Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Pediatric Odontology. An Update

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Clinical Dentistry Antibiotic prophylaxis in pediatric odontology

Antibiotic prophylaxis in pediatric odontology. An update

Paloma Planells del Pozo 1, Mª José Barra Soto 2, Eva Santa Eulalia Troisfontaines 3

(1) Assistant Professor. Department of Stomatology IV. Madrid Complutense University. Madrid, Spain
(2) Degree in Dental Surgery
(3) Degree in Dental Surgery. Master in Pediatric Odontology. Madrid Complutense University. Madrid, Spain

Dra. Paloma Planells del Pozo
C/ Rodriguez Marín nº 71 - Bajo Derecha.
28016 Madrid
E-mail:[email protected]

Planells-del Pozo P, Barra-Soto MJ, Santa Eulalia-Troisfontaines E.

Antibiotic prophylaxis in pediatric odontology. An update. Med Oral
Received: 22-12-2005 Patol Oral Cir Bucal 2006;11:E352-7.
© Medicina Oral S. L. C.I.F. B 96689336 - ISSN 1698-6946
Accepted: 26-03-2006

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Most orofacial infections are of odontogenic origin, and are of a self-limiting nature, characterized by spontaneous
drainage. The causal bacteria are generally saprophytes. On the other hand, invasive dental interventions give rise to
transient bacteremia.
When an oral lesion is contaminated by extrinsic bacteria, the required antibiotic treatment should be provided as soon
as possible. In the case of pulpitis, such treatment is usually not indicated if the infection only reaches the pulp tissue
or the immediately adjacent tissues. In the event of dental avulsion, local antibiotic application is advised, in addition
to the provision of systemic antibiotics.
The dental professional must know the severity of the infection and the general condition of the child in order to decide
referral to a medical center.
Prophylaxis is required in all immunocompromised patients, as well as in individuals with cardiac problems associated
with endocarditis, vascular catheters or prostheses.
Penicillin V associated to clavulanic acid and administered via the oral route is known to be effective against odontogenic
infections. In the case of allergies to penicillin, an alternative drug is clindamycin. Most acute infections are resolved
within 3-7 days.
In recent years, the tendency is to reduce general antibiotic use for preventive or therapeutic purposes.

Key words: Antibiotics, antibiotherapy, pediatric odontology, pediatric patient, infection, antibiotic prophylaxis.

La mayoría de las infecciones orofaciales tienen un origen odontogénico, son autolimitantes y drenan espontáneamen-
te. Las bacterias que causan estas infecciones son generalmente saprofitas. Además los procedimientos odontológicos
invasivos dan lugar a una bacteriemia transitoria.
Cuando una lesión oral se contamina por una bacteria extrínseca deben administrarse la pauta antibiótica indicada,
tan pronto como sea posible. En caso de pulpitis no suele estar indicado si la infección alcanza sólo al tejido pulpar o
los tejidos inmediatamente adyacentes. En caso de dientes avulsionados, se aplicará antibiótico local junto con la admi-
nistración de antibióticos sistémicos.
El profesional debe conocer la severidad de la infección y el estado general del niño para considerar derivarlo al centro
En los pacientes cuyo sistema inmune está comprometido debe realizarse profilaxis siempre. Así como en los pacientes

© Medicina Oral S.L. Email: [email protected]
Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 2006;11:E352-7. � Antibiotic prophylaxis in pediatric odontology

con problemas cardiacos asociados con endocarditis o catéteres vasculares o dispositivos protésicos.
Los antibióticos administrados oralmente, efectivos ante infecciones odontogénicas es la Penicilina V asociada al ácido
clavulánico. En caso de alergias, una alternativa, es la clindamicina. La mayoría de las infecciones agudas se resuelven
en 3-7 días.
En los últimos años, se tiende a reducir el uso general de antibióticos con propósitos preventivos o terapéuticos.

Palabras clave: Antibióticos, antibioterapia, odontopediatría, paciente infantil, infección, profilaxis antibiótica.

A series of differential characteristics should be explained The level of oral hygiene exerts a considerable influence
in relation to antibiotic treatment in children: upon the levels of bacteremia. For this reason, optimum
- Young children tend to lack medical antecedents suggesting oral hygiene could be the most important factor for preven-
the possibility of drug allergies or adverse reactions. ting complications as a result of bacteremia – even more
- The greater proportion of water in the tissues of children, than any antibiotic treatment regimen, according to some
and their increased bone sponginess, facilitate faster diffu- authors (5).
sion of infection. On the other hand, such patients require Simple dental extractions are associated with bacteremia in
adequate dose adjustment of the prescribed medication. 40-50% of cases (3). The highest bacteremia levels are recor-
- The deficient oral hygiene found in most children, and the ded after intraligamentous injections in procedures carried
consumption of sugar-rich foods, contribute to increase the out under local anesthesia (96.6% of children) (6).
presence of germs in the mouth – thereby increasing the risk Tooth trauma is a risk factor for oral infection, particularly
of bacteremia following oral treatments. in the presence of direct pulp exposure and/or alteration of
- In pediatric and in ear, nose and throat clinical practice, the periodontal space. The possibilities of infection increase
children from a very early age are known to develop infections when trauma to the hard dental or supporting tissues is in turn
that affect Waldeyer’s lymphatic ring. Consequent prolonged associated to open skin or mucosal membrane wounds.
antibiotic treatment – sometimes unwarranted or due to self - Microbiology of odontogenic infections
medication - is an etiological factor underlying numerous The bacteria that cause odontogenic infections are generally
situations of bacterial resistance to the antibiotics used in saprophytes. The microbiology in this sense is varied, and
children in Spain, with clear differentiation from the situation multiple microorganisms with different characteristics can
found in adults. This must be taken into consideration before be involved (7,8). Anaerobes and aerobes are usually present.
prescribing antibiotics in children. In case of doubt, the den- In this sense, numerous aerobic species cause odontogenic
tal professional should consult the pediatrician or specialist infections – the most common being streptococci (9).
habitually in charge of the care of the child. In the course of dental caries, the bacteria that penetrate
the dentinal tubules are mainly facultative anaerobes (i.e.,
ETIOPATHOGENESIS streptococci, staphylococci and lactobacilli). When the pulp
- Etiology of odontogenic infections in children tissue suffers necrosis, the bacteria advance through the pulp
Most orofacial infections are of odontogenic origin, and are canal, and the process evolves towards periapical inflamma-
of a self-limiting nature, characterized by spontaneous dra- tion – with a predominance of Prevotella, Porphyromonas,
inage. Treatment is based on two principles: elimination of Fusobacterium and Peptostreptococci (10,11).
the underlying cause, and local drainage and debridement. If Since dental caries was first identified as an infectious
a local infection is left untreated, infectious spread towards phenomenon, attempts have been made to eliminate caryo-
upper or lower regions of the face may occur (1). genic bacteria from the oral cavity. It is known that before
Invasive dental procedures give rise to transient bacteremia. actual dental eruption, over 50% of all infants present oral
Only a limited number of bacterial species are implicated in colonization by Streptococcus mutans (12). Colonization
the resulting infections. Antibiotics, where indicated, should by these organisms after dental eruption depends on direct
be administered shortly before carrying out the dental pro- bacterial contagion – fundamentally from the mother. The
cedure. When such procedures include infected tissues, an risk increases in the presence of poor oral hygiene, unheal-
additional dose is indicated (2). thy eating habits with a predominance of sugary foods,
Several studies have evaluated the prevalence and extent of and the appearance of teeth erupting within the mouth
bacteremia following different dental procedures in children. Streptococcus mutans taking advantage of its capacity to
In this sense, it has been shown that tooth brushing is as- adhere to hard surfaces (13). Lactobacilli in turn have less
sociated with bacteremia in over one-third of children (3), caryogenic potential than streptococci, and do not adhere
and the fitting and removal of wedges / splints and braces or to the dental surfaces.
bands may give rise to bacteremia in a significant percentage - Infectious complications
of pediatric cases (4). Complications may arise as a result of either direct or hema-

© Medicina Oral S.L. Email: [email protected]
Clinical Dentistry Antibiotic prophylaxis in pediatric odontology

togenous transmission. If treatment is delayed, the infection Once such treatment has been started, its efficacy must be
may spread through the adjacent tissues, causing cellulites, monitored; susceptibility testing is indicated in the event the
variable degrees of facial swelling and fever. The infectious patient fails to respond to the initially prescribed drug.
process may also spread to bone or soft tissues. Local in- * Management of pulpitis, apical periodontitis, localized
flammation is observed, and gingival fistulas may develop intraoral inflammation (20):
in the apical region – this being particularly characteristic The bacteria may reach the pulp canal through caries lesion,
in the deciduous dentition (abscess formation). The lower via direct pulp tissue exposure after trauma, or via iatrogenic
dental arch may present a sublingual or submandibular mechanisms. Penetration takes place through the dentinal
abscess, while in the upper arch the infection may spread tubules, dentinal cracks, or defective dental restorations.
to the temporal space (10,14-16). If a child presents evidence of acute pulpitis, the required
dental management should be provided (pulpotomy, pul-
TREATMENT pectomy or extraction). Antibiotic treatment is usually not
- Management considerations in odontogenic infections indicated if the infectious process only reaches the pulp or
The following must be considered before deciding to admi- the immediately adjacent tissues, in the absence of signs of
nister antibiotics in pediatric odontology: systemic infection (i.e., fever or facial swelling).
- The severity of the infection, when the child visits the dentist. * Management of acute inflammation of dental origin
- Patient immune defense status. (21):
- In the case of acute infection, if inflammation is moderate A child with facial swelling secondary to dental infection
and the process has progressed rapidly, and in cases of di- required immediate dental attention. Depending on the
ffuse cellulite with moderate to severe pain, or if the child clinical findings, management will consist of treatment or
has fever (1,7,17), the existing evidence advises antibiotic extraction of the tooth, with antibiotic coverage. Alternati-
prescription as well as treatment of the damaged tooth. vely, antibiotics may be prescribed for several days to avoid
- Infection in a medically compromised child. spread of the infection, following by due treatment of the
- Infection that has progressed to extraoral facial spaces. causal tooth.
In these situations the infection is sufficiently aggressive The dental professional must know the severity of the in-
to have extended beyond the lips – thus indicating that the fection and the general condition of the child in order to
host defenses are unable to control the infection. Hospital decide referral to a medical center for the administration
admission is required in severe cases. of antibiotics via the intravenous route.
- Antibiotics are rarely recommended for the treatment * Management of dental traumatisms (22):
of mild traumatisms, though in cases involving important The local application of antibiotic to the root surface of
soft tissue or dentoalveolar lesions, antibiotic prophylaxis an avulsed tooth (doxycycline 1 mg/20 ml) reduces root
against infection is advisable. Good antibiotic coverage reabsorption and increases pulp vascularization.
is required in children with dental avulsion programmed The administration of systemic antibiotics is a coadjuvant
for reimplantation. In this sense, since the use of systemic measure (penicillin and its derivatives at high doses, or
antibiotics, the incidence of external root reabsorptions has normal-dose doxycycline).
decreased in these cases. The vaccination calendar (antite- * Management of pediatric periodontal disease (23):
tanus vaccination) must be considered when trauma occurs In periodontal disorders associated with neutropenia, Papi-
in a contaminated environment. llon-Lefevre syndrome and leukocyte adhesion deficiencies,
- Antibiotic treatment can be considered in patients with the immune system of children is unable to control the
localized juvenile periodontitis or other types of early growth of periodontal pathogens. Antibiotic treatment is
periodontitis (18). therefore needed in such cases.
- The presence of a minor, chronic or well localized abscess. Cultures and susceptibility testing are useful for selecting
Healthy children requiring the extraction of a single deci- the most appropriate drug in each case. Prolonged anti-
duous tooth with an abscess, or endodontic treatment of a biotherapy is indicated for the management of chronic
permanent tooth, may be operated upon without the need periodontal disease.
for antibiotic treatment. In contrast, immunocompromised * Management of viral diseases (24):
children, or patients with some cardiac problem, may require Primary herpetic gingivostomatitis should not be subjected
antibiotic treatment even if infection is a mere possibility. to antibiotic treatment unless there is clear evidence of
- Dental procedures in which antibiotic prophylaxis is indicated secondary bacterial infection.
(tables 1 and 2) - Patients with indications for antibiotic prophylaxis
* Management of oral lesions (19): Antibiotic prophylaxis in healthy patients is indicated in
When the oral cavity is contaminated by some extrinsic the event of surgery in a highly contaminated location
bacterium, antibiotic treatment should be administered as (e.g., periodontal surgery). Dental auto-transplantation is
soon as possible to ensure optimum results – taking into also carried out under antibiotic prophylaxis. In immuno-
account the most effective route of administration in each compromised patients such prophylaxis always should be
case (intravenous, intramuscular or oral). provided.

© Medicina Oral S.L. Email: [email protected]
Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 2006;11:E352-7. � Antibiotic prophylaxis in pediatric odontology

Table 1. Antibiotic prophylaxis regimens for pediatric patients. mg: milligrams; kg: kilograms; g: grams; IV: intravenous; IM:


Amoxicillin 50 mg/kg + clavulanic acid 6.25
Children not allergic to penicillin mg/kg (maximum 2 g) oral route 1 hour before
dental treatment.
Amoxicillin 50 mg/kg + clavulanic acid 5 mg/kg
Children not allergic to penicillin and with no
(maximum 2 g) IV or IM, 30 minutes before dental
problems for oral drug dosing
Clindamycin 20 mg/kg (maximum 600 mg) oral
Children allergic to penicillin
route 1 hour before dental treatment.
Children allergic to penicillin and with problems Clindamycin 15 mg/kg (maximum 600 mg) IV or
for oral drug dosing IM, 30 minutes before dental treatment.

Table 2. Dental procedures in which antibiotic prophylaxis is advisable in pediatric patients.

Prophylaxis risk patient Prophylaxis healthy

(YES/NO) patient (YES/NO)

Staples for absolute rubber dam isolation YES NO

Intraligamentous anesthesia YES YES

Truncal anesthesia YES NO

Extractions YES YES

Hemorrhagic dental repair: placement of splints and wedges. YES NO

Orthodontic band placement YES NO

Pulp treatment in deciduous and young permanent teeth YES YES

Hemorrhagic crown trimming: stripping, preformed crown

placement YES NO

On administering an antibiotic on a prophylactic basis, The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD)
the drug level in plasma must be far higher than when the approved the guide for the prevention of bacterial endocar-
antibiotic is used for therapeutic purposes. In this sense, the ditis developed by the American Heart Association. This
prophylactic dose recommended before surgery is double guide stresses that children with a history of intravenous
the therapeutic dose (13). drug administration (25), and children with certain syn-
Antibiotic prophylaxis is advised in the following situations dromes (e.g., Down or Marfan syndrome), may be at risk
(9): of developing bacterial endocarditis, due to the associated
a) Patients with cardiac problems associated with endo- cardiac anomalies (2,9).
carditis: many patients are at risk of suffering endocarditis b) Immunocompromised patients: these patients do not
following dental treatment, due to the prior existence of tolerate transient bacteremia following invasive dental ma-
heart problems. nagement. Therefore, patients subjected to chemotherapy,

© Medicina Oral S.L. Email: [email protected]
Clinical Dentistry Antibiotic prophylaxis in pediatric odontology

irradiation or bone marrow transplantation must be treated rience. The development of bacterial resistances, doubts as
accordingly (26). This criterion also applies to patients with to the efficacy of preventive treatments, and the possibility
the following conditions: human immunodeficiency virus of toxic or adverse reactions to antibiotics have given rise
(HIV) infection, immune deficiencies, neutropenia, immu- to many questions about the risks and benefits of antibiotic
nosuppression, anemia, splenectomy, habitual steroid use, use (9). The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry has
lupus erythematosus, diabetes and organ transplants (2,9). presented a series of clinical guides for the use of antibiotics
c) Patients with shunts, vascular catheters or prostheses: in which conservative prescription is recommended, due to
bacteremia following invasive dental treatment can give rise the growing prevalence of resistances (28).
to shunt or vascular catheter colonization. Patient subjected In Spain, it would be recommendable to establish epide-
to dialysis or chemotherapy, or who require frequent blood miological vigilance systems to monitor such resistances.
transfusions, are very susceptible to this problem (2,9). National periodic follow-up studies conducted on a multi-
- Antibiotic selection center basis are useful for establishing decisions regarding
Oral antibiotics that are effective against odontogenic the best measures for avoiding the appearance and spread
infections comprise penicillin, clindamycin, erythromycin, of bacterial resistances (29,30).
cefadroxil, metronidazole and the tetracyclines (7). These
antibiotics are effective against streptococci and oral anae- REFERENCES
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