Total payable
Previous Balance Previous Payments Adjustments Charges for this period Amount Due after 05.11.20
- + + =
Rs 687.83 Rs 687.83 Rs 0.00 Rs 1,178.84 Rs 1,178.84 Rs 1,278.84
Please note the new due date for your Vi bill is 05.11.2020. Please pay before due date to avoid any late payment fee. Pay previous balance, if any, immediately
to avoid disconnection.
Discounts 195.98
Tax 179.82
(One Thousand One Hundred Seventy Eight Rupees and Eighty Four Paise)
Keep your family safe and secure while using the internet, especially children & young adults. Get tips at www.MyVi.in/parental-control
Rounding Rule
Tips for You! Call duration is rounded upwards for fractions of a second.
Data usage is rounded upwards to the nearest multiple of 10 Kilobytes.
Free Data usage on your connection is also applicable on usage carried out on any Vi SMS beyond 160 characters (i.e. including blank space,words, numbers, special
network within India.
characters, symbols etc.) is considered as two (2) or more SMS (as the case
may be).
Bill Period Vi No
Total 179.82
Page 3 of 30
Your Account Details
Mr. Arnik Saha
Vi Number Member Plan Name One-time Monthly Usage Discounts Other Credits Miscellaneous
Status Charges Charges Charges Rs & Charges Charges
Rs Rs Rs Rs Rs
8017043438 Primary Entertainment 399 0.00 399.00 0.00 -65.44 0.00 0.00
8697743438 Secondary Postpaid Add-On - 199 0.00 199.00 0.00 -32.64 0.00 0.00
8017043439 Secondary Postpaid Add-On - 199 0.00 199.00 0.00 -32.63 0.00 0.00
8017434362 Secondary Postpaid Add-On - 199 0.00 199.00 0.00 -32.63 0.00 0.00
8697434322 Secondary Postpaid Add-On - 199 0.00 199.00 0.00 -32.64 0.00 0.00
Page 4 of 30
Your Usage Details
Mr. Arnik Saha
21 Sep 20 to 20 Oct 20 8017043438 Vi 2 Vi 60 Seconds and Vi 2 Others 60 Seconds Rs 7900 (for details refer pg. 2)
Above tariff details do not include any VAS tariffs, Roaming Charges, SMS/Call to special numbers, special promo packs or special promo features like
Family & Friends, CUG, etc For further details on international call rates, visit www.MyVi.in
Your Security Deposit with us Security deposit will be refunded within 60 days of closure of the account, beyond which, we will pay
Rs 0 you an interest of 10% per annum on the deposit.
Note : Payment details under Last 3 Payments section doesn't include any payments towards the deposit
Monthly Charges Rental Period Units Charge/Unit Charges (Rs) Discounts (Rs) Net Charges (Rs)
Page 5 of 30
Your Usage Details
Mr. Arnik Saha
21 Sep 20 to 20 Oct 20 8017043438 Vi 2 Vi 60 Seconds and Vi 2 Others 60 Seconds Rs 7900 (for details refer pg. 2)
Total 8 8 0 0.00
Mobile Internet Charges Usage Usage Free Usage Charged Usage Charges
(KB) (MB) (MB) (MB) (Rs)
SMS 1 1 0 0.00
Total 0.00
Page 6 of 30
Your Usage Details
Mr. Arnik Saha
21 Sep 20 to 20 Oct 20 8017043438 Vi 2 Vi 60 Seconds and Vi 2 Others 60 Seconds Rs 7900 (for details refer pg. 2)
Total 333.56
Total 60.04
Total 393.60
Page 7 of 30
Itemised Calls
Mr. Arnik Saha
Bill Period Vi No Pulse Rate
Page 8 of 30
Itemised Calls
Mr. Arnik Saha
Bill Period Vi No Pulse Rate
Date - Time Number Duration Charges Date - Time Number Duration Charges
(min:sec) (Rs) (min:sec) (Rs)
02/10/20-20:33:40 919836246873 3:00 0 06/10/20-13:39:30 918240117387 1:00 0
02/10/20-20:54:21 918697743438 9:00 0 06/10/20-13:41:41 919073902896 3:00 0
02/10/20-21:03:23 919932211931 4:00 0 06/10/20-13:51:53 918336918870 4:00 0
03/10/20-09:17:17 917908192250 3:00 0 06/10/20-15:16:20 918240117387 7:00 0
03/10/20-10:28:47 09830084657 14:00 0 06/10/20-15:23:13 918336918870 15:00 0
03/10/20-10:45:49 917908192250 5:00 0 06/10/20-15:41:16 918240117387 6:00 0
03/10/20-10:50:11 918697743438 4:00 0 06/10/20-16:15:02 09674635065 5:00 0
03/10/20-11:00:49 8001337421 1:00 0 06/10/20-20:34:04 917908192250 19:00 0
03/10/20-11:02:01 917908192250 6:00 0 06/10/20-22:32:42 918910993049 1:00 0
03/10/20-11:13:35 8001337421 2:00 0 07/10/20-09:12:02 917908192250 3:00 0
03/10/20-11:15:07 917908192250 1:00 0 07/10/20-11:01:05 917595900465 12:00 0
03/10/20-11:15:19 917908192250 1:00 0 07/10/20-11:25:23 919932211931 2:00 0
03/10/20-11:18:41 917908192250 2:00 0 07/10/20-11:27:32 917908192250 5:00 0
03/10/20-12:32:56 918697743438 1:00 0 07/10/20-11:41:01 919932211931 2:00 0
03/10/20-12:45:02 919932211931 2:00 0 07/10/20-11:42:36 917908192250 1:00 0
03/10/20-12:46:41 919647260070 1:00 0 07/10/20-11:46:46 919831172871 2:00 0
03/10/20-17:18:15 918697743438 11:00 0 07/10/20-11:50:34 919831172871 1:00 0
03/10/20-20:00:40 918240117387 13:00 0 07/10/20-12:25:56 917908192250 1:00 0
03/10/20-20:17:36 918016425507 1:00 0 07/10/20-12:27:07 918910993049 1:00 0
03/10/20-20:55:18 918697743438 4:00 0 07/10/20-12:47:21 919830629468 1:00 0
03/10/20-20:59:01 919932211931 7:00 0 07/10/20-13:03:17 918240117387 1:00 0
03/10/20-22:07:54 918617416434 9:00 0 07/10/20-13:12:42 918240117387 3:00 0
03/10/20-22:17:17 918617416434 2:00 0 07/10/20-13:15:50 917908192250 1:00 0
04/10/20-08:49:52 917908192250 5:00 0 07/10/20-13:16:41 917908192250 2:00 0
04/10/20-08:54:05 917908192250 2:00 0 07/10/20-13:31:20 919932211931 1:00 0
04/10/20-10:54:42 919830066961 1:00 0 07/10/20-13:51:14 918961236214 1:00 0
04/10/20-16:22:16 918910993049 1:00 0 07/10/20-14:21:20 918961236214 5:00 0
04/10/20-19:19:18 918910993049 1:00 0 07/10/20-14:45:13 919831038203 2:00 0
04/10/20-19:19:32 918910993049 2:00 0 07/10/20-14:52:39 919830066961 2:00 0
04/10/20-19:55:45 917604072435 1:00 0 07/10/20-14:56:20 919830066961 2:00 0
05/10/20-09:04:59 917908192250 6:00 0 07/10/20-16:35:56 917595900465 6:00 0
05/10/20-10:16:52 9088324365 1:00 0 07/10/20-16:52:12 917595900465 17:00 0
05/10/20-11:37:32 917890901234 1:00 0 07/10/20-18:06:53 918617297353 1:00 0
05/10/20-11:41:16 917890901234 1:00 0 07/10/20-18:10:35 918617297353 3:00 0
05/10/20-12:42:45 918942024860 2:00 0 07/10/20-22:27:23 918910993049 1:00 0
05/10/20-17:51:07 919830066961 2:00 0 08/10/20-10:29:32 917595900465 3:00 0
05/10/20-20:44:12 919830846500 19:00 0 08/10/20-11:29:53 917595094002 1:00 0
05/10/20-22:19:48 918910993049 1:00 0 08/10/20-11:30:37 919830066961 1:00 0
05/10/20-22:39:14 918910993049 1:00 0 08/10/20-11:31:57 919830066961 2:00 0
06/10/20-10:57:53 919073687773 2:00 0 08/10/20-11:33:46 9073398020 1:00 0
06/10/20-11:18:48 9836019887 2:00 0 08/10/20-11:52:55 917595900465 1:00 0
06/10/20-11:22:22 9836972503 2:00 0 08/10/20-12:09:07 917595900465 1:00 0
06/10/20-11:24:26 919836019887 1:00 0 08/10/20-12:15:13 917595900465 4:00 0
06/10/20-11:34:15 919163503496 2:00 0 08/10/20-12:34:01 918617297353 3:00 0
06/10/20-11:36:22 9830711413 3:00 0 08/10/20-12:37:21 9830629468 1:00 0
06/10/20-11:55:48 9831172871 1:00 0 08/10/20-14:32:56 917595900465 3:00 0
06/10/20-11:57:04 918240117387 1:00 0 08/10/20-15:22:55 919073910481 1:00 0
06/10/20-12:08:09 918910993049 1:00 0 08/10/20-15:38:38 919832063186 2:00 0
06/10/20-12:09:30 917908192250 4:00 0 08/10/20-16:01:01 917595900465 1:00 0
06/10/20-12:14:35 919836973884 4:00 0 08/10/20-16:50:30 917908192250 14:00 0
06/10/20-12:18:47 917908192250 3:00 0 08/10/20-17:04:18 919831577562 3:00 0
06/10/20-12:21:30 917908192250 1:00 0 08/10/20-17:15:36 917908192250 6:00 0
06/10/20-12:22:50 918961236214 2:00 0 08/10/20-20:40:50 919382128175 1:00 0
06/10/20-12:24:56 917908192250 1:00 0 08/10/20-20:41:20 919382128175 14:00 0
Page 9 of 30
Itemised Calls
Mr. Arnik Saha
Bill Period Vi No Pulse Rate
Date - Time Number Duration Charges Date - Time Number Duration Charges
(min:sec) (Rs) (min:sec) (Rs)
08/10/20-20:55:27 917908192250 2:00 0 11/10/20-20:46:09 918961236214 2:00 0
08/10/20-20:57:22 917908192250 2:00 0 11/10/20-20:48:04 916290834508 4:00 0
08/10/20-20:59:23 918697743438 15:00 0 11/10/20-20:53:48 918697743438 3:00 0
09/10/20-07:37:00 917908192250 3:00 0 11/10/20-20:57:00 919830294817 5:00 0
09/10/20-08:58:36 918961236214 2:00 0 11/10/20-21:06:57 918420673018 2:00 0
09/10/20-11:19:34 918336988937 4:00 0 11/10/20-21:30:54 919932211931 9:00 0
09/10/20-11:25:09 919073910482 4:00 0 11/10/20-21:39:35 918910993049 1:00 0
09/10/20-11:56:47 919073377407 8:00 0 11/10/20-22:06:43 918697743438 5:00 0
09/10/20-12:25:35 919830066961 1:00 0 11/10/20-22:11:27 919830294817 4:00 0
09/10/20-12:25:47 919830066961 2:00 0 11/10/20-23:45:35 919832883488 15:00 0
09/10/20-12:43:26 917595900465 2:00 0 12/10/20-00:00:44 917439309469 8:00 0
09/10/20-15:42:41 9830711413 3:00 0 12/10/20-07:39:43 918910993049 3:00 0
09/10/20-15:48:32 917595900465 2:00 0 12/10/20-09:28:27 919563393700 1:00 0
09/10/20-17:17:21 919647260070 2:00 0 12/10/20-09:34:09 917604072435 1:00 0
09/10/20-23:53:11 919163883398 3:00 0 12/10/20-09:35:15 919563393700 1:00 0
10/10/20-07:44:16 919163883398 3:00 0 12/10/20-09:59:34 919563393700 1:00 0
10/10/20-07:47:33 919732389235 3:00 0 12/10/20-10:36:48 918697743438 3:00 0
10/10/20-07:50:16 917908192250 1:00 0 12/10/20-11:21:41 919932211931 3:00 0
10/10/20-07:51:50 918697743438 3:00 0 12/10/20-11:33:21 918697743438 5:00 0
10/10/20-08:45:26 919563393700 6:00 0 12/10/20-12:04:12 09830294817 1:00 0
10/10/20-09:01:00 919563393700 1:00 0 12/10/20-12:06:06 09830294817 1:00 0
10/10/20-09:01:18 917908192250 1:00 0 12/10/20-12:06:17 09830294817 1:00 0
10/10/20-09:02:42 919563393700 1:00 0 12/10/20-12:08:39 916290834508 1:00 0
10/10/20-09:02:55 919563393700 1:00 0 12/10/20-12:10:18 917604072435 1:00 0
10/10/20-12:57:49 916290222648 2:00 0 12/10/20-12:32:22 919830294817 1:00 0
10/10/20-14:42:47 9831660799 2:00 0 12/10/20-12:41:30 919830294817 2:00 0
10/10/20-14:59:26 8420090935 2:00 0 12/10/20-12:49:00 919830294817 2:00 0
10/10/20-15:15:30 918697743438 3:00 0 12/10/20-13:21:50 918697743438 1:00 0
10/10/20-15:18:26 09831263598 1:00 0 12/10/20-13:25:58 919932211931 2:00 0
10/10/20-15:19:16 09830921872 4:00 0 12/10/20-13:34:37 919382128175 1:00 0
10/10/20-15:23:36 916290488507 2:00 0 12/10/20-13:35:40 919382128175 1:00 0
10/10/20-15:27:27 09830921872 1:00 0 12/10/20-14:43:52 917595900465 2:00 0
10/10/20-17:59:15 916290488507 1:00 0 12/10/20-14:45:19 916290834508 1:00 0
10/10/20-18:30:31 919563393700 1:00 0 12/10/20-14:52:00 916290834508 1:00 0
10/10/20-19:02:53 916290488507 1:00 0 12/10/20-15:08:29 918910993049 1:00 0
10/10/20-19:58:32 917044064878 5:00 0 12/10/20-15:15:37 9239207424 5:00 0
10/10/20-20:50:57 918420673018 12:00 0 12/10/20-15:22:06 916290834508 2:00 0
10/10/20-21:02:43 918697743438 5:00 0 12/10/20-16:30:39 917595900465 1:00 0
10/10/20-21:08:25 918697743438 1:00 0 12/10/20-17:49:42 918697743438 2:00 0
11/10/20-08:23:26 918420673018 1:00 0 12/10/20-18:04:31 916290834508 2:00 0
11/10/20-09:06:44 917908192250 4:00 0 12/10/20-19:39:47 9153197128 10:00 0
11/10/20-11:17:21 919563393700 1:00 0 12/10/20-20:06:48 918420673018 5:00 0
11/10/20-15:57:39 918420673018 1:00 0 12/10/20-20:20:31 919563393700 4:00 0
11/10/20-16:26:19 918420673018 1:00 0 12/10/20-21:11:10 9239207424 7:00 0
11/10/20-16:39:44 919163883398 1:00 0 12/10/20-21:18:02 918420673018 2:00 0
11/10/20-16:40:35 918420673018 1:00 0 12/10/20-21:30:30 919563393700 2:00 0
11/10/20-17:07:02 916290834508 4:00 0 12/10/20-21:53:02 09749483596 7:00 0
11/10/20-17:19:20 919932211931 4:00 0 12/10/20-22:03:18 916290834508 3:00 0
11/10/20-17:50:37 918961236214 1:00 0 13/10/20-08:32:42 919382128175 9:00 0
11/10/20-17:58:32 916290834508 2:00 0 13/10/20-10:43:36 9434007238 18:00 0
11/10/20-17:59:47 919382128175 5:00 0 13/10/20-11:01:46 9434007238 10:00 0
11/10/20-18:09:18 09830294817 4:00 0 13/10/20-11:32:48 918240117387 1:00 0
11/10/20-18:13:16 919635736801 9:00 0 13/10/20-12:50:14 919433124337 2:00 0
11/10/20-18:46:17 919163883398 2:00 0 13/10/20-14:03:18 919831172871 1:00 0
Page 10 of 30
Itemised Calls
Mr. Arnik Saha
Bill Period Vi No Pulse Rate
Date - Time Number Duration Charges Date - Time Number Duration Charges
(min:sec) (Rs) (min:sec) (Rs)
13/10/20-14:11:02 919830066961 1:00 0 16/10/20-12:27:55 919932211931 1:00 0
13/10/20-14:11:17 919830066961 1:00 0 16/10/20-12:35:08 919593406179 1:00 0
13/10/20-14:26:49 916290834508 3:00 0 16/10/20-12:35:32 919932211931 1:00 0
13/10/20-16:13:33 919073910482 5:00 0 16/10/20-12:36:11 919593406179 1:00 0
13/10/20-16:38:48 9073910481 1:00 0 16/10/20-12:36:57 919932211931 1:00 0
13/10/20-16:39:30 917595900465 3:00 0 16/10/20-12:38:16 917908192250 2:00 0
13/10/20-19:03:04 919831038203 4:00 0 16/10/20-12:42:21 917908192250 1:00 0
13/10/20-20:08:37 919593406179 1:00 0 16/10/20-12:42:33 917908192250 2:00 0
13/10/20-20:20:47 918017434362 2:00 0 16/10/20-12:47:12 919932211931 1:00 0
13/10/20-21:31:18 918420673018 3:00 0 16/10/20-12:48:08 917908192250 1:00 0
14/10/20-08:28:24 917908192250 5:00 0 16/10/20-12:48:29 917908192250 2:00 0
14/10/20-12:21:01 917595900465 4:00 0 16/10/20-12:50:19 919593406179 1:00 0
14/10/20-13:14:44 9874866210 5:00 0 16/10/20-12:50:43 919593406179 1:00 0
14/10/20-13:19:47 9874866210 2:00 0 16/10/20-12:55:53 917908192250 1:00 0
14/10/20-14:14:06 9831172871 9:00 0 16/10/20-13:14:05 918961236214 4:00 0
14/10/20-15:05:21 9333515353 2:00 0 16/10/20-14:03:40 9831038203 1:00 0
14/10/20-15:06:39 917595900465 1:00 0 16/10/20-14:26:44 916289134153 1:00 0
14/10/20-15:11:58 919836140440 7:00 0 16/10/20-14:27:35 9831172871 1:00 0
14/10/20-15:35:49 9831038203 7:00 0 16/10/20-14:28:53 919051645600 2:00 0
14/10/20-16:52:31 9874866210 1:00 0 16/10/20-17:00:36 918420104610 2:00 0
14/10/20-17:23:01 919830846500 12:00 0 16/10/20-17:02:20 9830629468 11:00 0
14/10/20-18:06:03 919563393700 1:00 0 16/10/20-21:36:35 918420673018 14:00 0
14/10/20-18:19:02 913371568011 1:00 0 16/10/20-21:50:48 918961236214 13:00 0
14/10/20-19:43:36 917604072435 2:00 0 17/10/20-08:57:52 917908192250 5:00 0
15/10/20-09:12:43 9836972503 1:00 0 17/10/20-16:44:49 917908192250 1:00 0
15/10/20-09:14:01 9831038203 1:00 0 17/10/20-16:45:19 917908192250 1:00 0
15/10/20-09:15:42 918336918870 1:00 0 17/10/20-16:45:32 917908192250 4:00 0
15/10/20-09:18:44 7596073833 1:00 0 17/10/20-16:49:18 917908192250 6:00 0
15/10/20-09:19:29 917595094004 1:00 0 17/10/20-16:55:25 918697743438 6:00 0
15/10/20-09:56:12 917908192250 7:00 0 17/10/20-20:09:02 919563393700 3:00 0
15/10/20-10:03:08 919163883398 1:00 0 17/10/20-20:15:11 919563393700 1:00 0
15/10/20-10:48:08 919836140440 2:00 0 17/10/20-21:44:56 919563393700 1:00 0
15/10/20-11:58:34 9647260070 18:00 0 17/10/20-22:56:41 918697743438 4:00 0
15/10/20-12:21:31 919051556594 1:00 0 18/10/20-08:28:57 918420673018 5:00 0
15/10/20-13:25:26 918336918870 1:00 0 18/10/20-09:14:55 917908192250 1:00 0
15/10/20-14:04:29 919800004801 4:00 0 18/10/20-09:16:28 917908192250 6:00 0
15/10/20-14:08:44 9051645600 4:00 0 18/10/20-10:28:38 918420673018 1:00 0
15/10/20-14:24:13 8240904317 2:00 0 18/10/20-11:49:53 919563393700 1:00 0
15/10/20-14:41:29 919163883398 9:00 0 18/10/20-11:57:24 919563393700 2:00 0
15/10/20-15:44:00 919836140440 2:00 0 18/10/20-12:01:04 919563393700 1:00 0
15/10/20-16:01:13 917595900465 1:00 0 18/10/20-12:10:25 919563393700 2:00 0
15/10/20-16:25:04 919593406179 1:00 0 18/10/20-12:25:52 918420673018 1:00 0
15/10/20-18:36:27 919800004801 2:00 0 18/10/20-12:32:10 918420673018 1:00 0
16/10/20-08:05:53 917586894771 2:00 0 18/10/20-12:38:15 9874133375 4:00 0
16/10/20-08:44:57 917908192250 4:00 0 18/10/20-14:16:51 918910993049 2:00 0
16/10/20-09:13:18 918961236214 6:00 0 18/10/20-14:19:07 916290834508 2:00 0
16/10/20-10:04:15 917908192250 6:00 0 18/10/20-14:21:53 916290834508 1:00 0
16/10/20-10:20:39 917908192250 5:00 0 18/10/20-14:22:42 916290834508 2:00 0
16/10/20-10:26:39 919932211931 1:00 0 18/10/20-20:40:42 917908192250 16:00 0
16/10/20-10:35:51 917044064878 2:00 0 18/10/20-21:17:00 919832883488 5:00 0
16/10/20-11:06:07 917439309469 4:00 0 18/10/20-21:24:37 919382128175 16:00 0
16/10/20-11:14:08 9830711413 1:00 0 18/10/20-21:40:35 918420673018 1:00 0
16/10/20-12:26:16 919932211931 1:00 0 18/10/20-21:42:22 918420673018 7:00 0
16/10/20-12:27:23 919593406179 1:00 0 18/10/20-22:01:16 918910993049 1:00 0
Page 11 of 30
Itemised Calls
Mr. Arnik Saha
Bill Period Vi No Pulse Rate
Date - Time Number Duration Charges Date - Time Number Duration Charges
(min:sec) (Rs) (min:sec) (Rs)
19/10/20-13:12:46 919903049510 20:00 0 23 Calls 32:00 0.00
19/10/20-15:12:54 919002075834 1:00 0
19/10/20-16:10:16 9831172871 1:00 0 STD
19/10/20-16:25:58 919073910481 3:00 0 Date - Time Number Duration Charges
19/10/20-20:43:08 918697743438 3:00 0 (min:sec) (Rs)
20/10/20-07:39:54 918961236214 4:00 0 22/09/20-09:12:10 7558634319 4:00 0
20/10/20-08:42:37 917586894771 3:00 0 22/09/20-10:30:06 919477914179 3:00 0
20/10/20-11:06:19 917586894771 1:00 0 22/09/20-11:24:08 918811091953 1:00 0
20/10/20-11:30:32 8900742458 1:00 0 22/09/20-11:26:03 919911139933 1:00 0
20/10/20-11:37:10 8900742458 1:00 0 22/09/20-12:23:15 7558634319 2:00 0
20/10/20-11:49:37 8900742458 1:00 0 22/09/20-14:12:35 918308844515 1:00 0
20/10/20-13:13:36 913346023534 2:00 0 22/09/20-14:16:31 9560398989 2:00 0
20/10/20-13:15:53 9073910481 1:00 0 22/09/20-15:39:53 8308844515 1:00 0
20/10/20-13:19:14 919800004801 2:00 0 22/09/20-16:34:52 8308844515 7:00 0
20/10/20-13:21:29 919830066961 1:00 0 22/09/20-16:43:04 7558634319 13:00 0
20/10/20-15:31:41 919748205746 1:00 0 22/09/20-17:20:08 919911139933 1:00 0
20/10/20-15:57:13 919830711413 2:00 0 23/09/20-10:59:35 918789316078 4:00 0
20/10/20-16:31:35 8900742458 2:00 0 23/09/20-11:03:57 9334819129 2:00 0
20/10/20-18:26:26 919434220680 2:00 0 23/09/20-11:05:12 9334819129 13:00 0
20/10/20-18:40:27 919563393700 1:00 0 23/09/20-11:23:25 9472920818 5:00 0
20/10/20-19:55:02 919434220680 1:00 0 23/09/20-11:32:43 918252263520 6:00 0
20/10/20-19:58:11 919163776435 1:00 0 23/09/20-11:50:31 919938634488 8:00 0
20/10/20-19:58:28 919163776435 1:00 0 23/09/20-12:33:36 7558634319 11:00 0
20/10/20-20:21:28 919163776435 1:00 0 23/09/20-15:37:37 919437012572 5:00 0
20/10/20-21:24:11 918617416434 1:00 0 23/09/20-15:43:26 919437224939 1:00 0
20/10/20-21:27:38 916290834508 1:00 0 23/09/20-15:54:15 9472920818 1:00 0
Total 455 Calls 1587:00 0.00 23/09/20-16:21:32 8687500500 5:00 0
23/09/20-16:27:10 919560398989 1:00 0
Local to CUG 23/09/20-16:40:35 8687500500 1:00 0
Date - Time Number Duration Charges 23/09/20-16:41:26 8687500500 4:00 0
(min:sec) (Rs) 23/09/20-17:16:41 919560398989 1:00 0
25/09/20-20:27:31 918017043439 1:00 0 23/09/20-17:25:19 919560398989 6:00 0
26/09/20-15:09:01 918017043439 1:00 0 24/09/20-09:42:39 919938634488 2:00 0
26/09/20-16:17:55 918017043439 1:00 0 24/09/20-10:14:15 9472920818 1:00 0
03/10/20-10:11:50 918017043439 1:00 0 24/09/20-10:14:49 9472920818 1:00 0
04/10/20-10:01:19 918017043439 1:00 0 24/09/20-10:30:16 9472920818 1:00 0
04/10/20-10:18:42 918017043439 1:00 0 24/09/20-11:12:35 919477914179 5:00 0
09/10/20-18:57:19 918017043439 1:00 0 24/09/20-11:30:04 7558634319 1:00 0
09/10/20-18:59:25 918017043439 1:00 0 25/09/20-12:25:54 7558634319 2:00 0
10/10/20-19:35:22 918017043439 3:00 0 25/09/20-12:39:41 7558634319 1:00 0
11/10/20-17:39:08 918017043439 4:00 0 25/09/20-13:06:04 9437053070 6:00 0
12/10/20-16:32:18 918017043439 2:00 0 25/09/20-15:23:43 917558634319 8:00 0
12/10/20-17:03:33 918017043439 1:00 0 25/09/20-18:01:57 919938634488 17:00 0
12/10/20-17:14:58 918017043439 1:00 0 03/10/20-11:50:31 918144657874 1:00 0
13/10/20-19:01:37 918017043439 1:00 0 05/10/20-10:30:24 919938634488 2:00 0
13/10/20-19:24:50 918017043439 2:00 0 05/10/20-12:18:25 918394068934 1:00 0
13/10/20-20:18:26 918017043439 2:00 0 05/10/20-15:25:42 919911139933 1:00 0
17/10/20-16:40:46 918017043439 2:00 0 05/10/20-15:27:09 919820276732 3:00 0
17/10/20-20:07:48 918017043439 1:00 0 06/10/20-11:00:16 919444405390 1:00 0
17/10/20-20:17:36 918017043439 1:00 0 06/10/20-11:02:39 7558634319 5:00 0
18/10/20-14:08:41 918017043439 1:00 0 06/10/20-15:05:07 919477914179 11:00 0
19/10/20-19:43:23 918017043439 1:00 0 06/10/20-16:49:51 918789316078 2:00 0
20/10/20-20:34:01 918017043439 1:00 0 07/10/20-10:57:02 9835714197 4:00 0
20/10/20-21:13:45 918017043439 1:00 0 07/10/20-11:48:31 7558634319 2:00 0
Page 12 of 30
Itemised Calls
Mr. Arnik Saha
Bill Period Vi No Pulse Rate
Date - Time Number Duration Charges Date - Time Number Duration Charges
(min:sec) (Rs) (min:sec) (Rs)
07/10/20-14:54:44 919850826791 2:00 0 102 Calls 344:00 0.00
07/10/20-16:43:19 919345957621 1:00 0
08/10/20-11:37:21 8308844515 2:00 0 Conference calls
08/10/20-15:59:53 919345957626 1:00 0 Local
08/10/20-16:00:13 919345957626 1:00 0
Date - Time Number Duration Charges
09/10/20-09:36:39 8975766775 1:00 0 (min:sec) (Rs)
09/10/20-09:39:38 919922438114 4:00 0
21/09/20-11:50:08 9831577562 39:00 0
09/10/20-11:11:42 9437053070 8:00 0
21/09/20-12:01:35 919830066961 27:00 0
09/10/20-11:31:07 918789316078 4:00 0
25/09/20-15:34:02 919434002566 30:00 0
09/10/20-12:27:36 919850826791 2:00 0
25/09/20-15:34:32 9831577562 30:00 0
09/10/20-17:01:05 919345957625 1:00 0
25/09/20-16:04:02 919434002566 31:00 0
09/10/20-17:01:37 919345957625 1:00 0
25/09/20-16:04:32 9831577562 31:00 0
10/10/20-13:47:42 919345957569 1:00 0
25/09/20-16:35:02 919434002566 5:00 0
10/10/20-14:42:16 919345957569 1:00 0
25/09/20-16:36:27 9831577562 4:00 0
11/10/20-17:33:27 919662268102 6:00 0
03/10/20-19:51:35 919051645600 9:00 0
11/10/20-18:33:29 919662268102 3:00 0
08/10/20-11:43:14 9073398025 2:00 0
11/10/20-20:52:37 919662268102 1:00 0
09/10/20-15:57:49 9830711413 9:00 0
11/10/20-21:57:06 919477914179 9:00 0
09/10/20-16:00:36 919647260070 6:00 0
13/10/20-10:38:46 919820276732 3:00 0
09/10/20-16:07:26 919647260070 8:00 0
13/10/20-11:11:11 919911139933 1:00 0
09/10/20-16:09:48 9073398020 6:00 0
13/10/20-11:11:44 919911139933 1:00 0
13/10/20-15:29:15 919830066961 3:00 0
13/10/20-11:52:05 7558634319 2:00 0
20/10/20-09:54:56 919382128175 1:00 0
13/10/20-12:06:04 9835714197 5:00 0
Total 16 Calls 241:00 0.00
13/10/20-12:20:23 9437053070 3:00 0
14/10/20-13:09:39 9437053070 2:00 0 STD
14/10/20-14:09:39 9835714197 4:00 0
14/10/20-16:07:04 9850886893 1:00 0 Date - Time Number Duration Charges
(min:sec) (Rs)
14/10/20-17:03:49 7558634319 19:00 0
24/09/20-12:10:36 918308844515 4:00 0
14/10/20-17:34:36 918789316078 2:00 0
24/09/20-12:12:00 919776111231 3:00 0
15/10/20-09:20:38 918252263520 1:00 0
06/10/20-14:12:15 919938634488 1:00 0
15/10/20-09:24:26 9835714197 1:00 0
07/10/20-15:23:54 9822062279 10:00 0
15/10/20-09:30:23 8591323701 1:00 0
20/10/20-14:50:35 919938634488 12:00 0
15/10/20-10:26:33 919850886893 1:00 0
15/10/20-16:49:01 7558634319 1:00 0 Total 5 Calls 30:00 0.00
16/10/20-11:17:54 919938634488 1:00 0
16/10/20-13:19:35 919662268102 1:00 0
16/10/20-14:06:52 918252263520 7:00 0 SMS Local
16/10/20-14:31:27 918252263520 2:00 0 Date - Time Number Duration Charges
16/10/20-15:18:53 9934315118 4:00 0 (min:sec) (Rs)
16/10/20-17:18:44 918252263520 2:00 0 09/10/20-11:23:51 918336988937 0:00 0 **
16/10/20-17:21:22 9561699506 2:00 0 11/10/20-17:45:57 919932211931 0:00 0 **
19/10/20-12:12:44 9835714197 3:00 0 13/10/20-11:58:14 919002075834 0:00 0 **
19/10/20-14:13:45 9561699506 3:00 0 15/10/20-10:25:37 919476253399 0:00 0 **
19/10/20-15:23:41 919938634488 1:00 0 16/10/20-22:03:48 919932211931 0:00 0 **
19/10/20-15:24:09 918252263520 3:00 0 5 Messages 0:00 0.00
19/10/20-16:07:38 9835714197 3:00 0
19/10/20-16:12:08 7558634319 14:00 0 SMS National
20/10/20-10:54:35 7558634319 2:00 0 Date - Time Number Duration Charges
20/10/20-10:56:37 919437012572 1:00 0 (min:sec) (Rs)
20/10/20-11:32:10 919776111231 2:00 0 05/10/20-16:57:21 919444405390 0:00 0 **
20/10/20-11:34:34 919937000537 3:00 0 09/10/20-09:43:26 919922438114 0:00 0 **
20/10/20-11:45:12 919937000537 2:00 0 14/10/20-17:03:18 919850886893 0:00 0 **
20/10/20-11:47:07 8308834390 3:00 0
Total 3 Messages 0:00 0.00
Page 13 of 30
Itemised Calls
Mr. Arnik Saha
Bill Period Vi No Pulse Rate
Mobile Internet Charges Date - Time Roaming Partner Number Duration Charges
(min:sec) (Rs)
Mobile Internet (Usage in KB)
28/09/20-10:50:14 Vi-WBIndia 919471025945 1:00 0
Date Usage Charges
in KB (Rs) 28/09/20-11:05:15 Vi-WBIndia 8687500500 2:00 0
28/09/20-11:22:17 Vi-WBIndia 919932211931 1:00 0
20/09/20 Internet 8930 0 **
28/09/20-12:02:56 Vi-WBIndia 917908192250 2:00 0
21/09/20 Internet 570560 0 **
28/09/20-13:31:28 Vi-WBIndia 9073910481 2:00 0
22/09/20 Internet 541940 0 **
28/09/20-13:39:36 Vi-WBIndia 9073910481 1:00 0
23/09/20 Internet 527220 0 **
28/09/20-13:42:50 Vi-WBIndia 9831038203 1:00 0
24/09/20 Internet 726880 0 **
28/09/20-13:44:01 Vi-WBIndia 9831038203 1:00 0
25/09/20 Internet 1076240 0 **
28/09/20-13:45:14 Vi-WBIndia 918240117387 7:00 0
26/09/20 Internet 1163690 0 **
28/09/20-14:01:36 Vi-WBIndia 8687500500 4:00 0
27/09/20 Internet 580170 0 **
28/09/20-14:07:03 Vi-WBIndia 912067690164 1:00 0
28/09/20 Internet 645250 0 **
28/09/20-14:46:47 Vi-WBIndia 8687500500 2:00 0
29/09/20 Internet 304130 0 **
28/09/20-14:48:59 Vi-WBIndia 9800881314 2:00 0
30/09/20 Internet 345690 0 **
28/09/20-15:07:34 Vi-WBIndia 918017043439 3:00 0
01/10/20 Internet 407670 0 **
28/09/20-15:11:21 Vi-WBIndia 9073910481 2:00 0
02/10/20 Internet 1101700 0 **
28/09/20-16:30:13 Vi-WBIndia 919830066961 1:00 0
03/10/20 Internet 963130 0 **
28/09/20-16:30:41 Vi-WBIndia 919830066961 3:00 0
04/10/20 Internet 374860 0 **
28/09/20-16:33:45 Vi-WBIndia 919800896876 1:00 0
05/10/20 Internet 1259140 0 **
28/09/20-16:44:07 Vi-WBIndia 7558634319 9:00 0
06/10/20 Internet 1317690 0 **
28/09/20-17:01:54 Vi-WBIndia 919800896876 1:00 0
07/10/20 Internet 3637690 0 **
28/09/20-17:08:40 Vi-WBIndia 919748321342 4:00 0
08/10/20 Internet 1133500 0 **
28/09/20-17:25:16 Vi-WBIndia 919800896876 1:00 0
09/10/20 Internet 1064930 0 **
28/09/20-17:59:42 Vi-WBIndia 917044064878 2:00 0
10/10/20 Internet 1291760 0 **
28/09/20-18:06:27 Vi-WBIndia 918240397250 3:00 0
11/10/20 Internet 238880 0 **
28/09/20-21:14:32 Vi-WBIndia 918240397250 1:00 0
12/10/20 Internet 827770 0 **
28/09/20-23:18:26 Vi-WBIndia 918017043439 9:00 0
13/10/20 Internet 957020 0 **
29/09/20-09:03:19 Vi-WBIndia 7558634319 3:00 0
14/10/20 Internet 743340 0 **
29/09/20-10:03:29 Vi-WBIndia 919437053070 5:00 0
15/10/20 Internet 806060 0 **
29/09/20-10:08:21 Vi-WBIndia 918336918870 3:00 0
16/10/20 Internet 1061660 0 **
29/09/20-10:28:07 Vi-WBIndia 918017043439 2:00 0
17/10/20 Internet 930760 0 **
29/09/20-10:41:17 Vi-WBIndia 919800881314 1:00 0
18/10/20 Internet 462960 0 **
29/09/20-11:59:18 Vi-WBIndia 9472920818 1:00 0
19/10/20 Internet 500100 0 **
29/09/20-12:08:09 Vi-WBIndia 919831038203 2:00 0
20/10/20 Internet 555400 0 **
29/09/20-12:11:37 Vi-WBIndia 9334819129 1:00 0
Total 26126720 0.00 29/09/20-12:12:12 Vi-WBIndia 9334819129 4:00 0
29/09/20-12:17:31 Vi-WBIndia 9831577562 4:00 0
National Roaming
29/09/20-12:20:27 Vi-WBIndia 912067690165 1:00 0
Outgoing Calls: Local/STD 29/09/20-12:28:32 Vi-WBIndia 918336918870 3:00 0
Date - Time Roaming Partner Number Duration Charges 29/09/20-12:33:01 Vi-WBIndia 7558634319 2:00 0
(min:sec) (Rs) 29/09/20-12:37:32 Vi-WBIndia 919748321342 3:00 0
26/09/20-23:12:07 Vi-WBIndia 918017043439 3:00 0 29/09/20-13:10:44 Vi-WBIndia 919820276732 2:00 0
27/09/20-08:49:18 Vi-WBIndia 919932211931 2:00 0 29/09/20-13:25:59 Vi-WBIndia 918017043439 4:00 0
27/09/20-08:50:48 Vi-WBIndia 918017043439 3:00 0 29/09/20-15:59:32 Vi-WBIndia 09830294817 2:00 0
27/09/20-10:12:51 Vi-WBIndia 919153197128 1:00 0 29/09/20-16:13:36 Vi-WBIndia 9073910481 1:00 0
27/09/20-10:13:16 Vi-WBIndia 919153197128 2:00 0 29/09/20-16:16:40 Vi-WBIndia 9051645600 1:00 0
27/09/20-14:57:14 Vi-WBIndia 918017043439 7:00 0 29/09/20-16:29:37 Vi-WBIndia 917908192250 1:00 0
27/09/20-15:43:40 Vi-WBIndia 918336918870 1:00 0 29/09/20-16:48:41 Vi-WBIndia 917908192250 1:00 0
27/09/20-15:44:39 Vi-WBIndia 9333515353 2:00 0 29/09/20-19:06:00 Vi-WBIndia 919153197128 1:00 0
27/09/20-23:12:43 Vi-WBIndia 918017043439 23:00 0 29/09/20-22:03:34 Vi-WBIndia 918017043439 1:00 0
28/09/20-10:10:53 Vi-WBIndia 7558634319 1:00 0 29/09/20-22:04:57 Vi-WBIndia 918017043439 10:00 0
28/09/20-10:43:18 Vi-WBIndia 919932211931 1:00 0 29/09/20-23:05:55 Vi-WBIndia 918017043439 13:00 0
28/09/20-10:46:51 Vi-WBIndia 9831172871 1:00 0 29/09/20-23:19:08 Vi-WBIndia 918017043439 2:00 0
28/09/20-10:47:40 Vi-WBIndia 9051645600 1:00 0 30/09/20-08:22:58 Vi-WBIndia 918017043439 8:00 0
28/09/20-10:48:43 Vi-WBIndia 9831038203 2:00 0 30/09/20-09:48:02 Vi-WBIndia 919831172871 2:00 0
Page 14 of 30
Itemised Calls
Mr. Arnik Saha
Bill Period Vi No Pulse Rate
Date - Time Roaming Partner Number Duration Charges Date - Time Roaming Partner Number Duration Charges
(min:sec) (Rs) (min:sec) (Rs)
30/09/20-10:05:56 Vi-WBIndia 9830711413 1:00 0 01/10/20-17:22:42 Vi-WBIndia 919850826791 3:00 0
30/09/20-10:38:20 Vi-WBIndia 9051645600 3:00 0 01/10/20-17:59:43 Vi-WBIndia 918017043439 3:00 0
30/09/20-10:48:31 Vi-WBIndia 9831038203 3:00 0 01/10/20-18:34:43 Vi-WBIndia 919775347823 14:00 0
30/09/20-10:55:10 Vi-WBIndia 919830066961 2:00 0 01/10/20-21:58:01 Vi-WBIndia 919434798901 7:00 0
30/09/20-11:06:25 Vi-WBIndia 919831172871 2:00 0 01/10/20-23:08:56 Vi-WBIndia 918017043439 8:00 0
30/09/20-11:18:14 Vi-WBIndia 9831577562 3:00 0 01/10/20-23:16:36 Vi-WBIndia 918017043439 9:00 0
30/09/20-11:21:15 Vi-WBIndia 913340121111 1:00 0 128 Calls 393:00 0.00
30/09/20-11:21:51 Vi-WBIndia 918420104610 3:00 0
30/09/20-11:21:57 Vi-WBIndia 913340121111 1:00 0 SMS
30/09/20-11:34:39 Vi-WBIndia 9334819129 1:00 0 Date - Time Roaming Partner Number Duration Charges
30/09/20-11:52:57 Vi-WBIndia 919051645600 2:00 0 (min:sec) (Rs)
30/09/20-11:56:56 Vi-WBIndia 9472920818 2:00 0 01/10/20-19:43:06 Vi-WBIndia 918777710108 0:00 0 **
30/09/20-13:10:00 Vi-WBIndia 913340121111 3:00 0
Total 1 Call 0:00 0.00
30/09/20-13:20:28 Vi-WBIndia 919832978132 18:00 0
30/09/20-13:38:51 Vi-WBIndia 917622000508 1:00 0 Value Added Services (VAS) Charges
30/09/20-14:58:29 Vi-WBIndia 9831172871 2:00 0 Usage
30/09/20-14:59:50 Vi-WBIndia 919938634488 10:00 0
Calls - Special Numbers
30/09/20-16:08:18 Vi-WBIndia 918910993049 1:00 0
30/09/20-16:09:14 Vi-WBIndia 918910993049 2:00 0 Date - Time Number Duration Charges
(min:sec) (Rs)
30/09/20-16:14:49 Vi-WBIndia 918910993049 1:00 0
30/09/20-16:46:26 Vi-WBIndia 9831577562 1:00 0 14/10/20-10:14:35 18001033030 6:00 0
30/09/20-17:10:26 Vi-WBIndia 918017043439 13:00 0 Total 1 Call 6:00 0.00
30/09/20-17:32:52 Vi-WBIndia 919903049510 2:00 0
30/09/20-17:34:17 Vi-WBIndia 919073910482 2:00 0
30/09/20-17:40:24 Vi-WBIndia 919073910482 1:00 0
30/09/20-18:18:59 Vi-WBIndia 919593406179 4:00 0
30/09/20-18:26:30 Vi-WBIndia 919073910482 1:00 0
30/09/20-18:32:46 Vi-WBIndia 919932211931 1:00 0
30/09/20-18:40:45 Vi-WBIndia 919830066961 8:00 0
30/09/20-18:50:38 Vi-WBIndia 9831172871 1:00 0
30/09/20-18:51:29 Vi-WBIndia 919932211931 1:00 0
01/10/20-08:54:32 Vi-WBIndia 919932211931 1:00 0
01/10/20-08:55:17 Vi-WBIndia 919932211931 1:00 0
01/10/20-10:48:03 Vi-WBIndia 919932211931 1:00 0
01/10/20-10:52:02 Vi-WBIndia 919911139933 1:00 0
01/10/20-12:46:39 Vi-WBIndia 8308844515 7:00 0
01/10/20-12:53:50 Vi-WBIndia 919830066961 1:00 0
01/10/20-12:54:40 Vi-WBIndia 9073398020 1:00 0
01/10/20-12:56:54 Vi-WBIndia 9073398020 4:00 0
01/10/20-13:00:38 Vi-WBIndia 919830066961 1:00 0
01/10/20-13:00:52 Vi-WBIndia 919830066961 1:00 0
01/10/20-13:01:00 Vi-WBIndia 919830066961 1:00 0
01/10/20-13:29:15 Vi-WBIndia 919477914179 7:00 0
01/10/20-13:35:49 Vi-WBIndia 919830066961 1:00 0
01/10/20-13:36:29 Vi-WBIndia 919477914179 1:00 0
01/10/20-13:49:42 Vi-WBIndia 919477914179 1:00 0
01/10/20-13:56:45 Vi-WBIndia 919051645600 2:00 0
01/10/20-14:12:03 Vi-WBIndia 919800881314 1:00 0
01/10/20-14:23:23 Vi-WBIndia 919800881314 1:00 0
01/10/20-15:32:27 Vi-WBIndia 919800881314 1:00 0
01/10/20-15:42:17 Vi-WBIndia 9831577562 10:00 0
01/10/20-15:52:13 Vi-WBIndia 918811091953 1:00 0
01/10/20-15:52:38 Vi-WBIndia 918811091953 1:00 0
01/10/20-16:21:08 Vi-WBIndia 919831577562 4:00 0
Page 15 of 30
Your Usage Details
Mr. Arnik Saha
21 Sep 20 to 20 Oct 20 8697743438 Vi 2 Vi 60 Seconds and Vi 2 Others 60 Seconds Rs 7900 (for details refer pg. 2)
Above tariff details do not include any VAS tariffs, Roaming Charges, SMS/Call to special numbers, special promo packs or special promo features like
Family & Friends, CUG, etc For further details on international call rates, visit www.MyVi.in
Your Security Deposit with us Security deposit will be refunded within 60 days of closure of the account, beyond which, we will pay
Rs 0 you an interest of 10% per annum on the deposit.
Note : Payment details under Last 3 Payments section doesn't include any payments towards the deposit
Monthly Charges Rental Period Units Charge/Unit Charges (Rs) Discounts (Rs) Net Charges (Rs)
Plan Rental - Postpaid Add-On - 199 21.09.20 to 20.10.20 199.00 0.00 199.00
Mobile Internet Charges Usage Usage Free Usage Charged Usage Charges
(KB) (MB) (MB) (MB) (Rs)
Page 16 of 30
Your Usage Details
Mr. Arnik Saha
21 Sep 20 to 20 Oct 20 8697743438 Vi 2 Vi 60 Seconds and Vi 2 Others 60 Seconds Rs 7900 (for details refer pg. 2)
Total 0.00
Total 166.36
Total 29.94
Total 196.30
Page 17 of 30
Itemised Calls
Mr. Arnik Saha
Bill Period Vi No Pulse Rate
Mobile Internet Charges Date - Time Roaming Partner Number Duration Charges
(min:sec) (Rs)
Mobile Internet (Usage in KB)
26/09/20-15:00:53 Vi-WBIndia 918017043438 1:00 0
Date Usage Charges
in KB (Rs) 26/09/20-20:52:35 Vi-WBIndia 7604072435 2:00 0
27/09/20-14:32:32 Vi-WBIndia 6290834508 5:00 0
20/09/20 Internet 130 0 **
27/09/20-14:37:51 Vi-WBIndia 9830294817 13:00 0
21/09/20 Internet 62440 0 **
27/09/20-14:53:53 Vi-WBIndia 7604072435 1:00 0
22/09/20 Internet 20490 0 **
28/09/20-20:49:26 Vi-WBIndia 9733223454 5:00 0
23/09/20 Internet 56250 0 **
28/09/20-20:55:46 Vi-WBIndia 7604072435 2:00 0
24/09/20 Internet 21160 0 **
28/09/20-21:03:36 Vi-WBIndia 8017043439 7:00 0
25/09/20 Internet 79080 0 **
28/09/20-21:18:35 Vi-WBIndia 8017043439 7:00 0
26/09/20 Internet 48520 0 **
29/09/20-19:05:53 Vi-WBIndia 8017043439 1:00 0
27/09/20 Internet 5890 0 **
29/09/20-19:06:05 Vi-WBIndia 8017043439 2:00 0
28/09/20 Internet 22200 0 **
30/09/20-18:21:34 Vi-WBIndia 917278638801 1:00 0
29/09/20 Internet 7680 0 **
30/09/20-22:08:15 Vi-WBIndia 917278638801 1:00 0
30/09/20 Internet 8840 0 **
30/09/20-22:18:40 Vi-WBIndia 7604072435 1:00 0
01/10/20 Internet 22280 0 **
01/10/20-20:18:09 Vi-WBIndia 918017043438 1:00 0
02/10/20 Internet 42030 0 **
02/10/20-06:44:06 Vi-WBIndia 918017043438 1:00 0
03/10/20 Internet 67990 0 **
02/10/20-20:05:20 Vi-WBIndia 7604072435 2:00 0
04/10/20 Internet 26410 0 **
02/10/20-21:19:01 Vi-WBIndia 7604072435 1:00 0
05/10/20 Internet 72760 0 **
02/10/20-21:20:02 Vi-WBIndia 7604072435 2:00 0
06/10/20 Internet 56070 0 **
02/10/20-22:46:23 Vi-WBIndia 918017043438 4:00 0
07/10/20 Internet 15200 0 **
03/10/20-10:22:10 Vi-WBIndia 918017043438 5:00 0
08/10/20 Internet 46350 0 **
03/10/20-20:43:16 Vi-WBIndia 7604072435 1:00 0
09/10/20 Internet 37450 0 **
03/10/20-22:52:27 Vi-WBIndia 918017043438 1:00 0
10/10/20 Internet 64080 0 **
03/10/20-22:53:17 Vi-WBIndia 918017043438 5:00 0
11/10/20 Internet 35940 0 **
04/10/20-10:35:24 Vi-WBIndia 8910993049 2:00 0
12/10/20 Internet 36570 0 **
04/10/20-14:51:00 Vi-WBIndia 918017043438 6:00 0
13/10/20 Internet 44780 0 **
04/10/20-22:54:39 Vi-WBIndia 918017043438 3:00 0
14/10/20 Internet 51800 0 **
05/10/20-20:29:02 Vi-WBIndia 7604072435 1:00 0
15/10/20 Internet 43500 0 **
05/10/20-20:30:11 Vi-WBIndia 918017043438 14:00 0
16/10/20 Internet 73020 0 **
06/10/20-15:07:24 Vi-WBIndia 8017043439 3:00 0
17/10/20 Internet 61690 0 **
07/10/20-20:40:43 Vi-WBIndia 918017043438 8:00 0
18/10/20 Internet 38580 0 **
07/10/20-20:48:16 Vi-WBIndia 918017043438 7:00 0
19/10/20 Internet 30660 0 **
07/10/20-21:37:48 Vi-WBIndia 919832883488 18:00 0
20/10/20 Internet 52750 0 **
07/10/20-23:54:44 Vi-WBIndia 919382128175 23:00 0
Total 1252590 0.00 08/10/20-15:08:54 Vi-WBIndia 918017043438 13:00 0
08/10/20-21:13:36 Vi-WBIndia 918017043438 8:00 0
National Roaming
08/10/20-22:49:14 Vi-WBIndia 918017043438 3:00 0
Outgoing Calls: Local/STD 09/10/20-20:26:19 Vi-WBIndia 8926110664 5:00 0
Date - Time Roaming Partner Number Duration Charges 09/10/20-20:45:13 Vi-WBIndia 7551811568 7:00 0
(min:sec) (Rs) 09/10/20-20:56:02 Vi-WBIndia 918017043438 21:00 0
21/09/20-20:42:12 Vi-WBIndia 9775347823 15:00 0 10/10/20-13:17:33 Vi-WBIndia 8910993049 1:00 0
21/09/20-20:57:26 Vi-WBIndia 9775347823 1:00 0 10/10/20-20:43:39 Vi-WBIndia 8017043439 9:00 0
21/09/20-20:57:52 Vi-WBIndia 9775347823 1:00 0 11/10/20-07:40:16 Vi-WBIndia 9007421988 3:00 0
22/09/20-15:03:26 Vi-WBIndia 8017043439 7:00 0 11/10/20-14:40:56 Vi-WBIndia 918017043438 5:00 0
22/09/20-20:32:42 Vi-WBIndia 9733223454 26:00 0 11/10/20-16:07:52 Vi-WBIndia 917278638801 3:00 0
22/09/20-22:56:27 Vi-WBIndia 8017043439 6:00 0 11/10/20-20:12:02 Vi-WBIndia 918017043438 8:00 0
23/09/20-14:05:54 Vi-WBIndia 9733223454 1:00 0 11/10/20-22:30:45 Vi-WBIndia 917278638801 2:00 0
23/09/20-18:08:35 Vi-WBIndia 7604072435 3:00 0 12/10/20-07:32:55 Vi-WBIndia 917278638801 2:00 0
23/09/20-21:59:22 Vi-WBIndia 7604072435 1:00 0 12/10/20-07:35:19 Vi-WBIndia 918017043438 5:00 0
23/09/20-22:33:33 Vi-WBIndia 918017043438 3:00 0 12/10/20-09:51:32 Vi-WBIndia 918017043438 2:00 0
24/09/20-15:15:55 Vi-WBIndia 918017043438 8:00 0 12/10/20-09:57:13 Vi-WBIndia 9733223454 8:00 0
24/09/20-21:59:31 Vi-WBIndia 7604072435 1:00 0 12/10/20-12:35:20 Vi-WBIndia 9830574633 9:00 0
25/09/20-16:59:59 Vi-WBIndia 7604072435 2:00 0 12/10/20-13:54:57 Vi-WBIndia 8017043439 5:00 0
25/09/20-20:29:54 Vi-WBIndia 918017043438 8:00 0 12/10/20-13:59:34 Vi-WBIndia 918017043438 1:00 0
Page 18 of 30
Itemised Calls
Mr. Arnik Saha
Bill Period Vi No Pulse Rate
Page 19 of 30
Your Usage Details
Mr. Arnik Saha
21 Sep 20 to 20 Oct 20 8017043439 Vi 2 Vi 60 Seconds and Vi 2 Others 60 Seconds Rs 7900 (for details refer pg. 2)
Above tariff details do not include any VAS tariffs, Roaming Charges, SMS/Call to special numbers, special promo packs or special promo features like
Family & Friends, CUG, etc For further details on international call rates, visit www.MyVi.in
Your Security Deposit with us Security deposit will be refunded within 60 days of closure of the account, beyond which, we will pay
Rs 0 you an interest of 10% per annum on the deposit.
Note : Payment details under Last 3 Payments section doesn't include any payments towards the deposit
Monthly Charges Rental Period Units Charge/Unit Charges (Rs) Discounts (Rs) Net Charges (Rs)
Plan Rental - Postpaid Add-On - 199 21.09.20 to 20.10.20 199.00 0.00 199.00
Page 20 of 30
Your Usage Details
Mr. Arnik Saha
21 Sep 20 to 20 Oct 20 8017043439 Vi 2 Vi 60 Seconds and Vi 2 Others 60 Seconds Rs 7900 (for details refer pg. 2)
Mobile Internet Charges Usage Usage Free Usage Charged Usage Charges
(KB) (MB) (MB) (MB) (Rs)
Total 166.36
Total 29.94
Total 196.30
Page 21 of 30
Itemised Calls
Mr. Arnik Saha
Bill Period Vi No Pulse Rate
Page 22 of 30
Itemised Calls
Mr. Arnik Saha
Bill Period Vi No Pulse Rate
Date - Time Number Duration Charges Date - Time Number Duration Charges
(min:sec) (Rs) (min:sec) (Rs)
11/10/20-22:00:37 918910993049 3:00 0 18/10/20-21:22:28 919563393700 1:00 0
11/10/20-22:04:16 919163559595 26:00 0 18/10/20-21:24:40 919832883488 24:00 0
11/10/20-22:55:17 919563393700 2:00 0 18/10/20-21:49:08 919563393700 1:00 0
12/10/20-00:20:34 919563393700 15:00 0 19/10/20-16:29:35 919832883488 1:00 0
12/10/20-09:20:50 919563393700 1:00 0 19/10/20-16:30:46 917890471808 49:00 0
12/10/20-10:12:08 918017043438 2:00 0 19/10/20-18:29:04 918017043438 2:00 0
12/10/20-10:14:17 917604072435 3:00 0 20/10/20-13:42:18 919563393700 1:00 0
12/10/20-10:19:51 9748197373 1:00 0 20/10/20-18:35:26 918017043438 1:00 0
12/10/20-11:15:19 9748197373 3:00 0 20/10/20-20:02:02 919563393700 4:00 0
12/10/20-11:19:50 918017043438 2:00 0 20/10/20-20:05:42 918240444863 10:00 0
12/10/20-13:29:50 918017043438 2:00 0 20/10/20-20:53:14 919563393700 5:00 0
12/10/20-13:59:49 918697743438 11:00 0 20/10/20-21:00:02 918240444863 14:00 0
12/10/20-15:22:12 917604072435 5:00 0 20/10/20-21:38:44 919563393700 2:00 0
12/10/20-19:03:47 9748197373 1:00 0 20/10/20-21:45:47 919163559595 21:00 0
12/10/20-22:51:49 9748197373 3:00 0 20/10/20-22:07:32 919563393700 1:00 0
12/10/20-23:12:54 919563393700 31:00 0 20/10/20-22:19:25 918017043438 1:00 0
13/10/20-11:28:39 919563393700 21:00 0 20/10/20-22:27:10 919563393700 2:00 0
13/10/20-13:18:21 919563393700 7:00 0 176 Calls 1291:00 0.00
13/10/20-15:05:32 919163883398 8:00 0
13/10/20-18:55:28 918017043438 2:00 0 Conference calls
13/10/20-23:16:14 919563393700 16:00 0 Date - Time Number Duration Charges
13/10/20-23:46:19 919832883488 22:00 0 (min:sec) (Rs)
14/10/20-11:59:17 919563393700 28:00 0 21/09/20-23:32:38 919832883488 29:00 0
14/10/20-16:43:33 918017043438 1:00 0 21/09/20-23:46:02 919563393700 16:00 0
14/10/20-16:45:11 919563393700 1:00 0 01/10/20-15:34:11 919563393700 26:00 0
14/10/20-19:49:01 918017043438 2:00 0 11/10/20-22:50:32 918017043438 3:00 0
14/10/20-19:51:26 918017043438 1:00 0
Total 4 Calls 74:00 0.00
14/10/20-19:52:37 918017043438 1:00 0
14/10/20-20:01:39 917604072435 1:00 0 Mobile Internet Charges
14/10/20-21:41:44 917980467782 32:00 0
Mobile Internet (Usage in KB)
15/10/20-10:01:04 919832883488 4:00 0
15/10/20-10:08:25 9748197373 1:00 0 Date Usage Charges
in KB (Rs)
15/10/20-11:46:56 9748197373 1:00 0
15/10/20-16:28:29 919874133375 5:00 0 28/09/20 Internet 486860 0 **
15/10/20-22:39:58 9748197373 1:00 0 29/09/20 Internet 2487410 0 **
15/10/20-22:53:44 918697743438 10:00 0 30/09/20 Internet 2212260 0 **
15/10/20-23:49:40 9748197373 1:00 0 01/10/20 Internet 2552730 0 **
16/10/20-17:26:28 919163559595 3:00 0 02/10/20 Internet 126660 0 **
16/10/20-17:29:05 919163559595 37:00 0 12/10/20 Internet 331990 0 **
16/10/20-18:48:58 918017043438 1:00 0 13/10/20 Internet 386880 0 **
16/10/20-20:42:50 918697743438 47:00 0 14/10/20 Internet 344470 0 **
17/10/20-10:14:34 9748197373 1:00 0 15/10/20 Internet 547790 0 **
17/10/20-20:26:05 919563393700 1:00 0 16/10/20 Internet 1162370 0 **
18/10/20-02:30:56 918017043438 1:00 0 17/10/20 Internet 245630 0 **
18/10/20-11:53:29 918017043438 1:00 0 18/10/20 Internet 510830 0 **
18/10/20-14:05:22 918017043438 1:00 0 19/10/20 Internet 507380 0 **
18/10/20-14:06:32 918017043438 1:00 0 20/10/20 Internet 1314650 0 **
18/10/20-18:06:40 919563393700 1:00 0 Total 13217910 0.00
18/10/20-18:07:49 918017043438 1:00 0
18/10/20-18:46:24 918697743438 1:00 0 Value Added Services (VAS) Charges
18/10/20-19:58:21 919563393700 3:00 0 Usage
18/10/20-20:28:37 918910993049 1:00 0 Calls - Special Numbers
18/10/20-20:33:05 919563393700 2:00 0
18/10/20-21:03:37 917278697514 1:00 0
Page 23 of 30
Itemised Calls
Mr. Arnik Saha
Bill Period Vi No Pulse Rate
Page 24 of 30
Your Usage Details
Mr. Arnik Saha
21 Sep 20 to 20 Oct 20 8017434362 Vi 2 Vi 60 Seconds and Vi 2 Others 60 Seconds Rs 7900 (for details refer pg. 2)
Above tariff details do not include any VAS tariffs, Roaming Charges, SMS/Call to special numbers, special promo packs or special promo features like
Family & Friends, CUG, etc For further details on international call rates, visit www.MyVi.in
Your Security Deposit with us Security deposit will be refunded within 60 days of closure of the account, beyond which, we will pay
Rs 0 you an interest of 10% per annum on the deposit.
Note : Payment details under Last 3 Payments section doesn't include any payments towards the deposit
Monthly Charges Rental Period Units Charge/Unit Charges (Rs) Discounts (Rs) Net Charges (Rs)
Plan Rental - Postpaid Add-On - 199 21.09.20 to 20.10.20 199.00 0.00 199.00
Page 25 of 30
Your Usage Details
Mr. Arnik Saha
21 Sep 20 to 20 Oct 20 8017434362 Vi 2 Vi 60 Seconds and Vi 2 Others 60 Seconds Rs 7900 (for details refer pg. 2)
Total 1 1 0 0.00
Mobile Internet Charges Usage Usage Free Usage Charged Usage Charges
(KB) (MB) (MB) (MB) (Rs)
Total 166.36
Total 29.94
Total 196.30
Page 26 of 30
Itemised Calls
Mr. Arnik Saha
Bill Period Vi No Pulse Rate
Outgoing calls
Date - Time Number Duration Charges
(min:sec) (Rs)
25/09/20-23:32:20 919832883488 19:00 0
26/09/20-20:00:55 919163559595 1:00 0
27/09/20-10:01:35 917278638801 1:00 0
29/09/20-21:08:03 917278638801 1:00 0
01/10/20-11:18:21 919563393700 1:00 0
01/10/20-19:47:02 918697434322 7:00 0
11/10/20-10:33:04 917278638801 1:00 0
13/10/20-20:20:01 918017043438 1:00 0
18/10/20-10:37:29 9748197373 1:00 0
18/10/20-19:16:49 917604072435 1:00 0
Total 10 Calls 34:00 0.00
SMS Local
Date - Time Number Duration Charges
(min:sec) (Rs)
21/09/20-18:53:58 919163559595 0:00 0 **
Total 1 Message 0:00 0.00
Page 27 of 30
Your Usage Details
Mr. Arnik Saha
21 Sep 20 to 20 Oct 20 8697434322 Vi 2 Vi 60 Seconds and Vi 2 Others 60 Seconds Rs 7900 (for details refer pg. 2)
Above tariff details do not include any VAS tariffs, Roaming Charges, SMS/Call to special numbers, special promo packs or special promo features like
Family & Friends, CUG, etc For further details on international call rates, visit www.MyVi.in
Your Security Deposit with us Security deposit will be refunded within 60 days of closure of the account, beyond which, we will pay
Rs 0 you an interest of 10% per annum on the deposit.
Note : Payment details under Last 3 Payments section doesn't include any payments towards the deposit
Monthly Charges Rental Period Units Charge/Unit Charges (Rs) Discounts (Rs) Net Charges (Rs)
Plan Rental - Postpaid Add-On - 199 21.09.20 to 20.10.20 199.00 0.00 199.00
Page 28 of 30
Your Usage Details
Mr. Arnik Saha
21 Sep 20 to 20 Oct 20 8697434322 Vi 2 Vi 60 Seconds and Vi 2 Others 60 Seconds Rs 7900 (for details refer pg. 2)
Total 1 1 0 0.00
Mobile Internet Charges Usage Usage Free Usage Charged Usage Charges
(KB) (MB) (MB) (MB) (Rs)
Total 0.00
Total 166.36
Total 29.96
Total 196.32
Page 29 of 30
Itemised Calls
Mr. Arnik Saha
Bill Period Vi No Pulse Rate
Date - Time Number Duration Charges
(min:sec) (Rs)
22/09/20-14:15:31 919911139933 1:00 0
Total 1 Call 1:00 0.00
SMS National
Date - Time Number Duration Charges
(min:sec) (Rs)
12/10/20-20:47:11 919176905802 0:00 0 **
Total 1 Message 0:00 0.00
Page 30 of 30