Affidavit of Loss: Affiant
Affidavit of Loss: Affiant
Affidavit of Loss: Affiant
I, ZEO ANTON CORREO CANDIA, of legal age and residing at Zone 2 Dons St.,
Dayangdang, Naga City, under oath, state:
1. THAT on 21 July 2020 at Naga City People’s Mall while I was about to ride my car, my
wallet together with my car key, was grabbed suddenly leaving me without defense;
2. THAT my wallet contained my schoold ID, my Driver’s License, my debit and credit
cards and some money bills;
3. THAT I exerted diligent efforts to locate the suspect who grabbed my wallet but to no
avail and I therefore considered the same as lost and can no longer be found;
4. THAT I am executing this Affidavit to attest to the truth of the foregoing facts and to use
the same for whatever legal purpose it may serve.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here unto set my hand this 23rd day of July, 2020 at Naga City,
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 23rd day of July, 2020 at Naga City, Philippines.
Affiant exhibiting to me his Philippine Passport ID No. PQ1245787A.
Notary Public