5 курс Тема 12. (English translation)
5 курс Тема 12. (English translation)
5 курс Тема 12. (English translation)
Medical University”
Department Chairman
Yakubova І. І.
As of August « 28 » 2019.
Methodical guideline has been developed by the Associate Professor
of the Department of Children Dental Therapy Kochyn O.V.
Discussed and approved at the department meeting of children dental therapy
August 28 2019 (protocol №1)
In case of mild form, aphthae relapses (individual) are occurred once every
few years.
In case of moderate form, aphthae relapses are occurred 1-3 times a year.
Severe forms are characterized by individual or multiple rashes, which are
located both in the anterior parts of the oral cavity and in the mucous membrane of
the hard and soft palate. Relapses occur more frequently 4 times a year, sometimes
occurring continuously. In severe cases, aphtha becomes a painful ulcer with high
edges, localized in association with inflammatory infiltrate (Setton aphtha). An
individual form of ulcer is Behçet's syndrome, which is manifested by occurrence of
ulcers of the oral, eyes, genitals mucosa. It differs from common aphthae in depth of
the mucosa lesion, in some patients, nervous system, skin and internal organs’ lesions
are observed.
Chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis should be differentiated from:
Acute herpetic stomatitis
Chronic recurrent herpes
Permanent injury to the oral cavity mucosa
Treatment: examination of a child by the dentist is performed simultaneously with a
pediatrician (or other related specialists - a gastroenterologist, allergist,
immunologist, ENT specialist). Identification and sanitation of chronic infection
lesions, treatment of concomitant diseases, immunobiological reactivity increase of
the body, treatment of local manifestations of the disease.
The purpose of local treatment is to relieve pain, prevent secondary infection of the
aphthae, and epithelialization process acceleration. To anesthetize the elements of the
lesions, oil emulsions containing Anaesthesinum, analgesic gels are used. To prevent
secondary infection of the aphthae, it is necessary to carry out daily hygienic
treatment of the oral cavity, mouth washing 3-4 times a day with antiseptic
solutions(0.1-0.5% Ethonium solution, Rotocanum solution, decoctions and herbal
tincture - chamomile, sage, gum tree (especially after meal) To clean the aphthae
surface and improve metabolic processes, it is advisable to use enzyme preparations
(Terrlityn, Trypsinum, Chymotrypsin, Chymopsinum). To accelerate epithelialization
processes of the lesion elements, keratoplastic remedies - vegetable oil, liposoluble
vitamins, Propolis ointment, and Trimethazole aerosol.