Cells: Thymoquinone: A Tie-Breaker in Sars-Cov2-Infected Cancer Patients?
Cells: Thymoquinone: A Tie-Breaker in Sars-Cov2-Infected Cancer Patients?
Cells: Thymoquinone: A Tie-Breaker in Sars-Cov2-Infected Cancer Patients?
Thymoquinone: A Tie-Breaker in SARS-CoV2-Infected
Cancer Patients?
Sawsan Elgohary 1,† , Aya A. Elkhodiry 1,† , Nada S. Amin 1,† , Ulrike Stein 2,3,4 and Hend M. El Tayebi 1, *
portive therapy includes steroids to alleviate the inflammatory status; literature showed
that TQ improved oxygenation when combined with steroids and showed protective ef-
fects in the lungs [37]. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like diclofenac are also
used to counteract COVID-19-induced fever and myalgia [38]. Furthermore, COVID-19
and cancer patients are at high-risk of acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity as reviewed
in [39], diclofenac-induced gastrointestinal side effects as reviewed in [40], along with renal
toxicity [41]; luckily, TQ administration protects against acetaminophen-induced hepatotox-
icity [42]. In a recent study, TQ protected against diclofenac-induced kidney injury [42,43]
and ameliorated GIT toxicity with proton pump inhibition activity [44,45]. Moreover,
TQ counteracted the toxic effects of other supportive therapies like gentamicin [46,47],
chloroquine [48] and vancomycin [25] and showed a synergistic effect when administered
with ranitidine [44,45]. Furthermore, tocilizumab, an IL-6 receptor antagonist, has been
used in various cancers, such as multiple myeloma and solid tumors, including renal,
prostate, lung, colorectal and ovarian cancers, to decrease cancer-associated inflammation.
It is used alone or in combination with conventional chemotherapy, as reviewed in [49].
In COVID-19 patients, tocilizumab is given to decrease the viral-induced IL-6 elevation,
cytokine storm, and inflammation [50]. TQ is reported as a potent anti-inflammatory drug
that decreases IL-6 expression and inhibits NFkB [51]. Hence, giving TQ with tocilizumab
could give double beneficial effects in COVID-19 patients. It has been reported that even a
single dose of tocilizumab caused gut ulceration in COVID-19 patients [52], and since TQ
showed gastroprotective effects, it would be beneficial to investigate the GIT protective
effects of TQ in combination with tocilizumab against gut ulceration. Table 2 shows details
about the use of TQ as a potential adjuvant therapy to minimize COVID-19 supportive
treatments’ side effects.
Table 2. Thymoquinone (TQ) as a potential adjuvant therapy to minimize SARS-CoV-2(severe acute respiratory syndrome-
coronavirus-2) treatments’ side effects.
Thus, far, this literature review has attempted to highlight how TQ could represent
a potential adjuvant molecule to COVID-19 standard supportive treatments. To create a
full picture, and in order to visualize the true value of TQ in COVID-19 cancer patients,
the potential anticancer effects of TQ will be reviewed in the next section, as well as its
potential benefit as an adjuvant to chemotherapy.
Figure 1. Molecular mechanisms of TQ in cancer development (A) pathways involved in cancer development; (B) path-
1. Molecular mechanisms of TQ in cancer development (A) pathways involved in cancer development; (B) path-
inhibited by TQ that appear transparent in the figure while opaque molecules are activated.
ways inhibited by TQ that appear transparent in the figure while opaque molecules are activated.
TQ as a chemo-adjuvant: adding to the previously mentioned anticancer effects of TQ,
TQ asstudies
several a chemo-adjuvant: adding to effect
reported the potentiating the previously
of combining mentioned anticancer effects of
TQ with chemotherapeutic
andstudies reported
radiation. the potentiating
It was shown effect
to enhance their of combining
anticancer activity,TQ with chemo-
causing chemothera-
peutic agents and radiation.
or radio-sensitization, It was[135–137].
respectively shown to It enhance
also reducedtheir
attenuated activity,
some treat-causing
chemo- or radio-sensitization,
ment-induced toxicities, such asrespectively
nephropathy[135–137]. It also reduced
or hepatotoxicity, seen with or attenuated
cisplatin treat- some
ment [138–141]. Table
treatment-induced 3 discusses
toxicities, suchsome of the chemo-modulating
as nephropathy effects ofseen
or hepatotoxicity, TQ in combi-
with cisplatin
nation with known anticancer drugs. However, as with any other drug,
treatment [138–141]. Table 3 discusses some of the chemo-modulating effects of TQ in further studies
should be done
combination withtoknown
investigate the standardization
anticancer of TQ administration
drugs. However, as with anywhen otherused with
drug, further
cancer drugs, as literature showed that CYP1A2, CYP2C9, CYP2D6 and CYP3A4
studies should be done to investigate the standardization of TQ administration when used were
subject to inhibition by TQ, hinting at various potential drug–drug interactions [142].
with cancer drugs, as literature showed that CYP1A2, CYP2C9, CYP2D6 and CYP3A4 were
subject to inhibition by TQ, hinting at various potential drug–drug interactions [142].
Table 3. The chemomodulatory/chemosensitizing and protective effects of thymoquinone in combination with chemothera-
peutic agents.
Table 3. Cont.
Figure 2. Effect of TQ on Nrf2, GRP78 and SARS-CoV-2 infection. A diagram showing the effect of TQ on Nrf2; it activates
Nrf2 by phosphorylation, causing its translocation inside the nucleus, binding to ARE (antioxidant response element) and
Maf. This binding results in the reduction of NF-kB, cytokine production, inflammation, oxidative damage and an increase
Figure 2. Effect of TQ on Nrf2, GRP78 and SARS-CoV-2 infection. A diagram showing the effect of TQ on Nrf2; it acti-
in detoxifying cytoprotective genes and enzymes such as the HO-1 enzyme. Moreover, TQ decreases GRP78 expression,
vates Nrf2 by phosphorylation, causing its translocation inside the nucleus, binding to ARE(antioxidant response element)
angiotensin-converting enzyme
and Maf. This binding 2 (ACE)-receptor
results expression
in the reduction of and hence
NF-kB, cytokine decreases
production, viral entry.oxidative damage and an
increase in detoxifying cytoprotective genes and enzymes such as the HO-1 enzyme. Moreover, TQ decreases GRP78 ex-
pression, angiotensin-converting (nuclear
enzyme factor erythroid-derived
2 (ACE)-receptor 2 related
expression and hence factor
decreases viral2) is an important transcription
factor that counteracts oxidative stress, where it acts as a sensor of oxidative stress, pre-
venting genomic instability. It regulates about 250 genes involved in cellular homeostasis,
including detoxifying enzymes, antioxidant proteins, and cytoprotective proteins [174].
Under normal physiological conditions, Nrf2 is sequestered by the cytoplasmic keap1
(Kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1), which maintains the Nrf2 at low levels through
targeting it for proteasomal degradation (ubiquitination) [175]. Disruption of Nrf2 home-
ostasis can be seen in various settings, including viral infection and cancer. During a viral
infection, intracellular expression of viral proteins leads to an increase in the oxidative stress
of a cell. This leads to the dissociation of Nrf2 from keap1, which consequently prevents
its ubiquitination [176,177]. Nrf2 is now able to translocate to the nucleus and activate the
transcription of detoxifying, cytoprotective genes such as heme oxygenase (HO-1) [178,179].
This mechanism is also involved in the setting of cancer, where Nrf2 is additionally able
to protect a cell from chemical and radiation-induced carcinogenesis [180–183]. Moreover,
literature revealed that Nrf2 is able to enhance innate immune system activity, as well as
participate in the inhibition of inflammatory cytokine expression, including IL-1β, IL-6,
and NF-kB, ultimately decreasing inflammation [184–186]. Although some studies show
that the continuous activation of Nrf2, as a result of excessive levels of ROS, could have
deleterious effects on the host cell [187,188], it usually does not happen in viral infections
since the virus needs to keep optimal oxidative stress levels allowing it to maintain viral
metabolism without causing death in the host cell [189]. A recent study in 2020 involving 40
patients showed that the severity of COVID-19 is inversely associated with Nrf2 expression
and directly linked to age and intensity of inflammatory response [190]. Interestingly,
recent studies showed that Nrf2 deficiency upregulates ACE2 receptors, while activation
of Nrf2 downregulates ACE2 receptors, with Nrf2 knock-out mice showing enhanced
ACE2 expression. In cultured immortalized renal proximal tubule cells, treatment with
Nrf2 inhibitor (Trigonelline) or transfection with Nrf2 small interfering RNA led to an
increase in ACE2 transcription [191]. The exact mechanism of how Nrf2 downregulates the
Cells 2021, 10, 302 10 of 29
ACE2 receptor remains unclear. Additionally, Nrf2 activators downregulate the mRNA
expression of TMPRSS2 [192,193] via upregulating TMPRSS2 inhibitors PAI-1 plasminogen
activator inhibitor-1 encoded by the SERPINE gene (SERPINE/PAI-1) [192] and secretory
leukocyte protease inhibitor (SLPI) [193]. This may highlight the important role of Nrf2
in downregulating TMPRSS2, ACE2 receptor expression and subsequently decreasing
SARS-CoV-2 infection load. Despite the numerous cytoprotective mechanisms of Nrf2, it
still appears to be a double-edged molecule since there is cumulative evidence establishing
the fact that Nrf2 is one of the pathways that drive cancer progression, spread or metastasis,
and chemo-resistance [194–203], and hence further dedicated studies may still be required.
Nrf2 and TQ: in keratinocytes, TQ works as a pro-oxidant that activates Nrf2 and
increases its nuclear accumulation, leading to increased mRNA and protein expression of
HO-1 [204], enhancing its binding to ARE, thus decreasing ACE2 expression, as demon-
strated in Figure 2 [205]. During the course of COVID-19, white blood cells become acti-
vated, releasing excessive, prolonged inflammatory cytokines, leading to what is called the
cytokine storm, acute respiratory distress syndrome, multiple organ dysfunction, and even
death [206,207]. In addition, SARS-CoV-2 might invade the central nervous system induc-
ing neurological diseases [208] manifested as headache, nausea, and vomiting. TQ showed
inhibitory effects on NF-kB mediated neuroinflammation, as mentioned in Table 4, report-
ing other TQ effects in COVID-19-induced neurological disease. Altogether, TQ activates
Nrf2 [204] that decreases ACE2 expression [205], potentially decreasing SARS-CoV-2 infec-
tion, inhibiting NF-kB [205], thus ameliorating the COVID-19-associated cytokine storm
and inflammation. This would indeed also be beneficial in cancer patients who suffer
from elevated cytokines and inflammation. On the other hand, Nrf2 appears to have con-
trasting roles in cancer patients, where it protects against chemical and radiation-induced
carcinogenesis [180–182] but also leads to tumor-promoting effects. It would be beneficial
to investigate the effects of TQ on Nrf2/HO-1/NF-kB in cancer patients with COVID-19.
Thymoquinone References
-Protects against hyperlipidemia, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin and diesel
exhaust particle-induced cardiac damage or changes
Cardiac damage -Counteracts sepsis-induced elevation in p62 and increases beclin-1 expression [21,48,209–212]
-Reduced infarct size, improved cardiac function, reduced myocardial enzyme LDH
and CK-MB activities and inhibited oxidative stress
-Inhibited nuclear factor kappa-B (NF-kB) in lung tissue
-Ameliorates the pathological changes of chronic asthma, inhibits inflammatory
changes by antagonizing IL-4/5, and a single dose prevented asthma in the guinea
pig model
-Showed anti-neoangiogenic effects through inhibition of expression of
VEGFR2/PI3K/Akt-signaling pathway
-Decreased the inflammatory and apoptotic index levels in rats exposed to cigarette
smoke and showed anti-inflammatory and cytoprotective effects against cigarette
smoke-induced COPD and LPS induced acute lung injury by COX inhibition
-Downregulated pro-fibrosis genes and decreased oxidative stress in lung fibrosis
Lung injury, ARDS,
-Counteracted emphysema in air alveoli, lymphoid hyperplastic cells activation
COPD, pulmonary [22,213–223]
surrounding the bronchioles, inflammatory cell infiltration
-Ameliorated pulmonary arterial hypertension, Induced relaxation of the
precontracted pulmonary artery and caused a decrease in the tension of pulmonary
arterial rings precontracted with phenylephrine
-Reduced alterations in lungs and inflammatory markers induced by
cyclophosphamide and toluene, decreased lipid peroxidation and restored
-Showed inhibitory effects on the aggregation of inflammatory cells in
bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid and in lung tissues
-Significantly decreased serum IgE and showed superior inhibitory effects on iNOS
and TGF-β1
Cells 2021, 10, 302 11 of 29
Table 4. Cont.
Thymoquinone References
-Effectively improved the plasma and liver antioxidant capacity and enhanced the
expression of liver antioxidant genes of hypercholesterolemic rats
-Protects against oxidative liver damage and ductular proliferation
-Reduced liver injury and tumor markers expressions;thus its beneficial in the treatment
of hepatocellular carcinoma
-Protected against cyclophosphamide, tamoxifen, cypermethrin, cadmium, anti-TB
Liver injury, drugs, aflatoxinB1, acetaminophen and paracetamol-induced
elevated liver hepatotoxicity/necrosis/cirrhosis and fibrosis by decreasing the elevated ALT, AST and
enzymes ALP, enhanced regeneration after tissue damage, decreased oxidative protein damage
and increased SOD expression and GSH
-Ameliorated liver fibrosis via blocking TLR4 expression and PI3K phosphorylation on
the activated hepatic stellate cells
-Reduced thioacetamide-induced liver fibrosis and inflammation by decreasing
proinflammatory cytokines, inhibiting PI3K phosphorylation and enhanced p-AMPK
and liver kinase B (LKB-1)
-Attenuated oxidative stress and inflammation-reducing renal ischemia-induced
damage and several drugs-induced nephrotoxicities
-Reversed the vancomycin and doxorubicin-induced nephrotoxicity, reversed elevated
serum blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, MDA and urinary albumin excretion [24,25,226,233,
Kidney damage
-Protected kidney against urinary tract infections (Escherichia coli) induced 234]
-Showed protective action against cypermethrin induced shrinkage of glomeruli and
necrosis of renal tubules in kidneys (in mice)
-Induced a significant increase in expression of neuroprotective proteins such as
biliverdin reductase-A, 3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase, glutaredoxin-3, and
mitochondrial Lon protease, a significant decrease in expression of inflammatory
cytokines, and NF-κB pathway
-Decreased malondialdehyde and nitric oxide metabolites in the brain
Neurological -Enhanced the thiol content and superoxide dismutase and catalase activities and serum
disease, cognitive T4 level [51,235–237]
decline -Protected against PTU-induced memory impairments in rats
-Reversed learning and memory impairments, brain tissue-oxidative damage in
hypothyroid juvenile rats and alleviated changes in the hippocampal lipid peroxide
level and SOD and AChE activities
-Have a protective effect on learning and memory function. It significantly increased the
expression of Nrf2, HO-1 proteins and SOD in the hippocampus
-Showed significant antimicrobial activity against anaerobic bacteria, thus can be used
against diarrhea
-Prevented and significantly reduced the appearance of diarrhea and body weight loss
in mice and ameliorates dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis
-Inhibited proton pump, acid secretion and neutrophil infiltration, while enhancing
GIT [18,26,44,45,238]
mucin secretion, reduces ulcer index, markers of oxidative stress and nitric oxide
-TQ+ ranitidine showed synergistic effects and a more significant decrease in ulcer index
-Suppressed spontaneously contracting rabbit jejunum and also relaxed high K induced
contractions in the jejunum and guinea-pig ileum, thus can be used in colic and diarrhea
-Inhibited histamine production
Allergy, allergic -Decreases the symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis almost the same as dexamethasone
conjunctivitis -Suppressed the Total IgE, OVA-specific IgE and Recruitment of Inflammatory cells
-Alleviated allergic inflammation and may be valuable for treating allergic rhinitis
-Decreased lipase\amylase ratio
Acute pancreatitis -Decreased oxidative stress markers, pancreatic 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE), protein
and elevated lipase carbonyl content and protected pancreatic acinar cells from oxidative stress
-Attenuated GSH depletion and increased the activity of GST
Abbreviations: LDH: lactate dehydrogenase; CK-MB: creatininekinase-MB; ARDS: acute respiratory distress syndrome; COPD: chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease.
Cells 2021, 10, 302 12 of 29
The Renin-Angiotensin System (RAS) is a homeostatic loop that begins when the
hepatic angiotensinogen is converted into angiotensin I (ATI) by the renal renin enzyme.
This loop then involves two arms; the ACE enzyme (from the lungs) converts ATI to
angiotensin II (ATII), increasing its circulating levels. This mediator is implicated in
vasoconstriction, fibrosis, hypertension, and inflammation. The second arm involves
the conversion of ATII to AT1-7 by ACE2, which carries out the opposite effects of its
precursor, ATII [242,243]. Many of the cardiovascular symptoms, as well as multiple
organ damage seen with COVID-19, can be linked to RAS-induced dysregulation [244].
In fact, patients with COVID-19 tend to have significantly higher levels of circulating ATII
compared to healthy individuals, and the findings of various studies that were conducted
on autopsies [245] suggest that SARS-CoV-2 may cause downregulation of ACE2 receptors.
This finding, along with receptor internalization upon viral binding, further contribute to
the increase in ATII levels and the imbalance between the pro- and anti-inflammatory roles
of the RAS, ultimately causing the proinflammatory role of the RAS to predominate [13],
endowing procoagulant properties to endothelial cells [245].
The increased ATII enhances the activity of NADPH oxidase, increasing ROS, leading
to induction of vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferation, migration, atheroscle-
rosis [246], and hypertension via increased oxidative stress, inflammatory reactions and
production of vasoconstrictors while decreasing the vasodilator nitric oxide (NO). Thus, in-
hibition of VSMC proliferation and migration would be beneficial in preventing atheroscle-
rosis and avoiding cardiovascular complications [247]. Peroxisome proliferator-activated
receptor γ-coactivator 1α (PGC-1 α) was shown to attenuate ROS generation, thereby lim-
iting ATII-induced rat VSMC proliferation [248]. Moreover, AMPK activation attenuates
ATII induced VSMC proliferation, and PPARγ has been reported to have antiproliferative
effects in multiple cancers [249,250]. The ramifications of the prolonged basal inflamma-
tory state observed in the setting of malignancy can be closely mirrored in other statesof
inflammation, including hypertension, obesity, diabetes, and even in COVID-19 patients
with the aforementioned comorbidities. This surge in inflammatory cytokines increases
the production of local and systemic ATII [251]. Increased levels of ATII in cancer patients
has been associated with shortened survival [252]. It is therefore hypothesized that two
hits contribute to the hyper-inflammatory response that is observed in COVID-19 patients
with comorbidities; the first hit was resulting from the chronic state of inflammation, which
increases the activity of the ATII proinflammatory axis, and the second hit resulting from
SARS-CoV-2 itself, via the internalization of ACE2 receptors, and the decrease in the activity
of the anti-inflammatory ACE2 axis [253]. Together, these two hits increase tissue damage
as well as the risk for multiple organ failure.
TQ and RAS/ATII: the effect of TQ on ATII can be seen when TQ (40 mg/kg) is
injected intraperitoneally 30 min before ATII (300 mg/kg) intravenous injection. This
significantly blunted the rise in systolic blood pressure, mean arterial pressure and heart
rate that wasinduced by ATII. Thus, the antagonistic effect of TQ on ATII appears to be
beneficial in both COVID-19 patients and cancer patients [254]. TQ markedly inhibited ATII-
induced VSMC proliferation, migration, and oxidative stress. It also reversed the elevated
NADPH oxidase activity and ROS induced by ATII [255]. In addition, TQ enhanced the
expression of p-AMPK, PPARγ, and PGC-1 α that were inhibited by ATII. These particular
effects of TQ were abolished by AMPK inhibitor or PGC-1 α siRNA transfection [255].
Furthermore, TQ reduced oxidative stress, lipid peroxidation (specifically renal MDA),
renal TNF-α in unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO), and increased antioxidant enzymes
(SOD, catalase). Meanwhile, it significantly decreased obstruction-induced apoptotic
cell death and decreased ATII renal expression [256]. Thus, collectively, TQ improves
renal oxidative damage, apoptotic cell death, TNF-α expression and also prevents the
upregulation of ATII in UUO injured rats [257]. Looking at the bigger picture, TQ can be
a promising drug in ameliorating COVID-19-induced RAS dysregulation, counteracting
multiple organ failure in COVID-19 cancer patients.
Cells 2021, 10, 302 13 of 29
characterized, it is believed that cell debris is able to initiate an eicosanoid and cytokine
storm in the context of inflammatory diseases. TQ is also able to target arachidonic acid
metabolism [278]. Targeting the upstream portion of the eicosanoid storm will potently
inhibit the cytokine storm formation, protecting against inflammation-mediated multiple
organ damage in COVID-19 patients.
Oxidative stress: oxidative damage is an important aspect in which COVID-19 has a
notable impact on cancer patients. The analysis showed that interactions between viral
proteins and some of the components of the ROS pathway had been implicated in different
cancer types. These interactions may be exploited by SARS-CoV-2 to disrupt the basic pro-
cesses that modulate mitochondrial respiration, metabolism, and oxidative stress, including
certain pathways that are known to be important for the development of tumors [279].
TQ happens to demonstrate potent antioxidant properties, where it significantly attenuates
glutathione (GSH) depletion and increases the activity of the glutathione-S-transferase
(GST) enzyme. It significantly decreases oxidative stress markers, including thiobarbituric
acid reactive substance (TBARS), which is elevated in several cancer types like colon and
cervical cancer [280,281]. Furthermore, TQ induces the expression of several detoxifying
enzymes, including glutathione reductase, superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1), catalase, and
glutathione peroxidase 2 (GPX) [16,19,20]. The reduction of oxidative stress, therefore,
gives a protective effect against multiple organ failure associated with COVID-19 and
cancer patients.
Myocardial injury: cardiac injury is significantly associated with fatal outcomes in
COVID-19. In sepsis, elevated plasma levels of troponin-T (c-Tnt) are an important indicator
of cardiac damage. Severe cases of COVID-19 showed elevated plasma levels of c-Tnt
and were in higher need of mechanical ventilation compared to those with normal Tnt
levels. They also had more frequent malignant arrhythmias and needed glucocorticoid
therapy [282]. Increased inflammatory cytokines can directly or indirectly cause cardiac
damage, but the precise mechanism of myocardial dysfunction-induced sepsis is still
unclear. This is also common in cancer patients, where cardiac injury is a risk factor
for mortality and may be indicated by elevated levels of troponin and BNP biomarkers,
which could result from either the malignancy or the treatment regimen [13]. For example,
certain anticancer medications cause patients to suffer from cardiotoxicity presenting as
ischemia or vasospasm. An example of this is CAR-T therapy, which may result in CRS,
and proteasome inhibitors, which may cause heart failure [283]. Literature showed that TQ
significantly decreased TnT levels and markedly reduced cardiac tissue-inflammatory cell
infiltration in the cecal ligation and puncture (CLP)-induced-sepsis group. Additionally,
P62 and beclin1 are two major proteins in autophagy, and previous literature showed
that P62 expression is increased, while beclin1 is decreased in cardiac damage and in
sepsis [284–286]. TQ significantly decreased P62 and increased expression of beclin1 in
CLP mice, thus decreasing sepsis-induced cardiac damage.
Lung injury: COVID-19 causes respiratory symptoms including breathlessness, pneu-
monia, severe ARDS, lung fibrosis and injury [287]. Studies show that TQ has promising
effects in lung protection; it protects against injury and fibrosis induced by LPS, toluene,
and cyclo-phosphamide. It also induces the relaxation of the precontracted pulmonary
artery [213,214,216–220]. Moreover, TQ inhibits inflammation, neoangiogenesis, and vas-
cular remodeling in various asthmatic models [215,221–223]. It also counteracts several
processes, including emphysema in air alveoli, activation of hyperplastic lymphoid cells
surrounding the bronchioles, and inflammatory cell infiltration [216]. According to Jaber
S. Alqahtani et al., 2020, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients were at
a higher risk of more severe COVID-19, especially in smokers, as they were seen to have
higher expression of ACE2 in their airways [288,289]. TQ decreases the inflammatory and
apoptotic index levels in rats exposed to cigarette smoke and shows anti-inflammatory and
cytoprotective effects, as summarized in Table 4 [22].
Cells 2021, 10, 302 15 of 29
Figure 3. The multifunctional effects of TQ on COVID-19-associated pathophysiology. The diagram summarizes the
Figure 3. The multifunctional effects of TQ on COVID-19-associated pathophysiology. The diagram summarizes the
main organ-related and organ protective effects of TQ on the main body organs. In the heart, TQ decreases cardiac enzymes,
main organ-related and organ protective effects of TQ on the main body organs. In the heart, TQ decreases cardiac en-
cholesterol, triglycerides
zymes, cholesterol, and inflammatory
triglycerides cytokines.
and inflammatory In the In
cytokines. liver,
theTQ increases
liver, antioxidant
TQ increases enzymes
antioxidant and decreases
enzymes and de-
proinflammatory genes and
creases proinflammatory cytokines,
genes elevated liver
and cytokines, enzymes
elevated liver and liver fibrosis.
enzymes and liverIn fibrosis.
the pancreas,
In theTQ increasesTQ
pancreas, antioxidant
capacity by increasing
antioxidant capacity byglutathione-S-transferase (GST) enzyme
increasing glutathione-S-transferase (GST)andenzyme
glutathione (GSH) levels
and glutathione whilelevels
(GSH) decreasing lipase and
while decreasing
lipase andstress. In thestress.
oxidative lungs,InTQ
lungs, cyclooxygenase (COX) enzyme,
TQ inhibits cyclooxygenase IL-4/5
(COX) levels,IL-4/5
enzyme, NF-kB,levels,
vascular endothelial
NF-ĸB, vasculargrowth
factor growth transforming
factor (VEGF), transforming
growth factor-β1 growth
oxidative (TGF-β1), oxidativenitric
stress, inducible stress,
oxideinducible nitric oxide
synthase(iNOS) syn-
lipid enzyme,
peroxidation, lipid peroxidation,
pro-fibrosis genes andpro-fibrosis
pulmonary genes
arterialand pulmonary arterial
hypertension;in hypertension;in
the kidney, TQ decreases thekidney
TQ de-
blood kidney markers,
nitrogen blood
(BUN), urea nitrogen
creatinine, (BUN), creatinine,
malondialdehyde (MDA) malondialdehyde
and albumin and (MDA) andantioxidant
increases albumin and increases
activity. an-
In the
tioxidant activity. In the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), TQ inhibits proton pump, acid secretion, ulcer index, neutrophil in-
gastrointestinal tract (GIT), TQ inhibits proton pump, acid secretion, ulcer index, neutrophil infiltration and oxidative stress
filtration and oxidative stress markers and increases mucin secretion and nitric oxide (NO) production.
markers and increases mucin secretion and nitric oxide (NO) production.
7. Conclusions
7. Conclusions
The clinical spectrum of COVID-19 can generally range from patients who are pauci-
symptomatic to those
The clinical experiencing
spectrum of COVID-19 severecan respiratory failurefrom
generally range and patients
ARDS, and whofinally,
are pau- to
those who suffertofrom
cisymptomatic thosesystemic manifestations
experiencing and multiple
severe respiratory organ
failure and failure.
ARDS,Cancer patients
and finally, to
are ofwho
those particular interest
suffer from in light
systemic of this pandemic;
manifestations they areorgan
and multiple morefailure.
liable Cancer
to experience
are ofsevere clinical
particular course
interest inof the of
light disease, owing to multiple
this pandemic; they areconfounding
more liable to factors, such as
experience a
more severe clinical course of the disease, owing to multiple confounding
increased basal inflammatory state, increased oxidative stress, as well as the very likely factors, such as
presence inflammatory
existing comorbiditiesstate, increased
other than the oxidative stress,
malignancy as well
itself. Amidstas thethevery likely
presence of existing
to vaccinate comorbidities
populations other than the
against COVID-19, themalignancy
Amidst thejustify
still eagerness to
the ra-
vaccinate populations
ther meticulous hunt foragainst
a drugCOVID-19,
or an agentthe thataforementioned
would ideally points
provide still justify the
COVID-19 rather
cancer huntwith
patients for adouble
drug orbenefits,
an agentpositively
that would ideally provide
affecting the courses COVID-19
of bothinfected can-
their malig-
cer patients with double benefits, positively affecting the courses of both
nancies and the viral infection. In this review, we have hoped to shed light on TQ from their malignancies
and thesativa
Nigella viralseeds
infection. In this
and how review,
it has been we
hoped to shed light on
numerous TQ from
studies Nigella
to have po-
sativa seeds and how it has been shown throughout numerous studies
tential beneficial and protective effects in general and in COVID-19-infected cancer pa- to have potential
tients and protective
in particular, effects in general
with significantly lowerand in COVID-19-infected
incidences of side effects. First,cancer patientsthe
it reduces in
probabilitywith significantly entry
of SARS-CoV-2 lowerinto
incidences of side effects.
cells. Second, it helpsFirst, it reduces
ameliorate the the probability
deleterious ef-
of SARS-CoV-2
fects of CRS in entry into cells. Second,
COVID-19-infected it helps
cancer ameliorate
patients, therebythe deleterious
protecting effectsmultiple
against of CRS
in COVID-19-infected cancer patients, thereby protecting against multiple
organ damage. Additionally, it is particularly beneficial for cancer patients because it organ damage.
Cells 2021, 10, 302 17 of 29
Cells 2021, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 18 of 30
Additionally, it is particularly beneficial for cancer patients because it could potentially alle-
could potentially alleviate multiple chemotherapy-induced toxicities, exhibit anticancer
viate multiple chemotherapy-induced toxicities, exhibit anticancer effects, as well as exhibit
effects, as well as exhibit chemo- and radio-sensitizing effects. Figure 4 summarizes the
chemo- and radio-sensitizing effects. Figure 4 summarizes the common molecular targets
common molecular targets and effects of TQ that are beneficial in both cancer and COVID-
and effects of TQ that are beneficial in both cancer and COVID-19 patients. Altogether, TQ
19 patients. Altogether, TQ is a promising solution that may win the battle against COVID-
is a promising solution that may win the battle against COVID-19 and cancer. While TQ is
19 and cancer. While TQ is not an FDA approved drug for the treatment of cancer or
not an FDA approved drug for the treatment of cancer or COVID-19; during the past year,
COVID-19; during the past year, onephase 3 clinical trial was done while threephase 2
onephase 3 clinical trial was done while threephase 2 clinical trials are currently studying
clinical trials are currently studying the effect of Nigella sativa extracts on immunity and
the effect of Nigella sativa extracts on immunity and clinical outcomes of COVID-19 patients
clinical outcomes of COVID-19 patients as per clinicaltrials.gov (Identifier number:
as per clinicaltrials.gov (Identifier number: NCT04347382, NCT04472585, NCT04401202
NCT04347382, NCT04472585, NCT04401202 and NCT04553705). It is clear that further
and NCT04553705). It is clear that further clinical trials investigating the use of TQ in
numerous trials investigating
cancers need to the use of TQ in numerous cancers need to be implemented.
be implemented.
Figure 4. TQ
TQ common
common effects
effects in
in SARS-CoV-2 infection and cancer.
cancer. The figure summarizes TQ’s actions on molecular
targets that cause beneficial outcomes in both SARS-CoV-2 infection and cancer pathogenesis.
and cancer pathogenesis.
1. Increase
expression lessening
lessening the
the viral
viral entry
entry and
and inhibits
inflammatory genes
genes and
and cytokine
cytokine storm
storm beneficial
beneficial in
in viral
infection and cancer pathogenesis;
infection and cancer pathogenesis;
2. Reduction
hibits inflammasome formation and all inflammasome components
hibits inflammasome formation and all inflammasome components and inhibits and inhibits
inflammatoryPGE2 PGE2levels;
3. Decrease
Decreasein inRAS
levels (ATII)
(ATII) which
which abolishes
its detrimental effects such as vasoconstriction (VC), fibrosis, hypertension (HTN)
detrimental effects such as vasoconstriction (VC), fibrosis, hypertension (HTN)
4. Decrease in expression of HSPA5/GRP78, which halts viral entry into the cells and
decreases cancer metastasis while enhancing apoptosis.
Cells 2021, 10, 302 18 of 29
4. Decrease in expression of HSPA5/GRP78, which halts viral entry into the cells and
decreases cancer metastasis while enhancing apoptosis.
5. Inhibition of MAPK, which decreases dysregulated platelet activity reducing risks of
6. Decrease in oxidative stress by upregulating antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide
dismutase (SOD1) and enhancing glutathione (GSH) levels.
Author Contributions: S.E., A.A.E. and N.S.A. contributed toreviewing the literature, writing the
review, and designing figures. H.M.E.T. and U.S. were responsible for designing, editing, and revising
the review. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not Applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not Applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
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