Lead Seal Cementing Casing Patch: Manual F645

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Lead Seal

Cementing Casing Patch

Manual F645

Logan Lead Seal Cementing Casing Patch

Uses ......................................................................................2
Construction ..........................................................................2
Tool Illustration.......................................................................3
To Release From a Fish.....................................................4
Maintenance ..........................................................................5
Disassembly ..........................................................................5
Assembly ...............................................................................5
Calculated Strength Data ......................................................6
Specifications and Parts Lists..........................................7 – 9

All references to Bowen® part numbers in this literature are
used to identify interchangeable tools and parts. Reference to
such tools and parts does not imply that Logan Oil Tools is a
licensee or is in any way affiliated with National Oilwell Varco.
Logan Oil Tools does not sell, or offer to sell, National Oilwell
Varco (Bowen) products.

“Bowen” is a registered trademark of National Oilwell Varco.

1st Printing, August 2012. Rev. 0

1 • Logan Lead Seal Cementing Casing Patch

Manual F645 • Logan Lead Seal Cementing Casing Patch • Page 1

OVERVIEW CONSTRUCTION As tensile load is applied and increased
The Logan Lead Seal Cementing Cas- Logan Lead Seal Cementing Casing on the bowl, the spirals between the
ing Patch is an external catch tool that Patches are composed of: a top sub, bowl and the spiral grapple's outside
is designed to cement two strings of bowl, grapple carrier, spiral grapple, spi- diameter cause the spiral grapple to
casing together in a single operation ral grapple control with set screws, lead tightly engage a large area of the fish.
and form a permanent sealed connec- seal assembly, stinger, stinger retainer, The grapple carrier has external
tion between them without restricting and a guide. The lead seal assembly grooves for cement flow, a shoulder
the bore of the casing. The Casing consists of two (2) lead seals separated at the top of the inside diameter, and
Patch becomes a permanent part of the by a center seal ring. There are two (2) threads at the bottom for the stinger
well casing. end seal rings — one (1) at each end of retainer.
the assembly.
In addition to utilizing the field proven, The spiral grapple control acts as a key
compression-type lead seals of the Two (2) O-rings are installed at the that transmits torque from the bowl to
Logan Lead Seal Casing Patch, the threads where the top sub and guide the grapple while allowing the grapple
Logan Lead Seal Cementing Casing are connected to the bowl. The lower to move vertically while inside the bowl
Patch incorporates a valve system that lead seal nests in a groove on the top during operation. The spiral grapple
allows the patch and running string to end of the packer stinger. control is plain — that is, without milling
be cemented in place immediately after teeth or a pack-off mechanism.
The stinger retainer holds the spiral
the lead seals have been compressed.
grapple, spiral grapple control, lead seal The lowermost component of the Lead
Since the valve is incorporated into the
assembly, and packer stinger in place. Seal Cementing Casing Patch assem-
tool, this eliminates the need for a circu-
lating cementing valve or perforations The bowl is the major working com- bly is the cut-lipped guide. As the name
near the Casing Patch. ponent of the Lead Seal Cementing implies, it guides the fish into the inter-
Casing Patch. The inside diameter of nal gripping mechanism (spiral grapple)
Patches are available in popular tubing of the Casing Patch. The guide also
the bowl features a threaded section
and casing sizes ranging from 2-3/8 to minimizes possible damage to the Cas-
that conforms to the exterior threads of
13-3/8 inches OD. ing Patch by blocking the entry of a fish
the spiral grapple. This design permits
If hydrogen sulfide is suspected or any expansion or compression strain that exceeds its maximum casing O.D.
known to exist in a well, Logan Lead to be evenly distributed over the entire Extra-long guides are available upon
Seal Casing Patches for H2S (hydrogen working surface of the bowl, spiral request if longer stabilizing length and
sulfide) service are also available. grapple, and the fish (casing that is to greater cementing area are desired.
be engaged during a casing landing Parts are manufactured from materials
USES operation). Any possible damage to the that are specifically suitable for each
Logan Lead Seal Cementing Casing fish or Lead Seal Cementing Casing part. Load bearing components are
Patches are specifically engineered to Patch is thereby minimized. high strength, heat-treated alloy steel
replace the upper portion of casing that The bowl contains and supports the to maintain string integrity. The seal
has been previously cemented in place. load-bearing spiral grapple. The spiral assembly is manufactured from pure,
It conveniently combines sealing and grapple is the gripping mechanism of unalloyed, fully annealed lead that is
cementing into one operation, thereby the Lead Seal Cementing Casing Patch. particularly suited for use in wells that
eliminating the time and inconvenience The left-handed, helix-shaped spiral contain fluids or gases harmful to rub-
of doing two separate trips. grapple conforms to the interior wickers ber or synthetic packers.

Logan Lead Seal Cementing Casing of the bowl. The specially hardened A box connection on the upper end
Patches are suitable for use in wells wickers ensure positive engagement of the Lead Seal Cementing Casing
that contain fluids or gases harmful to with the fish. Patch will be cut according to customer
rubber and synthetic packers, and are specifications.
as strong as the string being repaired.

Logan Lead Seal Cementing Casing Patch • 2

Page 2 • Logan Lead Seal Cementing Casing Patch • Manual F645

Top Sub



Grapple Carrier

Spiral Grapple
End Seal Ring
Spiral Grapple Control
Lead Seal
Center Seal Ring Control Set Screw

End Seal Ring

Stinger Retainer

Packer Stinger


Logan Lead Seal Cementing Casing Patch

Logan Oil Tools reserves the right to change or discontinue designs without notice.

3 • Logan Lead Seal Cementing Casing Patch

Manual F645 • Logan Lead Seal Cementing Casing Patch • Page 3
OPERATION Stop rotation and slowly pick up the run- After good circulation has been es-
Be sure the Logan Lead Seal Cement- ning string to remove the weight from tablished, immediately pump cement
ing Casing Patch is correctly assembled the Casing Patch and allow torque to down the hole. Cement will exit through
and the fish (casing engaged in a lead slack from the running string. the valve in the patch, placing cement
sealing and cementing operation) is around the outside of the patch and
CAUTION: Avoid backlash from
properly prepared. This usually includes casing. Allow sufficient time to position
residual weight or torque. Backlash
washing over to clean the upper end the cement column and stop circula-
could cause the Casing Patch to
of the fish and remove any existing ce- tion. Reestablish the seal by elevating
ment, removing burrs and splits, resiz- the string until a pull load equal to the
ing the hole around the upper end of the Set the lead seals into position by initial setting load is reached. Set the
fish, as well as sizing the fish. raising the running string. The spiral slips and maintain an upward load on
grapple, spiral grapple control, and the running string while the cement
In addition to preparing the hole and the grapple carrier will remain stationary. hardens.
outer diameter of the fish, set a tempo- Compression between the grapple car-
rary bridge plug or packer in the upper Excess cement may be drilled out after
rier and the guide will cause the lead
end of the fish to stop the cement. After the cement has cured. Remove the
seals to flow around the casing to form
patching and cementing operations bridge plug or packer and condition the
a rigid, leak-proof connection.
have been completed, the bridge plug hole.
or packer may be removed and the cas- The load required to set the Lead Seal
Logan Lead Seal Cementing Casing
ing reamed. Cementing Casing Patch will depend on
Patches are designed to withstand
the size of the Casing Patch. This set-
Properly cut and remove the damaged pressures equal to the capacity of the
ting load will vary from 10,000 pounds
portion of casing from the hole. Prepare running string, and in most cases, these
to more than 100,000 pounds. Refer to
the top of the casing for engagement pressures are greater after cementing.
page 6 for the appropriate setting load.
and pack off. If necessary, roll the CAUTION: Do not exceed the actual
casing with a Logan Casing Roller to Check the effectiveness of the lead
required pressures to perform neces-
ensure proper diameter and roundness. seals by the applying of pump pressure.
sary functions until the Lead Seal
Do not exceed a nominal 500 to 1,000
The Lead Seal Cementing Casing Cementing Casing Patch is perma-
psi. Before applying any appreciable
Patch is made up to the bottom of the nently cemented.
pressure, first reduce the setting load
running string. to a nominal 10,000 to 15,000 lbs., or
To Release From a Fish
CAUTION: The bowl is thin walled approximately one-fourth of the original
If during operation, it becomes neces-
and may be crushed or damaged by setting load, whichever is smaller. Refer
sary to release the Logan Lead Seal
the tongs. Use tongs only on the top to page 6 for the appropriate setting
Cementing Casing Patch from the fish,
sub. loads.
proceed as follows:
Slowly lower the string to the top of the CAUTION: Exercise care during all
Break the hold between the spiral
prepared fish with right-hand rotation. stages of operation to ensure that
grapple and the grapple carrier by firmly
Combined slow rotation while lowering the formation and the Casing Patch
bumping down until the top of the
is important to good operation. Continue are not shock loaded (slugged ) with
grapple carrier bottoms against the top
to slowly rotate over the fish contacts pressure from the mud pumps.
sub. After bumping down, with slow
the shoulder at the upper end of the Once the lead seals have been set and right-hand rotation, slowly raise the
grapple carrier. The grapple carrier will the pressure checked, open the Casing string. Continue slow rotation and
push up as the fish is engaged until it Patch to circulation. Slowly lower the elevation until the Lead Seal Cement-
bottoms against the top sub. Observe running string until the string weight has ing Casing Patch is clear of the fish.
the weight indicator. Allow 15,000 to equalized and approximately 15,000 to Combined slow rotation and elevation
20,000 pounds of weight to be support- 20,000 lbs. of weight is resting on the is important to the proper release of the
ed by the Casing Patch to ensure good Casing Patch. This will telescope the Casing Patch.
complete engagement. grapple carrier up against the top sub
and the packer stinger will pull up off
the lead seal on the face of the guide.
Circulation through the Casting Patch
may then be resumed.

Logan Lead Seal Cementing Casing Patch • 4

Page 4 • Logan Lead Seal Cementing Casing Patch • Manual F645

MAINTENANCE 12. Remove the second lead seal. Allow the control finger to lay
Since the Logan Lead Seal Cementing alongside the left side (viewed
13. Remove the second end seal ring.
Casing Patch is not normally reused, from the lower end) of the spiral
usual maintenance procedures do 14. Remove the two (2) control set grapple tang. The upper face of
not apply. However, if the Lead Seal screws from the spiral grapple the spiral grapple control should
Cementing Casing Patch is to be stored control. seat against the lower spiral
for a period of time before it is used, the of the grapple carrier.
15. Remove the spiral grapple control.
tool should be disassembled, thorough- 5. Insert two (2) control set screws
ly cleaned and greased, and reassem- 16. Unscrew the spiral grapple with
into the tapped holes of the spiral
bled so it is ready for service. right-hand rotation and remove it
grapple control from the inside.
from the grapple carrier.
Tighten the screws against the wall
DISASSEMBLY 17. Thoroughly clean and inspect all of the grapple carrier.
Disassembly should be conducted in a parts. Replace any damaged parts.
6. Insert an end seal ring into the
clean, well-equipped shop. No special
NOTE: Since the Lead Seal Cement- grapple carrier with the bevelled
tools are required.
ing Casing Patch becomes a perma- face up, matching bevelled faces
1. Secure the bowl horizontally in nent part of the well casing, spare of the spiral grapple control and
the vise. parts are not normally required. How- spiral grapple.
ever, seals may be damaged because
CAUTION: Clamp only near the 7. Place one (1) lead seal in the
of misruns or other circumstances.
threaded top connection on the up- grapple carrier with the flat face up
It is therefore recommended that one
per end of the bowl. Clamping too and the bevelled lip down.
(1) or two (2) extra sets of lead seals
tightly may distort or damage the
be ordered when the Lead Seal Ce- NOTE: If the lead seals become slightly
grapple carrier.
menting Casing Patch is to be used distorted from handling, lightly tap the
2. Unscrew the guide from the bowl. in a remote location. inside wall of the seals a soft piece of
wood and a small hammer to seat them.
3. Unscrew the top sub from the bowl.
8. Insert the center seal ring. The
3. Remove the O-rings from the top Referring to the illustration on page 3, center seal ring may be assembled
sub and guide. assemble the Logan Lead Seal Ce- with either face up as both faces
4. Slide the grapple carrier sub- menting Casing Patch in the following are identical.
assembly from the bowl. manner:
9. Install the second lead seal into
5. Remove the bowl from the vise 1. Thoroughly clean all parts. the grapple carrier with its flat side
and set it aside. 2. Secure the grapple carrier horizon- against the center seal ring.
6. Secure the grapple carrier horizon- tally, near its center, in a suitable 10. Install the second end seal ring
tally, near its center, in a suitable vise. in the grapple carrier. The flat face
vise. CAUTION: Clamping too tightly may of the end seal ring should rest
distort or damage the grapple carrier. against the lead seal with its bev-
CAUTION: Clamping with excessive
elled lip face down.
pressure may distort or damage the 3. Grasp the tanged control end of
grapple carrier. the spiral grapple and screw it into 11. Insert the packer stinger with its
the grapple carrier with left-hand larger diameter end against the
7. Using a pipe wrench, unscrew the
rotation. Insert the spiral grapple lower end seal ring. Match the
stinger retainer from the grapple
deep enough into the grapple bevelled face with the end seal
carrier sub-assembly.
carrier to allow the tang to rest in ring.
8. Remove the packer stinger. the slot near the lower end of the CAUTION: Be sure the cross-slots
9. Remove the first end seal ring. grapple carrier. at the end opposite the stinger are
4. Insert the spiral grapple control into inserted towards the upper end of
10. Remove the first lead seal.
the grapple carrier with its control the bowl and that the stinger is di-
11. Remove the center seal ring. finger towards the spiral grapple. rected downward towards the guide.

5 • Logan Lead Seal Cementing Casing Patch

Manual F645 • Logan Lead Seal Cementing Casing Patch • Page 5

NOTE: The top end of the bowl is 14. Insert one (1) O-ring into the 16. Grease the splines on the outside
the end nearest the integral lug groove at the lower end of the top diameter of the grapple carrier.
located inside the bowl. One of the sub. Apply thread dope to the Insert the grapple carrier sub-
splines on the outside diameter of threads of the top sub and O-ring. assembly, slotted end first, into the
the grapple carrier will mate with this Insert the top sub into the bowl, bowl. Rotate the grapple carrier
lug. The remainder of the splines al- being careful to not nick or cut the until it mates with the lug. Slide the
low passage for the cement slurry. O-ring. Tighten the connection grapple carrier up until the lug rests
between the top sub and the bowl. in the slot.
12. Apply thread dope to the threads
of the stinger retainer and screw 15. Test the operation of the grapple 17. Install an O-ring on the upper end
it into the grapple carrier. Using a carrier sub-assembly before of the guide.
pipe wrench, firmly but carefully assembling the guide with the
18. Apply thread dope to the threads
seat the stinger retainer. bowl. Reach into the grapple
of the guide and install the guide
carrier, grasp it, and slide it back
This completes the grapple carrier sub- into the lower end of the bowl.
and forth. The grapple carrier
assembly. Remove the grapple carrier Carefully and firmly tighten the
should freely telescope up and
sub-assembly from the vise and set it connection between the guide and
aside. the bowl.

13. Secure the bowl horizontally in Assembly of the Logan Lead Seal Ce-
the vise. menting Casing Patch is now complete.


505-413 40514 2-3/8 4-1/8 9,141 3,656 12,094 12,691 120,391
505-463 41209 2-7/8 4-5/8 10,869 4,347 9,416 9,952 125,396
505-525 41210 3-1/2 5-1/4 15,839 6,336 6,673 7,205 135,165
505-575 40596 4 5-3/4 17,853 7,141 5,482 5,972 137,795
505-650 40619 4-1/2 6-1/2 19,871 7,948 4,418 4,872 135,943
505-675 40649 5 6-3/4 21,888 8,755 3,863 4,286 141,840
505-744 38179 5-1/2 7-7/16 23,912 9,565 3,033 3,429 133,786
505-775 41088 5-3/4 7-3/4 24,916 9,966 2,966 3,350 140,469
505-800 40679 6 8 25,929 10,372 2,758 3,130 141,217
505-863 40858 6-5/8 8-5/8 30,022 12,009 2,326 2,686 146,662
505-913 40859 7 9-1/8 31,620 12,648 2,362 2,707 161,482
505-988 40869 7-5/8 9-7/8 34,273 13,709 2,237 2,561 176,429
505-1113 41004 8-5/8 11-1/8 44,549 17,820 2,202 2,529 224,349
505-1194 41085 9-5/8 11-15/16 47,195 18,878 1,550 1,841 198,140
505-1363 41086 10-3/4 13-5/8 52,450 20,980 1,835 2,101 269,178
505-1475 41089 11-3/4 14-3/4 56,938 22,775 1,656 1,903 285,670
505-1663 41087 13-3/8 16-5/8 95,652 38,261 1,580 2,550 396,488

These strength calculations are considered accurate within ± 20% and are intended only as a guide.
They do not constitute a guarantee, actual or implied. Make an appropriate allowance as a safety factor.

All references to Bowen® part numbers in this literature are used to identify interchangeable tools
and parts. Reference to such tools and parts does not imply that Logan Oil Tools is a licensee or
is in any way affiliated with National Oilwell Varco. Logan Oil Tools does not sell, or offer to sell,
National Oilwell Varco (Bowen) products. Logan Lead Seal Cementing Casing Patch • 6
“Bowen” is a registered trademark of National Oilwell Varco.

Page 6 • Logan Lead Seal Cementing Casing Patch • Manual F645


O.D. CASING 2-3/8 2-7/8 3-1/2 4 4-1/2 5 5-1/2

O.D. PATCH 4-1/8 4-5/8 5-1/4 5-3/4 6-1/2 6-3/4 7-7/16
COMPLETE ASSEMBLY Logan Part No. 505-413 505-463 505-525 505-575 505-650 505-675 505-744
Bowen No. 40514 41209 41210 40596 40619 40649 38179
TOP SUB Logan Part No. AB12000 AB12001 AB12016 AB12002 AB12003 AB12004 AB12005
Bowen No. 41092 41098 41104 41110 41116 41122 38415
BOWL Logan Part No. AB1000 AB1001 AB1016 AB1002 AB1003 AB1004 AB1005
Bowen No. 41093 41099 41105 41111 41117 41123 38416
GRAPPLE CARRIER Logan Part No. AB2000 AB2001 AB2016 AB2002 AB2003 AB2004 AB2005
Bowen No. 41095 41101 41107 41113 41119 41125 38417
GRAPPLE Logan Part No. AA3000 AA3001 AB3016 AA3002 AA3003 AA3004 AA3005
Bowen No. 17261 16143 26528 22403 13273 13283 12318
GRAPPLE CONTROL Logan Part No. AA4000 AA4001 AB4016 AA4002 AA4003 AA4004 AA4005
Bowen No. 17262 16144 26529 22404 13274 13284 12319
GUIDE Logan Part No. AB5000 AB5001 AB5016 AB5002 AB5003 AB5004 AB5005
Bowen No. 41094 41100 41106 41112 41118 41124 38421
LEAD SEAL Logan Part No. AA6000 AA6001 AB6016 AA6002 AA6003 AA6004 AA6005
Bowen No. 17264 16146 26531 22406 13276 13286 12324
No. Req’d 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
END SEAL RING Logan Part No. AA7000 AA7001 AB7016 AA7002 AA7003 AA7004 AA7005
Bowen No. 17265 16147 26532 22407 13277 13287 12322
No. Req’d 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
CENTER SEAL RING Logan Part No. AA8000 AA8001 AB8016 AA8002 AA8003 AA8004 AA8005
Bowen No. 17266 16148 26533 22408 13278 13288 12323
PACKER STINGER Logan Part No. AB10000 AB10001 AB10016 AB10002 AB10003 AB10004 AB10005
Bowen No. 41096 41102 41108 41114 41120 41126 38420
STINGER RETAINER Logan Part No. AB11000 AB11001 AB11016 AB11002 AB11003 AB11004 AB11005
Bowen No. 41097 41103 41109 41115 41121 41127 38419
CONTROL SET SCREW Logan Part No. AA9000 AA9000 AA9000 AA9000 AA9000 AA9000 AA9000
Bowen No. 12329 12329 12329 12329 12329 12329 12329
No. Req’d 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
BOWL SEAL Logan Part No. 568-237 568-240 568-246 568-250 568-255 568-258 568-260
Bowen No. 30-15 30-18 30-24 30-28 30-33 30-36 30-38
No. Req’d 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Logan Oil Tools reserves the right to change or discontinue designs without notice.

Special Notes:
(1) H2S service, available upon request.

When ordering, please specify:

(1) Name and number of assembly or part
(2) Casing O.D.
(3) Size and type of connection

All references to Bowen® part numbers in this literature are used to
identify interchangeable tools and parts. Reference to such tools and
parts does not imply that Logan Oil Tools is a licensee or is in any
way affiliated with National Oilwell Varco. Logan Oil Tools does not
sell, or offer to sell, National Oilwell Varco (Bowen) products.

“Bowen” is a registered trademark of National Oilwell Varco.

7 • Logan Lead Seal Cementing Casing Patch

Manual F645 • Logan Lead Seal Cementing Casing Patch • Page 7

O.D. CASING 5-3/4 6 6-5/8 7 7-5/8 8-5/8 9-5/8

O.D. PATCH 7-3/4 8 8-5/8 9-1/8 9-7/8 11-1/8 11-15/16
COMPLETE ASSEMBLY Logan Part No. 505-775 505-800 505-863 505-913 505-988 505-1113 505-1194
Bowen No. 41088 40679 40858 40859 40869 41004 41085
TOP SUB Logan Part No. AB12006 AB12007 AB12008 AB12009 AB12010 AB12011 AB12012
Bowen No. 41128 41134 41140 41146 41152 41158 41164
BOWL Logan Part No. AB1006 AB1007 AB1008 AB1009 AB1010 AB1011 AB1012
Bowen No. 41129 41135 41141 41147 41153 41159 41165
GRAPPLE CARRIER Logan Part No. AB2006 AB2007 AB2008 AB2009 AB2010 AB2011 AB2012
Bowen No. 41131 41137 41143 41149 41155 41161 41167
GRAPPLE Logan Part No. AA3006 AA3007 AA3008 AA3009 AA3010 AA3011 AA3012
Bowen No. 22413 13293 13303 12503 13073 13313 12478
GRAPPLE CONTROL Logan Part No. AA4006 AA4007 AA4008 AA4009 AA4010 AA4011 AA4012
Bowen No. 22414 13294 13304 12504 13074 13314 12479
GUIDE Logan Part No. AB5006 AB5007 AB5008 AB5009 AB5010 AB5011 AB5012
Bowen No. 41130 41136 41142 41148 41154 41160 41166
LEAD SEAL Logan Part No. AA6006 AA6007 AA6008 AA6009 AA6010 AA6011 AA6012
Bowen No. 22416 13296 13306 12506 13076 13316 12481
No. Req’d 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
END SEAL RING Logan Part No. AA7006 AA7007 AA7008 AA7009 AA7010 AA7011 AA7012
Bowen No. 22417 13297 13307 28656 13077 13317 12482
No. Req’d 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
CENTER SEAL RING Logan Part No. AA8006 AA8007 AA8008 AA8009 AA8010 AA8011 AA8012
Bowen No. 22418 13298 13308 12508 13078 13318 12483
PACKER STINGER Logan Part No. AB10006 AB10007 AB10008 AB10009 AB10010 AB10011 AB10012
Bowen No. 41132 41138 41144 41150 41156 41162 41168
STINGER RETAINER Logan Part No. AB11006 AB11007 AB11008 AB11009 AB11010 AB11011 AB11012
Bowen No. 41133 41139 41145 41151 41157 41163 41169
CONTROL SET SCREW Logan Part No. AA9000 AA9000 AA9000 AA9000 AA9000 AA9001 P12003
Bowen No. 12329 12329 12329 12329 12329 12484 12484
No. Req’d 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
BOWL SEAL Logan Part No. 568-262 568-263 568-265 568-267 568-270 568-449 568-450
Bowen No. 30-40 30-41 30-43 30-45 30-48 27-76 27-77
No. Req’d 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Logan Oil Tools reserves the right to change or discontinue designs without notice.

Special Notes:
(1) H2S service, available upon request.

When ordering, please specify:

(1) Name and number of assembly or part
(2) Casing O.D.
(3) Size and type of connection

All references to Bowen® part numbers in this literature are used to
identify interchangeable tools and parts. Reference to such tools and
parts does not imply that Logan Oil Tools is a licensee or is in any
way affiliated with National Oilwell Varco. Logan Oil Tools does not
sell, or offer to sell, National Oilwell Varco (Bowen) products.

“Bowen” is a registered trademark of National Oilwell Varco.

Logan Lead Seal Cementing Casing Patch • 8

Page 8 • Logan Lead Seal Cementing Casing Patch • Manual F645


O.D. CASING 10-3/4 11-3/4 13-3/8

O.D. PATCH 13-5/8 14-3/4 16-5/8
COMPLETE ASSEMBLY Logan Part No. 505-1363 505-1475 505-1663
Bowen No. 41086 41089 41087
TOP SUB Logan Part No. AB12013 AB12014 AB12015
Bowen No. 41170 41176 41185
BOWL Logan Part No. AB1013 AB1014 AB1015
Bowen No. 41171 41177 41182
GRAPPLE CARRIER Logan Part No. AB2013 AB2014 AB2015
Bowen No. 41173 41179 41183
GRAPPLE Logan Part No. AA3013 AA3014 AA3015
Bowen No. 13323 20858 18448
GRAPPLE CONTROL Logan Part No. AA4013 AA4014 AA4015
Bowen No. 13324 20859 18449
GUIDE Logan Part No. AB5013 AB5014 AB5015
Bowen No. 41172 41178 41184
LEAD SEAL Logan Part No. AA6013 AA6014 AA6015
Bowen No. 13326 20861 18451
No. Req’d 2 2 2
END SEAL RING Logan Part No. AA7013 AA7014 AA7015
Bowen No. 13327 20862 18452
No. Req’d 2 2 2
CENTER SEAL RING Logan Part No. AA8013 AA8014 AA8015
Bowen No. 13328 20863 18453
PACKER STINGER Logan Part No. AB10013 AB10014 AB10015
Bowen No. 41174 41180 41186
STINGER RETAINER Logan Part No. AB11013 AB11014 AB11015
Bowen No. 41175 41181 41187
CONTROL SET SCREW Logan Part No. AA9001 AA9001 AA9001
Bowen No. 12484 12484 12484
No. Req’d 2 2 2
BOWL SEAL Logan Part No. 568-455 568-453 568-459
Bowen No. 27-82 27-80 27-86
No. Req’d 2 2 2

Logan Oil Tools reserves the right to change or discontinue designs without notice.

Special Notes:
(1) H2S service, available upon request.

When ordering, please specify:

(1) Name and number of assembly or part
(2) Casing O.D.
(3) Size and type of connection

All references to Bowen® part numbers in this literature are used to
identify interchangeable tools and parts. Reference to such tools and
parts does not imply that Logan Oil Tools is a licensee or is in any
way affiliated with National Oilwell Varco. Logan Oil Tools does not
sell, or offer to sell, National Oilwell Varco (Bowen) products.

“Bowen” is a registered trademark of National Oilwell Varco.

9 • Logan Lead Seal Cementing Casing Patch

Manual F645 • Logan Lead Seal Cementing Casing Patch • Page 9

Logan Lead Seal Cementing Casing Patch • 10

Page 10 • Logan Lead Seal Cementing Casing Patch • Manual F645

 California
3155 Pegasus Drive
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337.839.2331 I Fax 337.839.2334 Logan Oil Tools
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118 Common Court
Edmonton , Alberta T6E 5V8
Houma, LA 70360-7982
780.433.9957 I Fax 780.468.1979
985.868.7333 I Fax 985.868.7007
 Colombia
 North Dakota
Logan Oil Tools Sucursal Colombia
4925 Highway 85 South
Calle 113 No. 7-21
Williston , ND 58801
Edificio Teleport Business Park
701.572.0565 I Fax 701.572.0644
Torre A, Oficina 915
Bogota, Colombia
HEADQUARTERS 424 South Eagle Lane
(57.1 ).629.1995 I Fax (57.1 ).612.8357
Oklahoma City, OK 73128-4225
A Singapore
Logan International Inc. 405.782.0625 I Fax 405.782.0760
Logan Oil Tools Pte Ltd
7850 North Sam Houston Parkway West, 54 Loyang Way
Suite 100  Pennsylvania
Singapore 508747
Houston, Texas 77064 244 Grey Fox Drive, Suite 1
65.65428422 I Fax 65.65420477
+1 832 386 2500 Montoursville , PA 17754-9572
570.546.1066 I Fax 570.546.0388
 United Arab Emirates
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P.O. Box 23724
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Dubai, UAE
361.396.0139 I Fax 361.396.0112
971.4.813.8000 I Fax 971.4.813.8001
11610 Cutten Road
Houston, TX 77066-3008  Woodhouse International
832.602.2134 I Fax 832.286.4117 P.O. Box 23724
Dubai, UAE
11006 Lucerne Street 971.4.347.2300 I Fax 971.4.347.4642
Houston, Texas 77016-1920
281.219.6613 I Fax 281.219.6638  United Kingdom
Logan Oil Tools, U.K. Ltd.
1305 Energy Drive
Unit C1 Kintore Business Park
Kilgore, TX 75662-5539
Kintore, lnverurie
903.984.6700 I Fax 903.984.6755
Aberdeenshire AB51 OYQ
601 McDonald Scotland
Odessa, TX 79761-6106 +44.1467.631190
432.580.7414 I Fax 432.580.7656

 Utah
1369 South 1100 East
Vernal, UT 84078-8600
435.781.2856 I Fax 435.781.2858

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