Keys Annonaceae
Keys Annonaceae
Keys Annonaceae
Received 3 October 2011; revised 11 January 2012; accepted for publication 17 January 2012
Identification keys are provided for all genera currently recognized in Annonaceae. Separate keys are presented for
the Neotropics (34 genera), Africa-Madagascar (40 genera) and Asia-Australasia (42 genera). These keys are based
on a combination of vegetative and fertile characters. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal
of the Linnean Society, 2012, 169, 74–83.
74 © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 169, 74–83
Table 1. Changes in generic status and new genera within Annonaceae since the publication of the last family-wide key
of Annonaceae by Keßler (1993). A-AUS, Asia and Australia. NA, not applicable
New genera
Cleistopetalum Enicosanthum A-AUS (Okada, 1996)
Craibella Pseuduvaria A-AUS (Saunders et al., 2004)
Klarobelia Chatrou NA Neotropics (Chatrou, 1998)
Maasia Mols, Kessler & Rogstad NA A-AUS (Mols et al., 2008)
Mosannona Chatrou NA Neotropics (Chatrou, 1998)
Mwasumbia Couvreur & D. M.Johnson NA Africa (Couvreur et al., 2009)
Pseudomalmea Chatrou NA Neotropics (Chatrou, 1998)
Sanrafaelia Verdc. NA Africa (Verdcourt, 1996)
generic Drepananthus Maingay NA A-AUS (Surveswaran et al.,
names ex Hook.f. 2010)
Fenerivia Diels* NA Madagascar (Saunders, Su & Xue,
reduced Ancana F.Muell. Meiogyne A-AUS (van Heusden, 1994b)
to synonymy Anomianthus Zoll. Uvaria A-AUS (Zhou et al., 2009)
Atopostema Boutique Monanthotaxis Baill. Africa (Verdcourt, 1971)
Balonga Le Thomas Uvaria Africa (Zhou et al., 2010)
Chieniodendron Tsiang & P. T.Li Meiogyne A-AUS (van Heusden, 1994b)
Cleistopetalum† Enicosanthum A-AUS (Turner, 2010)
Craibella Pseuduvaria A-AUS (Su, Chaowasku &
Saunders, 2010)
Cyathostemma Griff. Uvaria A-AUS (Zhou et al., 2009)
Dasoclema J. Sinclair Uvaria A-AUS (Zhou et al., 2010)
Deeringothamnus Small Asimina Adans. USA Abott et al. in prep
Dennettia Baker f. Uvariopsis Engl. Africa (Kenfack et al., 2003)
& Diels
Ellipeia Hook.f. & Thomson Uvaria A-AUS (Zhou et al., 2009)
Ellipeiopsis R. E.Fr. Uvaria A-AUS (Zhou et al., 2009)
Enantia Oliv.‡ Annickia Setten Africa (van Setten & Maas,
& Maas 1990)
Fitzalania F. Muell. Meiogyne A-AUS (Chaowasku, Zijlstra
& Chatrou, 2011)§
Guamia Merr. Meiogyne A-AUS (van Heusden, 1994b)
Guatteriella R. E.Fr. Guatteria Ruiz. & Pav. Neotropics (Erkens et al., 2007)
Guatteriopsis R. E.Fr. Guatteria Neotropics (Erkens et al., 2007)
Heteropetalum Benth. Guatteria Neotropics (Erkens et al., 2007)
Mezzettiopsis Ridl. Orophea Blume A-AUS (Keßler, 1988)
Oreomitra Diels Pseuduvaria A-AUS (Su et al., 2010)
Pachypodanthium Engl. & Diels Duguettia Africa (Chatrou, 1998)
Papualthia Diels Haplostichanthus F.Muell. A-AUS (van Heusden, 1994a)
Petalolophus K.Schum. Pseuduvaria A-AUS (Su et al., 2005)
Polyaulax Backer Meiogyne A-AUS (van Heusden, 1994b)
Raimondia Staff. Annona Neotropics (Rainer, 2001)
Rauwenhoffia Scheff. Uvaria A-AUS (Zhou et al., 2009)
Richella A. Gray Goniothalamus A-AUS (Nakkuntod et al.,
Hook.f. & Thomson 2009)
Rollinia A.St.-Hil. Annona Neotropics (Rainer, 2007)
*This name was officially reduced to synonymy with Polyalthia, but was nevertheless included in the Keßler (1993) key.
†See Introduction.
‡Although the new name Annickia was given in 1990, it was not adopted in the Keßler (1993) key.
§This is a nomenclatural proposal and still has to be validated.
© 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 169, 74–83
synonym of Meiogyne Miq. by van Heusden (1994b), ever published in Annonaceae see Erkens et al.
but the types species (O. leptoneura Diels) was con- (2012).
sidered as a ‘dubious name’ (the holotype appeared to
be a mixed collection), making the transfer of the
name Oncodostigma incomplete. Here, we shall con-
sider Oncodostigma as a ‘confused name’ and will not We provide identification keys following three major
include it into the key. This issue will require future geographical regions: the Neotropics and the USA,
investigation. Furthermore, the genus Friesodielsia Africa (including Madagascar) and Asia/Australasia
Steenis has been shown to be polyphyletic (Richard- (including India, Sri Lanka and the Pacific Islands).
son et al., 2004; Chatrou et al., 2012): two clades are This approach was taken because most genera are
recognized, an Asian one sister to Desmos Lour. and endemic to these major regions. Only seven genera are
Dasymaschalon Dalla Torre & Harms and an African shared between two regions: Anaxagorea A.St.-Hil.
one closely related to the African genus Monantho- (Neotropics/Asia), Annona L. (Neotropics/Africa), Art-
taxis Baill. The status of both clades of Friesodielsia abotrys R.Br. (Palaeotropics), Duguetia A.St.-Hil.
is not officially recognized yet, and we shall treat the (Neotropics/Africa), Friesodielsia and Sphaerocoryne
concerned species under the same name. Finally, the (Palaeotropics, but see above), Uvaria (Palaeotropics);
taxonomy of Melodorum Lour., Sphaerocoryne Scheff. and one between them all: Xylopia L. (pantropical).
ex Ridl. and Mitrella Miq. is ambiguous and these This provides a faster and easier way to identification
genera are in great need of a revision. Following the than a single comprehensive key. For each genus, we
traditional circumscription of these taxa, we include also provide an approximate indication of distribution,
the liana groups Sphaerocoryne p.p./Melodorum p.p which can also help with identification. We tried to use
and the arborescent group of Melodorum p.p./ vegetative characters as much as possible, but most of
Sphaerocoryne p.p. in the key. these are coupled with fertile ones (flowers and/or
In total, eight new generic names have been pub- fruits). Only macromorphological characters have been
lished since 1993, and 31 have been synonymized retained in the key (e.g. visible with or without a hand
(Table 1). These changes clearly warrant new keys lens) in order to make the key useful to a wide range of
to the genera of the family. For a complete list users. However, in the South-East Asian key an extra
of accepted genera, number of species per genus and pollen character is indicated in parentheses in addition
a family-level classification see Chatrou et al. (2012) to fertile ones to help identification as these are easily
and for an annotated list of all generic names visible using a hand lens (polyads vs. monads).
© 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 169, 74–83
© 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 169, 74–83
23. Flowers pendent on long (40–60 mm) pedicels; inner petals boat-shaped; throughout Neotropics, except for West
Indies ......................................................................................................................... Cymbopetalum
23′. Flowers non-pendent and pedicels much shorter; inner petals not boat-shaped.........................................24
24. Leaves asymmetrical; monocarps 20–90 ¥ 30–40 mm, thick-walled (wall 2.5–4.0 mm thick); from Costa Rica in the
north through western South America to Bolivia, and south-east Brazil...........................................Porcelia
24′. Leaves symmetrical; monocarps smaller, thin-walled............................................................................25
25. Petals basally connate....................................................................................................................26
25′. Petals free....................................................................................................................................27
26. Petals basally connate into 2–4 mm long tube; monocarps dehiscent, falciform, yellow or orange; aril fleshy,
two-lobed; tropical South America....................................................................................Cardiopetalum
26′. Petals free; monocarps indehiscent, fusiform to linear, green; aril fibrous; western South America .Froesiodendron
27. Leaves often triplinerved at base; monocarps three to nine; flower buds globose; stamens c. 40; tropical South
America, absent from central Amazon basin.............................................................................Trigynaea
27′. Leaves not triplinerved at base; monocarps one to three; flower buds globose or conical; stamens < 20; east and
south-east Brazil ........................................................................................................................... 28
28. Flower buds conical; petals linear, recurved to patent; calyx cup-shaped, without distinct lobes; flowers solitary
or in many-flowered inflorescences; inflorescences often flagellate and produced from main stem; east and
south-east Brazil. ........................................................................................................... Hornschuchia
28′. Flower buds globose; petals ovate to elliptic, erect; calyx distinctly three-lobed; flowers solitary; east and
south-east Brazil....................................................................................................................Bocagea
29. Upper side of leaves with raised midrib ............................................................................................ 30
29′. Upper side of leaves with impressed to flat midrib..............................................................................31
30. Fruit apocarpous, monocarps distinctly stipitate; seeds pitted; sepals < 5 mm long; inner base of inner petals with
food bodies; from Mexico in the north to Bolivia in the south ...................................................Mosannona
30′. Fruit syncarpous, carpels strongly coherent; seeds smooth; sepals > 9 mm long; petals without food bodies;
Amazonian Brazil (Upper Rio Negro) .................................................................................. Duckeanthus
31. Flowers winged; fruit syncarpous (rarely apocarpous); throughout Neotropics and Africa.....................Annona
31′. Flowers not winged; fruit apocarpous or syncarpous ............................................................................ 32
32. Outermost stamens staminodal; fruit syncarpous with almost woody basal collar; tropical South America.Fusaea
32′. All stamens fertile; fruit apocarpous or syncarpous, without basal collar.................................................33
33. Fruit syncarpous, each carpel one-seeded; petals often thick and fleshy; throughout Neotropics............Annona
33′. Fruit apocarpous, each monocarp one- to several-seeded; petals thin ...................................................... 34
34. Pedicels often with one leafy bract; Mexico and Central America and adjacent northern Colombia....Desmopsis
34′. Pedicels without leafy bracts ........................................................................................................... 35
35. Monocarps one-seeded; petals yellow to cream, margins ciliate; from Panama in the north to Peru in the south,
also one species in south-east Brazil (Bahia)...............................................................................Malmea
35′. Monocarps one- to several-seeded; petals red, purple, brown, or rarely cream, margins not ciliate ............... 36
36. Petals distinctly veined, length/width ratio 2–5; flowers often with a foetid scent; monocarps 13–100 mm long;
seeds with lamellate rumination; Mexico and Central America..................................................Sapranthus
36′. Petals not distinctly veined, length/width ratio 5–20; flowers without a foetid scent; monocarps 10–30 mm long;
seeds with spiniform rumination; Mexico, Central America to Pacific coast of Colombia .................. Stenanona
1. Indument of stellate or scale-like hairs (easily visible with a hand lens)...................................................2
1′. Indument of simple hairs or lacking...................................................................................................7
2. Lower surface of leaf completely covered with silver scale-like hairs; West and Central Africa ... Meiocarpidium
2′. Indument of lower leaf surface sparser, not completely covering surface; hairs more stellate than scale-like.....
3. Outer petal whorl absent; monocarps stipitate, stipe articulated at apex; West and central Africa, one species in
East Africa .......................................................................................................................... Annickia
3′. Outer petal whorl present; monocarps sessile, or if stipitate then stipe not articulated at apex .................... 4
4. Trees; fruit syncarpous; West and Central Africa and Neotropics...................................................Duguetia
4′. Scandent shrubs or lianas; fruit of one to many free monocarps..............................................................5
5. Carpel one; East Africa ................................................................................................. Dielsiothamnus
5′. Carpels more than one.....................................................................................................................6
© 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 169, 74–83
6. Inner petals smaller than outer ones; monocarps moniliform, with seeds in a single row; East Africa..............
.................................................................................................................... Friesodielsia (F. obovata)
6′. Inner and outer petals subequal; monocarps oblong, with seeds in two rows; throughout tropical Africa, including
Madagascar and Asia ............................................................................................................... Uvaria
7. Lianas; inflorescence peduncle formed into a woody hook; throughout tropical Africa including Madagascar and
7′. Trees, shrubs or lianas; inflorescence peduncle not formed into a woody hook............................................8
8. Upper side of leaves with a raised midrib ........................................................................................... 9
8′. Upper side of leaves with an impressed to flat midrib..........................................................................11
9. Petals free; flower and fruit apocarpous, inner petals with brush-like structure on inner side; East Africa .......
.................................................................................................................................. Ophrypetalum
9′. Petals fused at base; flowers and fruit syncarpous...............................................................................10
10. Corolla lobes equal in length, margins generally straight; throughout tropical Africa including Madagascar .....
10′. Outer petals longer than inner, margins generally undulated or crisped; throughout tropical Africa...Monodora
11. Calyx reduced and vestigial, present as basal flange (sometimes three-lobed); Madagascar................Fenerivia
11′. Calyx not reduced, clearly visible ..................................................................................................... 12
12. Sepals free but enclosing petals until anthesis, sometimes reduplicate; monocarps multi-seeded..................13
12′. Sepals free but exceeded in length by petals well before anthesis, or sepals connate; monocarps one- or
multi-seeded ................................................................................................................................. 16
13. Petals connate at base, crumpled in bud; throughout tropical Africa ............................................ Hexalobus
13′. Petals free to base, not crumpled in bud............................................................................................14
14. Receptacle convex but not columnar; West and Central Africa ................................................. Uvariastrum
14′. Receptacle columnar.......................................................................................................................15
15. Small trees; anther connective reduced to a tuft of hairs; West and Central Africa ....................... Mischogyne
15′. Scandent shrubs or lianas; anther connective flattened above anthers; Central and East Africa ...... Toussaintia
16. Sepals completely connate...............................................................................................................17
16′. Sepals free, at least at the apex.......................................................................................................18
17. Trees; calyx forming a flat disk at base of flower; petals six in a single whorl; West Africa ...... Monocyclanthus
17′. Lianas; calyx entirely enclosing flower in bud, tearing as flower enlarges; petals six in two whorls; Central
18. Flowers with two sepals; throughout tropical Africa..................................................................Uvariopsis
18′. Flowers with three sepals ............................................................................................................... 19
19. Lianas with leaf-opposed or terminal inflorescences.............................................................................20
19′. Trees, or, if lianas, inflorescence axillary............................................................................................26
20. Inner petals shorter than outer ones, vaulted and connivent over stamens and carpels..............................21
20′. Inner and outer petals subequal, erect or spreading ............................................................................ 23
21. Anthers septate; monocarps sessile; Cameroon..........................................................................Boutiquea
21′. Anthers not septate; monocarps stipitate ........................................................................................... 22
22. Leaves glaucous beneath; inner petals with short claw; throughout tropical Africa ...................... Friesodielsia
22′. Leaves sometimes pale beneath, but not glaucous; inner petals lacking claw; east Africa and Asia..................
23. Monocarps sessile, forming a syncarpous fruit; Central Africa, Gabon...................................Pseudartabotrys
23′. Monocarps stipitate........................................................................................................................24
24. Stamens usually < 15; monocarps often many-seeded and moniliform......................................................25
24′. Stamens numerous; monocarps one-(or two-)seeded; Democratic Republic of the Congo................Afroguatteria
25. Petals connivent (or rarely imbricate) in bud; stamens obconical; throughout tropical Africa including
25′. Petals completely separate in bud; stamens linear; Democratic Republic of the Congo ................... Gilbertiella
26. Flowers with three petals ............................................................................................................... 27
26′. Flowers with six petals...................................................................................................................28
27. Petals opposite sepals, wood bright yellow, monocarps one-seeded; West and central Africa, one species in East
Africa ................................................................................................................................. Annickia
27′. Petals alternate with sepals, wood not bright yellow, monocarps multi-seeded; Central Africa ........................
.....................................................................................................................Uvariopsis (U. tripetala)
28. Petals connate at base....................................................................................................................29
28′. Petals free....................................................................................................................................30
29. Young branches glabrous; flowers small (< 1 cm), carpels and monocarps solitary; Tanzania, Usambara Moun-
tains ............................................................................................................................... Sanrafaelia
29′. Young branches hairy; flowers large (> 2 cm), carpels and monocarps 5–20; East Africa .................. Asteranthe
30. Monocarps stipitate, stipe articulated at apex.....................................................................................31
© 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 169, 74–83
30′. Monocarps sessile, or, if stipitate, stipe not articulated at apex ............................................................. 34
31. Inner petals shorter than outer ones.................................................................................................32
31′. Inner and outer petals subequal.......................................................................................................33
32. Anthers septate; monocarps one-seeded, with stipe longer than seed-containing portion; seeds smooth; West and
Central Africa..............................................................................................................Neostenanthera
32′. Anthers not septate; monocarps two-seeded, with stipe equal in length to or shorter than seed-containing portion;
seeds tuberculate; West and Central Africa...........................................................................Cleistopholis
33. Petals linear, acute; introduced in Africa, South-East Asia ........................................................... Cananga
33′. Petals ovate, obtuse; East Africa.......................................................................................Lettowianthus
34. Inner petals much longer than outer ones; West and Central Africa .......................................... Piptostigma
34′. Inner petals shorter than or equal in length to outer petals..................................................................35
35. Fruits syncarpous..........................................................................................................................36
35′. Fruits apocarpous..........................................................................................................................37
36. Flowers bisexual, borne in leaf-opposed and terminal inflorescences on leafy branches; throughout tropical Africa
including Madagascar and Neotropics, introduced in Asia..............................................................Annona
36′. Flowers both staminate and bisexual, borne in long pendant leaf-opposed or axillary inflorescences on old
branches or stems; West and Central Africa, one doubtful species in East Africa...........................Anonidium
37. Inflorescences leaf-opposed, supra-axillary, or terminal.........................................................................38
37′. Inflorescences axillary, or plant cauliflorous........................................................................................39
38. Flowers bisexual; petals ovate; anthers septate; monocarps fusiform, sessile; East Africa.....................Mkilua
38′. Androdioecious; petals linear; anthers non-septate; monocarps globose, stipitate; throughout tropical Africa .....
39. Anthers septate; monocarps dehiscent; throughout tropical Africa, Madagascar, Asia and the Neotropics.Xylopia
39′. Anthers non-septate; monocarps indehiscent.......................................................................................40
40. Inner petals smaller than outer ones, deeply concave; monocarps globose with up to 20 seeds in two rows; Central
40′. Inner and outer petals subequal, flat or concave; monocarps elongate, or if globose then containing only one or
two seeds.....................................................................................................................................41
41. Tertiary veins of leaves percurrent; androdioecious; monocarps elongate, seeds pitted; throughout tropical
41′. Tertiary veins variously curved and anastomosing; flowers bisexual; monocarps elongate or globose; seeds pitted
or smooth.....................................................................................................................................42
42. Petals < 5 mm long ........................................................................................................................ 43
42′. Petals ⱖ 10 mm long......................................................................................................................44
43. Flowers borne singly on leafless branches; monocarps stipitate, one-seeded; East Africa ............ Cleistochlamys
43′. Flowers multiple in cymose inflorescences; monocarps sessile, two-seeded; Madagascar ..................... Ambavia
44. Monocarps long-stipitate, one-seeded, red; East Africa, including Madagascar and Asia ................... Polyalthia
44′. Monocarps sessile, multi-seeded, green or brown.................................................................................45
45. Carpels 4, ovules and seeds uniseriate; Tanzania, Kimboza Forest Reserve.................................Mwasumbia
45′. Carpels > 20, ovules and seeds biseriate; throughout tropical Africa.......................................Uvariodendron
1. Lianas...........................................................................................................................................2
1′. Trees or shrubs.............................................................................................................................10
2. Indument of stellate hairs (easily visible with a hand lens); throughout tropical Australasia and (for Uvaria)
tropical Africa including Madagascar .......................................................................................... Uvaria
2′. Indument of simple hairs or glabrous ................................................................................................. 3
3. Inflorescence peduncle formed into a woody hook; throughout tropical Australasia and tropical Africa including
Madagascar ....................................................................................................................... Artabotrys
3′. Inflorescence peduncle not formed into a woody hook ............................................................................ 4
4. Inflorescences supra-axillary or leaf opposed ........................................................................................ 5
4′. Inflorescences axillary......................................................................................................................7
5. Flowers in multiflowered inflorescences; stamen connective tongue-shaped/acute; throughout tropical Asia .......
5′. Flowers solitary or in one-flowered inflorescences; stamen connective discoid (uvarioid)...............................6
6. Petals coherent above sexual organs; throughout tropical Asia.................................................Friesodielsia
6′. Petals not coherent above sexual organs; throughout tropical Australasia.........................................Desmos
© 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 169, 74–83
© 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 169, 74–83
© 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 169, 74–83
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© 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 169, 74–83