or organic solvent-in
reducing the extractability of the drug from the tablet. soluble , so that in vitro degradation of the formulation will
It should be noted that although these compositions 25 require more than one step. Thus, the drug is not easily
allegedly preclude abuse by injection , this approach fails to extractable from the formulations by conventional chemical
prohibit rapid dissolution of the drug once the dosage form means. In contrast , when administered to the gastrointestinal
is crushed into smaller particles or pieces . Thus, these tract via swallowing, the drug will gradually be released
formulations are vulnerable to abuse by crushing and swal from the coated microparticles as a consequence of diffu
lowing or snorting the formulation , which are commonly 30 sion , the gradual break down of the formulation via surfac
reported methods of abuse associated with OxyContin® . tant action of bile acids, mechanical erosion and /or enzy
U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,773,955 and 3,966,940 to Pachter et al. matic degradation .
describe formulations containing a combination of opioid The pharmaceutical composition , when administered
agonists and antagonists , in which the antagonist does not orally, results in a desired drug release profile. The release
block the therapeutic effect when the admixture is admin- 35 profile provides a therapeutic effect for an extended period
istered orally, butwhich does not produce analgesia , eupho of time, typically from 6 to 24 hours, preferably from 12 to
ria or physical dependence when administered parenterally 24 hours. Additional compositions are provided which
by an abuser. achieve a small immediate release dose that precedes the
U.S. Pat. No. 4,457,933 to Gordon et al, describes a sustained release of drug. The compositions disclosed herein
method for decreasing both the oral and parenteral abuse 40 may optionally contain a drug having no appreciable abuse
potential of strong analgetic agents by combining an anal potential.
gesic dose of the analgetic agent with an antagonist in
specific, relatively narrow ratios . DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
U.S. Pat . Nos. 6,277,384, 6,375,957 and 6,475,494 to INVENTION
Kaiko et al. describe oral dosage forms including a combi- 45
nation of an orally active opioid agonist and an orally active Disclosed herein are an abuse - deterrent pharmaceutical
opioid antagonist in a ratio that, when delivered orally , is compositions and the method of making and using the
analgesically effective but that is aversive in a physically compositions.
dependent subject. While such a formulation may be suc I. Compositions
cessful in deterring abuse, it also has the potential to produce 50 As used herein , “ composition ” refers to the drug dosage
adverse effects in legitimate patients . unit for administration to a patient. “Composition ” may also
It is therefore an object of the present invention to provide be used in reference solely to the active ingredient, or to a
a pharmaceutical composition that significantly reduces the formulation containing the active ingredient.
potential for improper administration or use of drugs but The currently available sustained release dosage forms
which , when administered as directed, is capable of deliv- 55 containing narcotic analgesics and other drugs are subject to
ering a therapeutically effective dose . misuse , in part, because mechanical destruction of the
dosage form exposes the encapsulated drug and allows for
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION immediate dissolution of the drug into aqueousmedia . Three
properties of the dosage form that contribute to this outcome
An abuse -deterrent pharmaceutical composition and 60 are, (1) the high water solubility of the drug salt form ; ( 2) the
methods of making and using thereof have been developed . lack of protection offered by the hydrophilic and /or water
The compositions can be used to reduce the likelihood of soluble excipients in the formulation ; and (3 ) the ease with
improper administration of drugs, especially drugs prone to which the surface area of the formulation is increased by
abuse such as oxycodone . The technology is useful for a simple chewing or crushing . Susceptibility to simple meth
number of other drugs where sustained release oral delivery 65 ods such as chewing or crushing is particularly problematic
is desired , and there is potential for abuse if the drug dose for monolithic controlled -release dosage forms. For mono
is made immediately available for nasal, intravenous (IV ) or lithic dosage forms, such as tablets, even splitting the unit
US 10,525,053 B2
5 6
into a few pieces (without completely crushing it ) can result herein , drugs prone to abuse refer to controlled substance
in a dramatic increase in the dissolution rate . specified as schedule II , III, IV and V drugs.
In the compositions disclosed herein , one ormore of these The terms“ drug” , “ active agent”, and “ pharmacologically
properties are altered in order to achieve an abuse - deterrent active agent” are used interchangeably herein to refer to a
composition . Specifically , in the one embodiment, the drug 5 chemical compound that induces a desired pharmacological,
is modified to increase its lipophilicity which reduces its physiological effect. The terms also encompass pharmaceu
water solubility . The modified drug is then homogeneously tically acceptable derivatives of those active agents specifi
dispersed within one ormore carrier materials that arc either cally mentioned herein , including , but not limited to , salts,
slowly soluble or not soluble in water. Dispersion within solvates, hydrates, complexes with one ormore molecules,
these materials further reduces the accessibility of the drug 10 prodrugs , active metabolites , analogs , and the like. When the
when crushed and exposed to an aqueous media . In some terms “ active agent” , “ pharmacologically active agent” and
embodiments, the drug may be partially or fully dispersed in " drug ” are used , or when a particular drug, such as oxyco
the carrier materials on a molecular level. The intimate done , is identified , it is to be understood as including the
mixture of modified drug and carrier materials is subse active agent per se as well as pharmaceutically acceptable
quently formulated into microparticles , producing a formu- 15 salts , solvates, hydrates , complexes with one ormore mol
lation whose surface area is minimally influenced by chew ecules, prodrugs, active metabolites, and analogs.
ing or crushing. Examples of preferred drugs include , 1-phenylcyclohex
The terms “ abuse -deterrent composition ” or “ abuse- de ylamine , 1-piperidinocyclohexanecarbonitrile , alfentanil,
terrent formulation ” are used interchangeably herein to refer alphacetylmethadol, alphaprodine, alprazolam , amobarbital,
to compositions that reduce the potential for improper 20 amphetamine, anileridine, apomorphine, aprobarbital, bar
administration of drugs but that deliver a therapeutically bital, barbituric acid derivative , bemidone , benzoylecgo
effective dose when administered as directed . Improper nine , benzphetamine , betacetylmethadol, betaprodine, bez
administration includes tampering with the dosage form itramide, bromazepam , buprenorphine , butabarbital,
and / or administering the drug by any route other than butalbital, butorphanol, camazepam , cathine , chloral,
instructed . For example , for a tablet or capsule, methods of 25 chlordiazepoxide, clobazam , clonazepam , clorazepate, clo
tampering with the dosage form may include, but are not tiazepam , cloxazolam , cocaine, codeine, chlorphentermine,
limited to , breaking, crushing , grinding , chewing and /or delorazepam , dexfenfluramine, dextromoramide, dextro
dissolving the tablet or the contents of the capsule. For oral propoxyphen , dezocine, diazepam , diethylpropion,
administration , improper administration includes adminis difenoxin , dihydrocodeine, dihydromorphine, dioxaphentyl
tering the drug by any route other than via swallowing . 30 butyrate, dipanone, diphenoxylate , diprenorphine , ecgonine,
The abuse deterrent compositions preferably contain a enadoline , eptazocine , estazolam , ethoheptazine , ethyl
drug modified to increase its lipophilicity . In some embodi loflazepate , ethylmorphine, etorphine , femproponex , fen
ments , the drug is homogenously dispersed within micropar camfamin , fenfluramine , fentanyl, fludiazepam , flunitraze
ticles composed of a material that is either slowly soluble in pam , flurazepam , glutethimide, halazepam , haloxazolam ,
water or water insoluble . The compositions maintain the 35 hexalgon , hydrocodone , hydromorphone , isomethadone ,
slow the release of drug if the dosage form is chopped or hydrocodone, ketamine , ketazolam , ketobemidone , leva
crushed and the resulting material is placed in water, none, levoalphacetylmethadol, levomethadone, levometh
snorted , or swallowed since most of the drug will remain adyl acetate , levomethorphan , levorphanol, lofentanil, lop
associated with or entrapped within portions of the core eramide, loprazolam , lorazepam , lormetazepam , lysergic
material of the microparticles . In other embodiments, the 40 acid, lysergic acid amide, mazindol, medazepam ,
drug containing microparticles or individual drug particles mefenorex , meperidine , meptazinol, metazocine , metha
are coated with one or more coating layers, where at least done , methamphetamine, methohexital, methotrimeprazine,
one coating is water insoluble and /or organic solvent niethyldihydromorphinone, methylphenidate,methylpheno
insoluble . The components of the resulting coated micropar barbital, metopon , morphine , nabilone , nalbuphine , nal
ticles are not mutually soluble in water or organic solvents , 45 bupine , nalorphine , narceine , nefopam , nicomorphine , nim
such that no one solvent or enzyme solution is capable of etazepam , nitrazepam , nordiazepam , normethadone,
dissolving the formulation in its entirety in vitro . Therefore , nonnorphine , oxazepam , oxazolam , oxycodone, oxymor
extraction of the drug from the formulation cannot be carried phone, pentazocine, pentobarbital, phenadoxone , phenazo
out in one step .However, when administered as directed , the cine, phencyclidine, phendimetrazine , phenrnetrazine , phen
drug is slowly released from the formulation via diffusion 50 eridine , piminodine, prodilidine , properidine ,
and erosion within the environment of the gastrointestinal propoxyphene , racemethorphan , racemorphan , racemor
tract . amide, remifentanil, secobarbital, sufentanil, talbutal, the
A. Drugs to be Formulated baine, thiamylal, thiopental, tramadol, trimeperidine, and
There are many drugs which can be delivered using the vinbarbital.
compositions described herein . The Controlled Substances 55 In addition to the compounds above, the following sched
Act ( CSA ), Title II of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse uled drugs may be incorporated into the composition ; allo
Prevention and Control Act of 1970 , places all substances barbitone, alprazolam , amylobarbitone, aprobarbital, barbi
that are regulated under existing federal law into one of five tal, barbitone , benzphetamine, brallobarbital, bromazepam ,
schedules based upon the substance's medicinal value , brotizolam , buspirone , butalbital, butobarbitone, butorpha
harmfulness , and potential for abuse or addiction . Drugs that 60 nol, camazepam , captodiame, carbromal, carfentanil,
are preferred include those classified as Schedule II, III , IV carpipratnine , cathine, chloral, chloral betaine, chloral
and V drugs. Drugs that are most preferable include those, hydrate , chloralose , chlordiazepoxide, chlorhexadol, chlo
like oxycodone, that are currently formulated as sustained or rmethiazole edisylate , chlormezanone , cinolazepam , cloba
controlled release compositions, where drug release is zam , potassium clorazepate , clotiazepam , cloxazolam ,
intended to occur over a prolonged period of time through 65 cyclobarbitone , delorazepam , dexfenfluramine , diazepam ,
the gastrointestinal tract, and immediate or burst release , for diethylpropion , difebarbamate , difenoxin , enciprazine , esta
example , by inhalation or injection , is undesirable . As used zolarn , ethyl loflazepate, etizolam , febarbamate, fencam
US 10,525,053 B2
7 8
famin , fenfluramine, fenproporex , fluanisone, fludiazepam , drug . Furthermore, if the drug is mademore lipophilic , it can
flunitraam , flunitrazepam , flurazepam , flutoprazepam , be solubilized in a molten fatty substance or wax like
gepirone , glutethimide , halazepain , haloxazolam , hexobar mixture, rather than physically dispersed in a particulate
bitone , ibomal, ipsapirone, ketazolam , loprazolam mesylate ; form . Solubilization of the drug enhances the abuse-deter
lorazepam , lormetazepain , mazindol, mebutamate , medaze- 5 rent properties of microparticles formulated from the mix
pam , mefenorex , mephobarbital, meprobamate , metaclaze ture as it is difficult to extract drug from an intimately
pam , methaqualone,methohexital, methylpentynol, methyl dispersed composition . Furthermore, such a composition is
phenobarbital, rnidazolam , milazolam , morphine, capable of controlling the release of drug , even when
nimetazepam , nitrazepam , nordiazepam , oxazepam , oxazo formulated into relatively small microparticles . Micropar
lam , paraldehyde, pemoline, pentabarbitone, pentazocine , 10 ticulate compositions, in contrast to monolithic composi
pentobarbital , phencyclidine, phenobarbital, phondimetra tions, are inherently less susceptible to tampering by mecha
zine , phennietrazine, phenprobamate , phentermine, phe nisms that are intended to increase the surface area and ,
nyacetone , pinazepam , pipradol, prazepam , proxibarbal, consequently , the release rate of drug ( such as chewing or
quazepam , quinalbaritone, secobarbital, secbutobarbitone , crushing ).
sibutramine , temazepam , tetrazepam , triazolam , triclofos , 15 The terms “ lipophilic derivative ” and “ lipophililic drug
zalepan , zaleplon, zolazepam , zolpidem , and zopiclone . derivative ”, as used herein , refer to derivatives of the drug
Certain compounds described herein may exist in particular that are less soluble or dissolve less rapidly in water than the
geometric or stereoisomeric forms. The composition dis most soluble salt of the drug ; the most soluble salt being
closed herein contemplates all such compounds, including selected from either base addition salts ( for acidic drugs) or
cis- and trans - isomers, R- and S - enantiomers,diastereomers,
20 acid addition salts (for basic drugs), such as by the addition
(D )-isomers , (L )-isomers, the racemic mixtures thereof,of inorganic acids. The examples of the latter include but are
compounds of different spacial conformations, and other not limited to hydrohalates, sulfates , and nitrates. Some of
mixtures thereof, as falling within the scope ofthe invention .
the methods that can be used to alter the drug's lipophilicity
Additional asymmetric carbon atoms may be present in a are outlined below . It is understood that two or more
substituent such as an alkyl group . All such isomers, as well
25 approaches can be combined to achieve a desired solubility
as mixtures thereof, are intended to be included in this profile .
invention . Methods for Increasing Lipophilicity
As used herein , “ pharmaceutically acceptable salts” refer In one embodiment, the drug is mademore lipophilic by
to derivatives of the disclosed compounds wherein the eliminating or reducing the overall charge of the drug
parent compound is modified by making acid or base salts 30 molecule. For example , for a basic drug , a water soluble salt
thereof. Examples of pharmaceutically acceptable salts (such as hydrochloride, sulfate, or maleate ) can be converted
include, but are not limited to , mineral or organic acid salts to a free base using techniques known in the art. In the case
of basic residues such as amities; alkali or organic salts of of an acidic drug, a water soluble salt (such as sodium ,
acidic residues such as carboxylic acids ; and the like . The potassium , or the like) can be converted to a free acid .
pharmaceutically acceptable salts include the conventional 35 In another embodiment, the drug's lipophilicity is
non -toxic salts or the quaternary ammonium salts of the increased by forming a salt between a drug molecule and a
parent compound formed , for example , from non -toxic charged lipophilic compound . In this case the lipophilicity of
inorganic or organic acids. For example, such conventional the resulting salt can be manipulated by varying the lipo
non -toxic salts include those derived from inorganic acids philicity of the counter -ion . In general, lipophilic acids or
such as hydrochloric , hydrobromic , sulfuric , sulfamic , phos- 40 amines with chain lengths between C5 -C30 are lipophilic
phoric , nitric and the like ; and the salts prepared from counter-ion candidates. Some specific examples include, but
organic acids such as acetic , propionic, succinic, glycolic, are not limited to , linoleic acid , octanoic acid , lauric acid ,
stearic ,myristic, palmitic , lactic ,malic, tartaric , citric , ascor stearic acid , palmitic acid , myristic acid , oleic acid , octyl
bic , pamoic ,maleic , hydroxymaleic , phenylacetic , glutamic , amine, lauryl amine, stearyl amine , pahnityl amine, linoleyl
benzoic, salicylic , sulfanilic , 2 -acetoxybenzoic , fumaric, 45 amine, and oleyl amine. Other salts which may increase
tolunesulfonic , methanesulfonic, ethane disulfonic, oxalic , lipophilicity and, hence , lipid solubility relative to the parent
and isethionic . drug compound include, but are not limited to , pectinate ,
The pharmaceutically acceptable salts of the compounds tannate , phytate , salicylate , saccharinate, acesulfamate, gal
can be synthesized from the parent compound , which con late , and terephthalate salts .
tains a basic or acidic moiety , by conventional chemical 50 In still a further embodiment, drug lipophilicity is
methods. Generally , such salts can be prepared by reacting increased via complexation with poorly water -soluble cyclo
the free acid or base forms of these compounds with a dextrin . For example , ethylated beta -cyclodextrin has been
stoichiometric amount of the appropriate base or acid in shown to decrease aqueous solubility of complexed drug
water or in an organic solvent, or in a mixture of the two ; molecules.
generally , non -aqueous media like ether, ethyl acetate, etha- 55 In another embodiment, a drug is covalently modified to
nol, isopropanol, or acetonitrile are preferred . Lists of suit increase its lipophilicity. For example, a lipophilic com
able salts are found in Remington's Pharmaceutical Sci pound can be covalently attached to a drug molecule via an
ences, 20th ed., Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore , ester or amide linkage . Such drug derivatives are cleaved in
Md., 2000, p . 704 , the disclosure of which is hereby incor vivo , thus releasing the parent compound .
porated by reference . 60 C. Drug Containing Microparticles
Optionally , the composition described herein can further In some embodiments , the drug is formulated with a
include a drug having no appreciable abuse potential. carrier material to form microparticles. As used herein , the
B. Drug Solubility Modification term “microparticle” refers to a composition containing a
In some embodiments , the solubility characteristics of a drug dispersed within a carrier material and " coated
drug are altered. Modification of the drug to produce a more 65 microparticle” refers to a composition containing a drug
lipophilic derivative serves to reduce the water solubility of containing microparticle or a drug particle coated with one
the drug and thus reduce the aqueous extractability of the or more coating layers of material. Microparticles and
US 10,525,053 B2
9 10
coated microparticles have a size range of 10 to 3000 hydroxypropyl methylcellulose or polyethylene oxide may
microns in diameter , more preferably from 10 to 1000 also be suitable as carrier materials for drug containing
microns. microparticles.
Within microparticles , the drug is preferably homoge Encapsulation or incorporation of drug into carrier mate
neously dispersed in the form of fine particles within the 5 rials to produce drug containing microparticles can be
carrier material. More preferably, the drug is partially solu achieved through known pharmaceutical formulation tech
bilized in a molten carder material or partially dissolved niques. To create a composition that protects drug from
with the carrier material in a mutual solvent during the exposure upon mechanical disruption ( eg, grinding , chew
formulation of the microparticles. Most preferably, the drug ing, or chopping), the drug is intimately dispersed within the
is completely solubilized in the molten carrier material or 10 carrier material. In the case of formulation in fats , waxes or
completely dissolved with the carrier material in a co wax -like materials, the carrier material is heated above its
solvent during the formulation of themicroparticles. This is melting temperature and the drug is added to form a mixture
accomplished through the selection of materials and the containing drug particles suspended in the carrier material,
manner in which they are processed . drug dissolved in the carrier material, or a mixture thereof.
Carrier materials appropriate for the fabrication of drug 15 Microparticles can be subsequently formulated through sev
containing microparticles either dissolve slowly in water or eral methods including, but not limited to, congealing ,
are insoluble in water. As used herein , the term “ dissolves extrusion, spray chilling or aqueous dispersion . In a pre
slowly in water” refers to materials that are not completely ferred process, one or more carrier materials are heated
dissolved in water within a period of 30 minutes. Suitable above its melting temperature, the drug is added , and the
materials include fats, fatty substances, waxes, wax -like 20 molten carrier material-drug mixture is congealed to form
substances and mixtures thereof. Suitable fats and fatty solid , spherical particles via a spraying or spinning cylinder
substances include fatty alcohols (such as lauryl, myristyl or disk processes. Alternatively, the molten carrier material
stearyl, cetyl or cetostearyl alcohol), fatty acids and deriva drug mixture can be extruded and pelletized to form pellets
tives , including butnot limited , to fatty acid esters, fatty acid or beads. Detailed descriptions of these processes can be
glycerides (mono-, di- and tri- glycerides ), and hydrogenated 25 found in “ Remington — The science and practice of phar
fats . Specific examples include, but are not limited to macy ” , 20th Edition , Jennaro et. Al., (Phila , Lippencott ,
hydrogenated vegetable oil, hydrogenated cottonseed oil , Williams, and Wilkens, 2000 , Spinning disk processes are
hydrogenated castor oil , hydrogenated oils available under described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,015,128 and 7,261,529 .
the trade name Sterotex® , stearic acid , cocoa butter, glyceryl In a preferred process, spherical particles are produced .
behenate (available under the trade name COMPRITOL 30 Spherical particles may introduce an additional barrier to
888® ) , glyceryl dipalmitostearate (available under the trade deter tampering with the composition . Smaller , round par
name PRECIROL® ), and stearyl alcohol. Mixtures of ticles act as “ ball bearings ” that are more difficult to crush
mono-, di- and tri -glycerides and mono- and di-fatty acid or grind , and if crushed ,do not allow for significant decrease
esters ofpolyethylene glycol, available under the trade name in particle size or surface areas of the particles in order to
GELUCIRE® ) are also suitable fatty materials. Suitable 35 effect an increase in release rate .
waxes and wax - like materials include natural or synthetic For compositions containing salts composed of a phar
waxes, hydrocarbons, and normal waxes . Specific examples maceutically active agent and one or more fatty acids or
ofwaxes include beeswax , glycowax , castor wax , carnauba amines , the salt may be formed during the formulation
wax, paraffins and candelilla wax . As used herein , a wax -like process itself. To accomplish this , the one or more fatty acids
material is defined as any material which is normally solid 40 or amines are melted and mixed with the free base or acid
at room temperature and has a melting point of from about form of the active agent at a temperature above the melting
30 to 300 ° C. point(s ) of the fatty acid (s ) or amine(s ). Once a homoge
In some cases, itmay be desirable to alter the rate of water neous mixture is formed , one or more additional carrier
penetration into the hydrophobic drug containing micropar materials , such as fat, fatty substance (s ), wax or wax -like
ticles. To this end , rate-controlling (wicking ) agents may be 45 substance(s) can be added to the molten mixture to yield a
formulated along with the fats or waxes listed above . single phase composition . The molten solution is then solidi
Examples ofrate -controlling materials include certain starch fied into microparticles using one of the techniques
derivatives ( e.g., waxy maltodextrin and drum dried corn described above .
starch ), cellulose derivatives (e.g. , hydroxypropylmethylcel The molar concentration of fatty acid or amine may need
lulose, hydroxypropylcellulose , methylcellulose , and car- 50 to be higher than that of the drug in order to achieve a
boxymethylcellulose ), alginic acid , lactose and talc . Addi homogeneous single phase . For example, it has been found
tionally, a pharmaceutically acceptable surfactant ( for that, for oxycodone, a molar ratio in excess of about 7 :1
example, lecithin ) may be added to facilitate the degradation ( fatty acid to drug) results in a homogeneous melt using this
and/ or dissolution of the microparticles. technique. The molar ratio needed to obtain a homogeneous
Proteins which are water insoluble , such as zein , are 55 melt may depend on the type and quantity of additional
suitable carrier materials for the formation of drug contain carrier materials added . In one embodiment, the molar ratio
ing microparticles . Additionally , proteins , polysaccharides of fatty acid or fatty amine is from about 1 :1 to about 15 : 1 ,
and combinations thereof which are water soluble can be preferably from about 6 : 1 to about 15: 1. However, molar
formulated with drug into microparticles and subsequently ratios greater than 15 :1 , for example 15: 1 to 25 : 1, preferably
cross- linked to form an insoluble network. For example, 60 15:1-20 :1, may be required depending on the fatty acid or
cyclodextrins can be complexed with individual drug mol fatty amine , the drug to be formulated , and/or the carrier
ecules and subsequently cross - linked . material(s ).
Certain polymers may also be used as carrier materials in For some carrier materials it may be desirable to use a
the formulation of drug containing microparticles . Suitable solvent evaporation technique to produce drug containing
polymers include ethylcellulose and other natural or syn- 65 microparticles. In this case drug and carrier material are
thetic cellulose derivatives . Polymers which are slowly co - dissolved in a mutual solvent and microparticles can
soluble and form a gel in an aqueous environment, such as subsequently be produced by several techniques including ,
US 10,525,053 B2
11 12
but not limited to , forming an emulsion in water or other eryl monopalmitate and cetyl alcohol will also form films
appropriate media , spray drying or by evaporating off the that are dissolved slowly or broken down in the GI tract.
solvent from the bulk solution and milling the resulting Zein is an example of a naturally water-insoluble protein . It
material. can be coated onto drug containing microparticles or drug
In addition to modification of the drug itself, processing 5 particles by spray coating or by wet granulation techniques.
conditions can be used to influence the dispersion of the drug In addition to naturally water- insoluble materials, some
within water-insoluble or slowly water soluble materials . substrates of digestive enzymes can be treated with cross
For example , in the ease where the water in -soluble or linking procedures , resulting in the formation of non -soluble
slowly soluble material is melted and the drug is fully or networks. Many methods of cross- linking proteins, initiated
partially dissolved under stirring conditions, the tempera- 10 by both chemical and physical means, have been reported . In
ture , agitation rate and time of processing will influence the some embodiments, chemical cross-linking agents are used .
degree of dissolution achieved . More specifically , a more Examples of chemical cross- linking agents include alde
homogenous dispersion may be achieved with a higher hydes ( gluteraldehyde and formaldehyde ), epoxy com
temperature, faster stirring rate and/or longer processing pounds, carbodiimides , and genipin . In addition to these
time. Ultrasound can also be applied to the molten mixture 15 cross- linking agents, oxidized and native sugars have been
to increase the degree of dispersion and/ or the rate of used to cross- link gelatin (Cortesi, R., et al ., Biomaterials 19
dissolution of the drug . ( 1998 ) 1641-1649 ). Cross- linking can also be accomplished
In some embodiments , the drug in a particulate form is using enzymatic means; for example , transglutaminase has
homogeneously dispersed in a water -insoluble or slowly been approved as a GRAS substance for cross -linking
water soluble material. To minimize the size of the drug 20 seafood products . Finally, cross -linking can be initiated by
particles within the composition , the drug powder itself may physical means such as thermal treatment, UV irradiation
bemilled to generate fine particles prior to formulation . The and gamma irradiation.
process of jet milling, known in the pharmaceutical art , can To produce a coating layer of cross -linked protein sur
be used for this purpose . In some embodiments drug in a rounding drug containing microparticles or drug particles, a
particulate form is homogeneously dispersed in a wax or 25 water soluble protein can be spray coated onto themicropar
wax like substance by heating the wax or wax like substance ticles and subsequently cross-linked by one of themethods
above its melting point and adding the drug particles while described above . Alternatively, drug containing micropar
stirring the mixture . In this case a pharmaceutically accept ticles can be microencapsulated within protein by coacer
able surfactantmay be added to the mixture to facilitate the vation -phase separation ( for example , by the addition of
dispersion of the drug particles . 30 salts) and subsequently cross -linked . Some suitable proteins
D. Coated Drug Containing Microparticles for this purpose include gelatin , albumin , casein , and gluten .
In some embodiments , drug containing microparticles or Polysaccharides can also be cross- linked to form a water
drug particles are encapsulated . Drug containing micropar insoluble network . For many polysaccharides, this can be
ticles can be encapsulated in water insoluble materials , accomplished by reaction with calcium salts or multivalent
slowly water soluble materials, organic insoluble materials 35 cations which cross- link the main polymer chains . Pectin ,
and/or materials with pH dependent solubilities. alginate , dextran , amylose and guar gum are subject to
In general, any coating procedure which provides a con cross - linking in the presence of multivalent cations . Com
tiguous coating on each microparticle can be used . Coating plexes between oppositely charged polysaccharides can also
procedures known in the pharmaceutical arts include, but are be formed ; pectin and chitosan , for example, can be com
not limited to , fluid bed coating processes and microencap- 40 plexed via electrostatic interactions. Insoluble coatings can
sulation may be used to obtain appropriate coatings . be formed on particles in this fashion . It should be noted that
Detailed descriptions of these processes can be found in in many cases polysaccharides are broken down specifically
“ Remington — The science and practice of pharmacy” , 20th by enzymes produced by bacteria within the colon .
Edition , Jennaro et . Al., (Phila, Lippencott , Williams, and In some cases a water-insoluble but enzymatically
Wilkens, 2000 . 45 degradable coating including both a protein and a polysac
The water- insoluble coating materials may be selected charide can be produced if the components are oppositely
from natural or synthetic film - formers used singly, in admix charged polyelectrolytes. Under the proper temperature, pH ,
ture with each other, and in admixture with plasticizers , and concentrations, the two polymers can interact through
pigments and other substances to alter the characteristics of their opposite electrical charges and form a water - insoluble
the coating . A water -insoluble butwater-permeable diffusion 50 complex . If a core particle is present at the time the complex
barrier may contain ethyl cellulose, methyl cellulose and phase separates, it will be coated . For example , gelatin and
mixtures thereof. The water-permeable diffusion barrier may gum arabic can be coated onto a core particle utilizing this
also include ammonio methacrylate copolymers sold under process. Optionally, the complex can be made irreversibly
the trade name EUDRAGIT® (Rohm Pharma), such as insoluble by subsequent cross - linking induced by chemical
EUDRAGIT RS, EUDRAGIT RL , EUDRAGIT NE and 55 or physical means.
mixtures thereof. Other synthetic polymers , for example , Coating materials may also include a pH sensitive poly
polyvinyl acetate (available under the trade name KOLLI mer which is insoluble in the acid environment of the
COAT® ), can also be used to form water-insoluble but stomach , and soluble in the more basic environment of the
permeable coatings. GI tract. These coatings , referred to as enteric coatings,
The coating may also include a water- insoluble but enzy- 60 create a dosage form designed to prevent drug release in the
matically degradable material. In some instances the sub stomach . Preventing drug release in the stomach has the
strates of digestive enzymes are naturally water-insoluble advantage of reducing side effects associated with irritation
and can be utilized in the formulation without further of the gastric mucosa and / or of minimizing exposure of drug
processing . Solid esters of fatty acids, which are hydrolyzed to very low pH . Avoiding release within the stomach can be
by lipases , can be spray coated onto microparticles or drug 65 achieved using enteric coatings known in the art. The enteric
particles. Mixtures of waxes (beeswax , carnauba wax , etc.) coated formulation remains intact or substantially intact in
with glyceryl monostearate , stearic acid , palmitic acid , glyc the stomach , however, once the formulation reaches the
US 10,525,053 B2
13 14
small intestines, the enteric coating dissolves and exposes The concentration of the antioxidant is generally from
either drug -containing carrier particles or drug -containing about 0.001 % to about 1 % w / w , preferably from about
carrier particles coated with extended release coating . 0.01 % to about 0.5 % w /w . However, concentrations of less
Enteric coated particles can be prepared as described in than 0.001 % or greater than 0.5 % may be used , provided the
“ Pharmaceutical dosage form tablets” , eds. Liberman et. al. 5 concentration is sufficient to stabilize the formulation and is
(New York, Marcel Dekker , Inc., 1989), “ Remington — The nonF.-toxic .
Dosage Forms
science and practice of pharmacy” , 20th ed., Lippincott In one embodiment a drug is partially dissolved within a
Williams & Wilkins , Baltimore , Md., 2000 , and " Pharma
ceutical dosage forms and drug delivery systems”, 6th water- insoluble or slowly water soluble material during the
Edition , Ansel et. al., (Media , Pa.: Williams and Wilkins, 10 manufacturing process , forpoint
of the, bycarrier
at a ,tem
1995 ). Examples of suitable coating materials include, but perature the
above the
mixture is
formulated into microparticles . In
are not limited to , cellulose polymers, such as cellulose embodiment a drug is fully dissolved within a water-in
acetate phthalate, hydroxypropyl cellulose, hydroxypropyl soluble or slowly water soluble material during the manu
methylcellulose phthalate and hydroxypropyl methylcellu- 15 facturing process, for example, by mixing at a temperature
lose acetate succinate; polyvinyl acetate phthalate, acrylic above the melting point of the carrier material, and the
acid polymers and copolymers, and certain methacrylic mixture is formulated into microparticles . In still a further
resins that are commercially available under the trade name embodiment, the drug containing microparticles , where the
EUDRAGIT (Rohm Pharma). Additionally the coating drug is homogeneously dispersed in a particulate form , or
material may contain conventional carriers such as plasti- 20 has been partially or fully dissolved within the carrier
cizers, pigments , colorants , glidants , stabilization agents, material during the manufacturing process, are coated with
and surfactants . one or more coatings to form coated microparticles. In a
In some cases itmay be desirable to coat the particles with further embodiment, drug particles are coated directly with
a coating which is soluble in aqueous solutions but insoluble one or more coatings to form coated microparticles.
in hydroalcoholic solutions . In this case the coatingmaterial 25 The microparticles , coated microparticles , or a mixture
may or may not have pH sensitive solubility in aqueous thereof are formed into a solid dosage form suitable for oral
solutions. administration . For example , microparticles or coated
In other cases it may be desirable to combine coating microparticles can be incorporated into hard shell capsules ,
materials to produce a tailored release of drug. For example , dispersed within a soft gelatin capsule, or combined with
combinations of insoluble polymers and pH dependent poly- 30 appropriate excipients such as magnesium stearate as lubri
mers can produce a pH dependent sustained release profile. cant, colloidal silicon dioxide as glidant, sodium starch
Combinations of insoluble polymers (eg , ethylcellulose ), glycolide, sodium croscarmellose or crospovidone as disin
water-soluble polymers (eg , HPMC or PEG ) and pH depen tegrant, sodium dodecyl sulfate or Polyoxyethylene (20 )
dent swellable polymers (eg , carboxyvinylpolymer ) have sorbitan rnonooleate , polyvinyl pyrrolidone or hydroxypro
also been reported to produce pH dependent sustained 35 pylmethylcellulose as crystallization inhibitor, and lactose
release profiles (See, for example , Journal of Controlled and microcrystalline cellulose as fillers , and tableted by
Release, 2006 , 111: 309-315 ). compression .
In one embodiment, the particles are coated with cellulose In some embodiments, the compositions are coated with
acetate phthalate . Cellulose acetate phthalate is typically an enteric coating . Enteric coatings known in the art are
used as an enteric coating. 40 applied directly to the abuse-deterrent microparticle or
E. Antioxidants coated microparticle compositions or are applied to the
In some embodiments , the composition includes one or surface of a capsule or tablet containing the abuse deterrent
more anti- oxidants . Suitable antioxidants include, but are microparticle and/or coated microparticle compositions .
not limited to , butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT); ascorbic Enteric coatings known in the art include , for example ,
acid , its salts and esters ; Vitamin E , tocopherol and its salts ; 45 acrylic polymers that are commercially available under the
sulfites such as sodium metabisulphite ; cysteine and its trade name EUDRAGIT® , cellulose acetate phthalate ,
derivatives; citric acid ; propyl gallate , and butylated hydroxypropylmethyl-cellulose phthalate , polyvinylacetate
hydroxyanisole ( BHA ). phthalate, shellac , hydroxypropylmethylcellulose succinate ,
Antioxidants may be necessary to preventoxidative deg cellulose acetate trimelliate or mixtures thereof. In one
radation of the active pharmaceutical ingredient and /or the 50 embodiment, the particles are coated with cellulose acetate
one or more inactive carrier materials in the composition . phthalate.
Oxidation of one or more components may occur during the Dosage forms can include one or more drugs. When the
formulation process itself or during the shelf - life of the dosage form includes two or more drugs they can be
composition . Oxidation may result from exposure to the Scheduled drugs or can be a combination of Scheduled and
oxygen content of air or, alternatively, may be related to 55 non -Scheduled drugs . The drugs can be incorporated into
impurities in the carrier materials . For example , highly separate microparticle compositions where the Scheduled
reactive species such as peroxides , superoxides , hypochlo drugs are incorporated into abuse deterrent microparticle
rites and formic acid may be present in carrier materials as compositions and the non -Scheduled drugs are incorporated
manufacturing - related impurities. Also , trace metal impuri into abuse deterrent microparticle compositions, sustained
ties in carrier materials, such as iron and copper , can catalyze 60 release compositions known in the art or immediate release
oxidation reactions. An antioxidant may be included in the compositions known in the art . The compositions containing
composition to mitigate the degradation of the drug in such the different drugs are formulated into a single solid dosage
cases. If the source of oxidation is a reactive manufacturing form suitable for oral administration , for example , they can
related impurity in one ormore of the carrier materials, the be incorporated into a gelatin capsule , or combined with
anti -oxidant can be co -melted with the carrier materials prior 65 appropriate excipients and compressed into a tablet form .
to the introduction of the drug into the formulation in order Examples of non -scheduled drugs that may be included in
to protect the drug from these reactive species . dosage forms described herein include , but are not limited
US 10,525,053 B2
15 16
to, aspirin , acetaminophen , non -steroidal anti- inflammatory
as starch , gelatin , sugars, natural and synthetic gums, poly
drugs, cyclooxygenase II inhibitors , N -methyl-D -aspartate
ethylene glycol, ethylcellulose , methylcellulose , hydroxy
receptor antagonists, glycine receptor antagonists , triptans,
propylmethylcellulose , carboxymethylcellulose, waxes and
dextromethorphan , promethazine , fiorinal, guaifenesin , polyvinyl pyrrolidone. Lubricants are used to facilitate tablet
butalbital, and caffeine . 5 manufacture ; examples of lubricants include talc , magne
An immediate release dose can be incorporated into the sium stearate , calcium stearate , hydrogenated vegetable oils
formulation in several ways. Immediate release micropar stearic acid , sodium stearyl fumarate , sodium benzoate ,
ticles can be made utilizing standard methodologies and sodium acetate , leucine, sodium oleate, sodium lauryl sul
formulated along with abuse -deterrent microparticle and /or fate, magnesium lauryl sulfate and polyethylene glycol.
coated microparticle compositions in a suitable oral dosage 10 Disintegrants can be added to pharmaceutical formulations
form . Alternatively , a coating containing drug which is in order to facilitate “ breakup ” or disintegration after admin
available for immediate release can be placed on a tablet istration . Materials used for this purpose include starches,
containing abuse-deterrent microparticle and/or coated clays , celluloses, aligns, gums, and cross-linked polymers . A
microparticle compositions plus appropriate excipients. plasticizer may be included in coating materials to alter their
Additionally, an immediate dose of drug can be granulated 15 mechanical properties. Examples of plasticizers include
or blended with rapidly dissolving excipients and subse benzyl benzoate, chlorobutanol, dibutyl sebacate , diethyl
quently compressed ( 1) as one layer of bi- layer tablets in phthalate , glycerin , mineral oil, polyethylene glycol, sorbi
which the abuse -deterrent microparticle and /or coated tol, triacetin, diethyl citrate, glycerol, etc. In addition to the
microparticle compositions are compressed as the other additives above, coloring and flavoring agents may also be
layer, or (2 ) as the outer layer of compression -coated tablets 20 incorporated into the composition .
in which the abuse -deterrent microparticle and /or coated II. Methods of Administration
microparticle compositions are compressed as the inner In addition to providing a deterrent to common methods
core , or (3 ) into tablets in which abuse -deterrent micropar of abuse/diversion , the formulation can provide a sustained
ticle and/or coated microparticle compositions are embed release of drug over an extended time period . This is a
ded . 25 natural consequence of the fact that, in the present formu
In some embodiments , the immediate release portion of lation , drug is slowly released from a predominantly water
the dosage form contains a lipophilic drug derivative . For insoluble , hydrophobic matrix as it passes through the GI
example , salt derivatives or complexes that are insoluble at tract. The barrier componentsmay be degraded as thematrix
a neutral pH but dissociate, thereby releasing the parent passes through the GI tract, for example, by enzymes, the
compound, at an acidic pH are ideal for immediate release 30 surfactant action of bile acids and mechanical erosion ,
within the stomach . In the case of oxycodone some salts that In some embodiments, an immediate release of drug is
may exhibit this property include, but are not limited to , the achieved within the stomach in order to provide rapid
tannate , phthalate , salicylate , gallate , pectinate, phytate , therapeutic onset .
saccharinate, asesulfamate and terephthalate salts. Com The pharmaceutical drug composition is administered
plexes of drug with one or more metal ions and , optionally , 35 orally. The appropriate dosage formulations can be obtained
one or more lipophilic counter-ions may also be used for by calculation of the pharmacokinetics of the formulation,
immediate drug release . Use of salts or complexes in the then adjusting using routine techniques to yield the appro
immediate release portion of the dosage form reduces the priate drug levels based on the approved dosage forms. Any
abuse potential of the immediate release dose if the formu suitable amountof drug containing microparticles or coated
lation is crushed and (1) snorted or (2 ) dissolved in water 40 microparticles can be included in the final formulation . The
since these salts will be poorly soluble under these condi selection of a suitable amount of drug containing micropar
tions . It is understood by the one of ordinary skill in the art ticles depends on the dosage desired and is readily deter
that such salts or complexes may also be used to formulate mined by those skilled in the art.
an immediate release dosage form without a sustained In addition to oral administration , some embodiments
release portion . 45 may also be administered by other routes, including, but not
Additional mechanisms to reduce the potential for abuse limited to , rectal and nasal administration . Some embodi
can also be incorporated during the process of formulating ments may also be suitable for formulation as oral liquids.
tablets. For example , ingredients can be added to deter The present composition and method ofmaking and using
chewing or snorting of the final formulation . For example , the composition will be further understood by reference to
an intensely bitter substance may deter chewing , while an 50 the following non - limiting examples.
intensely spicy ingredient, such as capsaicin , may deter
snorting. The addition of a colored dye , which would stain EXAMPLES
the skin and mucosal surface of the nose following snorting
may also serve to reduce this practice . Example 1 : Preparation of Drug Containing
Optional excipients present in the oral dosage form con- 55 Microparticles
taining abuse deterrent microparticles or coated micropar
ticles include , but are not limited to diluents, binders ,
lubricants, disintigrants , colorants , plasticizers and the like . TABLE 1
Diluents, also termed " fillers,” are typically necessary to Compositions
increase the bulk of a solid dosage form so that a practical 60
size is provided for compression of tablets . Examples of Composition Composition Composition Composition
diluents include cellulose , dry starch , microcrystalline cel of of of of
lulose, dicalcium phosphate, calcium sulfate, sodium chlo Ingredient Formulation Formulation Formulation Formulation
A B ? D
ride confectioner's sugar , compressible sugar, dextrates ,
dextrin , dextrose , sucrose, mannitol, powdered cellulose , 65 Oxycodone 5 g 5 g 10 g 5 g
sorbitol, and lactose . Binders are used to impart cohesive Base
qualities powdered materials and can include materials such
US 10,525,053 B2
17 18
TABLE 1 - continued TABLE 2 - continued
Compositions Drug Release from Crushed Compositions
Composition Composition Composition Composition % Released in 15
of of of of 5 minutes in 0.1N HCI
Formulation Formulation Formulation Formulation Sample (n = 3)
Ingredient A B ? D
Formulation C 14.8 +/- 1.1
Myristic Acid 50 g 30 g (microparticles containing 20 mgoxycodone
Stearic Acid 34 g 34 g HCl equivalent)
Yellow 10 g 10 g 10 g 10 Formulation D 18.2 +/- 1.6
Beeswax (microparticles containing 20 mg oxycodone
Carnauba wax 5g 10 g 20 g 10 g HCl equivalent)