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International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (4.

36) (2018) 624-629

International Journal of Engineering & Technology


Research paper

Second Language Acquisition Through Neurolinguistic

Programming: A Psychoanalytic Approach
A. Delbio1*, M. Ilankumaran2
1Research Scholar in English, Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education, Kumaracoil.
2Professor of English, Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education, Kumaracoil, Thuckalay, Tamilnadu, India.
E-mail:[email protected]
*Corresponding author E-mail: [email protected]


English is the only lingua-franca for the whole world in present age of globalization and liberalization. English language is considered as
an important tool to acquire a new and technical information and knowledge. In this situation English learners and teachers face a lot of
problems psychologically. Neuro linguistic studies the brain mechanism and the performance of the brain in linguistic competences. The
brain plays a main role in controlling motor and sensory activities and in the process of thinking. Studies regarding development of brain
bring some substantiation for psychological and anatomical way of language development. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) deals
with psychological and neurological factors. It also deals with the mode of brain working and the way to train the brain to achieve the
purpose. Many techniques are used in the NLP. It improves the fluency and accuracy in target language. It improves non-native speaker
to improve the LSRW skills. This paper brings out the importance of the NLP in language learning and teaching. It also discusses the
merits and demerits of the NLP in learning. It also gives the solution to overcome the problems and self-correction is motivated through
neuro-linguistic programming.

Keywords: Neuro-linguistic programming, acquisition, behavioral, environment, modeling, rapport, conscious and unconscious mind, visualization
anchoring, natural method.

1. Introduction
2.1. English as a second language acquisition
English Language Acquisition has a number of difficulties faced
English language is regarded as world language in comparing with
by learners. Most of the students show opposition to learn
other language. English is the language which was spoken widely.
English, because they consider English is not adequate for them.
One person can survey in all over the world with the help of
They may not perform well in all the activities held in the
English language. English has been spread all over the world.
classroom. The pupils use to get deviation from English language.
English has been used as a medium of instruction in colleges and
The teacher can create a better environment and opportunities for
universities. It is language used for business purpose. English
the learner through Neuro Linguistic Programming. The learning
language is a language of administration. It was evolved from
process gets comprehensible, easier, interesting and humorous for
parent family known as Indo-European family of language.
the students. The NLP is the technique used for the learner to
English was the language of to England. Beyond the British
understand the second language learning and teach them, it is not
colonies, English was spread all over the World. English is given
boring and difficult task. The NLP makes the students to
much importance in the field of education. English plays an
distinguish the processes of decision making, communication,
important role in internet and press. People think that learning
motivation and learning.
English is very difficult and confusing task. But it is easiest
language to learn because so many resources are available in order
2. Language to improve the language fluency. English is the language used
widely in the world. Most of the people considered English as
Language plays a main role in human activities. The purpose of their second language. First and second language is considered L1
the language is to communicate and bond up with culture. One can and L2 learning. L2 learning should be acquired as the child
represent the world through language and create better acquires the first language. There are two ways of learning a
environment. Language learning process was given vital role for language, they are conscious and subconscious learning process.
the children to understand and express the ideas. Judith Greene First language is acquired through subconscious way and second
says that language functions in two ways. They are external language can be acquired through conscious process.
communication and internal representation like thoughts and
feelings. 2.2. Psychological factors affecting language acquisition
Language proficiency is needed in linguistic competence. It is
considered a divine gift of articulate speech. The major utility of a Psychological factors play a main role in language learning. The
language is interaction and transaction. Language is not taught by factors affect in formulating, inspiring, and promoting learning.
others but it should be acquired from the environment. Language skills are deeply associated with mental process. It
Copyright © 2018 Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 625

prompts both positive and negative factors. Some psychological observations of people’s verbal behaviour, reactions and non-
factors in language learning are lack of confidence, self-esteem, verbal cues. For example observer cannot observe how the person
anxiety, language stress, fear of making mistakes. These factors observes the object, but the observer may infer it from the reaction
are the fundamental section in learning and speaking the second of the person. Neuro linguistic programming was proposed by
language. Psychologically Anxiety is formulated from the fear of Richard Bandler, expert in mathematics and computer, and John
losing self-identity. More complicated processes in this factor are Grinder is a linguistics professor. The NLP was established in the
lack of confidence and social fear. The students may utilize the University of California in 1970. Neuro Linguistic Programming
opportunities and it may help to overcome social fear and more is used as a technique for communication and individual
practices bring changes and improvements in life. Positive attitude development among managers, trainers, sales people, counsellors,
helps the learners to improve in language learning and lawyer, etc. The NLP provides a person the chance of creating
themselves an excellent learner of second language. Di Kamp say
2.3. Psychological approach in language learning that, NLP offers a framework for developing yourself entirely on
how people set themselves up unconsciously when they are being
Psychology is the scientific study of behaviour. The behaviour can excellent. It spells out the underlying principles which enable
be studied through some techniques and approaches. It leads only people to develop their potential in whatever context and by
through observation. Various modes of observation bring some whatever specific path. This provides a universally applicable
methods and approaches. Some methods are Introspection framework with room for customizing to suit individual and
Method, Psychoanalytical Method and Naturalistic observation cultural needs, not as imposed rigid structure which limits
Method etc. Introspection method is the oldest method for possibility rather than extending creative potential.
studying the behaviour, which reads the mind of human beings. Neuro Linguistic Programming analyses the whole mind-body
The behavioural events is observed through naturalistic events is system of a human connections between inner development,
known as Naturalistic observation Method. The unconscious language and behaviour. The most important aspect of Neuro
process of mind is observed through psychoanalytical approach. Linguistic programming is to analyze the internal and external
This approach analysis some psychological factors like anxiety, experience of human behaviour, language and communication.
stress, fear and lack of confidence etc. Neuro-linguistic
Programming is also one of the techniques to recognize the human 3.1. Principles of NLP
behaviour. This technique observes the internal way of thinking
and experience. TheNLP studies the relationship between brain, The teacher may find many techniques to improve the
language and behaviour. This method is considered natural communication skills of students and maintain understanding with
approach in learning a new language. Language acquisition is peer group and teacher. The NLP creates better atmosphere in the
given more criteria than language learning. The NLP can be classrooms. Based upon the situation, Neuro Linguistic
divided into three segments. Neuro is the first segment which Programming models are used to achieve the target. The
studies the relationship brain and language. It also studies the principles of the NLP are the basic elements of its techniques. The
functioning of human brain. Linguistic is considered as second basic principle of the NLP is communication. The teacher finds
segment. This segment studies the functioning of second language the areas of weakness and act accordingly. Poor communication
learning. The third segment is programming which studies the brings some draw out from society, so the NLP motivates
methods and techniques to attain the language. communication skills. It also improves personal and interpersonal
2.4. Language and brain The next principle of the NLP is “The Map is not the territory”
which means something is there beyond the life. The teacher may
People have no competency about the usage of their vocal cords. teach the methods and rules of language, unless the students did
They are able to understand the language and know to use the not practice the technique, the students cannot attain the goal.
written forms of the language. Human communication through Another principle of the NLP is “Behavior is inherently leaned
sign language depends on visible gesture. D.E. Broadbent states toward adaptation”. Human beings adopt the natural behaviour.
that “One of the functions which our brains must perform is the They may adopt or change themselves and they modify the
prediction of the events which have just occurred in the present.” behaviour. Neuro Linguistic Programming models and techniques
Most healthy adults have the language ability which appears in may help to change the behaviour. The NLP provides a student to
specific areas of the left hemispheric cortex. A unique branch of maintain individual relationships with peer group and students. It
linguistics is termed as neuro linguistic. It trains the physical increases persuasive skills and self-esteem. The NLP makes the
structure of the mind and it identifies the language creation and students to have a positive thinking and mental attitude. It mainly
conception of learning. There are many methods to improve helps the students to achieve a goal. It helps the learners to solve
second language from nineteenth century. Some methods are the problem in a creative way and make them change the attitude
Grammar Translation Method, Direct Method, Bilingual Method, of learning.
Deductive Method Communicative Approach, etc. Neuro-
Linguistic Programming is the new method used in language 3.2. Primary foundations of NLP
learning. It examines the connection between language and brain.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming proposes skills, strategies and Neurophysiology highlights the procedure of language and
techniques to overwhelm the mental difficulties and helps to cognition of the brain in learning.
develop the self-learning and self-motivation. It is a multidimensional action. Language and thinking improves
from different phases of brain. A language aspect is associated
3. Neuro linguistic programming with a different aspect of brain. The NLP is program which
influenced in whole learning process. The basic elements of the
Neuro-linguistic Programming deals with cognitive processes. It NLP are rapport, Sensory awareness, Outcome thinking,
analyses the internal mental activities like thinking, remembering, Behavioural flexibility.
perceiving and learning. Psychological studies are made to solve
the problems and other cognitive activities. Brain activities and Rapport
the mental processes are interdependent. Cognitive process
involves in acquisition of language, storage, manipulation and The main pillars in the NLP are communication and forming
transformation of information. Psychological studies inferred the relationship with others in better way.
626 International Journal of Engineering & Technology

A deep study of the NLP gives tools and technique to become a Physical exercise
good communicator. It helps to build better rapport with others
and lead a superior and more effective life. It improves the brain power by forming new brain cells and
existing neuron gets advanced. It also increases the size of
Sensory awareness hippocampus, which is located in brain’s medial temporal lobe
and closely associate with memory and learning. When the
The NLP helps an individual to have awareness with surrounding, learning process gets stopover the brain gets shrink. Lifelong
environment etc. It helps to shape and sharpen the sense of human learning may increase the brain power and its function.
being and make them to be aware of happening in their
environment. Mnemonic training

Outcome thinking Another term for mnemonic is memory tool. It is a technique used
to remember certain information which finds difficult to recall.
The NLP gives importance to thinking power. It advises the Human brain involves in interpreting complex provocations such
person to analyze his problem and take decision accordingly. It as images, colours, emotion, sounds, language, etc. Memory
helps in discovering the genuine motivation behind the life. stores are those memorandums in effective manner. In the modern
era, one has to remember a lot of information in accordance with
Behavioural flexibility academic activities and other. The brain may not easily encode the
written information and finds difficult to recall the facts. The
Neuro Linguistic Programming encourages the students to be types of Mnemonics are discussed below.
adoptable in the entire situation. It also instructs the learner to
accept the changes in their life. Music mnemonics

3.3. Neuro-linguistic programming and second language Hearing music improves the left temporal lobe and involved in
acquisition verbal memory. The students easily learn the lyrics of the songs.
This is one of the techniques used to remember the things. The
The mind is the most complex organ in the human being. It is in trainer may instruct the learner to make a song out of information
charge of thought, dialect, feelings, memory, etc. Human mind to recall the important ideas. Advertisement on TV is telecast in
views the world through the hearing, vision, touch, development, connection with music and it helps to recall the product in
taste, and smell. Knowledge of the mind and neurological shopping. Thus, Music Mnemonics helpto evoke the information.
procedures is necessary to understand about the language learning.
Learning of the mind and its neurophysiology prompts for better Name mnemonics
understanding of language development. Improving knowledge
about the language is the basic treatment given in the classroom. In Name Mnemonic, the first letter of each word is used as a name
Ullman stated, “Importantly, if the systems underlying the target of a person or thing. Examples: ROY G.BIV= colours of the
domains are well understood, they should yield clear predictions spectrum (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet.)
about language, based solely on non-language theories and data”.
Consequently, learning of the mind and its structures motivates to Expression or word mnemonic
produce data about language. Neuro-Linguistic Programming
provides new standard for acquiring second language acquisition. This mnemonic is popularly used by the learner. In Expression or
In second language classrooms the NLP affords efficient Word mnemonic, the first letter of each word is arranged in the
communication skills. The NLP approach is required for form of phrase or word. For example, In English language the
developing self-directed atmosphere in classroom. There are two seven coordinating conjunctions are For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet,
components for effective L2 learning classroom. The components So. The word used as FANBOYS.
are implicit competence and explicit knowledge. Conscious
knowledge is the other term used for explicit knowledge. In this Model mnemonics
process, the individual owns grammar rules, vocabulary and other
aspects of language. Those details can be finds from text and other In a Model Mnemonic the trainer may use some model to the
sources. The ability of spontaneous overflow of language can be learner. This mnemonic helps the learner to recall the things as
found in implicit competence. It unconsciously acquires the use of possible.
vocabulary and structures of the language with the help of the
NLP. These two components help the learner to attain its height. Ode or rhyme mnemonics
The trainer shall keep the goal in their mind and to enable them to
conceptualize these two segments. An Ode or Rhyme Mnemonic brings the information in the form
of a poem. For example for the number of days in each month is;
3.4. Training to improve language acquisition NLP “30 days hath September, April, June, and November.
All the rest have 31
The human mind shows various physiological and structural Except February my dear son.
attributes. In all humans the left side of the physique is organized It has 28 and that is fine
by the right hemisphere whereas the right side of the body is But in Leap Year it has 29.”
controlled by the left hemisphere. This organisation is called The learner is advised to play some brain games like
contra lateral neural control. The left side of the brain controls the logic puzzles, crosswords, Sudoku, etc. This may
language system. In learning a new language the brain and increase the executive function of brain, working
memory get boosted. There are some techniques to improve the memory and processing speed.
brain power are discussed below.
3.5. Difficulties in neuro linguistics

Brain damage is one of the aspects, which results in poor language

acquisition. A person who is affected by stroke in the right
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 627

hemisphere fails to control the left portions of physique. While deepest level in shaping the pupil. Spiritual level modifies and
there is damage in the right hemisphere, it experiences permanent guides the students to attain the existence of learning.
language loss. Aphasia means the cognitive loss of language. It
includes the problems of understanding language and expressing 4.2. Perceptions in NLP
thoughts by means of language. It also encompasses the problems
with reading and writing. Due to brain injury, the speech skills The main concept in the NLP is Representational systems, eye
would be affected. Brain damage results in communication movements, sub-modalities, anchoring, sensory acuity, meta-
problems as well. It causes cognitive difficulties like memory programmes and modelling.
impairment and difficulties in attention retention. The muscles of
the vocal apparatus and the cognitive structure of the language is 4.3. Representational systems
affected and distracted by stroke. Douglas Brown says “The
existence of a hierarchy in cognitive organization implies the The problem faced by the learner is how they understand the
possibility of organizing language curricula according to such a world. Human understands the world through their five senses. It
hierarchy.” Children who have language acquisition are the is named as representational systems in the NLP. Alder and
victims of specific language impairment owing to heredity. Heather says In establishing rapport, a person’s representational
Children born with this disorder have normal intellect, but as system provides an important area of ‘likeness’. The way that a
children, they are remarkable to attain language naturally. These person creates and runs their ‘mental map’ reflects their true
children grow up without obtaining any grammatical patterns. identity. If you can identify and use a person’s primary
representational system, you will, in effect, ‘speak their language’,
4. Problem of the students and will communicate better. Mutual understanding will increase
because of the common system you both use. Using a different
representation, however, means the listener has to ‘translate’ what
Second language learning finds difficult task for the students,
you say. For instance, they have to translate a visual image into
because it is new to them. Mother tongue influence is the main
something that ‘sounds’ or ‘feels’ right. This may seem like hard
problem in learning a second language. The grammar rules and work. And it can lead to misunderstanding. Hence the benefits of
principles of second language are more complicated. The students matching thinking style to achieve better communication.
are not interested in learning syntax and structures of new
Representational system works on five senses.
language. The students consider English as a subject rather than
• Visual (images)
language. They need to show conscious mind and full attention in
• Auditory (sounds)
learning. The learning process may get spoiled due to distraction.
The main reasons which affect the second language learning are • Kinesthetic (touch and internal feelings)
anxiety, fear and shyness. Proper appreciation lacks in rural pupil. • Gustatory (tastes)
Some students did not get proper training, motivation and • Olfactory (smells)
reinforcement to learn second language. The negative The NLP during visualization brings certain energetic facts to
reinforcement leads the students to improve inferiority complex. conquer success. This program advocates for creative thinking. In
Most of the situation the students did not get chance to clarifies this technique, picture graph, videos, use of blackboards and
the doubts, because of fear and shyness. Behaviour of the students charts is used to remember certain ideas. Picture speaks more
can be modified. words than dictating. The mind recalls the picture and remains
In human life, changing and developing are the main character to the concept. The teacher may use flash cards and charts to enable
develop their behaviour. This brings the learning process for the students to have a clear understanding about a word and its
better. Good learner needs to change their attitude towards meaning. Auditory in the NLP deals with thoughts and speech of
learning a second language. The teacher tries to solve the problem the person. The auditory makes the students to listening to the
of the students in learning a second language. In that situation, words of the teachers and tries to learning those words. The tasks
they apply certain methods and techniques to develop the learners’ are story-telling, reading, explanations and listening to speech and
ability. While doing so the learner fails to concentrate and adopt listening to audios. This improves listening skill, style of speech,
the method. The students may not give conscious approach in intonation and pitch of the language. Kinaesthetic deals with the
learning through those methods, so the approach becomes emotional aspects. It comprises drama, mime, writing own stories.
unsuccessful. The main role of the teacher is to find the problem Gustatory and Olfactory are closely linked together. It gives less
of the students and apply the NLP techniques to solve the importance to mental processing. Thus, the students have different
difficulty in the language learning. types of learning. The teacher can recognize the NLP methods to
offer pupils with current ways of learning. The difficult faced by
4.1. Neurological levels the learners in second language acquisition is anxiety. There are
various types of learners. The students may find difficult in
The NLP introduces neurological levels and it finds one of the following the method, so they feel afraid of doing mistake. The
powerful tools for personal change. It was advanced by Robert teacher can follow the NLP approach to eliminate the fear and
Dilts. The NLP affords an outline for understanding the individual anxiety of the learners and make the learner to feel comfortable in
problems and includes six different levels. The first level is learning a new language.
Environment. This level examines about the surrounding and how
it reacts. Second level is Behavior. It involves in thinking, 4.4. Techniques in neuro-linguistic programming
speaking, listening, responding and taking sensible action by the
learners. It instructs to achieve the goal. Capability includes The NLP instructor follows some techniques to teach the language
collection of behaviors general skills and strategies which is used effectively. This method gives more importance to practical
in day today life. The students ability was evaluated by the teacher knowledge than theoretical understanding of language. The
and act accordingly with the help of the NLP. Beliefs and Values elementary techniques of the NLP are Anchoring, Visualization.
are very important in learning, which deals with how far the Modelling Rapport, Modelling, State Management.
learner is giving importance to language acquisition. Identity is
based on sense of the pupil. Students may fall in confusing stage Anchoring
because of negative thoughts. Identity shapes the person and it
created through positive attitude. Spirituality connectedness goes
628 International Journal of Engineering & Technology

Anchoring is the practical approach and psychological method. In i. At first, the learner should choose the best institution
this approach, the teacher gives some input and tries to bring out which follows the neuro linguistic programming. English
the internal idea of the students. can be developed through the NLP. Its techniques can be
The teacher may ask some questions to bring some creative acceptable in all aspects.
answer from the pupil. This method supports in decreasing stress, ii. In the second stage, the NLP gives importance to sensory
fear and anxiety and brings the inner feeling and solves the organs. The learner can choose visual or auditory method
problems. in learning English, because it based on the individual
difference among the students. Some students may be
Visualization interested in listening audio and others were involved in
seeing pictures and other models. The NLP supporters
Visualisation mainly focused on images and pictures. The teacher the learner to choose their own way of learning.
shows the picture to the students and asks them to bring the iii. During the third step, the NLP focused on unconscious
creative answer from the picture. The mistakes are not given mind in language acquisition. Learner gives more
importance and this method improves fluency. The tools used in attention in videos and audios. Through this, the
this approach are Videos, charts, flash cards. language can be improved effectively.
iv. In the fourth step, the learners are advised to listen to the
Modelling rapport native speakers. They were instructed to reproduce the
native speaker slang. By doing so, they can develop the
The important strategy in the NLP is rapport. It is necessary in personality like English man.
advocating powerful communication. Postures, body gestures, v. The fifth step is the stage of relaxing. The students are
facial expressions are main techniques used in this method. It not given more stress in learning an language. In the final
helps to have a good relationship between teacher and students. It stage, the pupils are instructed the practice the task of
creates positive learning environment. The students can practice NLP.
speaking in front of the mirror, so that they can improve the body
language in speaking. This improves communication skill 4.7. Advantages of neuro linguistic programming
• Neuro linguistic programming is a natural method.
Modelling • It developed the language acquisition through
psychological aspects.
The students may take the role model of some great personality. • NLP uses the method of first language acquisition.
They can listen to the speech of the native speaker and try to • It gives important acquisition than learning.
imitate them. They are advised to concentrate on body gestures, • It gives positive environment in learning.
lip movements and the pronunciation of the native speaker. It is • NLP advocates in reducing stress and efforts.
practical approach, so it is easy to adopt and improve fluency. • Practical knowledge is given important than theoretical.
• Creativity is given importance.
State management • Sub-consciously students learn the language.
• Video, audio, moving pictures and scripts are used to
In this method, the students were trained to tackle the difficult
bring interest among the students.
situation. This method gives attentions to mental control and
• The students enjoy in the NLP classrooms.
emotional control.
• It is a method of self-motivation and self-awareness.
4.5. Teaching method in neuro linguistic programming • Motivation is the main tool used in this method.
• Rapport between a teacher and students brings success
Dictation method is one of the best methods to improve the • It gives importance in personality development.
spelling of the students. The teacher reads the sentence and the • Remedial teaching is given important in this
students need to write it without mistakes. The mistake is programming.
corrected by the teacher and motivates the students to re-correct
the passage. Instead of teaching drama or short stories it can be 4.8. Disadvantages of neuro linguistic programming
played in the form of movies. This is one of the techniques to
improve the visual sense. To improve the pronunciation and • It is time consuming process.
intonation, some speeches are played repeatedly. The NLP follows • Teachers are not aware of the techniques in the NLP.
the natural method of second language acquisition. This technique • All the skills are not practiced in this method.
is used to teach English language. Failure and success is
determined by the behaviour and thoughts. It can be taught in right
way to get success. The unconscious mind may collect more
5. Conclusion
information than the conscious mind. The NLP helps the
unconscious mind of the learner. The movies can be played which This paper deals with the new technique called Neuro Linguistic
is related to their subject. It makes them to remember the topic. Programming Neuro Linguistic programming is considered the
Moreover, the teacher can create some activities to engage them in best method in language acquisition. It trains the human mind and
learning. develops the positive thinking. It develops the creative thoughts,
and problem solving skills. The NLP improves the teaching
4.6. Phases in NLP learning process. The students can be free from worries and
psychological pressure. It brings the positive learning
English is considered as second language in most of the country. environment. This technique is a natural method. It trains the
English is the international language. There are many methods to students in the way they learned their mother tongue. Neuro-
improve English language. Neuro linguistic programming is one Linguistic Programming helps the students to become more
of the methods to develop the target language. The NLP decrease resourceful and attain the success. Most of the researchers found
worries, anxiety and feeling. It improves motivation among the grammar translation and direct method are the best method. At
pupil. There are five phases in learning a language. present situation, practical learning is given more priority than
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 629

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