Nonoriented Electrical Steel, Semiprocessed Types (Metric) : Standard Specification For
Nonoriented Electrical Steel, Semiprocessed Types (Metric) : Standard Specification For
Nonoriented Electrical Steel, Semiprocessed Types (Metric) : Standard Specification For
100 Barr Harbor Dr., West Conshohocken, PA 19428
Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Copyright ASTM
A 683M
TABLE 1 Core-Loss Types and Maximum Core-Loss Values, A Quality-Evaluation Annealed Epstein Specimens 50/50 Grain, 1.5 T
loss. Manganese may be present in amounts between 0.10 and 7.3 Specific Exciting Power—The rms exciting power re-
0.70 %. Phosphorus, copper, nickel, chromium, molybdenum, quired for the excitation of a particular type of electrical steel
antimony, and tin are usually present only in residual amounts at a given induction is usually more pertinent to its utilization
except in the higher numbered core-loss types where phospho- in an application than permeability data. Typical (not maxi-
rus, tin, or antimony up to 0.15 % may be present. mum) values of specific exciting power at 1.5 T and 60 Hz are
6.1.4 The producer is not required to report chemical shown in Table 3.
composition of each lot except where a clear need for such
8. Surface Insulation Characteristics
information has been shown. In such cases, the analyses to be
reported shall be negotiated between the manufacturer and 8.1 Unless otherwise specified, semiprocessed electrical
purchaser. steels are supplied with an uncoated surface, or with a thin,
6.2 Typical Processing—The processing sequence for semi- tightly adhering oxide with sufficient insulation resistance for
processed nonoriented electrical steel comprises hot rolling, small electrical apparatus. For most applications of these steels,
pickling, cold rolling and annealing. insulation resistance can be enhanced by employing a slightly
6.3 When changes in the manufacture of the material are oxidizing anneal or bluing treatment of the laminations in the
believed to exert possible significant effects upon the user’s purchaser’s heat treatment.
fabricating practices and upon the magnetic performance to be 8.2 When essential, higher levels of surface insulation may
obtained in the specified end use, the manufacturer shall notify be obtained by coating the steel with inorganic core plates C-4
the purchaser before shipment is made so he can have an or C-5 (see Specification A 345 for description of applicable
opportunity to evaluate the effects. core plates), but such decisions should be approached with
caution. These mill applied coatings may have an inhibiting
7. Magnetic Property Requirements effect upon decarburization and thereby limit the attainment of
7.1 Specific Core Loss—Each core-loss type of electrical the lowest core losses in the anneal given to the test specimens,
steel is identified by maximum core-loss limits as shown in laminations, or cores. These coatings should not be specified
Table 1. except where it has been clearly demonstrated that the losses
7.2 Permeability—The permeability at all inductions shall and insulation levels obtainable through surface oxidation
be as high as possible consistent with the required core-loss mechanisms result in an inferior product.
limits that govern the grade. Typical relative peak permeability 8.2.1 A thinner coating of core plate may be desired where
(µp) values (not minimum values) based on peak 60 Hz the specified end use involves welding or die casting. In such
magnetic field strength (Hp) calculated from measurements of cases, the core plate designation should be suffixed by the letter
peak exciting current at an induction of 1.5 T in accordance “A”.
with Test Method A 343 are as shown in Table 2. 8.2.2 Organic core plates (C-3) consisting of enamels or
varnishes are not suitable for use on semiprocessed steels
TABLE 2 Typical Relative Peak Permeability A at 1.5 T and 60 Hz TABLE 3 Typical Specific Exciting Power A (Volt-Amperes per
kilogram) at 1.5 T and 60 Hz
0.47-mm Thick 0.64-mm Thick
0.47-mm Thick 0.64-mm Thick
Core-Loss Typical Core-Loss Typical
Type µp Type µp Core-Loss Typical Core-Loss Typical
Type Pz (1.5;60) Type Pz (1.5;60)
47S386M 1400 64S441M 1600
47S419M 1600 64S474M 1800 47S386M 22.0 64S441M 19.8
47S441M 1800 64S507M 2000 47S419M 19.8 64S474M 17.6
47S507M 1900 64S573M 2100 47S441M 17.6 64S507M 15.4
47S551M 2000 64S639M 2200 47S507M 16.5 64S573M 14.3
47S661M 2100 64S772M 2300 47S551M 15.4 64S639M 13.2
A 47S661M 14.3 64S772M 12.1
From peak exciting current for quality-evaluation annealed 50/50 grain Epstein
specimens. For quality-evaluation annealed 50/50 grain epstein specimens.
A 683M
because they burn off during the anneal. TABLE 5 Width Tolerance
A 683M
12. Sampling (% Si + 1.7 3 % Al) Assumed Test
Density, kg/m 3
12.1 The manufacturer shall assign a number of each test lot 3.71–4.50 7600
for identification. The test lot shall not exceed 9100 kg in
weight. 15. Certification
12.2 Test samples shall be obtained after final mill heat 15.1 The manufacturer shall submit to the purchaser, as
treatment or other operation which is the final operation to have promptly as possible after shipment, a certified report of the
significant influence on the magnetic properties of semipro- average core-loss values or any other required test values, for
cessed electrical steel. each test lot, to show that the material conforms to this
12.3 The full width coil identified as a test lot shall be specification.
sampled in accordance with Practice A 34. 15.2 The test methods and applicable test conditions, in-
cluding the test density, shall be clearly stated.
13. Specimen Preparation 15.3 The test report shall carry the lot identification, pur-
13.1 The Epstein test specimen shall consist of one half of chase order number, and other information that is deemed
the test strips obtained parallel to rolling and one half trans- necessary to identify the test results with the proper shipment
verse to the rolling direction, in accordance with Fig. 1 of and shipping lot.
Practice A 34.
13.2 To determine conformity with the magnetic require- 16. Marking
ments of this specification, the specimen strips to be tested 16.1 Each package of coils or lift of cut lengths shall have
shall be given a controlled quality evaluation anneal in a firmly attached to its outside wrappings, a tag showing the
decarburizing atmosphere. The anneal shall be made under purchaser’s order number, specification number, grade desig-
conditions which ensure that the specimen strips reach a nation, coating or surface type designation, thickness, width
temperature of 845°C except that the temperature shall be (and length if in sheet form), weight, and test lot number.
790°C for alloy contents less than 1.3 % silicon plus alumi- 16.2 Each wide coil shall have the specification number,
num, for approximately 1 h and with conditions favorable to grade designation, coating or surface type designation thick-
decarburization. The atmosphere shall contain sufficient mois- ness, width, weight, and test lot number marked on the outer
ture to be highly decarburizing but should not excessively surface of the coil itself.
oxidize the specimens. An atmosphere meeting these condi- 16.3 In a lift of narrow coils, each narrow coil in the
tions contains about 20 % hydrogen, 80 % nitrogen and has a package shall be tagged with the specification number, grade
dew point of + 13°C. Care shall be taken to maintain the strips designation, coating or surface type designation, thickness,
flat in the anneal and to permit ready access of the atmosphere width, and test lot number.
to the edges of the specimen strips.
13.3 Care shall be practiced to exclude from the test 17. Packaging
specimen any bent, twisted, heavily burred, or improperly 17.1 Methods of packaging, loading and shipping, unless
sheared strips. otherwise specified, shall correspond to the latest revision of
the procedures recommended by Practices A 700.
14. Test Methods
14.1 The required tests for core loss to determine the 18. Rejection
core-loss grade, and other magnetic tests when made, shall be 18.1 Unless otherwise specified, any rejection shall be
in accordance with the procedure of Test Method A 343. reported to the producer within reasonable time after receipt of
14.2 The assumed density of these materials for test pur- material by the purchaser.
poses varies according to the amounts of silicon and aluminum 18.2 Material that is reported to be defective subsequent to
present in the steel as shown in Practice 34. The factor, percent the acceptance at the purchaser’s works shall be set aside,
silicon plus 1.7 multiplied by percent aluminum, from the adequately protected, and correctly identified. The producer
density equation d = 7865 − 65 (% Si + 1.7 3 % Al), as deter- shall be notified as soon as possible so that an investigation
mined for the median or aim silicon and aluminum of the melt, may be initiated.
shall determine the assumed density to be used as follows: 18.3 Samples that are representative of the rejected material
(% Si + 1.7 3 % Al) Assumed Test shall be made available to the producer so a mutually agreeable
Density, kg/m 3 settlement can be reached.
0.00–0.65 7850
0.66–1.40 7800 19. Keywords
1.41–2.15 7750
2.16–2.95 7700 19.1 electrical steel; nonoriented; semiprocessed; flat-
2.96–3.70 7650 rolled; core loss
A 683M
The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428.