Topology Design and Modal Analysis of A PDF
Topology Design and Modal Analysis of A PDF
Topology Design and Modal Analysis of A PDF
UDC: 629.7.02:519.6
Original scientific paper
Erdi Gülbahçe1*, Haşmet Çağrı Sezgen2 and Abdullah Çakan3
KTO Karatay University, Faculty of Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering Department, Konya, Turkey
KTO Karatay University, Vocational School of Trade and Industry, Mechatronics Program, Konya, Turkey
Konya Technical University, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Mechanical Engineering
Department, Konya, Turkey
In this study, topology optimization of a jet engine bracket which was Received: 20.09.2019.
proposed from GE Aviation challenge for improving the brackets is Accepted: 27.09.2019.
presented using finite element analysis (FEA). The minimum mass, Available: 30.09.2019.
maximum equivalent stress and first natural frequency are selected for
the objective functions to topology optimization. Then, topology
optimization procedure is implemented according to the identified KEYWORDS
Topology design, optimization,
boundary conditions and objective functions. Finally, the manufacturing
bracket design, FEA, ANSYS
model is obtained and compared with the original model according to the
maximum equivalent stress, mass reduction and first natural frequency.
Also, modal analysis and static analysis results of the proposed models
are presented.
1. INTRODUCTION and stresses depending on the environment. As
presented in [7], an FSAE car is a high performance
In the industry, it is desirable that most vehicle. Thus, the static and dynamic stresses as
structures do not change their strength when their well as huge amount of vibrations are occurred in
weights and dimensions decrease. Similarly, the brackets as the engine supports. For this aim,
structural strength and durability are important the mass optimization of engine mount brackets
properties in vibration problems. In the structures for a FSAE car is carried out by using finite Element
subjected to the vibrations, the brackets are more Analysis and Modal analysis [7]. In other study,
affected and damaged than the main structures. three different optimization procedures which are
There are many commercial and academic studies topology, shape, and size are presented. As a result
about bracket design. The researchers used the of the study, it is showed that how these
topology optimization method for bracket design optimization methods are effect to mechanical
and achieved good results [1‐3]. In another aspect, properties of the bracket [8].
the researchers investigate the vibration
characteristics of brackets in order to optimize of 2. MATERIAL AND METHODS
the bracket design [4, 5]. In another study,
topology optimization is conducted in order to 2.1. Numerical Modeling of the Jet Engine Bracket
analyze the compressor bracket by several loading
condition [6]. In this study, the constraint is In this section, a jet engine bracket proposed
selected the first natural frequency for objective from the GE Aviation [9] is numerically modeled
function. From the results, topology optimization using ANSYS which is the finite element software.
method shows good performance to right design The mesh model of the original structure is shown
direction at the early development stage. The in Fig.1a. The mesh size is chosen as 4 mm and the
brackets are subject to mechanical dynamic loads element number is 10290. Also, boundary
CONTACT: E. Gülbahçe, e‐mail: [email protected] © 2019 Published by the Serbian Academic Center
E. Gülbahçe et al. / Applied Engineering Letters Vol.4, No.3, 102‐105 (2019)
Fig.1. a) Mesh model of the numerical model, b)
Boundary conditions of the numerical model
Titanium alloys are generally used in avionic
systems due to their lightness and durability [10].
In the numerical modeling, Ti6Al4V material is
selected and mechanical properties are shown in
Table 1. This material is preferred because of its
high strength and light weight.
Table 1. Mechanical properties of the used material
Density 4430 kg/m3
Young’s Modulus 113,8 GPa
Poisson’s Ratio 0,342
Bulk Modulus 120 GPa
Shear Modulus 42,4 GPa
Tensile Yield Strength 880 MPa
Compressive Yield Strength 970 MPa
Tensile Ultimate Strength 950 MPa
E. Gülbahçe et al. / Applied Engineering Letters Vol.4, No.3, 102‐105 (2019)
Fig.2. a) Optimized model, (b) Manufacturing model
After the topology optimization, the
manufacturing model and original model a)
compared according to the maximum equivalent
stress. Under the applied loads, 128.21 MPa and
135.55 MPa maximum equivalent stress value is
obtained from the original model and
manufacturing model, respectively. The equivalent
stresses of the proposed models are shown in Fig.3.
Fig.4. Stress results of the (a) original model, (b)
manufacturing model
As a shown as the Table 2, maximum equivalent
a) stress is increased by rate of 5.19%. According to
this result, an acceptable increase is obtained. Also,
the total mass is decreased by rate of 76.7%. The
mass reduction is previously presented as rate of
80%, however total mass reduction is figured out
only about 3.3% less than this target. Moreover,
the first natural frequency of the structure
decreased from 5625 Hz to 4183 Hz. Essentially,
this is undesirable for the vibrational cases.
However, in a 76 percent mass reduction, it is not
important that this value decrease at this rate.
Table 2. Compared results
Original Optimized
Model Model
Maximum Equivalent
Fig.3. Stress results of the (a) original model, (b) 128,21 135,55
Stress [MPa]
manufacturing model
Mass [Kg] 2,0517 0,4780
1st Natural Frequency
Also, the manufacturing model and original 5625 4183
model compared according to the modal analysis
E. Gülbahçe et al. / Applied Engineering Letters Vol.4, No.3, 102‐105 (2019)
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