• Used for machining materials which are too hard for other machining processes such as tool
and die steels and hardened steel materials.
• Close dimensional accuracy of the order of 0.3 to 0.5 μm, and
• High degree of surface smoothness such as Ra = 0.15 to 1.25 μm.
• Specific energy of grinding = 50 J/mm3
• Specific energy of other processes = 2 to 5 J/mm3
Grinding Wheels and cutting action
• Dimensional accuracy
• Descaling, deburring
Grit with favorable However, grits having large negative rake angle or
geometry can produce chip rounded cutting edge do not form chips but may rub
in shear mode. or make a grove by ploughing leading to lateral flow
of the w/p material.
• Out of all conventional machining methods, grinding requires highest specific cutting
Specific cutting energy =
• This is because of random orientation of abrasive particles
• Therefore about only 1/3rd of the abrasive particles act like a single point cutting tool
and remaining grains simply rub on work piece without any machining.
• Because of very small size of abrasive particles the size of chips produced are also
smaller. Therefore, M.R.R reduces. Hence, specific energy increases.
Material loading problem
Geometrical Specification
• This is decided by the type of grinding machine and the grinding operation to be performed on
the work piece.
• This specification mainly includes wheel diameter, width and depth of rim and the bore
• The wheel diameter, for example can be as high as 400 mm in high efficiency grinding or as
small as less than 1 mm in internal grinding.
• Similarly, width of the wheel may be less than an mm in dicing and slicing applications.
Specification of Grinding Wheel …
Geometrical Specification …
• Grit size
• Structure of the wheel denoting the porosity i.e. the amount of inter grit spacing
• Other than these parameters, the wheel manufacturer may add their own identification code
prefixing or suffixing (or both) the standard code.
Specification of Grinding Wheel …
Marking System for Conventional Grinding Wheel
51 A 60 K 5 V 05
• The letter ‘A’ denotes that the type of abrasive is aluminium oxide.
A : alumina (Al2O3)
B : boron carbide (B4C)
C : silicon carbide (SiC)
D : Diamond
Specification of Grinding Wheel …
• The number ‘60’ specifies the average grit (grain) size in inch mesh.
• 10-24 – coarse
• 30-60 – medium
• 80-180 – fine
• 220-600 – very fine
• The letter ‘K’ denotes the grade of the wheel (hardness of the wheel), which means the
amount of force required to pull out a single bonded abrasive grit by bond fracture.
• A – H – soft
• I – P – medium
• Q – Z – hard
Specification of Grinding Wheel …
The letter code ‘V’ means that the bond material used is vitrified.
B – bakelite/resinoid
BF – (resinoid reinforced)
S – silicate
E – shellac
O – (oxychloride)
R – rubber
RF – (rubber reinforced)
V – vitrified
Specification of Grinding Wheel …
Specification of Grinding Wheel …
• The letter ‘R’ is manufacture’s code indicating the exact type of super abrasive used.
• The letter ‘D’ denotes that the type of abrasive is diamond. In case of cBN the letter ‘B’ is
• The number ‘120’ specifies the average grain size in inch mesh. However, a two number
designation (e.g. 120/140) is utilized for controlling the size of super abrasive grit.
• Like conventional abrasive wheel, the letter ‘N’ denotes the hardness of the wheel.
Specification of Grinding Wheel …
• The number ‘100’ is known as concentration (structure) number indicating the amount of
abrasive contained in the wheel. The number ‘100’ corresponds to an abrasive content of 4.4
carats/cm3. For diamond grit, ‘100’ concentration is 25% by volume. For cBN the corresponding
volumetric concentration is 24%.
• The letter ‘M’ denotes that the type of bond is metallic. The other types of bonds used in super
abrasive wheels are resin, vitrified or metal bond, which make a composite structure with the grit
Selection of Grinding Wheels
Selection of Grinding Wheels
Selection of grinding wheel means selection of composition of the grinding
wheel and this depends upon
Grinding conditions
Aluminium oxide
Silicon carbide is harder than alumina but less tough. Silicon carbide is
also inferior to Al2O3 because of its chemical reactivity with iron and
Black carbide containing at least 95% SiC is less hard but tougher
than green SiC and is efficient for grinding soft nonferrous materials.
Monocrystalline diamond grits are known for their strength and designed
for particularly demanding application. These are also used in metallic,
galvanic and brazed bond.
Polycrystalline diamond grits are more friable than monocrystalline one and
found to be most suitable for grinding of cemented carbide with low
pressure. These grits are used in resin bond.
Selection of Grinding Wheels …
cBN (cubic boron nitride)
Out of the all the abrasives B4C has poor performance in machining
Diamond is costly.
Therefore, most commonly used abrasives are Al2O3 and SiC.
Al2O3 is softer and tougher than SiC
SiC is harder and brittle than Al2O3
Selection of type of abrasive particles is mainly based on mechanical
properties of work material,
i.e., for machining of soft and ductile workpieces Al2O3 abrasives are
For machining of hard and brittle workpieces, SiC abrasives are used.
Selection of Grinding Wheels …
Abrasives - Characteristics - Applications
Grit Size
Size of cubical abrasive particle, = in inches
Grain size number
• The grain size affects material removal rate and the surface
quality of workpiece.
• As grain size increases, MRR will increase first and then reduce,
i.e when the grain size number is below 10, the size of abrasive
particle is very large and it can’t act like a cutting tool for removing
o The worn out grit must pull out from the bond and make room for fresh
sharp grit in order to avoid excessive rise of grinding force and
temperature. Therefore,
o On the other hand, during grinding of low strength soft material grit does
not wear out so quickly. Therefore, the grit can be held with strong bond so
that premature grit dislodgement can be avoided. Hence,
Vitrified bond
Out of all the bonding materials vitrified bond is the most commonly
used bonding material as it produces higher bonding strength, high
temperature withstanding capability and high thermal conductivity.
This bond is also not recommended for very high speed grinding
because of possible breakage of the bond under centrifugal force.
Selection of Grinding Wheels …
Bond …
Resin bond
Conventional abrasive resin bonded wheels are widely used for heavy duty
grinding because of their ability to withstand shock load.
This bond is also known for its vibration absorbing characteristics and finds its
use with diamond and cBN in grinding of cemented carbide and steel
Resin bond is not recommended with alkaline grinding fluid for a possible
chemical attack leading to bond weakening.
Fibreglass reinforced resin bond is used with cut off wheels which
requires added strength under high speed operation.
Selection of Grinding Wheels …
Bond …
Shellac bond
Once this bond was used for flexible cut off wheels.
Oxychloride bond
It is less common type bond, but still can be used in disc grinding operation.
Rubber bond
Rubber bond was once popular for finish grinding on bearings and cutting
Metal bond
Extremely high toughness of metal bonded wheels makes these very effective
in those applications where form accuracy as well as large stock removal is
Selection of Grinding Wheels …
Bond …
Electroplated bond
This bond allows large (30-40%) crystal exposure above the bond without
need of any truing or dressing.
This bond is specially used for making small diameter wheel, form wheel
and thin superabrasive wheels.
Presently it is the only bond for making wheels for abrasive milling and ultra
high speed grinding.
Selection of Grinding Wheels …
Bond …
Brazed bond
This bond is particularly suitable for very high material removal either with
diamond or cBN wheel.
The bond strength is much greater than that provided by electroplated bond.
During machining of hard workpieces, the tool (grain) becomes blunt very
fast. The blunt tool starts rubbing onto the workpiece and produces rubbing
forces. If grinding wheel is hard, the rubbing forces is not sufficient to pull out
the blunt abrasive particles. Therefore the blunt abrasive particle is simply
rubbing on to the work piece without machining. This is called as glazed
grinding wheel.
To remove this glazing of grinding wheel, dressing is done.
During machining of hard workpieces, within 1 to 2 minutes the grinding
wheel will become glazed and dressing may need 15 to 20 minutes, which is
not preferable.
When soft wheel is used on hard workpiece, if the grain becomes blunt,
the rubbing force is more than sufficient to pull out the blunt abrasive grain,
i.e self sharpening of grinding wheel takes place.
Hence soft wheels are used for grinding hard workpieces.
Dressing of Grinding Wheel
Glazing …
L´ w´t
= = 0.1 to 100
pé ù´b
ë o
- D 2
f û
Machining Time Calculation
Cut =
L = l + b + AP + OR
f = feed(mm) / rev
Cutting velocity is 18,000 to 30,000 m/min.
1.What is Glazing?
During machining of hard workpieces, the tool (grain) becomes
blunt very fast. The blunt tool starts rubbing onto the workpiece
and produces rubbing forces. If grinding wheel is hard, the
rubbing forces is not sufficient to pull out the blunt abrasive
particles. Therefore the blunt abrasive particle is simply rubbing
on to the work piece without machining. This is called as glazing
of grinding wheel.