Unprogrammed Decision Making : Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Unprogrammed Decision Making : Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Unprogrammed Decision Making : Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
In order to explore empirically the detail structure of the above gen-
eralized decision process outline we would obviously have to investigate,
at great length, the information processes of a large number of Dms
solving many different types of decision problems, in different task en-
vironments. The criteria by which we chose a specific unprogrammed
decision situation to study initially were the following, namely that the
Dms we were to focus on would be:
i. well trained for making decisions, as well as able and motivated
to talk at length about their information processing while ac-
tually engaged in producing the decisions;
ii. highly involved with the problem confronting them, it being
personally very important for each Dm to reach the "right"
iii. quite unfamiliar with the type of decision problem they were
faced with, having encountered few such problems before, and
not expecting to do so again in the near future;
iv. engaged in making the decision over a longer period of time —
like several weeks — in order to minimize possible observer
measurements effects, yet allow a number of observations to be
made at different phases of the decision process;
V. easily and inexpensively accessible to the investigator in rea-
sonable number, in order to minimize idiosyncratic interpreta-
tion of the data, through cross-comparison of the thinking-aloud
protocols of fairly large samples of decision makers.
The above criteria for our choice of subjects were designed to help
us focus on as pure and "uncontaminated" a set of decision process obser-
vations as we thought could be found in industrial practice. However,
M.I.T. Sloan School of Management Master's and Doctor's candidates
making their post-graduate job decisions seemed to fit our bill reasonably
well. And in addition to satisfying our selection criteria, these subjects
would allow us readily and validly to test whatever rejectable hypotheses
were generated by our initial investigation, on succeeding years' samples
of graduating management recruits.
Our research objective originally was to design a longitudinal ques-
tionnaire that could efficiently and adequately chart the course of our
Dm's job decision processes. For that purpose we constructed an elaborate
questionnaire instrument, which in its complete form took three or four
hours for each Dm to complete, every week. This was clearly too long,
trying as it did to cover every possible theoretical contingency. For ex-
ample, one central part of the questionnaire derived from classical prob-
abilistic utility theory, according to which Dm was asked to identify,
weight, and then rate whatever goal dimensions he felt entered into his
decision. Perhaps not surprisingly, it turned out that the goal weights
which Dms provided during decision making could not be trusted: The
reported weights varied quite unreliably with (i) the specific alternatives
that Dm referred to when answering the goal weight questions, and (ii)
the temporal phasing of his decision process.
We therefore gave up the questionnaire as a poor job. It had become
increasingly obvious that unless our questionnaire was made up largely
of items that were closely compatible with the manner in which Dm
actually stored and manipulated his decision information "internally,"
during his own thinking about the problem, the answers he provided to
our questions would, for explanatory as well as predictive purposes, be
spurious at best; entirely misleading at worst.
We therefore resolved to rely, almost exclusively at first, on periodic,
open-ended, and highly detailed interviews with the decision makers in
process. These interviews provided our first insight into some rather
surprising aspects of unprogrammed decision making. Preliminary anal-
ysis of nearly 100 open ended interviews, each ranging from 1/2 hour to
2-1/^ hours in length, with 20 different decision makers over 3-5 month
choice periods, provided the basis for our first generalizable decision pro-
cessing model (GDP-I). The latter was first presented at Carnegie Insti-
tute of Technology in June, 1964.
Each interview protocol was thereafter reduced to comparable format
by the following 3-step method. First, each protocol was transcribed ver-
batum and its decision phase structure, according to GDP-I, was an-
notated in the margin. Thereafter the revelant protocol contents were
summarized in a synoptic coding language derived directly from the
variables and process hypotheses of GDP-I. Finally the current state of
each Dm's decision process and his active solution alternatives, at that
point in time, were entered on a multi-dimensional, Gantt type process
chart. The standardized data produced by the last two steps of the anal-
ysis thereafter served as the basis for quantifying each protocol, to enable
comparisons of decision processes to be made across Dms. The latter
curve-fitting analysis provided (post hoc) support for a number of GDP-I
hypotheses, the more interesting of which are summarized below:
a. Dm defines his career problem by deriving an ideal solution to
it, which in turn guides his planning of a set of operational cri-
teria for evaluating specific job alternatives.
b. Dm believes a priori that he will make his decision by weighting
all the relevant factors with respect to each alternative, and
then "add up numbers" in order to identify the best one. In
fact. Dm does not generally do this; and if he does, it is done
after he has made a selection among the alternatives.
c. Dm will search in parallel for alternatives, by activating one
or more "alternatives generators" — procedures which, once
activated, allow Dm to search passively, by deciding whedier or
not to follow up investigating particular ones of a stream of
alternatives presented by his generators.
d. Dm will usually be evaluating more than one alternative at a
time, each evaluation consisting of a series of investigation and
evaluation cycles.
e. Evaluation during the search phase takes the form of screening
each alternative along a number of noncompared goal dimen-
sions; no evidence of factor weighting is apparent at this stage.
f. Search will not necessarily halt as soon as Dm has identified
an acceptable alternative, one that is not rejected by his various
screening criteria; conversely, when Dm ends his search for new
(initial processing of newly generated) alternatives he will
usually have more than a single acceptable alternative in his
"active roster."
g. When Dm terminates his search for new alternatives before his
search resources run out, he will already have identified a favor-
ite alternative in his roster of acceptable alternatives; this alter-
native (his choice candidate) can be identified by considering
Dm's primary goal attributes (usually one or two) alone.
h. At the point of search termination Dm will not generally have
compared his alternatives with one another, will not possess a
transitive rank ordering of alternatives, and will refuse to admit
that his implicit choice has been made.
i. Before Dm will recognize his choice explicitly he will engage in,
at times quite lengthy (two, three months) confirmation pro-
cessing of his roster of acceptable alternatives, during which
alternatives will get compared to each other, factor by factor.
j. During confirmation processing the roster of acceptable alterna-
tives, if greater than two alternatives, will quickly be reduced
to two alternatives — the choice candidate and a confirmation
candidate. If only one alternative, the choice candidate, is
viable at the time. Dm will try to obtain another acceptable
alternative (confirmation candidate) as soon as pxjssible "in
order to have something to compare it with."
k. The goal of confirmation processing is (a) to resolve the residual
uncertainties and problems connected with the choice candidate,
and (b) to arrive at a decision rule which shows unequivocally
that the choice candidate dominates the confirmation candi-
date — Pareto dominance being the ideal goal strived for.
1. During confirmation processing a great deal of perceptual and
interpretational distortion takes place, in favor of the choice
candidate, to the detriment of the confirmation candidate; goal
attribute "weights" are arrived at, or changed, to fit the per-
ceived data and the desired decision outcome.
m. The decision is made when a satisfactorily Pareto dominant
decision rule has been constructed, or when Dm runs up against
a time deadline during confirmation processing.