Empirical Treatment
Empirical Treatment
Empirical Treatment
2020 Jun;52(2):e28
pISSN 2093-2340·eISSN 2092-6448
Hyoung-Shik Shin
Our previous article defined the nature of the infectious diseases as the hypersensitivity
reaction by the virus and presented the basic treatments based on the hypersensitivity
pneumonitis (HP) [5, 6]. The diagnosis of COVID-19 can be empirically achieved by one or
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Empirical Treatment and Prevention of COVID-19
more of the following: 1) clinical symptoms, 2) radiologic imaging studies such as chest
computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging of central nervous system, and 3)
detection of virus by real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction/serology.
The aim of this review is to present empirical treatment and preventive strategies for
COVID-19 based on the accumulated experience in managing the disease, which may aid in
clarifying the confusion associated with research results and would help shape the healthcare
policies. However, researchers should consider the fact that the data published currently in
scientific journals might be somewhat biased because of the turbulent environment due to
the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, the proposed guidelines should be revised as soon as
new and reliable research data are available.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can be safely used for 2 - 3 days without
affecting the pentose phosphate pathway. In contrast, acetaminophen can increase reactive
oxygen species in the cell and induce cell death [9, 10]. However, use of NSAIDs can result
in hypersensitivity [11] and acute thromboembolic events [12]. There were a few reports
regarding concerns that NSAIDs can weaken the immune system if applied a week or longer
[10, 13]. Prednisolone is safer and more efficacious, considering that it can overcome the
overall inflammatory process in a cell by suppressing the diverse kind of cytokines including
interleukins and tumor necrosis factor-α [14]. Hydrocortisone is considered the best
medicine with fewer side effects.
functions [18]. Theophylline at low doses (100 – 200 mg twice daily), the medicine applied
to the treatment of asthma for a long time, can be administered safely. It can protect alveolar
epithelium with the suppression of cytokine-inducible nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and
raising intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate [19]. Macrolide antibiotics including
azithromycin cause few side effects and their early application can support epithelial cells
for some time [20]. Macrolides transform gut microbiome so that they protect against the
respiratory virus and strengthen endothelial NOS pathway [20-22].
The aim of the administration of antiviral agents is to lessen the exposure to antigen (virus).
Ribonucleic acid (RNA) dependent RNA polymerization is considered as a crucial step in the
RNA virus because SARS-CoV-2 is positive sense single-stranded (ss)RNA virus. Unfortunately,
it appeared to be controversial to apply remdesivir that was developed for the negative sense
ssRNA virus such as Ebola virus [27, 28]. Also, side effects of remdesivir were not well known,
and its intravenous administration can cause another burden to the healthcare system. Safer
medicine is the best for patients as an empirical regimen. Treatment with most nucleotide/
nucleoside inhibitors is theoretically applicable [29, 30]. Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate/
emtricitabine (TDF/FTC), which has been prescribed for HIV-infected or hepatitis B virus-
infected patients for a long time can be used safely as a short-term medicine for COVID-19
patients. Despite the unfavorable result in a small case series study [31], TDF/FTC would serve a
good candidate because of its high concentration in the epithelium and safety profile.
An in vivo study showed that an HIV NNRTI rilpivirine was very effective against positive sense
ssRNA Zika virus [32]. There was a report on HIV NNRTIs to be effective with the molecular
docking by computational simulation [33]. Furthermore, it was reported that rilpivirine had
comparable efficacy to remdesivir in vitro [34]. Antiviral therapy has the best effect when
administered for a minimum of 5 days and a maximum of 14 days to avoid unexpected side
effects; earlier discontinuation should be considered if clinical progress is evident, including
Lopinavir/ritonavir does not appear to be a promising treatment for COVID-19 [36], although
it was reported to have good efficacy for the treatment of SARS [37]. It may be effective
to apply the kind of antimalarial drugs such as chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine, and
mefloquine [10, 29, 38], however, side effects are concerned due to higher doses than those
generally used for the treatment of malaria. It may be better not to exceed the treatment
doses and period for malaria. The mechanism of azithromycin seems to be efficacious by
strengthening the innate immunity [20] rather than antiviral efficacy against SARS-CoV-2
[38]. Serine protease inhibitors [39] such as camostat mesylate/nafamostat mesylate are
limited options as they suppress the facilitation of C3b and C5b [40].
Antiviral agents should be prescribed at the earlier stage of pneumonia to stop the
progression to acute respiratory distress syndrome. If the supply of medicine is not enough,
it can also be started around 5 - 7 days after the infection. Even so, antiviral treatment should
be given to the patients with older age or risk factors such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension,
or immunosuppressive disorders immediately.
As for the COVID-19, the application of steroids can be the basis for the treatment since the
main symptom might be developed due to hypersensitivity reaction [14]. Although the various
steroid inhaler could be effective, oral administration of prednisolone up to 0.5 mg/kg per day
can treat a moderate degree of pneumonia. The nebulization with hydrocortisone would be safer
among steroid inhalers. Prednisolone 40 mg per 12 hours PO is recommended to the patients
with severe pneumonia [41]. In the case of patients requiring intensive care, the equivalent
dose of methylprednisolone/hydrocortisone can be administered intravenously [42]. The short
term treatment for 5 - 7 days for moderate pneumonia may be preferable [41]. The duration of
administration for the severe cases can be extended to 10 - 21 days after the onset of infection
until the immune function is optimal. If the clinical improvement of COVID-19 becomes obvious,
rapid tapering is needed for optimal immune function. Although hyperinflammation by elevated
cytokines such as IL-1, IL-6, or TNF-α can contribute to the lung damage, certain anti-cytokine
strategy would be not good enough to suppress the whole inflammatory process [43].
Interferon (INF)β-1b is the most effective among various INFs [23] and is recommended in
combination with other antiviral agents. INF treatment should initiate within three days
of infection [23] and the duration of the treatment should depend on the age and immune
status. A one- and two-week treatment regimen is recommended for people in their 70s and
80s, respectively, and longer treatment is recommended for those with weakened innate
immunity [35].
Phosphodiesterase type-5 inhibitors may relieve acute exudative damage in the lungs via
the downregulation of proinflammatory and profibrotic cytokines induced in response to
reactive oxygen species, thereby representing a rescue therapeutic modality [48]. Epinephrine
should be also used in patients with acute hypersensitivity reactions with shock.
It should be always kept in mind that overtreatment may trigger and/or worsen efferocytosis
or cause side effects; therefore, the clinical status of the patients should be closely monitored
and even small changes should be considered for treatment adjustments.
To prevent infection and initiate appropriate immunity to the virus, a sufficient level of
air circulation indoors, cough etiquette and maintenance of hand hygiene are required.
Furthermore, social and physical distancing among people should help prevent the
breakdown of the medical system. It also seems reasonable to allow a temporary increase
in patient numbers to the level which can be managed by the current medical system. These
strategies also include appropriate healthcare policies, for example acquisition of herd
immunity, which has been adopted in Sweden [49]. With proper measures, it is quite possible
that we should be able to overcome the expected second wave predicted in the northern
hemisphere in the coming late fall and winter [4].
It is quite unlikely that adaptive immunity would be activated with a vaccine that induces
IgG via antibody-dependent immune enhancement, similar to the one observed in case of
infection with the Dengue virus [50]. It should also be noted that convalescent serum therapy
may be harmful. Therefore, increasing of nonspecific innate immunity is needed surely for
the elderly and the people with defective innate immunity. Increasing innate immunity in the
epithelium as the first line defense is as follows. Moderate mountain hiking can lead to the
increase of muscle tissue and strengthen the lung capacity [51]. Being exposed to nature will
lead to an increase of innate immunity by the sound microbiome [52]. In addition, spending
time on the beach such as, playing, reading, or swimming would be effective in reducing the
viral load infected to upper respiratory tracts [53].
It is well known that probiotics such as Lactobacillus spp. can enhance immunity. Vitamin D
supplements also reinforce the resilience against the virus as it enhances immunity [54].
Antibiotics of macrolides kinds, metronidazole, trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, dapsone may
help increase the immunity as well [55]. Rosiglitazone and pioglitazone can promote innate
immunity as a PPAR-γ agonist [56]. Cimetidine which is helpful in the case of heartburn will
enhance immunity [18]. BCG vaccine can stimulate the immune system [57]. Also, the innate
immunity of T lymphocyte can be elevated by the application of RNA delivery into cells [58].
There are several reports on the status of SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV survivors, including
their low lung capacity and cognitive problems [61-63]. Systematic studies are required to
address these complications. Isolation restricts motor activity, which would add considerable
physical and mental problems for patients with deteriorated lung function, especially those
in intensive care units. If possible, various rehabilitation activities are recommended at
the beginning of the isolation rather than after recovery. Considering that SARS-CoV-2 is
less virulent in the younger population, employment of young healthcare workers should
contribute to prevention of secondary infections and accelerate patient recovery.
SARS-CoV-2 is a virus that causes common cold and various hypersensitivity reactions. The
lack of immunity against SARS-CoV-2 results in the worldwide spread of COVID-19, a novel
disease with diverse clinical manifestations and pathophysiological mechanisms. After the
initial confusion among the scientific community and healthcare professionals, extensive basic
and clinical research has been conducted to understand the course of COVID-19 and reactions
triggered by SARS-CoV-2 in the host. These findings could contribute to our understanding of
the pathophysiology not only of COVID-19 but also of other infectious diseases.
We need to analyze the data obtained through evaluation of COVID-19 survivors as well as
COVID-19-related deaths, so that the losses associated with the pandemic can be minimized.
It is also necessary to evaluate our natural environments and review the extensive scientific
data obtained in the past, so that better solutions for combating the next wave could be
identified. Strategies developed through analysis of the current pandemic should prepare us
for future crises caused by pathogens more lethal than SARS-CoV-2.
I am grateful to Dr. Dong-Gyun Lim (immunologist at National Medical Center, Seoul,
Korea), Dr. Yoon-keun Kim (allergist, immunologist, and CEO at MD Healthcare, Seoul,
Korea), and Dr. Sang Il Kim (President, Committee of Emerging Infectious Diseases of
Korean Society of Infectious Diseases) for sharing their inspiring ideas. I also would like to
thank Jeewon Lee for the translating the present manuscript.
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