Chapter 2: Decisions and Decision Makers
Chapter 2: Decisions and Decision Makers
Chapter 2: Decisions and Decision Makers
Assume now you are having some
problems. What will you do to solve your problem? Any specific method/steps? Are try to get the optimum solution ?
we need a working model of what he is trying to accomplish. Figure 2-1 (next slide) shows one of several ways to view the process. The decision maker plays a schizophrenic role since he is considered both a step in the process and also a participant.
groups where all members have a say in the decisions, teams where members support a single decision maker, or organizational where global agreement is needed.
makes decisions. The effect of a particular style depends on problem context, perceptions of the decision maker, and his own set of values. The complexity of these intertwine in the formation of decision style. The basic classes of styles are illustrated on the next slide. 8
structure with a low tolerance for ambiguity. Often these are decisions of a technical nature that require little information. Analytical greater tolerance for ambiguity and tends to need more information. Conceptual high tolerance for ambiguity but tends to be more a people person. Behavioral requires low amount of data and demonstrates relatively short-range vision. Is conflict-averse and relies on consensus.
stress and the method in which problems are usually solved. For example, to best serve a directive type who does not handle stress well, the interface needs to allow the decision maker to control the system without tedious input. For an analytic type, the DSS needs to allow access to many data sources which the decision maker will analyze.
objective within the constraints imposed. Most decision models suggest that the decision maker must balance the forces acting upon the process and contend with the dynamics of them. These forces can be of a several natures: Personal Emotional Economic Contextual Emergent Organizational
Structure in general, the more structure, the less information required Cognitive limitations the human mind is limited to handling 5 to 9 distinct pieces of information
Uncertainty the amount is based on how complete and accurate the information is Alternatives and multiple objectives the selection of one alternative may impede the progress towards a different goal
classified as routine, creative, or negotiated. Activity-based decisions can be typed as entrepreneurial, adaptive, or planning. Strategy-based decisions can be grouped into computational, judgmental, inspirational, or compromise.
Typology of Decisions
Rational manager perspective Process-oriented perspective Organizational procedures perspective Political perspective Individual difference perspective
Intelligence phase the decision maker looks for indications that a problem exists Design phase alternatives are formulated and analyzed Choice phase one of the alternatives is selected and implemented
find optimal solutions. In many circles, this is considered to be rational behavior. It is not always possible to optimize. Some problems have only qualitative solutions. Others may be quantitative but have multiple objectives at odds with others. In such situations, rational behavior would be to choose a good solution.
Simulation Forecasting What if analysis Markov analysis Complex queuing methods Environmental impact analysis
Linear programming Goal programming Simple queuing models Investment models Inventory models Transportation models
because it is often impractical to consider all possible solutions to a problem. He notes that we often simplify reality by looking for a solution that is acceptable, a strategy he called satisficing. When people make rational decisions that are bounded by often uncontrollable constraints, he notes that they are operating inside bounded reality.
preconceives the structure of a desired solution before the search for it begins. By using a DSS, the decision maker can learn to avoid placing too many constraints too early on the solution. In short, using a DSS would at least loosen the bounds. Using a DSS can also help the decision maker solve the problem rather than simply treating the problems symptom.
represents the climax of the decision process. It is important, however, to NOT focus all the energy here because it will not do justice to the other phases. The choice phase focuses mainly on decisions of the semistructured and unstructured types where there is uncertainty.
choice is the theory in itself. In a behavioral or descriptive model, choice is one step in a process. A DSS will handle uncertainty by assigning probabilities to the expected decision outcome -- an activity more a part of a normative rather than behavioral process.
Humans can only retain a few bits of information in short-term memory. Decision makers display differing intelligence. Some decision makers tend to restrict their search. Decision makers that employ concrete thinking tend to be limited information processors.
Propensity for risk varies among decision makers. Decision makers level of aspiration is positively correlated with desire for information. In general, older decision makers appear to be more limited than younger ones.
This is a special type of cognitive limitation. Common perception blocks are:
Difficulty in isolating the problem. Delimiting the problem space too closely. Inability to see the problem from different perspectives. Stereotyping. Cognitive saturation or overload.
Although numerous strategies exist for
evaluation of solution alternatives, judgment appears to be the most favored. Compared to detailed analysis, judgment is faster, more convenient, and less stressful. When applied in isolation, however, judgment may be nothing but a guess. One reason why it may not be used exclusively is that it relies heavily on the decision makers recollection, which may fail.
on in making decisions. Another term for such rules is heuristics. Heuristic search techniques follow a series of steps based on rules developed by experience. These searches can often provide solutions very close to those found by exhaustive search.
Heuristic Bias
Sometimes the use of heuristics can hamper finding a solution. The four major categories of bias are: 1. Availability people tend to estimate probability based on past experience, which may not be representative. 2. Adjustment and anchoring people often pick a starting value and then adjust up and down from it. They tend to underestimate the need for adjustments.
Easier access to information Faster problem recognition and identification Easier access to computing tools Greater ability to evaluate large choice sets
Reduction in decision costs Reduction in decision time Better quality in feedback supplied
References,10801,72327,00.html DSS emerged from a data processing world of routine static reports, according to Clyde Holsapple, professor in the decision science department of the College of Business and Economics at the University of Kentucky in Lexington. "Decision-makers can't wait a week or a month for a report," he says. DSS journal Example of DSS
Excel functionality extends the capabilities of the entire DSS application Examples -