2018 WasteManagement Volume 79 September
2018 WasteManagement Volume 79 September
2018 WasteManagement Volume 79 September
Waste Management
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/wasman
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In this paper, a sustainable process to recover valuable metals from spent lithium ion batteries (LIBs) in
Received 16 April 2018 sulfuric acid using ammonium chloride as reductant was proposed and studied. Being easily reused,
Revised 3 August 2018 ammonium chloride is found to be efficient and posing minor environmental impacts during the overall
Accepted 12 August 2018
process. By investigating the effects of a wide range of parameters, e.g., H2SO4 concentration, NH4Cl con-
Available online 24 August 2018
centration, temperature, leaching time, and solid-to-liquid mass ratio, the leaching behaviour of Li, Ni, Co,
and Mn was systematically investigated. And the leaching mechanism and kinetics were determined by
mineralogically characterization of residues at various reaction times and by fitting using different
Spent lithium ion batteries
Valuable metals
kinetic models. With this research, it is possible to provide a win-win solution to improve the recycling
Sulphuric acid effectiveness of spent LIBs by using waste salt that is easily reused as the reductant.
Ammonium chloride Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0956-053X/Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
546 W. Lv et al. / Waste Management 79 (2018) 545–553
For example, the commercial anthraquinone oxidation (AO) pro- 30000
cess for producing H2O2 generates substantial organic by-product
wastes, which are necessary to remove. The separation of product 25000
from these waste organics requires high investment in equipment
and high temperature (Campos-Martin et al., 2006). 20000
Fortunately, no reductant is needed when leaching with HCl,
this is because that the NCM could be reduced by Cl in this system 15000
(018) (110)
(006) (102)
(Takacova et al., 2016). Barik et al. (2016) used HCl as leaching
reagent to recover valuable metals from spent cathode, and over 10000
99% of Li, Co, and Mn in the cathode were extracted into the solu-
tion. Wang et al. used HCl as leaching reagent with 99% of Li, Ni, Co, 5000
and Mn leached from the mixture contained spent LiCoO2, LiMn2-
O4, and NCM cathode materials (Wang et al., 2009). However, 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
when using HCl barely as the leaching reagent, the volatility and
corrosion of HCl with concentration of 2–4 M should not be
ignored. Fig. 1. XRD patterns of cathode materials.
Therefore, to achieve a similar reaction performance, chloride
components, like ammonium chloride, sodium chloride, could be
introduced into non-HCl acidic systems as a reductant, without grade from Alfa Aesar Chemical Co. Ltd and all solutions were pre-
causing the above-mentioned volatility and corrosive problems. pared with ultrapure water (Milli-pore Milli-Q).
Besides, it was reported that more than 2.4 million m3 waste water
containing ammonium chloride was discharged in China in 2013 2.2. Leaching of cathode scraps
(Li et al., 2016), and a lot of waste NH4Cl water produced in extract-
ing cobalt production need to be solved through concentration and The leaching experiments were carried out in a 250 mL round-
crystallization (Guideline on Available Technologies of Pollution bottom flask, equipped with condensing unit to reduce the influ-
Prevention and Control for Cobalt Smelting Industry (on Trial), ence from evaporation, magnetic stirrer, and a sensor based tem-
2015, Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People’s Repub- perature controller (DF-101SZ, Gongyi, Yuhua Equipment Co.,
lic of China). If the waste ammonium chloride can be reused in Ltd). A given mass of scraps was added to a 100 mL solution con-
industrial production, it will reduce environment pollution and taining sulphuric acid and the reductant. The residue was dried
increase profit. at 80 °C in a drying cabinet (DHG-9070A, Shanghai Yiheng Equip-
In this paper, ammonium chloride was adopted as a new reduc- ment Co., Ltd). To investigate the leaching kinetics, 0.5 mL of liquid
tant to achieve high leaching efficiencies of Ni, Co, Mn, and Li from sample was taken out from the leachate at a certain reaction time,
the spent cathode materials in the sulfuric acid. The effect of leach- to get the local leaching efficiency of each metal. The leaching effi-
ing agent concentrations, reductant concentrations, solid-to-liquid ciencies of metals from the cathode scraps were determined as
mass ratio (S/L mass ratio), temperature, and leaching time on the follows:
leaching efficiencies of various valuable metals were systemati- x ¼ C M;t V=mM 100% ð1Þ
cally investigated. Then the leaching mechanism and kinetics were
determined by mineralogically characterization of residues at var- where x (%) is the leaching efficiency of metal M (M = Co, Ni, Mn, Li),
ious reaction times and by fitting using the unreacted contraction CM,t (g/L) is the concentration of M ions in the leachate, mM is the
nuclear model. On one hand, the ammonium chloride is a stable mass of M in the initial scraps, and V (L) is the volume of the
(easy to transport and store) and cheap reductant corresponding leachate.
to the H2O2. It can be obtained from factory waste, which has a
huge stock and is urgent to be disposed. Therefore, this is a win- 2.3. Characterization
win solution. On the other hand, the recycling of chlorine during
the leaching procedure was also proposed. Although, there is still The cathode scrap was characterized by X-ray diffraction
a lot of work need to be done on this technology, it has great poten- (X’pert PRO, PANalytical) with Cu Ka radiation and the data was
tial to be applied in the future. collected from 5 to 90°. The concentrations of Li, Ni, Co, and Mn
ions in leachate were analysed by ICP-OES (iCAP 6300 Radial,
Thermo Scientific). The morphology and the surface composition
of scrap were characterized using a mineral liberation analyzer
2. Material and methods (MLA 250, FEI) equipped with an energy dispersive spectrometer
(EDS, EDAX GenesisSiLi) and a scanning electron microscope
2.1. Materials and reagents (SEM, Quanta 250).
The cathode scraps were supplied by a local spent LIBs recycling 3. Results and discussion
company (Ganzhou highpower technology Co., Ltd) in China. A
complete dissolution of cathode scrap was carried out in aqua regia 3.1. Leaching metals from spent LIBs
to determine the chemical composition using ICP-OES (iCAP 6300
Radial, Thermo Scientific). The contents of Li, Co, Ni and Mn in The reaction between NCM cathode scraps and H2SO4 in the
scrap were 6.15%, 10.70%, 26.08%, and 14.58%, respectively. The absence of reductant like NH4Cl was described as Eq. (2). The cal-
XRD patterns of the cathode scrap shown that Li(Ni0.5Co0.2Mn0.3) culation demonstrates that the reaction is thermodynamically fea-
O2 is the major phase (Fig. 1). Sulfuric acid was used as the leaching sible. For the absence of the Gibbs free energy of NCM, the data of
reagent with ammonium chloride used as the reductant. All chem- LiCoO2, LiNiO2 and LiMnO2 (Yokokawa et al., 1998) were used to
ical reagents (H2SO4, HCl, HNO3, NH4Cl, NaOH) were of analytical calculate a possible range of DGh298K (Eq. (2)). The Eqs. (3)–(6)
W. Lv et al. / Waste Management 79 (2018) 545–553 547
describe the reaction between cathode scraps and acid with NH4Cl. 100
Though the calculated values of DGh298K are negative, the leaching
speed of different metals all have a low value, which can be attrib-
uted to the influence of kinetics, system complexity, side effect, etc. 80
2Li(Ni0:5 Co0:2 Mn0:3 )O2 +3H2 SO4 !Li2 SO4 +0.4CoSO4 +NiSO4 60
+0.6MnSO4 +3H2 O+0.5O2 " DG298 K h =424.001 KJ/mol
2LiCoO2 +4H2 SO4 +2NH4 Cl!2CoSO4 +Li2 SO4 +(NH4 )2 SO4 +Cl2 " 40
þ4H2 O DG298 K =300.246 KJ/mol ð3Þ Li
20 Co
2LiMnO2 +4H2 SO4 +2NH4 Cl!Li2 SO4 +2MnSO4 +Cl2 " Mn
+4H2 O+(NH4 )2 SO4 DG298 K h =309.724 KJ/mol
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
2LiNiO2 +4H2 SO4 +2NH4 Cl!2NiSO4 +Li2 SO4
ð5Þ H2SO4 concentration (mol/L)
+(NH4 )2 SO4 +4H2 O+Cl2 " DG298 K h =491.164 KJ/mol
Fig. 2. Effect of H2SO4 concentration on the leaching efficiencies of metals (NH4Cl
2Li(Ni0:5 Co0:2 Mn0:3 )O2 +4H2 SO4 +2NH4 Cl!Li2 SO4 +NiSO4 concentrarion: 0.8 mol/L, temperature: 353 K, agitation speed: 400 rpm, S/L mass
+0.4CoSO4 +0.6MnSO4 +4H2 O+(NH4 )2 SO4 +Cl" DG298 K h =398.548 KJ/mol ration: 100 g/L and reaction time: 60 min).
The reaction of charge from ClO to Cl could also be achieved
(Belluati et al., 2007). Therefore, NH4Cl is chosen as an excellent
reductant in the following experiments to reduce the usage of 60
reductant and enhance the profile. Previous studies have found
that the concentration of H2SO4 and NH4Cl played the key role in
the leaching process corresponding to other conditions (Chen 40
et al., 2018; Yang et al., 2018). The agitation speed (400–800 Li
rpm) showed no obvious effect on leaching efficiencies (He et al., Ni
2017). Meanwhile, a large solid-to-liquid like 100 g/L is considered 20 Co
to obtain a high throughput. Therefore, the order of conditions to Mn
be researched is the sulfuric acid concentration, the ammonium
chloride concentration, the temperature, the leaching time and 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
the solid-to-liquid.
NH4Cl concentration (mol/L)
3.1.1. Effect of acid concentration
Fig. 3. Effect of NH4Cl concentration on the leaching efficiencies of metals (H2SO4
The effect of sulphuric acid concentration on the leaching effi- concentrarion: 2.5 mol/L, temperature: 353 K, agitation speed: 400 rpm, S/L mass
ciencies of Ni, Co, Mn and Li was studied in the concentration range ration: 100 g/L and reaction time: 60 min).
of 0–3 mol/L, with the results presented in Fig. 2. The experiments
were carried out with S/L mass ratio of 100 g/L, reaction tempera-
ture of 353 K, reaction time of 60 min, agitation speed of 400 rpm, increase with the addition of NH4Cl. This increase tendency should
and NH4Cl concentration of 0.8 mol/L. The result in Fig. 2 show that be ascribable to the reducibility of Cl in this system. As NH4Cl as a
the leaching efficiencies of Co, Ni, Mn and Li increase sharply with reductant helps to dissolve cobalt and nickel in LiNi0.5Co0.2Mn0.3O2,
increasing sulphuric acid concentration from 0 to 2.5 mol/L and the dissolution of manganese is at the same time promoted, for the
then a platform appears when the sulphuric acid concentration whole crystal structure is destroyed with breaking down chemical
increase further from 2.5 to 3.0 mol/L. In the correspondence of bonds between metal atoms and oxygen atom. Hence, in consider-
kinetics law, an increase in the H2SO4 concentration enhances ation of the cost and efficiency, 0.8 mol/L NH4Cl can be taken as the
the leaching rate. In consideration of the cost and efficiency, all fur- optimum value for the further experiments.
ther experiments were carried out using 2.5 mol/L sulphuric acid.
3.1.3. Effect of reaction temperature
3.1.2. Effect of reductant amount Temperature is usually a main factor that would influence the
With the addition of ammonia chloride, the leaching reaction of chemical reactions on both thermodynamic and kinetic aspects.
cathode scrap with sulphuric acid is described in Eq. (6). To inves- The effect of temperature was investigated in the range of 293–
tigate the effect of NH4Cl concentration on the leaching of different 353 K with all other conditions maintained unchanged (reaction
valuable metals from cathode scraps, the experiments were carried time 60 min, H2SO4 concentration 2.5 mol/L, NH4Cl concentration
out under the conditions as follows: NH4Cl concentrations ranging 0.8 mol/L, agitation speed 400 rpm and S/L mass ration 100 g/L).
from 0 to 1.2 mol/L, H2SO4 concentration of 2.5 mol/L, S/L mass Fig. 4 shows that the leaching efficiencies of valuable metals over
ratio of 100 g/L, leaching temperature of 353 K, agitation speed of leaching temperatures. It can be observed that the leaching effi-
400 rpm and reaction time of 60 min. Results presented in Fig. 3 ciencies of valuable metals are all significantly enhanced with
clearly indicate that the leaching efficiencies of valuable metals increasing temperature from 293 to 353 K. Because, there is a
548 W. Lv et al. / Waste Management 79 (2018) 545–553
100 leaching process. It can also be observed that almost all metals
are removed from scrap to leachate, after leaching for 60 min. This
90 might could because of the fact that the amounts of H+ and Cl in
the solution are sufficient in the initial stage of the leaching pro-
Leaching effciency (%)
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 6. SEM images residues after leaching for (a) 0 min; (b) 10 min; (c) 60 min; (d) 120 min.
1 ð1 xÞ2=3 ¼ k2 t ð9Þ
where x is the leaching efficiency, k1, k2 and k3 (min1) are the reac-
tion rate constants and t (min) is reaction time. Table 1 summarized
60 the fitting results by using the above three equations. It was found
that the chemical reaction control model exhibits the best fitting in
comparison with the other models.
The apparent activation energy is calculated through the empir-
ical Arrhenius law (Eq. (11)) and the data of the reaction rate con-
20 Co stant and temperature obtained from Eq. (8).
k ¼ AexpðEa =RT Þ ð11Þ
0 In Eq. (11), k is the apparent constant of different model, A is the
70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160
frequency factors, T is the temperature, R is the gas constant
S/L mass ratio (g/L)
(8.314 J K1 mol1) and Ea is the apparent activation energy. For
Fig. 7. Effect of S/L mass ratio on leaching of metal from NCM (523) scraps (H2SO4 the easiness of calculation, the Eq. (10) is further converted into
concentration: 2.5 mol/L, NH4Cl concentration: 0.8 mol/L, temperature: 353 K, Eq. (12).
agitation speed: 400 rpm, and reaction time: 60 min).
ln k ¼ ln A Ea =RT ð12Þ
The relevant data about the plots of 1(1 x) = kt at different
three to five minutes. The kinetic models including chemical reac- temperature were calculated using Eqs. (8) and (12). The plots of
tion control (Eq. (8)), internal diffusion control model (Eq. (9)) and lnk vs 1/T of Li, Ni, Co and Mn (Fig. 9) illustrate that the
external diffusion model (Eq. (10)) are presented as: apparent activation energies for Li, Ni, Co and Mn are 27.50 kJ/mol,
23.52 kJ/mol, 22.91 kJ/mol, and 24.12 kJ/mol, respectively. Further-
1 ð1 xÞ1=3 ¼ k1 t ð8Þ more, the chemical reaction control also illustrates the effect of
550 W. Lv et al. / Waste Management 79 (2018) 545–553
(a) Li(Ni0.5Co0.2Mn0.3)O2
0 20 40 60 80 16 18 20 22 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 5055
5 60 6
65 70 75
2 CuK (Deg.) CuK (Deg.) CuK (Deg.)
Fig. 8. (a) The X-ray powder diffraction patterns of leaching residue and (b) the mechanism of H2SO4 leaching process with NH4Cl.
waste source management are often needed to be researched as
Ni well. Certainly, the topic of how hazards can be treated from waste
Co LIBs have arose attentions from governmental agencies and organi-
-1.5 RLi2=0.997
Mn zations. Many efforts have been made to manage spent LIBs in
parts of the world such as the European Union (EU), the United
states, Japan, China, etc. However, under the current condition,
-2.0 RNi2=0.996
the composition of waste LIBs is still complex increasing the diffi-
Table 1
The data of kinetic parameters during the leaching process with NH4Cl calculated using three models (Chemical control model, external diffusion model and internal diffusion
T (k) Li Co Ni Mn
k (min1) R2 k (min1) R2 k (min1) R2 k (min1) R2
Chemical reaction control
303 0.062 0.983 0.050 0.978 0.051 0.978 0.050 0.979
313 0.088 0.998 0.062 0.995 0.064 0.996 0.065 0.997
323 0.175 0.973 0.108 0.960 0.118 0.973 0.120 0.977
353 0.285 0.980 0.179 0.985 0.186 0.982 0.190 0.988
Internal diffusion control
303 0.010 0.850 0.007 0.749 0.006 0.852 0.007 0.850
313 0.019 0.921 0.011 0.923 0.010 0.932 0.011 0.919
323 0.048 0.985 0.024 0.982 0.021 0.989 0.025 0.980
353 0.084 0.981 0.040 0.963 0.038 0.968 0.042 0.959
External reaction control
303 0.113 0.987 0.095 0.981 0.094 0.9801 0.093 0.982
313 0.152 0.993 0.116 0.993 0.112 0.9891 0.117 0.994
323 0.288 0.949 0.208 0.958 0.192 0.945 0.211 0.962
353 0.456 0.950 0.323 0.971 0.313 0.967 0.330 0.975
extract pure products (Yang et al., 2017). Therefore, as the source lation of sulphate in solution needs to be considered for the com-
of waste LIBs, the public has to duty to sort the waste at first before mon ion effect, which will reduce the solubility of valuable metal
transporting out from their neighbourhood, this tends to help firms ions in solution. As a traditional technology, Ca(OH)2 is used to
to better classify them before feeding wastes into next stage. This removed SO2- 4 from raffinate. After that, the reductant will be
can be very essential to help bring up the extraction efficiency of reused. Fig. 10(b) shows the possible process of chlorine circulation
valuable metals and to reduce the complexity of technology. in this leaching process. The chlorine circulation mainly depends
on the self-circulation of Cl among Cl, Cl2, and HClO. Of course,
3.4. A preliminary discussion for reusing of reductant NH4Cl a little part of Cl2 also needs to be absorbed by alkaline solution,
like ammonium hydroxide.
A flowchart of the whole technology was given in Fig. 10(a). In To further identify the potential of the reusing of Cl, NaOH is
this technology, the waste solution will contain high concentration used to separate Ni, Co and Mn from leachate. After that, the con-
of Cl, which can be reused as leaching reagent with addition of centration of Cl in different liquid have also been analyzed
certain amount of H2SO4. Firstly, the valuable metals are leached through ion chromatography. The result is shown in Table 2, which
out from cathode scrap. After that, the raffinate containing Cl is
obtained from solvent extraction. In the end, the solution from sol-
Table 2
vent extraction will be purified and regenerated by using Ca(OH)2 The amount of Cl in liquid in different process.
to remove the redundant sulphate. Meanwhile, the common
Liquid Cl (g)
extractants to separate Co and Ni are usually used in a chloride sys-
tem, like the leachate from HCl leaching and the exist of Cl can Before leaching (100 mL) 2.871
After leaching (100 mL) 2.726
also promote the extraction of metal ions (Torkaman et al.,
After precipitation (120 mL) 2.367
2017). Therefore, the existence of Cl will not have a negative
influence on the separation and purification process. The accumu-
Fig. 10. (a) Schematic diagram of the process to sustainably use Cl as reductant in the leaching system, (b) schematic diagram of reaction mechanism of the sustainable
utilize of Cl.
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