Artificial Intelligence For The Prevention and Cli
Artificial Intelligence For The Prevention and Cli
Artificial Intelligence For The Prevention and Cli
Keywords: Artificial Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) currently represents the fifth most common malignancy and the third-
intelligence; Machine learning;
leading cause of cancer-related death worldwide, with incidence and mortality rates that are increasing.
Deep learning; Liver cancer.
Recently, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a unique opportunity to improve the full spectrum of
Received 7 November 2021; HCC clinical care, by improving HCC risk prediction, diagnosis, and prognostication. AI approaches
received in revised form 26
include computational search algorithms, machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) models. ML
December 2021; accepted 14
January 2022 consists of a computer running repeated iterations of models, in order to progressively improve per-
formance of a specific task, such as classifying an outcome. DL models are a subtype of ML, based on
neural network structures that are inspired by the neuroanatomy of the human brain. A growing body of
recent data now apply DL models to diverse data sources – including electronic health record data,
imaging modalities, histopathology and molecular biomarkers – to improve the accuracy of HCC risk
prediction, detection and prediction of treatment response. Despite the promise of these early results,
future research is still needed to standardise AI data, and to improve both the generalisability and
interpretability of results. If such challenges can be overcome, AI has the potential to profoundly change
the way in which care is provided to patients with or at risk of HCC.
© 2022 European Association for the Study of the Liver. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Introduction and definitions
Paris, Henri Mondor University
Hospital, Department of Pathology, With a global incidence of approximately 500,000 diagnosis in patients undergoing surveillance im-
Créteil, France; 2Inserm U955 and cases per year, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) aging or liver biopsies; and iii) improving prog-
Univ Paris Est Creteil, INSERM, represents the fifth most common malignancy and nostication in patients with established HCC.
IMRB, 94010, Creteil, France;
Department of Gastroenterology,
the third-leading cause of cancer-related death AI is a broad field that includes computational
Hepatology and Infectious worldwide.1,2 The vast majority of HCC tumours search algorithms, machine learning (ML) and deep
Diseases, University Hospital arise on a background of cirrhosis, which in turn is learning (DL) models (Fig. 1). ML consists of a
Duesseldorf, Medical Faculty at
most commonly caused by non-alcoholic fatty liver computer running repeated iterations of models in
Duesseldorf, Duesseldorf, Germany; disease (NAFLD), alcohol-related liver disease, or order to progressively improve performance of a
Liver Center, Division of HBV/HCV infection. Despite recent advances in specific task, such as classifying an outcome. ML
Gastroenterology, Massachusetts treatment, including the use of atezolizumab plus models are designed to improve with time, by
General Hospital and Harvard
Medical School, Boston, MA, USA;
bevacizumab for unresectable HCC, prognosis re- incorporating additional input training data and
Clinical and Translational mains poor, with a 5-year survival rate of just 15%, thereby optimising the parameters of an algorithm.
Epidemiology Unit (CTEU), due to delays in diagnosis and the limited efficacy With time and training, the desired output be-
Massachusetts General Hospital,
of existing therapies.3,4 While liver transplantation comes increasingly accurate. Based on how the
Boston, MA, USA
can be curative for HCC in selected cases, this training process is conducted, ML may be classified
* Corresponding author. Address:
represents a limited and resource-intensive solu- as supervised or unsupervised. Supervised ML al-
Liver Center, Division of Gastro-
enterology, Massachusetts Gen- tion, and the vast majority of patients are not gorithms perform training on a dataset that is
eral Hospital, 55 Fruit Street, eligible for transplantation. Thus, identifying novel labelled in relation to the class of interest, and this
Wang 5th Floor Boston, MA approaches to improve the early diagnosis of HCC label is available to the algorithm while the model
02114, USA; Tel.: 617-724-2401,
fax: 617-724-5997.
and to predict therapeutic response and survival is being created, trained, and optimised. In
among patients with established HCC is of para- contrast, unsupervised ML involves training on a
E-mail address: tgsimon@mgh.
mount importance. dataset that lacks class labels, yielding clusters of (T.G. Simon).
Owing to the broad heterogeneity in HCC risk output data that subsequently require addi- factors and pathogenesis, established strategies for tional interpretation.
prediction and prognostication are still limited. DL represents a subtype of ML models which are
Recently, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as constructed using neural networks (NNs) inspired
a unique opportunity to improve the full spectrum by the neuroanatomy of the human brain. NNs
of HCC clinical care, by: i) improving the prediction consist of a network of interconnected computing
of future HCC risk in patients with established liver units – termed “neurons” – that are organised in
disease; ii) improving the accuracy of HCC layers, such that signals travel from the first layer
Artificial intelligence
Deep learning
Fig. 1. Definitions of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL).
(i.e. input data) to the last layer (i.e. output data) Current limitations of DL approaches include
after passing through multiple, intervening hidden overfitting of data, limited ‘explainability’ of data,
layers (Fig. 2). To train an NN, data are divided into and the possibility of poor generalisability, due to
a training set and a testing set. The training set the inherent reliance of DL models on the size and
characterises the architecture of the network and diversity of their training dataset. In this review,
defines and adjusts the weights between neurons, we will outline the rapidly evolving role and
in order to improve classification of the desired challenges for AI in the prediction, diagnosis, and
output. The testing set then evaluates the utility of prognostication of HCC.
Key point
the NN for identifying or predicting that output.
This validation can be conducted internally or AI for predicting incident HCC Due to the broad hetero-
externally. Internal validation is commonly per- Several previous case-control and cohort studies geneity in risk factors for
HCC and the lack of estab-
formed by k-fold cross validation within one have developed predictive models for the devel-
lished strategies for pre-
dataset, by splitting that dataset into k parts and opment of HCC using clinical, demographic and/or diction or prognostication,
then training k times on k-1 parts, and then sub- laboratory risk factors, selected using conventional AI has recently emerged as
sequently testing on the remaining part of the statistical approaches. However, these models have a unique opportunity to
improve the full spectrum
dataset. External validation is typically considered largely been criticised for their limited general-
of HCC clinical care.
more robust, as it demonstrates model general- isability, modest accuracy, and lack of broad
isability across populations. external validity. Moreover, HCC risk is notoriously
Fig. 2. General concept of pipelines using neural networks. Different input data are pre-processed in such a way that they can be used as input values for the
training of a neural network. The neural network consists of one input layer, multiple hidden convolutional and/or multiple fully connected layers extracting
features from the input data, and one output layer with nodes that refer to different labels. These networks can then – among others – be used to classify data or
to predict therapeutic response or prognosis.
regression models
automatic feature selection over long-term follow-
up, and thereby improve HCC risk prediction. To
that end, several recent studies have applied AI
AI, artificial intelligence; AUROC, area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve; HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma; IDI, integrated discrimination index; NRI, net reclassification index.
approaches to longitudinal EHR data to improve
prediction of incident HCC (Table 1). For example,
in 2013, a supervised ML algorithm was found to
80.5% (57.9% in the training
hepatitis C infection in the U.S. Veterans Affairs
cohort demonstrated an AUROC of 0.759 for inci-
AUROC 0.759
Validation: n = 316
Training: 10,741/
Training: 86/424
Training: 41/442
External validation
Internal validation
Random forest
Deep neural
AI classifier
Radiomics: ultrasound
on entecavir
Ioannou GN,
Reddy R,
this setting.
study combined clinical data with MRI-based hepatopathologists, and significant inter-observer
classifiers to distinguish HCC from metastases and disagreement may be observed. To address this,
from liver adenomas, cysts or haemangiomas, and several recent studies have applied AI to assist with
demonstrated a sensitivity of 0.73 for identifying the diagnosis of liver tumours. Using 2 large data
HCC, albeit with a specificity of just 0.56.22 Addi- sets of H&E-stained digital slides, Liao et al. used a
tionally, Hamm et al. developed a NN algorithm CNN to distinguish HCC from adjacent normal tis-
that successfully classified MRI liver lesions with a sues, with AUCs above 0.90.27 Kiana et al. devel-
sensitivity of 92%, a specificity of 98%, and an oped a tool able to classify image patches as HCC or
overall accuracy of 92%.23 Zhang and colleagues cholangiocarcinoma. The model reached an accu-
tested an automated approach to segmentation of racy of 0.88 on the validation set and, interestingly,
multi-parameter MR images in 20 patients with the authors observed that the combination of the
HCC, and demonstrated the feasibility of bypassing model and the pathologist outperformed both the
the time-consuming process of manually designing model alone and the pathologist alone, suggesting
MRI-based features.24 that AI tools should be used to augment, rather
Key point
More recently, Zhen et al. used CNNs to develop athan replace, the conventional histological diag-
AI reflects a broad and novel DL system that incorporated enhanced MR nosis. They also showed how an incorrect predic-
rapidly evolving field that images, unenhanced MR images and both struc- tion may negatively impact the final diagnosis
includes ML and DL
tured and unstructured clinical data, from 1,210 made by pathologists, underscoring the need to be
computational algorithms,
which are iteratively patients with liver tumours, and an external vali- cautious with AI models aimed at auto-
repeated, in order to pro- dation set (n = 201).25 This DL system demonstrated mating diagnosis.28
gressively improve model excellent performance for classifying liver tumours It has been widely demonstrated that the histo-
performance and classifi-
– including HCC – with sensitivity and specificity on logical appearance of human cancers, including
cation over time.
a par with that observed for experienced radiolo- HCC, contain a massive amount of information
gists. Importantly, this DL model also showed related to their underlying molecular alterations
excellent performance when combining unen- and/or to patient prognosis.29–31 In this line, Wang
hanced MR imaging with clinical data, suggesting et al. trained a multitask DL NN for automated
that, with further validation, these models may single-cell segmentation and classification on digital
permit patients to avoid contrast-related complica- slides. This approach allowed the authors to extract
tions of MRI. Finally, Wang and colleagues recently quantitative image features related to individual
described a DL model designed to address the cells as well as spatial relationships between
limited interpretability of AI-based radiomics as- neoplastic cells and infiltrating lymphocytes. Unsu-
sessments of HCC.26 This innovative model provides pervised consensus clustering of these features led
feedback on the relative importance of various to the identification of 3 subtypes associated with
radiological input features, and thereby serves as anparticular somatic genomic alterations and molec-
important proof of concept, demonstrating that ular pathways.32 Another study showed that DL
“interpretable” DL models could one day be used to could predict a subset of recurrent HCC genetic de-
improve standardised HCC reporting systems and fects with AUCs ranging from 0.71 to 0.89.33
thereby clinical outcomes. Recent pioneering studies have thus aimed to
To date, published AI algorithms for radiomics predict molecular signatures/alterations predictive
assessments of HCC share important limitations, of response to systemic therapies, by processing
including relatively small input datasets, lack of digital slides through NNs. In gastrointestinal can-
sufficiently large or diverse cohorts for robust cers, for example, high performance is achieved for
external validation and lack of standardisation of the prediction of microsatellite instability, a feature
methods or analytical tools. It will be important to strongly associated with sensitivity to immuno-
define the utility of AI-based prediction tools in modulating therapies.34 Two other pan-cancer
prospective cohorts, and in pooled, large-scale and studies also demonstrated that NN models were
diverse populations. able to predict a wide range of molecular alter-
ations or signatures, some of which are related to
Histopathology response to particular systemic therapies.35,36 For
Histopathology is a cornerstone in the manage- HCC, no molecular feature is currently used to
ment of many liver diseases, including autoim- predict response to the systemic therapies avail-
mune hepatitis and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis able for patients with advanced disease. However,
(for grading and staging). Although non-invasive Sangro et al. recently reported that responses to the
criteria allow for the diagnosis of HCC in partic- anti-programmed death 1 receptor (PD1) antibody
ular clinical settings, the histological examination nivolumab were more frequently observed in pa-
of tumour samples is often required for masses tients with tumours showing overexpression of
with atypical features on imaging or to rule out a particular immune gene signatures.37 This was
diagnosis of benign primary liver tumour, chol- further confirmed by Haber et al., who also
angiocarcinoma or even metastasis. However, pre- observed increased sensitivity to immunotherapy
cise histopathological characterisation of liver in HCCs in which interferon gamma and gene sets
tumours can often prove challenging for associated with antigen presentation were
Table 2. Selected prior studies utilising AI for HCC prognostication.
Author, Year HCC cases (n) AI algorithm Validation method Input data Test statistics Highlight
Abajian A, 2018 36 Logistic regression, Internal leave-one-out MR images and clinical Accuracy: 78% Prediction of TACE response
random forest cross validation data Sensitivity: 62.5% Successful implementa-tion of AI methods for
Specificity: 82.1% the combination of clinical and imaging data
Ji GW, 2019 Training: 210 RSF/MRMR External Validation CT images and clinical C-statistic: 0.73 Prediction of HCC recur-rence after resection;
Journal of Hepatology 2022 vol. 76 j 1348–1361
9% likelyhood
Schematic representation
of the tile after tranformation
by layers of the network
Fig. 3. Explainable artificial intelligence: example of pathology. This virtual model is dedicated to the prediction of the tumour or non-tumour nature of
images from digital slides. The aim of explainable artificial intelligence is to better understand, through transparency, semantics and explanation, how the model
makes its predictions. Transparency (1) consists of having an in-depth knowledge of the structure of the neural network and the activation status of its different
neurons/nodes. Semantics will provide insights on the type of objects that result in the activation of particular parts of the network). Finally, explanation will
enable clinicians to understand how the association of different features impact the final prediction.
Need for data sharing/open-source algorithms such as patients’ anonymity and the residual risk of
As the performance of AI models is highly depen- re-identification, cost of data storage/provision,
dent on the amount of data used for training, the and need for specific consent regarding sharing.
availability of large data sets is key to fostering the However, the availability of IPD from clinical trials
development of research and its future impact on (including imaging and digital slides) testing sys-
clinical care. To this end, the deposition and temic therapies will be key for the development of
sharing of large datasets should be encouraged. AI models able to predict response/survival.
This includes utilisation and sharing of large-scale
data from EHRs across and between health sys- Need for sufficiently diverse populations
tems. Moreover, sharing of individual-participant To date, cohorts used to develop and train AI
data (IPD) from clinical trials or purely academic models focused on HCC risk prediction, diagnosis
research studies, a clear “ethical and scientific and prognostication have lacked sufficient racial,
imperative”, has gained increasing traction and is ethnic and socioeconomic diversity. This is a crit-
now advocated by many scientists and organisa- ical issue, given that the accuracy of AI-based al-
tions, and would assist in constructing datasets of gorithms depends upon the validity and size of
sufficient size and detail to appropriately train and their input data. Consequently, future studies will
validate AI models.77 Moreover, a universal, need to ensure that promising AI-based tools are
standardised method for addressing and analysing thoughtfully validated in diverse cohorts that
missing data in AI models is necessary, and this is include racial and ethnic minorities as well as pa-
particularly important when considering shared tients across the complete socioeconomic spec-
datasets. The International Committee of Medical trum. This once again underscores the need for
Journal Editors has thus implemented a clinical data sharing between investigators and across in-
trial data policy that requires an IPD sharing stitutions, so that representative cohorts can
statement for manuscripts reporting clinical trials. be constructed.
Although several repositories are now able to store
IPD and make it available to third parties, the rate Examples from other disciplines
of sharing remains very low. The main obstacle is Currently, approximately 150 AI-based medical de-
likely to be cultural, however other issues remain, vices have been approved by the FDA. Most of these
therapy Radiologic progress: Radiologic progress:
decision Therapy adjustment Therapy adjustment
Therapy 1 Therapy 2 Therapy 3
our lo
a d
Therapy 1 Therapy 2 Therapy 3
Fig. 4. Artificial intelligence could support doctors in decision making in tumour therapy in the future. (A) Current oncologic therapy pattern. After an initial
first-line therapy, the tumour is evading therapy through resistance mechanisms. The following tumour growth is recognised during radiologic follow-up leading
to therapy adjustment. (B) Hypothetical, future, AI-supported therapy pattern. Initial, individualized first-line therapy decision, accounting for an AI-based
recommendation. After an AI algorithm predicts progression of a tumour, doctors decide to adjust therapy before the tumour can develop resistance to ther-
apy and grow again.
models were developed for the fields of radiology Explaining “the black box” of AI
(e.g. CT scan image reconstruction or brain MRI A common issue for all existing and future AI ap-
interpretation), cardiology (e.g. electrocardiogram plications is to make their decisions comprehen-
analysis, cardiac monitoring) and ophthalmology sible to the user. The term “explainable AI” refers to
(detection of diabetic retinopathy). Interestingly the a particular set of methods that allows users to
FDA has also very recently granted its first clearance comprehend how the AI models work and make
for an AI-based pathology software application. The their decisions. It thus provides feedback on the
product analyses digital slides of prostatic biopsies, most important features involved in the pre-
highlights areas that are most likely to contain dictions and helps to understand the potential
cancer and flags them for further review by a biases. This transparency is critical to build up the
pathologist ( This landmark trust needed to convince doctors to rely on these
approval marks the beginning of a new era in the computer-aided devices they might be using in the
use of AI-assisted diagnostics for pathology, and it is future. The approaches most commonly used in DL
very likely that models aiming to assist HCC histo- consist of extremely complex layers of mathemat-
logical diagnosis/prognosis assessment will also be ical computation, and it is thus very difficult to gain
available soon. They are particularly needed to assist insights into how the data are transformed
with the differentiation of benign vs. malignant throughout the whole network.
hepatocellular tumours, and also for a more robust Explainable AI is however an active field of
and standardised diagnosis of rare pathological en- research and many aim to open the black boxes of
tities, such as combined hepatocellular-cholangio- NNs. The main strands of work are making the
carcinoma or fibrolamellar carcinoma. networks “transparent”, learning the semantics of
its different components and finally generating stratify the risk of HCC emergence in high- and
post hoc explanations. Transparency mainly con- low-risk patients.84
sists of understanding the model structure and its Treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitors
function. Semantics of the different network com- (ICIs) has represented a fundamental breakthrough
ponents will provide insights on the meaning of in many cancers.85–87 In palliative treatment of HCC
particular neurons and the post hoc explanation patients, the IMBRAVE-150 trial showed that the
finally analyses why a result is inferred (Fig. 3).78 combination of atezolizumab and bevacizumab
For example, post hoc explanations of models conferred a significant survival benefit compared to
processing digital histology slides can be estab- sorafenib in patients with HCC.3 However, like in
lished by getting a human expert to review the many previous trials in distinct entities, it became
image areas associated with the highest predictive apparent that not all patients with HCC benefit from
value.. This type of approach was used in the study ICIs to a similar extent. While there are signals for
by Saillard et al., who built a model able to predict HCC subgroups with a potentially higher benefit (e.g.
the survival of patients after resection of HCC. viral hepatitis vs. non-viral liver disease88), there is
Interestingly, reviewing the tumoural tiles associ- still no biomarker that reliably predicts therapeutic
ated with a high risk of death showed an enrich- response before or very early after starting ICI ther-
ment in several features (including macro- apy in patients with HCC. Therefore, a significant
trabecular-massive subtype, cellular atypia) previ- fraction of patients will be subjected to the (low) risk
ously shown to be predictive of dismal clinical of severe ICI-related toxicity without benefit, thereby
outcome.63 These results show that the models, at being at an increased risk of tumour progression and
Key point
least in part, rely on known histological parame- worsened liver function, while the cost of ICI therapy
There remains a great need ters. The authors also identified a new prognostic is remarkably high. In this setting, AI-based response
to standardise and robustly feature, i.e. the presence of vascular spaces. prediction could play a key role in improving patient
evaluate AI algorithms in
Together, these results underscore the importance outcomes and reducing healthcare expenditure.
prospective studies and
using large-scale “real- of human/machine interactions and show that Generating, training and applying an algorithm
world” datasets, as well as novel hypotheses can be generated with this type could involve a deep net trained on histologic data,
to establish consensus of approache. Altogether, addressing ‘explain- e.g. from randomised clinical trials in immuno-
guidelines to ensure accu- ability’ is a critical issue, and will be necessary to: i) therapy, and/or the combination of different deep
rate and comprehensive
gain the required confidence in AI models’ outputs, nets including histology, radiology, genomic and
reporting of data from ML
and DL studies. and ii) exploit NNs to discover key features that clinical information. Importantly, a DL-based algo-
may have been overlooked. rithm could either be trained on data available
before the start of therapy or on data extracted
immediately after the initiation of therapy. Thus, it
Future applications of AI: towards tailored
may, before the first radiological response evalua-
clinical trials tion, provide early predictions of whether a patient
Prospective studies are needed to fully demon-
will benefit or should be switched to another
strate the potential of AI to improve the clinical
therapeutic strategy. Beyond determining the ideal
care of patients with HCC. In other medical areas,
first-line therapy per patient, AI-based decision
several AI-based randomised clinical trials have
making could also provide a basis for a funda-
already been conducted. As such, in endoscopy,
mental switch in the way that treatment changes
numerous randomised clinical trials have evalu-
are implemented into long term palliative treat-
ated the impact of computer-aided systems on
ment of oncologic patients. Currently, a successful
physicians’ performance in diagnosing intestinal
line of therapy is provided to a patient until
adenoma or indicating blind spots of colonos-
radiological progression is evident (Fig. 4). How-
copy.79,80 The need to incorporate these new de-
ever, it could be beneficial to establish a tool for the
velopments prompted the research community to
early prediction of treatment failure, recommend-
extend the widely used SPIRIT and CONSORT
ing a switch to another therapy, even before full
guidelines for the use of AI methods in 2020.81,82
progression is documented on imaging. This tool
According to (https://
could enable preemptive therapy adjustment in the, there are currently 6 ongoing
interval between molecular resistance and imaging
trials involving AI for the management of HCC. A
(Fig. 3). AI could represent the ideal toolbox to
research group at the University of Hong Kong is
facilitate such a concept. Similar to a first-line de-
comparing an algorithm designed to diagnose HCC
cision, an algorithm would need to be trained
from CT images against the standard diagnostic
within clinical trials, first proving that radiological
procedure that relies on the LI-RADS criteria
progression can be reliably predicted, e.g. on an
(NCT04843176).83 A multicentre study from France
algorithm trained on radiology, but also on labo-
is prospectively developing an AI algorithm in a
ratory values and clinical parameters. Once a proof
non-randomised clinical trial. The research group
of concept for an AI algorithm is achieved, future
uses clinical, biological and ultrasound data to
clinical trials could compare a possible benefit from
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