Implementation of Incremental Models On Development of Web-Based Loan Cooperative Applications
Implementation of Incremental Models On Development of Web-Based Loan Cooperative Applications
Implementation of Incremental Models On Development of Web-Based Loan Cooperative Applications
Andreansyah, A., Rachman, A., & Putri, R., R. (2020). Implementation of Incremental Models on Development of Web-Based
Loan Cooperative Applications. International Journal of Education, Science, Technology and Engineering, 3(1), 26–34.
2020 | International Journal of Education, Science, Technology and Engineering | Vol.3 | Issue No.1 | 26-34
Ahmad Andreansyah, Andy Rachman & Rahmi Rizkiana Putri. Implementation of Incremental Models on Development of Web-Based Loan Cooperative
Applications. International Journal of Education, Science, Technology and Engineering 2020, 3(1): 26-34
DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.ijeste-0301.105
1. Introduction
Work is an activity everyone must do that to support their living needs [1], [2]. In carrying out the
work needed a job to work [2]. The average working person is at the minimum age of 13 to a
maximum of 60 years depending on their individual survival needs [3], [4]. Herizal and Muhammad
Nur, in 2020, explained that humans cannot live alone and must be in society. One form of community
life is work. Work used by humans or workers to fulfill three human needs, primary, secondary and
tertiary needs. In human work requires work performance in the form of awards and awards is very
influential on the actualization of human work. With appreciation also affects the social needs of
workers or humans [5].
Every person who works will receive a wage or salary, giving salary will affect the enthusiasm of
working for an employee. The impact of salaries under the ability of employees, among others
employed equality, employee relations with the company and employee performance will be better [6].
In the payroll employees sometimes have many obstacles, the payroll system that is still manual, this
slows the payroll process. It is necessary to improve the quality of employee payroll management
through implementing Software Engineering. The developing a software project it needs a method or
model of software development [7] because there are separate procedures that performed so that the
software that built has a valuable quality for its users. Speaking of software development models, the
incremental model is one model for developing software [8]. This model based on the merging of the
linear model and prototype and in this model we repeat the process every time it makes the results of
the requirements.
In this Payroll System problems also occur in the XYZ Cooperative, XYZ Cooperative is one of
the nonbank financial institutions engaged in savings and loans XYZ Cooperative has a lot of
employees and other financial institutions, each employee has their respective positions, the salary of
each position also different. So far, XYZ Cooperatives do their employees payroll, starting from
keeping records of each data including recording data of each employee, employee attendance data,
salary data for each employee, and recapitulation of salary output, often for technical errors of
cooperative members in recording employee payroll so often there is a mismatch of money out with
the payroll file that exists because of errors payroll this can cause a long payroll process and can occur
misuse of employee salary funds. Therefore, in the above problem the researcher made a web-based
employee payroll system using an incremental model with this program which would facilitate the
work of the employees in the XYZ Cooperative office in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. The name of
the Savings and Loan Cooperative simulated with another name because of the company's request.
From the background planned, it planned the problem formulation How to develop a web-based
employee payroll system in the XYZ Cooperative using the Incremental model.
Limitation problems regarding the problems above are:
1. This system can record employee data, attendance data, payroll data including deductions and
benefits and can print attendance reports, and print salary reports.
2. This system uses a MySQL database.
3. This system uses the PHP Laravel Framework
4. This system only for XYZ Cooperative employees.
5. This system can only be accessed offline.
The purpose of developing this application is to develop an employee payroll system that facilitates
the work of cooperative members to record employee data, recording employee attendance, and
employee payroll.
2. Literature Review
2.1. Incremental Model
The incremental model is a combination of the linear model (waterfall model) and the iterative
prototype model, in the incremental stage if the first increment still does not match what the user
wants, then the iterative steps performed sequentially so that the system functionality as desired by the
user in this model prioritizes the system requirements that will made so it must done several iterations
in its development so that the functionality is as desired by the user [9]. In the previous research,
Rachman, 2019, had used an incremental model in developing an educational game for fruit and
vitamin introduction. Applications developed by researchers using the incremental model get a value
of application usability of 82%, which means the application built can a learning medium for its users
[10]. Habib A, and Andre Kartika W.H, in 2019 in their research entitled "Development of an Online
Sales Information System for SMEs Using Incremental Model" explained the development of shoe
Ahmad Andreansyah, Andy Rachman & Rahmi Rizkiana Putri. Implementation of Incremental Models on Development of Web-Based Loan Cooperative
Applications. International Journal of Education, Science, Technology and Engineering 2020, 3(1): 26-34
DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.ijeste-0301.105
sales information system applications using the incremental model. In this study, the results show that
the incremental model has helped researchers in developing shoe store sales applications [11].
In the software development process with an incremental model has several very important stages,
The stages in application development with an incremental model show in Figure 1.
The Requirement Stage is the initial requirement stage that researchers used to get the functional
needs of the application being developed. The Design Stage is the application system design stage.
Coding Phase is the development phase based on the results of the design stage. The Testing Phase is
the stage where the program module, class program tested and according to their needs or not, we use
a black box testing model. The Implementation Stage is the implementation phase of the results of
making the whole application.
And to calculate the average satisfaction presentation of a system that has made can use a Likert
scale formula that is summing the results of the maximum score of each answer chosen, for an
explanation of the formula as Equation 1.
3. Method
In this study we carried out five major actions : Survey, Study Literature, Software Development, Test
Demo, and System Assessment. It carried the survey process out at a Savings and Loan Cooperative
(KSP) company in Surabaya. We disguised the name of the cooperative as XYZ. The reason we
disguised the name of the cooperative was because the company was not pleased to name the
company. During the survey we met three people who assisted with the application development
process, say branch managers, cashier staff and paramedics. From this stage we found that during this
time the company carried out a manual recording of payroll, accounting and employee attendance
records. In this way it is very time and energy consuming because the work process can be 7 to 10
working days and requires a top level of accuracy. We did a literature study to get material about
software development models that match the problems we solve. The software development model
that matches our problems is the Increental model. The next process is software creation. Developing
of sofwtare using PHP programming language scripts with the Laravel framework and the MySQL
database. We conducted a demo test with the respondent, Ka. Mantri, Cashier, Staff and Mantri. In this
study, we devide the application into three increments. In the first increment we developed the admin
Ahmad Andreansyah, Andy Rachman & Rahmi Rizkiana Putri. Implementation of Incremental Models on Development of Web-Based Loan Cooperative
Applications. International Journal of Education, Science, Technology and Engineering 2020, 3(1): 26-34
DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.ijeste-0301.105
and cashier staff modules, in the second increment we developed the cashier role module for payroll
data and in the third increment we developed modules for leaders and matrices. The Application
implemented on KSP. To find out the usefulness of the application, we conducted a survey of the
applications we developed based on the usability factor at ISO 9126-3. The survey instruments we
gave to respondents shown in Table 2.
Q1 The flow of using a web-based employee payroll system is easy to understand.
Q2 Payroll system features and menus are easy to understand.
Q3 Information on report data is easy to understand
Q4 The using of employee payroll systems easiy to learned.
Q5 The using of features in the payroll system is easy to learn.
Q6 Features The features of the employee payroll system are easy to operate.
Q7 Interested in using the employee payroll system.
Q8 The flow of the use of the system easy to understand, so interested in using the system.
I can understand the features available in the payroll system until interested in using the
Usability Compliance
Q10 Display Employee payroll system is appropriate.
Features Existing features in the employee payroll system are under the wishes of the
Information Data Reports and employee payroll calculations are under the wishes of the
Q = Question
Ahmad Andreansyah, Andy Rachman & Rahmi Rizkiana Putri. Implementation of Incremental Models on Development of Web-Based Loan Cooperative
Applications. International Journal of Education, Science, Technology and Engineering 2020, 3(1): 26-34
DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.ijeste-0301.105
4.2. Discussion
ISO 9126 is a standard that is still workable to used to test the quality of software, even though ISO
9126 has improved and developed to ISO 25010. Based on products that exist and surveyed to the user
and with honesty in filling in existing surveys, ISO 9126 can find out the quality of the software. Some
researchers have also used ISO 9126 as a standard in knowing the quality of software. Rochmani M, et
al., in 2015 in his research entitled "Evaluating Academic Websites Using ISO / IEC 9126" explained
the use of ISO / IEC 9126 in evaluating the academic web of Telkom universities. Researchers use the
functionality, reliability, usability, and efficiency factors. From its research, the results show that in
terms of validity and reliability found errors or unreliable it needs retested on the academic website of
the telecommunications university [20]. Lailela S.N. and Kusumadiarti R.S, in 2018, in her research
entitled "Measurement of SISFO_NILAI Application Software Quality in PIKSI Ganesha Polytechnic
Based on ISO 9126" explained about the use of ISO 9126 to determine the quality of SISFO_NILAI
software. From this activity the researchers used all the factors that existed at ISO 9126 and got an
average value of 69.97%, it means SISFO_NILAI application was "GOOD" [21]. Al-Nawaiseh A.J., et
al., 2020 in his research entitled "A New Software Quality Model for Academic Information Systems"
Case Study E-Learning System "" explained about a new model in evaluating the quality of academic
information system software. Researchers use ISO 9126 as a rationale in developing alternative
models to determine the quality of academic information system software. Researchers combine fuzzy
and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) in decision making [22].
The incremental model is one of the software development models still used because of the ease of
use and the resulting product can already known at the first increment. Faisal Prasetya Pangestu, et al.,
in 2016, in his research using an incremental model in developing an executive information system
application to monitor electrical substations in the city of Bandung. In this study, the researchers
Ahmad Andreansyah, Andy Rachman & Rahmi Rizkiana Putri. Implementation of Incremental Models on Development of Web-Based Loan Cooperative
Applications. International Journal of Education, Science, Technology and Engineering 2020, 3(1): 26-34
DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.ijeste-0301.105
developed an android application with Geographical Information Systems (GIS) technology features
[23]. Sofida K. N and Efy Y, in 2017, in their research developed multimedia 3x3 and 4x4 matrix
inverse calculation applications. Researchers use incremental models in developing applications. The
researcher focuses on the learning material available in the Linear Algebra course, where while
learning to exist applications cannot run on other computer devices, only certain computer devices.
They built the application using Visual Studio 2010 [24]. Gowtham V, et al., 2020, in his research
discussed software development models that always develop as needed. The researcher discusses three
software development models used by application developers, waterfall, incremental, and spiral
models. Of these three models, incremental and spiral models are software development models that
always develop because of their nature [25].
Suhar Janti, et al., in 2020, in his research developed a campaign application called Indonesia
Generous as a rapid response using the prototype model. In this study, researchers have been able to
develop web-based applications and campaign media. Here visitors can also make donations when
visiting the Generous Indonesia website [26]. Irfan M and Deny T.E. Y, in 2018, in their research
developed the application for credit applications at BRI bank Colonel Sugiono's unit. Researchers use
the agile (scrum) model in application development. Agile model (fast) is a software development
model that emphasizes the nature or speed features in software development [27]. Jatinderkumar R.S.
and Vikas S.C., in 2020 in their research, trying to calculate the efforts of students in developing
software projects. Here the researchers used COCOMO II to determine the efforts of students in
developing software projects. Researchers find that there are still many students who have failed in
developing software under the time limit given [28]. Bayu Dwi J, et al., in 2020, in his research
developing an e-commerce application booking event organizer services using extreme programming
models. The researcher uses ISO 9126 functionality factor to find out if the application function is
running well and usability factor to determine the usefulness of the application. From the functionality
side the application gets a value of 100% and the usability side gets 85.98% [29].
5. Conclusions
From previous studies i found it that in the development of a software model it is necessary to develop
software as a framework for developing software so that researchers do not get out of the realm and
desired research path. Using ISO-9126 or other measuring instruments that can determine the success
of a software, both in terms of usability, function, efficiency or from other parts is very necessary and
considered. Technology that supports a software that relates also to the condition of the user and the
intended community will determine the success and success of a software.
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Ahmad Andreansyah, Andy Rachman & Rahmi Rizkiana Putri. Implementation of Incremental Models on Development of Web-Based Loan Cooperative
Applications. International Journal of Education, Science, Technology and Engineering 2020, 3(1): 26-34
DOI: 10.36079/lamintang.ijeste-0301.105