This document provides information about various celestial bodies like planets, stars, and comets that are closest to Earth and the Sun. It also includes brief facts about surface tension, methods for artificial rainmaking, common acids and their sources, elements, inventors of periodic table, and diseases. Key dates related to independence of nations, appointments in the United Nations, and historical battles are also listed along with the function of scientific instruments like galvanometer, voltmeter and ammeter.
This document provides information about various celestial bodies like planets, stars, and comets that are closest to Earth and the Sun. It also includes brief facts about surface tension, methods for artificial rainmaking, common acids and their sources, elements, inventors of periodic table, and diseases. Key dates related to independence of nations, appointments in the United Nations, and historical battles are also listed along with the function of scientific instruments like galvanometer, voltmeter and ammeter.
This document provides information about various celestial bodies like planets, stars, and comets that are closest to Earth and the Sun. It also includes brief facts about surface tension, methods for artificial rainmaking, common acids and their sources, elements, inventors of periodic table, and diseases. Key dates related to independence of nations, appointments in the United Nations, and historical battles are also listed along with the function of scientific instruments like galvanometer, voltmeter and ammeter.
This document provides information about various celestial bodies like planets, stars, and comets that are closest to Earth and the Sun. It also includes brief facts about surface tension, methods for artificial rainmaking, common acids and their sources, elements, inventors of periodic table, and diseases. Key dates related to independence of nations, appointments in the United Nations, and historical battles are also listed along with the function of scientific instruments like galvanometer, voltmeter and ammeter.
• Venus 382. which planet is nearest to the sun • mercury 383. which star is nearest to the sun • Alpha Centauri 384. which star is nearest to the earth • Proxima Centauri 385. brightest planet • VENUS 386. brightest star • Sirius (Dog Star) 387. why is the drop of liquid spherical • surface tension To Join With us on Telegram Channel-Click Here 388. Which is used to produce artificial rain? • silver iodide 389. The term PVC used in the plastic industry stands for • polyvinyl chloride 390. The acid present in lemon is • citric acid 391. Oil of vitriol is • sulfuric acid 392. Bauxite is an ore of • Aluminium 393. Periodic table was given by • Mendeleev 394. This disease caused by a deficiency of protein • Kwashiorkor 395. The number of Union Territories in India is •7 396. The maximum duration for which the President’s office can remain vacant is • 6 months 397. Shakyamuni is another name of • Gautama Buddha To Join With us on Telegram Channel-Click Here 398. The first secretary-general of the United Nations was • Trygve Lie 399. The highest producer of milk in the world is • India 400. The first woman chief justice of the high court of India was • Leila Seth 401. The Battle of Waterloo was fought in the year • 1815 402. In which year America got independence • 1776 403. Who is known as the Artist of the world-famous painting 'Mona Lisa' • Leonardo da Vinci 978. What is the function of Galvanometer? To Join With us on Telegram Channel-Click Here • Used for measuring Current 979. Voltmeter is connected in which configuration in the circuit? • Parallel to the circuit 980. Ammeter is connected in which configuration? • Series83. When is Labour day is celebrated? • 1 May 84. Best source of Vitamin C? • Amla 85. ELISA test is related to • AIDS